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<div id="output" class="text"></div>
<div id="score" class="text"></div>
<div id="instructions" class="text"><br /><b>[Key Commands]</b><br />Load Fully Evolved Archive: [CTRL]<br />Speed Up: [E]<br />Slow Down: [D]<br />Toggle AI: [A]<br />Move Shape: [Arrow Keys]<br />Rotate Shape: [Up Arrow]<br />Drop Shape: [Down Arrow]<br />Save State: [Q]<br />Load State: [W]<br />Get Archive: [G]<br />Load Archive: [R]<br />Pick Shape: [I,O,T,S,Z,J,L]</div>
<div id="signature" class="text">Created By Idrees Hassan<br />Questions? Just ask!<br /><a href="mailto:idrees@idreesinc.com" target="_top">idrees@idreesinc.com</a></div>
<script src="./tetnet.js"></script>
$(window).keydown(function (e){
if (e.ctrlKey) {
var archiveJSON = $.ajax({
url: "./archive.json",
async: false
alert("Archive loaded successfully!");
<script type="text/javascript">
body {
background-color: #272821;
.text {
color: #706C5A;
font-family: Inconsolata, Courier, monospace;
font-size: 20px;
#output {
float: left;
padding-left: 20%;
#score {
padding-left: 55%;
#instructions {
float: left;
position: absolute;
left: 1.5%;
bottom: 3%;
font-size: small;
line-height: 110%;
#signature {
float: right;
position: absolute;
right: 1.5%;
bottom: 3%;
font-size: small;
line-height: 110%;
a:link {
color: inherit;
//Define 10x20 grid as the board
var grid = [
//Block shapes
var shapes = {
I: [[0,0,0,0], [1,1,1,1], [0,0,0,0], [0,0,0,0]],
J: [[2,0,0], [2,2,2], [0,0,0]],
L: [[0,0,3], [3,3,3], [0,0,0]],
O: [[4,4], [4,4]],
S: [[0,5,5], [5,5,0], [0,0,0]],
T: [[0,6,0], [6,6,6], [0,0,0]],
Z: [[7,7,0], [0,7,7], [0,0,0]]
//Block colors
var colors = ["F92338", "C973FF", "1C76BC", "FEE356", "53D504", "36E0FF", "F8931D"];
//Used to help create a seeded generated random number for choosing shapes. makes results deterministic (reproducible) for debugging
var rndSeed = 1;
//coordinates and shape parameter of current block we can update
var currentShape = {x: 0, y: 0, shape: undefined};
//store shape of upcoming block
var upcomingShape;
//stores shapes
var bag = [];
//index for shapes in the bag
var bagIndex = 0;
//Game score
var score = 0;
// game speed
var speed = 500;
// boolean for changing game speed
var changeSpeed = false;
//for storing current state, we can load later
var saveState;
//stores current game state
var roundState;
//list of available game speeds
var speeds = [500,100,1,0];
//inded in game speed array
var speedIndex = 0;
//turn ai on or off
var ai = true;
//drawing game vs updating algorithms
var draw = true;
//how many so far?
var movesTaken = 0;
//max number of moves allowed in a generation
var moveLimit = 500;
//consists of move the 7 move parameters
var moveAlgorithm = {};
//set to highest rate move
var inspectMoveSelection = false;
//stores number of genomes, init at 50
var populationSize = 50;
//stores genomes
var genomes = [];
//index of current genome in genomes array
var currentGenome = -1;
//generation number
var generation = 0;
//stores values for a generation
var archive = {
populationSize: 0,
currentGeneration: 0,
elites: [],
genomes: []
//rate of mutation
var mutationRate = 0.05;
//helps calculate mutation
var mutationStep = 0.2;
//main function, called on load
function initialize() {
//init pop size
archive.populationSize = populationSize;
//get the next available shape from the bag
//applies the shape to the grid
//set both save state and current state from the game
saveState = getState();
roundState = getState();
//create an initial population of genomes
//the game loop
var loop = function(){
//boolean for changing game speed
if (changeSpeed) {
//restart the clock
//stop time
//set time, like a digital watch
interval = setInterval(loop, speed);
//and don't change it
changeInterval = false;
if (speed === 0) {
//no need to draw on screen elements
draw = false;
//updates the game (update fitness, make a move, evaluate next move)
} else {
//draw the elements
draw = true;
//update regardless
if (speed === 0) {
//now draw elements
draw = true;
//now update the score
//timer interval
var interval = setInterval(loop, speed);
document.onLoad = initialize();
//key options
window.onkeydown = function (event) {
var characterPressed = String.fromCharCode(event.keyCode);
if (event.keyCode == 38) {
} else if (event.keyCode == 40) {
} else if (event.keyCode == 37) {
} else if (event.keyCode == 39) {
} else if (shapes[characterPressed.toUpperCase()] !== undefined) {
currentShape.shape = shapes[characterPressed.toUpperCase()];
} else if (characterPressed.toUpperCase() == "Q") {
saveState = getState();
} else if (characterPressed.toUpperCase() == "W") {
} else if (characterPressed.toUpperCase() == "D") {
//slow down
if (speedIndex < 0) {
speedIndex = speeds.length - 1;
speed = speeds[speedIndex];
changeSpeed = true;
} else if (characterPressed.toUpperCase() == "E") {
//speed up
if (speedIndex >= speeds.length) {
speedIndex = 0;
//adjust speed index
speed = speeds[speedIndex];
changeSpeed = true;
//Turn on/off AI
} else if (characterPressed.toUpperCase() == "A") {
ai = !ai;
} else if (characterPressed.toUpperCase() == "R") {
//load saved generation values
loadArchive(prompt("Insert archive:"));
} else if (characterPressed.toUpperCase() == "G") {
if (localStorage.getItem("archive") === null) {
alert("No archive saved. Archives are saved after a generation has passed, and remain across sessions. Try again once a generation has passed");
} else {
prompt("Archive from last generation (including from last session):", localStorage.getItem("archive"));
} else if (characterPressed.toUpperCase() == "F") {
inspectMoveSelection = !inspectMoveSelection;
} else {
return true;
//outputs game state to the screen (post key press)
return false;
* Creates the initial population of genomes, each with random genes.
function createInitialPopulation() {
//inits the array
genomes = [];
//for a given population size
for (var i = 0; i < populationSize; i++) {
//randomly initialize the 7 values that make up a genome
//these are all weight values that are updated through evolution
var genome = {
//unique identifier for a genome
id: Math.random(),
//The weight of each row cleared by the given move. the more rows that are cleared, the more this weight increases
rowsCleared: Math.random() - 0.5,
//the absolute height of the highest column to the power of 1.5
//added so that the algorithm can be able to detect if the blocks are stacking too high
weightedHeight: Math.random() - 0.5,
//The sum of all the column’s heights
cumulativeHeight: Math.random() - 0.5,
//the highest column minus the lowest column
relativeHeight: Math.random() - 0.5,
//the sum of all the empty cells that have a block above them (basically, cells that are unable to be filled)
holes: Math.random() * 0.5,
// the sum of absolute differences between the height of each column
//(for example, if all the shapes on the grid lie completely flat, then the roughness would equal 0).
roughness: Math.random() - 0.5,
//add them to the array
* Evaluates the next genome in the population. If there is none, evolves the population.
function evaluateNextGenome() {
//increment index in genome array
//If there is none, evolves the population.
if (currentGenome == genomes.length) {
//load current gamestate
//reset moves taken
movesTaken = 0;
//and make the next move
* Evolves the entire population and goes to the next generation.
function evolve() {
console.log("Generation " + generation + " evaluated.");
//reset current genome for new generation
currentGenome = 0;
//increment generation
//resets the game
//gets the current game state
roundState = getState();
//sorts genomes in decreasing order of fitness values
genomes.sort(function(a, b) {
return b.fitness - a.fitness;
//add a copy of the fittest genome to the elites list
console.log("Elite's fitness: " + genomes[0].fitness);
//remove the tail end of genomes, focus on the fittest
while(genomes.length > populationSize / 2) {
//sum of the fitness for each genome
var totalFitness = 0;
for (var i = 0; i < genomes.length; i++) {
totalFitness += genomes[i].fitness;
//get a random index from genome array
function getRandomGenome() {
return genomes[randomWeightedNumBetween(0, genomes.length - 1)];
//create children array
var children = [];
//add the fittest genome to array
//add population sized amount of children
while (children.length < populationSize) {
//crossover between two random genomes to make a child
children.push(makeChild(getRandomGenome(), getRandomGenome()));
//create new genome array
genomes = [];
//to store all the children in
genomes = genomes.concat(children);
//store this in our archive
archive.genomes = clone(genomes);
//and set current gen
archive.currentGeneration = clone(generation);
//store archive, thanks JS localstorage! (short term memory)
localStorage.setItem("archive", JSON.stringify(archive));
* Creates a child genome from the given parent genomes, and then attempts to mutate the child genome.
* @param {Genome} mum The first parent genome.
* @param {Genome} dad The second parent genome.
* @return {Genome} The child genome.
function makeChild(mum, dad) {
//init the child given two genomes (its 7 parameters + initial fitness value)
var child = {
//unique id
id : Math.random(),
//all these params are randomly selected between the mom and dad genome
rowsCleared: randomChoice(mum.rowsCleared, dad.rowsCleared),
weightedHeight: randomChoice(mum.weightedHeight, dad.weightedHeight),
cumulativeHeight: randomChoice(mum.cumulativeHeight, dad.cumulativeHeight),
relativeHeight: randomChoice(mum.relativeHeight, dad.relativeHeight),
holes: randomChoice(mum.holes, dad.holes),
roughness: randomChoice(mum.roughness, dad.roughness),
//no fitness. yet.
fitness: -1
//mutation time!
//we mutate each parameter using our mutationstep
if (Math.random() < mutationRate) {
child.rowsCleared = child.rowsCleared + Math.random() * mutationStep * 2 - mutationStep;
if (Math.random() < mutationRate) {
child.weightedHeight = child.weightedHeight + Math.random() * mutationStep * 2 - mutationStep;
if (Math.random() < mutationRate) {
child.cumulativeHeight = child.cumulativeHeight + Math.random() * mutationStep * 2 - mutationStep;
if (Math.random() < mutationRate) {
child.relativeHeight = child.relativeHeight + Math.random() * mutationStep * 2 - mutationStep;
if (Math.random() < mutationRate) {
child.holes = child.holes + Math.random() * mutationStep * 2 - mutationStep;
if (Math.random() < mutationRate) {
child.roughness = child.roughness + Math.random() * mutationStep * 2 - mutationStep;
return child;
* Returns an array of all the possible moves that could occur in the current state, rated by the parameters of the current genome.
* @return {Array} An array of all the possible moves that could occur.
function getAllPossibleMoves() {
var lastState = getState();
var possibleMoves = [];
var possibleMoveRatings = [];
var iterations = 0;
//for each possible rotation
for (var rots = 0; rots < 4; rots++) {
var oldX = [];
//for each iteration
for (var t = -5; t <= 5; t++) {
//rotate shape
for (var j = 0; j < rots; j++) {
//move left
if (t < 0) {
for (var l = 0; l < Math.abs(t); l++) {
//move right
} else if (t > 0) {
for (var r = 0; r < t; r++) {
//if the shape has moved at all
if (!contains(oldX, currentShape.x)) {
//move it down
var moveDownResults = moveDown();
while (moveDownResults.moved) {
moveDownResults = moveDown();
//set the 7 parameters of a genome
var algorithm = {
rowsCleared: moveDownResults.rowsCleared,
weightedHeight: Math.pow(getHeight(), 1.5),
cumulativeHeight: getCumulativeHeight(),
relativeHeight: getRelativeHeight(),
holes: getHoles(),
roughness: getRoughness()
//rate each move
var rating = 0;
rating += algorithm.rowsCleared * genomes[currentGenome].rowsCleared;
rating += algorithm.weightedHeight * genomes[currentGenome].weightedHeight;
rating += algorithm.cumulativeHeight * genomes[currentGenome].cumulativeHeight;
rating += algorithm.relativeHeight * genomes[currentGenome].relativeHeight;
rating += algorithm.holes * genomes[currentGenome].holes;
rating += algorithm.roughness * genomes[currentGenome].roughness;
//if the move loses the game, lower its rating
if (moveDownResults.lose) {
rating -= 500;
//push all possible moves, with their associated ratings and parameter values to an array
possibleMoves.push({rotations: rots, translation: t, rating: rating, algorithm: algorithm});
//update the position of old X value
//get last state
//return array of all possible moves
return possibleMoves;
* Returns the highest rated move in the given array of moves.
* @param {Array} moves An array of possible moves to choose from.
* @return {Move} The highest rated move from the moveset.
function getHighestRatedMove(moves) {
//start these values off small
var maxRating = -10000000000000;
var maxMove = -1;
var ties = [];
//iterate through the list of moves
for (var index = 0; index < moves.length; index++) {
//if the current moves rating is higher than our maxrating
if (moves[index].rating > maxRating) {
//update our max values to include this moves values
maxRating = moves[index].rating;
maxMove = index;
//store index of this move
ties = [index];
} else if (moves[index].rating == maxRating) {
//if it ties with the max rating
//add the index to the ties array
//eventually we'll set the highest move value to this move var
var move = moves[ties[0]];
//and set the number of ties
move.algorithm.ties = ties.length;
return move;
* Makes a move, which is decided upon using the parameters in the current genome.
function makeNextMove() {
//increment number of moves taken
//if its over the limit of moves
if (movesTaken > moveLimit) {
//update this genomes fitness value using the game score
genomes[currentGenome].fitness = clone(score);
//and evaluates the next genome
} else {
//time to make a move
//we're going to re-draw, so lets store the old drawing
var oldDraw = clone(draw);
draw = false;
//get all the possible moves
var possibleMoves = getAllPossibleMoves();
//lets store the current state since we will update it
var lastState = getState();
//whats the next shape to play
//for each possible move
for (var i = 0; i < possibleMoves.length; i++) {
//get the best move. so were checking all the possible moves, for each possible move. moveception.
var nextMove = getHighestRatedMove(getAllPossibleMoves());
//add that rating to an array of highest rates moves
possibleMoves[i].rating += nextMove.rating;
//load current state
//get the highest rated move ever
var move = getHighestRatedMove(possibleMoves);
//then rotate the shape as it says too
for (var rotations = 0; rotations < move.rotations; rotations++) {
//and move left as it says
if (move.translation < 0) {
for (var lefts = 0; lefts < Math.abs(move.translation); lefts++) {
//and right as it says
} else if (move.translation > 0) {
for (var rights = 0; rights < move.translation; rights++) {
//update our move algorithm
if (inspectMoveSelection) {
moveAlgorithm = move.algorithm;
//and set the old drawing to the current
draw = oldDraw;
//output the state to the screen
//and update the score
* Updates the game.
function update() {
//if we have our AI turned on and the current genome is nonzero
//make a move
if (ai && currentGenome != -1) {
//move the shape down
var results = moveDown();
//if that didn't do anything
if (!results.moved) {
//if we lost
if (results.lose) {
//update the fitness
genomes[currentGenome].fitness = clone(score);
//move on to the next genome
} else {
//if we didnt lose, make the next move
} else {
//else just move down
//output the state to the screen
//and update the score
* Moves the current shape down if possible.
* @return {Object} The results of the movement of the piece.
function moveDown() {
//array of possibilities
var result = {lose: false, moved: true, rowsCleared: 0};
//remove the shape, because we will draw a new one
//move it down the y axis
//if it collides with the grid
if (collides(grid, currentShape)) {
//update its position
//apply (stick) it to the grid
//move on to the next shape in the bag
//clear rows and get number of rows cleared
result.rowsCleared = clearRows();
//check again if this shape collides with our grid
if (collides(grid, currentShape)) {
result.lose = true;
if (ai) {
} else {
result.moved = false;
//apply shape, update the score and output the state to the screen
return result;
* Moves the current shape to the left if possible.
function moveLeft() {
//remove current shape, slide it over, if it collides though, slide it back
if (collides(grid, currentShape)) {
//apply the new shape
* Moves the current shape to the right if possible.
//same deal
function moveRight() {
if (collides(grid, currentShape)) {
* Rotates the current shape clockwise if possible.
//slide it if we can, else return to original rotation
function rotateShape() {
currentShape.shape = rotate(currentShape.shape, 1);
if (collides(grid, currentShape)) {
currentShape.shape = rotate(currentShape.shape, 3);
* Clears any rows that are completely filled.
function clearRows() {
//empty array for rows to clear
var rowsToClear = [];
//for each row in the grid
for (var row = 0; row < grid.length; row++) {
var containsEmptySpace = false;
//for each column
for (var col = 0; col < grid[row].length; col++) {
//if its empty
if (grid[row][col] === 0) {
//set this value to true
containsEmptySpace = true;
//if none of the columns in the row were empty
if (!containsEmptySpace) {
//add the row to our list, it's completely filled!
//increase score for up to 4 rows. it maxes out at 12000
if (rowsToClear.length == 1) {
score += 400;
} else if (rowsToClear.length == 2) {
score += 1000;
} else if (rowsToClear.length == 3) {
score += 3000;
} else if (rowsToClear.length >= 4) {
score += 12000;
//new array for cleared rows
var rowsCleared = clone(rowsToClear.length);
//for each value
for (var toClear = rowsToClear.length - 1; toClear >= 0; toClear--) {
//remove the row from the grid
grid.splice(rowsToClear[toClear], 1);
//shift the other rows
while (grid.length < 20) {
//return the rows cleared
return rowsCleared;
* Applies the current shape to the grid.
function applyShape() {
//for each value in the current shape (row x column)
for (var row = 0; row < currentShape.shape.length; row++) {
for (var col = 0; col < currentShape.shape[row].length; col++) {
//if its non-empty
if (currentShape.shape[row][col] !== 0) {
//set the value in the grid to its value. Stick the shape in the grid!
grid[currentShape.y + row][currentShape.x + col] = currentShape.shape[row][col];
* Removes the current shape from the grid.
//same deal but reverse
function removeShape() {
for (var row = 0; row < currentShape.shape.length; row++) {
for (var col = 0; col < currentShape.shape[row].length; col++) {
if (currentShape.shape[row][col] !== 0) {
grid[currentShape.y + row][currentShape.x + col] = 0;
* Cycles to the next shape in the bag.
function nextShape() {
//increment the bag index
bagIndex += 1;
//if we're at the start or end of the bag
if (bag.length === 0 || bagIndex == bag.length) {
//generate a new bag of genomes
//if almost at end of bag
if (bagIndex == bag.length - 1) {
//store previous seed
var prevSeed = rndSeed;
//generate upcoming shape
upcomingShape = randomProperty(shapes);
//set random seed
rndSeed = prevSeed;
} else {
//get the next shape from our bag
upcomingShape = shapes[bag[bagIndex + 1]];
//get our current shape from the bag
currentShape.shape = shapes[bag[bagIndex]];
//define its position
currentShape.x = Math.floor(grid[0].length / 2) - Math.ceil(currentShape.shape[0].length / 2);
currentShape.y = 0;
* Generates the bag of shapes.
function generateBag() {
bag = [];
var contents = "";
//7 shapes
for (var i = 0; i < 7; i++) {
//generate shape randomly
var shape = randomKey(shapes);
while(contents.indexOf(shape) != -1) {
shape = randomKey(shapes);
//update bag with generated shape
bag[i] = shape;
contents += shape;
//reset bag index
bagIndex = 0;
* Resets the game.
function reset() {
score = 0;
grid = [[0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0],
moves = 0;
* Determines if the given grid and shape collide with one another.
* @param {Grid} scene The grid to check.
* @param {Shape} object The shape to check.
* @return {Boolean} Whether the shape and grid collide.
function collides(scene, object) {
//for the size of the shape (row x column)
for (var row = 0; row < object.shape.length; row++) {
for (var col = 0; col < object.shape[row].length; col++) {
//if its not empty
if (object.shape[row][col] !== 0) {
//if it collides, return true
if (scene[object.y + row] === undefined || scene[object.y + row][object.x + col] === undefined || scene[object.y + row][object.x + col] !== 0) {
return true;
return false;
//for rotating a shape, how many times should we rotate
function rotate(matrix, times) {
//for each time
for (var t = 0; t < times; t++) {
//flip the shape matrix
matrix = transpose(matrix);
//and for the length of the matrix, reverse each column
for (var i = 0; i < matrix.length; i++) {
return matrix;
//flip row x column to column x row
function transpose(array) {
return array[0].map(function(col, i) {
return array.map(function(row) {
return row[i];
* Outputs the state to the screen.
function output() {
if (draw) {
var output = document.getElementById("output");
var html = "<h1>TetNet</h1><h5>Evolutionary approach to Tetris AI</h5>var grid = [";
var space = " ";
for (var i = 0; i < grid.length; i++) {
if (i === 0) {
html += "[" + grid[i] + "]";
} else {
html += "<br />" + space + "[" + grid[i] + "]";
html += "];";
for (var c = 0; c < colors.length; c++) {
html = replaceAll(html, "," + (c + 1), ",<font color=\"" + colors[c] + "\">" + (c + 1) + "</font>");
html = replaceAll(html, (c + 1) + ",", "<font color=\"" + colors[c] + "\">" + (c + 1) + "</font>,");
output.innerHTML = html;
* Updates the side information.
function updateScore() {
if (draw) {
var scoreDetails = document.getElementById("score");
var html = "<br /><br /><h2> </h2><h2>Score: " + score + "</h2>";
html += "<br /><b>--Upcoming--</b>";
for (var i = 0; i < upcomingShape.length; i++) {
var next =replaceAll((upcomingShape[i] + ""), "0", " ");
html += "<br /> " + next;
for (var l = 0; l < 4 - upcomingShape.length; l++) {
html += "<br />";
for (var c = 0; c < colors.length; c++) {
html = replaceAll(html, "," + (c + 1), ",<font color=\"" + colors[c] + "\">" + (c + 1) + "</font>");
html = replaceAll(html, (c + 1) + ",", "<font color=\"" + colors[c] + "\">" + (c + 1) + "</font>,");
html += "<br />Speed: " + speed;
if (ai) {
html += "<br />Moves: " + movesTaken + "/" + moveLimit;
html += "<br />Generation: " + generation;
html += "<br />Individual: " + (currentGenome + 1) + "/" + populationSize;
html += "<br /><pre style=\"font-size:12px\">" + JSON.stringify(genomes[currentGenome], null, 2) + "</pre>";
if (inspectMoveSelection) {
html += "<br /><pre style=\"font-size:12px\">" + JSON.stringify(moveAlgorithm, null, 2) + "</pre>";
html = replaceAll(replaceAll(replaceAll(html, " ,", " "), ", ", " "), ",", " ");
scoreDetails.innerHTML = html;
* Returns the current game state in an object.
* @return {State} The current game state.
function getState() {
var state = {
grid: clone(grid),
currentShape: clone(currentShape),
upcomingShape: clone(upcomingShape),
bag: clone(bag),
bagIndex: clone(bagIndex),
rndSeed: clone(rndSeed),
score: clone(score)
return state;
* Loads the game state from the given state object.
* @param {State} state The state to load.
function loadState(state) {
grid = clone(state.grid);
currentShape = clone(state.currentShape);
upcomingShape = clone(state.upcomingShape);
bag = clone(state.bag);
bagIndex = clone(state.bagIndex);
rndSeed = clone(state.rndSeed);
score = clone(state.score);
* Returns the cumulative height of all the columns.
* @return {Number} The cumulative height.
function getCumulativeHeight() {
var peaks = [20,20,20,20,20,20,20,20,20,20];
for (var row = 0; row < grid.length; row++) {
for (var col = 0; col < grid[row].length; col++) {
if (grid[row][col] !== 0 && peaks[col] === 20) {
peaks[col] = row;
var totalHeight = 0;
for (var i = 0; i < peaks.length; i++) {
totalHeight += 20 - peaks[i];
return totalHeight;
* Returns the number of holes in the grid.
* @return {Number} The number of holes.
function getHoles() {
var peaks = [20,20,20,20,20,20,20,20,20,20];
for (var row = 0; row < grid.length; row++) {
for (var col = 0; col < grid[row].length; col++) {
if (grid[row][col] !== 0 && peaks[col] === 20) {
peaks[col] = row;
var holes = 0;
for (var x = 0; x < peaks.length; x++) {
for (var y = peaks[x]; y < grid.length; y++) {
if (grid[y][x] === 0) {
return holes;
* Returns an array that replaces all the holes in the grid with -1.
* @return {Array} The modified grid array.
function getHolesArray() {
var array = clone(grid);
var peaks = [20,20,20,20,20,20,20,20,20,20];
for (var row = 0; row < grid.length; row++) {
for (var col = 0; col < grid[row].length; col++) {
if (grid[row][col] !== 0 && peaks[col] === 20) {
peaks[col] = row;
for (var x = 0; x < peaks.length; x++) {
for (var y = peaks[x]; y < grid.length; y++) {
if (grid[y][x] === 0) {
array[y][x] = -1;
return array;
* Returns the roughness of the grid.
* @return {Number} The roughness of the grid.
function getRoughness() {
var peaks = [20,20,20,20,20,20,20,20,20,20];
for (var row = 0; row < grid.length; row++) {
for (var col = 0; col < grid[row].length; col++) {
if (grid[row][col] !== 0 && peaks[col] === 20) {
peaks[col] = row;
var roughness = 0;
var differences = [];
for (var i = 0; i < peaks.length - 1; i++) {
roughness += Math.abs(peaks[i] - peaks[i + 1]);
differences[i] = Math.abs(peaks[i] - peaks[i + 1]);
return roughness;
* Returns the range of heights of the columns on the grid.
* @return {Number} The relative height.
function getRelativeHeight() {
var peaks = [20,20,20,20,20,20,20,20,20,20];
for (var row = 0; row < grid.length; row++) {
for (var col = 0; col < grid[row].length; col++) {
if (grid[row][col] !== 0 && peaks[col] === 20) {
peaks[col] = row;
return Math.max.apply(Math, peaks) - Math.min.apply(Math, peaks);
* Returns the height of the biggest column on the grid.
* @return {Number} The absolute height.
function getHeight() {
var peaks = [20,20,20,20,20,20,20,20,20,20];
for (var row = 0; row < grid.length; row++) {
for (var col = 0; col < grid[row].length; col++) {
if (grid[row][col] !== 0 && peaks[col] === 20) {
peaks[col] = row;
return 20 - Math.min.apply(Math, peaks);
* Loads the archive given.
* @param {String} archiveString The stringified archive.
function loadArchive(archiveString) {
archive = JSON.parse(archiveString);
genomes = clone(archive.genomes);
populationSize = archive.populationSize;
generation = archive.currentGeneration;
currentGenome = 0;
roundState = getState();
console.log("Archive loaded!");
* Clones an object.
* @param {Object} obj The object to clone.
* @return {Object} The cloned object.
function clone(obj) {
return JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(obj));
* Returns a random property from the given object.
* @param {Object} obj The object to select a property from.
* @return {Property} A random property.
function randomProperty(obj) {
* Returns a random property key from the given object.
* @param {Object} obj The object to select a property key from.
* @return {Property} A random property key.
function randomKey(obj) {
var keys = Object.keys(obj);
var i = seededRandom(0, keys.length);
return keys[i];
function replaceAll(target, search, replacement) {
return target.replace(new RegExp(search, 'g'), replacement);
* Returns a random number that is determined from a seeded random number generator.
* @param {Number} min The minimum number, inclusive.
* @param {Number} max The maximum number, exclusive.
* @return {Number} The generated random number.
function seededRandom(min, max) {
max = max || 1;
min = min || 0;
rndSeed = (rndSeed * 9301 + 49297) % 233280;
var rnd = rndSeed / 233280;
return Math.floor(min + rnd * (max - min));
function randomNumBetween(min, max) {
return Math.floor(Math.random() * (max - min + 1) + min);
function randomWeightedNumBetween(min, max) {
return Math.floor(Math.pow(Math.random(), 2) * (max - min + 1) + min);
function randomChoice(propOne, propTwo) {
if (Math.round(Math.random()) === 0) {
return clone(propOne);
} else {
return clone(propTwo);
function contains(a, obj) {
var i = a.length;
while (i--) {
if (a[i] === obj) {
return true;
return false;
* A node, representing a biological neuron.
* @param {Number} ID The ID of the node.
* @param {Number} val The value of the node.
function Node(ID, val) {
this.id = ID;
this.incomingConnections = [];
this.outgoingConnections = [];
if (val === undefined) {
val = 0;
this.value = val;
this.bias = 0;
* A connection, representing a biological synapse.
* @param {String} inID The ID of the incoming node.
* @param {String} outID The ID of the outgoing node.
* @param {Number} weight The weight of the connection.
function Connection(inID, outID, weight) {
this.in = inID;
this.out = outID;
if (weight === undefined) {
weight = 1;
this.id = inID + ":" + outID;
this.weight = weight;
* The neural network, containing nodes and connections.
* @param {Object} config The configuration to use.
function Network(config) {
this.nodes = {};
this.inputs = [];
this.hidden = [];
this.outputs = [];
this.connections = {};
this.nodes.BIAS = new Node("BIAS", 1);
if (config !== undefined) {
var inputNum = config.inputNodes || 0;
var hiddenNum = config.hiddenNodes || 0;
var outputNum = config.outputNodes || 0;
this.createNodes(inputNum, hiddenNum, outputNum);
if (config.createAllConnections) {
* Populates the network with the given number of nodes of each type.
* @param {Number} inputNum The number of input nodes to create.
* @param {Number} hiddenNum The number of hidden nodes to create.
* @param {Number} outputNum The number of output nodes to create.
Network.prototype.createNodes = function(inputNum, hiddenNum, outputNum) {
for (var i = 0; i < inputNum; i++) {
for (var j = 0; j < hiddenNum; j++) {
for (var k = 0; k < outputNum; k++) {
* @param {Number} [value] The value to set the node to [Default is 0].
Network.prototype.addInput = function(value) {
var nodeID = "INPUT:" + this.inputs.length;
if (value === undefined) {
value = 0;
this.nodes[nodeID] = new Node(nodeID, value);
* Creates a hidden node.
Network.prototype.addHidden = function() {
var nodeID = "HIDDEN:" + this.hidden.length;
this.nodes[nodeID] = new Node(nodeID);
* Creates an output node.
Network.prototype.addOutput = function() {
var nodeID = "OUTPUT:" + this.outputs.length;
this.nodes[nodeID] = new Node(nodeID);
* Returns the node with the given ID.
* @param {String} nodeID The ID of the node to return.
* @return {Node} The node with the given ID.
Network.prototype.getNodeByID = function(nodeID) {
return this.nodes[nodeID];
* Returns the node of the given type at the given index.
* @param {String} type The type of node requested [Accepted arguments: "INPUT", "HIDDEN", "OUTPUT"].
* @param {Number} index The index of the node (from the array containing nodes of the requested type).
* @return {Node} The node requested. Will return null if no node is found.
Network.prototype.getNode = function(type, index) {
if (type.toUpperCase() == "INPUT") {
return this.nodes[this.inputs[index]];
} else if (type.toUpperCase() == "HIDDEN") {
return this.nodes[this.hidden[index]];
} else if (type.toUpperCase() == "OUTPUT") {
return this.nodes[this.outputs[index]];
return null;
* Returns the connection with the given ID.
* @param {String} connectionID The ID of the connection to return.
* @return {Connection} The connection with the given ID.
Network.prototype.getConnection = function(connectionID) {
return this.connections[connectionID];
* Calculates the values of the nodes in the neural network.
Network.prototype.calculate = function calculate() {
for (var i = 0; i < this.hidden.length; i++) {
for (var j = 0; j < this.outputs.length; j++) {
* Updates the node's to reference the current connections.
Network.prototype.updateNodeConnections = function() {
for (var nodeKey in this.nodes) {
this.nodes[nodeKey].incomingConnections = [];
this.nodes[nodeKey].outgoingConnections = [];
for (var connectionKey in this.connections) {
* Calculates and updates the value of the node with the given ID. Node values are computed using a sigmoid function.
* @param {String} nodeId The ID of the node to update.
Network.prototype.calculateNodeValue = function(nodeID) {
var sum = 0;
for (var incomingIndex = 0; incomingIndex < this.nodes[nodeID].incomingConnections.length; incomingIndex++) {
var connection = this.connections[this.nodes[nodeID].incomingConnections[incomingIndex]];
sum += this.nodes[connection.in].value * connection.weight;
this.nodes[nodeID].value = sigmoid(sum);
* Creates a connection with the given values.
* @param {String} inID The ID of the node that the connection comes from.
* @param {String} outID The ID of the node that the connection enters.
* @param {Number} [weight] The weight of the connection [Default is 1].
Network.prototype.addConnection = function(inID, outID, weight) {
if (weight === undefined) {
weight = 1;
this.connections[inID + ":" + outID] = new Connection(inID, outID, weight);
* Creates all possible connections between nodes, not including connections to the bias node.
* @param {Boolean} randomWeights Whether to choose a random weight between -1 and 1, or to default to 1.
Network.prototype.createAllConnections = function(randomWeights) {
if (randomWeights === undefined) {
randomWeights = false;
var weight = 1;
for (var i = 0; i < this.inputs.length; i++) {
for (var j = 0; j < this.hidden.length; j++) {
if (randomWeights) {
weight = Math.random() * 4 - 2;
this.addConnection(this.inputs[i], this.hidden[j], weight);
if (randomWeights) {
weight = Math.random() * 4 - 2;
this.addConnection("BIAS", this.inputs[i], weight);
for (var k = 0; k < this.hidden.length; k++) {
for (var l = 0; l < this.outputs.length; l++) {
if (randomWeights) {
weight = Math.random() * 4 - 2;
this.addConnection(this.hidden[k], this.outputs[l], weight);
if (randomWeights) {
weight = Math.random() * 4 - 2;
this.addConnection("BIAS", this.hidden[k], weight);
* Sets the value of the node with the given ID to the given value.
* @param {String} nodeID The ID of the node to modify.
* @param {Number} value The value to set the node to.
Network.prototype.setNodeValue = function(nodeID, value) {
this.nodes[nodeID].value = value;
* Sets the values of the input neurons to the given values.
* @param {Array} array An array of values to set the input node values to.
Network.prototype.setInputs = function(array) {
for (var i = 0; i < array.length; i++) {
this.nodes[this.inputs[i]].value = array[i];
* Sets the value of multiple nodes, given an object with node ID's as parameters and node values as values.
* @param {Object} valuesByID The values to set the nodes to.
Network.prototype.setMultipleNodeValues = function(valuesByID) {
for (var key in valuesByID) {
this.nodes[key].value = valuesByID[key];
* A visualization of the neural network, showing all connections and nodes.
* @param {Object} config The configuration to use.
function NetworkVisualizer(config) {
this.canvas = "NetworkVisualizer";
this.backgroundColor = "#FFFFFF";
this.nodeRadius = -1;
this.nodeColor = "grey";
this.positiveConnectionColor = "green";
this.negativeConnectionColor = "red";
this.connectionStrokeModifier = 1;
if (config !== undefined) {
if (config.canvas !== undefined) {
this.canvas = config.canvas;
if (config.backgroundColor !== undefined) {
this.backgroundColor = config.backgroundColor;
if (config.nodeRadius !== undefined) {
this.nodeRadius = config.nodeRadius;
if (config.nodeColor !== undefined) {
this.nodeColor = config.nodeColor;
if (config.positiveConnectionColor !== undefined) {
this.positiveConnectionColor = config.positiveConnectionColor;
if (config.negativeConnectionColor !== undefined) {
this.negativeConnectionColor = config.negativeConnectionColor;
if (config.connectionStrokeModifier !== undefined) {
this.connectionStrokeModifier = config.connectionStrokeModifier;
* Draws the visualized network upon the canvas.
* @param {Network} network The network to visualize.
NetworkVisualizer.prototype.drawNetwork = function(network) {
var canv = document.getElementById(this.canvas);
var ctx = canv.getContext("2d");
var radius;
ctx.fillStyle = this.backgroundColor;
ctx.fillRect(0, 0, canv.width, canv.height);
if (this.nodeRadius != -1) {
radius = this.nodeRadius;
} else {
radius = Math.min(canv.width, canv.height) / (Math.max(network.inputs.length, network.hidden.length, network.outputs.length, 3)) / 2.5;
var nodeLocations = {};
var inputX = canv.width / 5;
for (var inputIndex = 0; inputIndex < network.inputs.length; inputIndex++) {
nodeLocations[network.inputs[inputIndex]] = {x: inputX, y: canv.height / (network.inputs.length) * (inputIndex + 0.5)};
var hiddenX = canv.width / 2;
for (var hiddenIndex = 0; hiddenIndex < network.hidden.length; hiddenIndex++) {
nodeLocations[network.hidden[hiddenIndex]] = {x: hiddenX, y: canv.height / (network.hidden.length) * (hiddenIndex + 0.5)};
var outputX = canv.width / 5 * 4;
for (var outputIndex = 0; outputIndex < network.outputs.length; outputIndex++) {
nodeLocations[network.outputs[outputIndex]] = {x: outputX, y: canv.height / (network.outputs.length) * (outputIndex + 0.5)};
nodeLocations.BIAS = {x: canv.width / 3, y: radius / 2};
for (var connectionKey in network.connections) {
var connection = network.connections[connectionKey];
//if (connection.in != "BIAS" && connection.out != "BIAS") {
ctx.moveTo(nodeLocations[connection.in].x, nodeLocations[connection.in].y);
ctx.lineTo(nodeLocations[connection.out].x, nodeLocations[connection.out].y);
if (connection.weight > 0) {
ctx.strokeStyle = this.positiveConnectionColor;
} else {
ctx.strokeStyle = this.negativeConnectionColor;
ctx.lineWidth = connection.weight * this.connectionStrokeModifier;
ctx.lineCap = "round";
for (var nodeKey in nodeLocations) {
var node = network.getNodeByID(nodeKey);
if (nodeKey == "BIAS") {
ctx.arc(nodeLocations[nodeKey].x, nodeLocations[nodeKey].y, radius / 2.2, 0, 2 * Math.PI);
} else {
ctx.arc(nodeLocations[nodeKey].x, nodeLocations[nodeKey].y, radius, 0, 2 * Math.PI);
ctx.fillStyle = this.backgroundColor;
ctx.strokeStyle = this.nodeColor;
ctx.lineWidth = 3;
ctx.globalAlpha = node.value;
ctx.fillStyle = this.nodeColor;
ctx.globalAlpha = 1;
BackpropNetwork.prototype = new Network();
BackpropNetwork.prototype.constructor = BackpropNetwork;
* Neural network that is optimized via backpropagation.
* @param {Object} config The configuration to use.
function BackpropNetwork(config) {
Network.call(this, config);
this.inputData = {};
this.targetData = {};
this.learningRate = 0.5;
this.step = 0;
this.totalErrorSum = 0;
this.averageError = [];
if (config !== undefined) {
if (config.learningRate !== undefined) {
this.learningRate = config.learningRate;
if (config.inputData !== undefined) {
if (config.targetData !== undefined) {
* Backpropagates the neural network, using the input and training data given. Currently does not affect connections to the bias node.
BackpropNetwork.prototype.backpropagate = function() {
if (this.inputData[this.step] === undefined) {
this.averageError.push(this.totalErrorSum / this.step);
this.totalErrorSum = 0;
this.step = 0;
for (var inputKey in this.inputData[this.step]) {
this.nodes[inputKey].value = this.inputData[this.step][inputKey];
var currentTargetData = this.targetData[this.step];
var totalError = this.getTotalError();
this.totalErrorSum += totalError;
var newWeights = {};
for (var i = 0; i < this.outputs.length; i++) {
var outputNode = this.nodes[this.outputs[i]];
for (var j = 0; j < outputNode.incomingConnections.length; j++) {
var hiddenToOutput = this.connections[outputNode.incomingConnections[j]];
var deltaRuleResult = -(currentTargetData[this.outputs[i]] - outputNode.value) * outputNode.value * (1 - outputNode.value) * this.nodes[hiddenToOutput.in].value;
newWeights[hiddenToOutput.id] = hiddenToOutput.weight - this.learningRate * deltaRuleResult;
for (var k = 0; k < this.hidden.length; k++) {
var hiddenNode = this.nodes[this.hidden[k]];
for (var l = 0; l < hiddenNode.incomingConnections.length; l++) {
var inputToHidden = this.connections[hiddenNode.incomingConnections[l]];
var total = 0;
for (var m = 0; m < hiddenNode.outgoingConnections.length; m++) {
var outgoing = this.connections[hiddenNode.outgoingConnections[m]];
var outgoingNode = this.nodes[outgoing.out];
total += ((-(currentTargetData[outgoing.out] - outgoingNode.value)) * (outgoingNode.value * (1 - outgoingNode.value))) * outgoing.weight;
var outOverNet = hiddenNode.value * (1 - hiddenNode.value);
var netOverWeight = this.nodes[inputToHidden.in].value;
var result = total * outOverNet * netOverWeight;
newWeights[inputToHidden.id] = inputToHidden.weight - this.learningRate * result;
for (var key in newWeights) {
this.connections[key].weight = newWeights[key];
* Adds a target result to the target data. This will be compared to the output in order to determine error.
* @param {String} outputNodeID The ID of the output node whose value will be compared to the target.
* @param {Number} target The value to compare against the output when checking for errors.
BackpropNetwork.prototype.addTarget = function(outputNodeID, target) {
this.targetData[outputNodeID] = target;
* Sets the input data that will be compared to the target data.
* @param {Array} array An array containing the data to be inputted (ex. [0, 1] will set the first input node
* to have a value of 0 and the second to have a value of 1). Each array argument represents a single
* step, and will be compared against the parallel set in the target data.
BackpropNetwork.prototype.setInputData = function() {
var all = arguments;
if (arguments.length == 1 && arguments[0].constructor == Array) {
all = arguments[0];
this.inputData = {};
for (var i = 0; i < all.length; i++) {
var data = all[i];
var instance = {};
for (var j = 0; j < data.length; j++) {
instance["INPUT:" + j] = data[j];
this.inputData[i] = instance;
* Sets the target data that will be used to check for total error.
* @param {Array} array An array containing the data to be compared against (ex. [0, 1] will compare the first
* output node against 0 and the second against 1). Each array argument represents a single step.
BackpropNetwork.prototype.setTargetData = function() {
var all = arguments;
if (arguments.length == 1 && arguments[0].constructor == Array) {
all = arguments[0];
this.targetData = {};
for (var i = 0; i < all.length; i++) {
var data = all[i];
var instance = {};
for (var j = 0; j < data.length; j++) {
instance["OUTPUT:" + j] = data[j];
this.targetData[i] = instance;
* Calculates the total error of all the outputs' values compared to the target data.
* @return {Number} The total error.
BackpropNetwork.prototype.getTotalError = function() {
var sum = 0;
for (var i = 0; i < this.outputs.length; i++) {
sum += Math.pow(this.targetData[this.step][this.outputs[i]] - this.nodes[this.outputs[i]].value, 2) / 2;
return sum;
* A gene containing the data for a single connection in the neural network.
* @param {String} inID The ID of the incoming node.
* @param {String} outID The ID of the outgoing node.
* @param {Number} weight The weight of the connection to create.
* @param {Number} innovation The innovation number of the gene.
* @param {Boolean} enabled Whether the gene is expressed or not.
function Gene(inID, outID, weight, innovation, enabled) {
if (innovation === undefined) {
innovation = 0;
this.innovation = innovation;
this.in = inID;
this.out = outID;
if (weight === undefined) {
weight = 1;
this.weight = weight;
if (enabled === undefined) {
enabled = true;
this.enabled = enabled;
* Returns the connection that the gene represents.
* @return {Connection} The generated connection.
Gene.prototype.getConnection = function() {
return new Connection(this.in, this.out, this.weight);
* A genome containing genes that will make up the neural network.
* @param {Number} inputNodes The number of input nodes to create.
* @param {Number} outputNodes The number of output nodes to create.
function Genome(inputNodes, outputNodes) {
this.inputNodes = inputNodes;
this.outputNodes = outputNodes;
this.genes = [];
this.fitness = -Number.MAX_VALUE;
this.globalRank = 0;
this.randomIdentifier = Math.random();
Genome.prototype.containsGene = function(inID, outID) {
for (var i = 0; i < this.genes.length; i++) {
if (this.genes[i].inID == inID && this.genes[i].outID == outID) {
return true;
return false;
* A species of genomes that contains genomes which closely resemble one another, enough so that they are able to breed.
function Species() {
this.genomes = [];
this.averageFitness = 0;
* Culls the genomes to the given amount by removing less fit genomes.
* @param {Number} [remaining] The number of genomes to cull to [Default is half the size of the species (rounded up)].
Species.prototype.cull = function(remaining) {
if (remaining === undefined) {
remaining = Math.ceil(this.genomes.length / 2);
while (this.genomes.length > remaining) {
* Calculates the average fitness of the species.
Species.prototype.calculateAverageFitness = function() {
var sum = 0;
for (var j = 0; j < this.genomes.length; j++) {
sum += this.genomes[j].fitness;
this.averageFitness = sum / this.genomes.length;
* Returns the network that the genome represents.
* @return {Network} The generated network.
Genome.prototype.getNetwork = function() {
var network = new Network();
network.createNodes(this.inputNodes, 0, this.outputNodes);
for (var i = 0; i < this.genes.length; i++) {
var gene = this.genes[i];
if (gene.enabled) {
if (network.nodes[gene.in] === undefined && gene.in.indexOf("HIDDEN") != -1) {
network.nodes[gene.in] = new Node(gene.in);
if (network.nodes[gene.out] === undefined && gene.out.indexOf("HIDDEN") != -1) {
network.nodes[gene.out] = new Node(gene.out);
network.addConnection(gene.in, gene.out, gene.weight);
return network;
* Creates and optimizes neural networks via neuroevolution, using the Neuroevolution of Augmenting Topologies method.
* @param {Object} config The configuration to use.
function Neuroevolution(config) {
this.genomes = [];
this.populationSize = 100;
this.mutationRates = {
createConnection: 0.05,
createNode: 0.02,
modifyWeight: 0.15,
enableGene: 0.05,
disableGene: 0.1,
createBias: 0.1,
weightMutationStep: 2
this.inputNodes = 0;
this.outputNodes = 0;
this.elitism = true;
this.deltaDisjoint = 2;
this.deltaWeights = 0.4;
this.deltaThreshold = 2;
this.hiddenNodeCap = 10;
this.fitnessFunction = function (network) {log("ERROR: Fitness function not set"); return -1;};
this.globalInnovationCounter = 1;
this.currentGeneration = 0;
this.species = [];
this.newInnovations = {};
if (config !== undefined) {
if (config.populationSize !== undefined) {
this.populationSize = config.populationSize;
if (config.inputNodes !== undefined) {
this.inputNodes = config.inputNodes;
if (config.outputNodes !== undefined) {
this.outputNodes = config.outputNodes;
if (config.mutationRates !== undefined) {
var configRates = config.mutationRates;
if (configRates.createConnection !== undefined) {
this.mutationRates.createConnection = configRates.createConnection;
if (configRates.createNode !== undefined) {
this.mutationRates.createNode = configRates.createNode;
if (configRates.modifyWeight !== undefined) {
this.mutationRates.modifyWeight = configRates.modifyWeight;
if (configRates.enableGene !== undefined) {
this.mutationRates.enableGene = configRates.enableGene;
if (configRates.disableGene !== undefined) {
this.mutationRates.disableGene = configRates.disableGene;
if (configRates.createBias !== undefined) {
this.mutationRates.createBias = configRates.createBias;
if (configRates.weightMutationStep !== undefined) {
this.mutationRates.weightMutationStep = configRates.weightMutationStep;
if (config.elitism !== undefined) {
this.elitism = config.elitism;
if (config.deltaDisjoint !== undefined) {
this.deltaDisjoint = config.deltaDisjoint;
if (config.deltaWeights !== undefined) {
this.deltaWeights = config.deltaWeights;
if (config.deltaThreshold !== undefined) {
this.deltaThreshold = config.deltaThreshold;
if (config.hiddenNodeCap !== undefined) {
this.hiddenNodeCap = config.hiddenNodeCap;
* Populates the population with empty genomes, and then mutates the genomes.
Neuroevolution.prototype.createInitialPopulation = function() {
this.genomes = [];
for (var i = 0; i < this.populationSize; i++) {
var genome = this.linkMutate(new Genome(this.inputNodes, this.outputNodes));
* Mutates the entire population based on the mutation rates.
Neuroevolution.prototype.mutate = function() {
for (var i = 0; i < this.genomes.length; i++) {
var network = this.genomes[i].getNetwork();
if (Math.random() < this.mutationRates.createConnection) {
this.genomes[i] = this.linkMutate(this.genomes[i]);
if (Math.random() < this.mutationRates.createNode && this.genomes[i].genes.length > 0 && network.hidden.length < this.hiddenNodeCap) {
var geneIndex = randomNumBetween(0, this.genomes[i].genes.length - 1);
var gene = this.genomes[i].genes[geneIndex];
if (gene.enabled && gene.in.indexOf("INPUT") != -1 && gene.out.indexOf("OUTPUT") != -1) {
var newNum = -1;
var found = true;
while (found) {
found = false;
for (var j = 0; j < this.genomes[i].genes.length; j++) {
if (this.genomes[i].genes[j].in.indexOf("HIDDEN:" + newNum) != -1 || this.genomes[i].genes[j].out.indexOf("HIDDEN:" + newNum) != -1) {
found = true;
if (newNum < this.hiddenNodeCap) {
var nodeName = "HIDDEN:" + newNum;
this.genomes[i].genes[geneIndex].enabled = false;
this.genomes[i].genes.push(new Gene(gene.in, nodeName, 1, this.globalInnovationCounter));
this.genomes[i].genes.push(new Gene(nodeName, gene.out, gene.weight, this.globalInnovationCounter));
network = this.genomes[i].getNetwork();
if (Math.random() < this.mutationRates.createBias) {
if (Math.random() > 0.5 && network.inputs.length > 0) {
var inputIndex = randomNumBetween(0, network.inputs.length - 1);
if (network.getConnection("BIAS:" + network.inputs[inputIndex]) === undefined) {
this.genomes[i].genes.push(new Gene("BIAS", network.inputs[inputIndex]));
} else if (network.hidden.length > 0) {
var hiddenIndex = randomNumBetween(0, network.hidden.length - 1);
if (network.getConnection("BIAS:" + network.hidden[hiddenIndex]) === undefined) {
this.genomes[i].genes.push(new Gene("BIAS", network.hidden[hiddenIndex]));
for (var k = 0; k < this.genomes[i].genes.length; k++) {
this.genomes[i].genes[k] = this.pointMutate(this.genomes[i].genes[k]);
* Attempts to create a new connection gene in the given genome.
* @param {Genome} genome The genome to mutate.
* @return {Genome} The mutated genome.
Neuroevolution.prototype.linkMutate = function(genome) {
var network = genome.getNetwork();
var inNode = "";
var outNode = "";
if (Math.random() < 1/3 || network.hidden.length <= 0) {
inNode = network.inputs[randomNumBetween(0, this.inputNodes - 1)];
outNode = network.outputs[randomNumBetween(0, this.outputNodes - 1)];
} else if (Math.random() < 2/3) {
inNode = network.inputs[randomNumBetween(0, this.inputNodes - 1)];
outNode = network.hidden[randomNumBetween(0, network.hidden.length - 1)];
} else {
inNode = network.hidden[randomNumBetween(0, network.hidden.length - 1)];
outNode = network.outputs[randomNumBetween(0, this.outputNodes - 1)];
if (!genome.containsGene(inNode, outNode)) {
var newGene = new Gene(inNode, outNode, Math.random() * 2 - 1);
if (this.newInnovations[newGene.in + ":" + newGene.out] === undefined) {
this.newInnovations[newGene.in + ":" + newGene.out] = this.globalInnovationCounter;
newGene.innovation = this.globalInnovationCounter;
} else {
newGene.innovation = this.newInnovations[newGene.in + ":" + newGene.out];
return genome;
* Mutates the given gene based on the mutation rates.
* @param {Gene} gene The gene to mutate.
* @return {Gene} The mutated gene.
Neuroevolution.prototype.pointMutate = function(gene) {
if (Math.random() < this.mutationRates.modifyWeight) {
gene.weight = gene.weight + Math.random() * this.mutationRates.weightMutationStep * 2 - this.mutationRates.weightMutationStep;
if (Math.random() < this.mutationRates.enableGene) {
gene.enabled = true;
if (Math.random() < this.mutationRates.disableGene) {
gene.enabled = false;
return gene;
* Crosses two parent genomes with one another, forming a child genome.
* @param {Genome} firstGenome The first genome to mate.
* @param {Genome} secondGenome The second genome to mate.
* @return {Genome} The resultant child genome.
Neuroevolution.prototype.crossover = function(firstGenome, secondGenome) {
var child = new Genome(firstGenome.inputNodes, firstGenome.outputNodes);
var firstInnovationNumbers = {};
for (var h = 0; h < firstGenome.genes.length; h++) {
firstInnovationNumbers[firstGenome.genes[h].innovation] = h;
var secondInnovationNumbers = {};
for (var j = 0; j < secondGenome.genes.length; j++) {
secondInnovationNumbers[secondGenome.genes[j].innovation] = j;
for (var i = 0; i < firstGenome.genes.length; i++) {
var geneToClone;
if (secondInnovationNumbers[firstGenome.genes[i].innovation] !== undefined) {
if (Math.random() < 0.5) {
geneToClone = firstGenome.genes[i];
} else {
geneToClone = secondGenome.genes[secondInnovationNumbers[firstGenome.genes[i].innovation]];
} else {
geneToClone = firstGenome.genes[i];
child.genes.push(new Gene(geneToClone.in, geneToClone.out, geneToClone.weight, geneToClone.innovation, geneToClone.enabled));
for (var k = 0; k < secondGenome.genes.length; k++) {
if (firstInnovationNumbers[secondGenome.genes[k].innovation] === undefined) {
var secondDisjoint = secondGenome.genes[k];
child.genes.push(new Gene(secondDisjoint.in, secondDisjoint.out, secondDisjoint.weight, secondDisjoint.innovation, secondDisjoint.enabled));
return child;
* Evolves the population by creating a new generation and mutating the children.
Neuroevolution.prototype.evolve = function() {
this.newInnovations = {};
var children = [];
var totalAvgFitness = 0;
var avgFitnesses = [];
for (var s = 0; s < this.species.length; s++) {
totalAvgFitness += this.species[s].averageFitness;
var arr = [];
for (var j = 0; j < this.species.length; j++) {
var childrenToMake = Math.floor(this.species[j].averageFitness / totalAvgFitness * this.populationSize);
if (childrenToMake > 0) {
for (var c = 0; c < childrenToMake - 1; c++) {
while (children.length < this.populationSize) {
children.push(this.makeBaby(this.species[randomNumBetween(0, this.species.length - 1)]));
this.genomes = [];
this.genomes = this.genomes.concat(children);
* Sorts the genomes into different species.
Neuroevolution.prototype.speciate = function() {
this.species = [];
for (var i = 0; i < this.genomes.length; i++) {
var placed = false;
for (var j = 0; j < this.species.length; j++) {
if (!placed && this.species[j].genomes.length > 0 && this.isSameSpecies(this.genomes[i], this.species[j].genomes[0])) {
placed = true;
if (!placed) {
var newSpecies = new Species();
* Culls all the species to the given amount by removing less fit members of each species.
* @param {Number} [remaining] The number of genomes to cull all the species to [Default is half the size of the species].
Neuroevolution.prototype.cullSpecies = function(remaining) {
var toRemove = [];
for (var i = 0; i < this.species.length; i++) {
if (this.species[i].genomes.length < 1) {
for (var r = 0; r < toRemove.length; r++) {
* Calculates the average fitness of all the species.
Neuroevolution.prototype.calculateSpeciesAvgFitness = function() {
for (var i = 0; i < this.species.length; i++) {
* Creates a baby in the given species, with fitter genomes having a higher chance to reproduce.
* @param {Species} species The species to create a baby in.
* @return {Genome} The resultant baby.
Neuroevolution.prototype.makeBaby = function(species) {
var mum = species.genomes[randomWeightedNumBetween(0, species.genomes.length - 1)];
var dad = species.genomes[randomWeightedNumBetween(0, species.genomes.length - 1)];
return this.crossover(mum, dad);
* Calculates the fitness of all the genomes in the population.
Neuroevolution.prototype.calculateFitnesses = function() {
for (var i = 0; i < this.genomes.length; i++) {
this.genomes[i].fitness = this.fitnessFunction(this.genomes[i].getNetwork());
* Returns the relative compatibility metric for the given genomes.
* @param {Genome} genomeA The first genome to compare.
* @param {Genome} genomeB The second genome to compare.
* @return {Number} The relative compatibility metric.
Neuroevolution.prototype.getCompatibility = function(genomeA, genomeB) {
var disjoint = 0;
var totalWeight = 0;
var aInnovationNums = {};
for (var i = 0; i < genomeA.genes.length; i++) {
aInnovationNums[genomeA.genes[i].innovation] = i;
var bInnovationNums = [];
for (var j = 0; j < genomeB.genes.length; j++) {
bInnovationNums[genomeB.genes[j].innovation] = j;
for (var k = 0; k < genomeA.genes.length; k++) {
if (bInnovationNums[genomeA.genes[k].innovation] === undefined) {
} else {
totalWeight += Math.abs(genomeA.genes[k].weight - genomeB.genes[bInnovationNums[genomeA.genes[k].innovation]].weight);
for (var l = 0; l < genomeB.genes.length; l++) {
if (aInnovationNums[genomeB.genes[l].innovation] === undefined) {
var n = Math.max(genomeA.genes.length, genomeB.genes.length);
return this.deltaDisjoint * (disjoint / n) + this.deltaWeights * (totalWeight / n);
* Determines whether the given genomes are from the same species.
* @param {Genome} genomeA The first genome to compare.
* @param {Genome} genomeB The second genome to compare.
* @return {Boolean} Whether the given genomes are from the same species.
Neuroevolution.prototype.isSameSpecies = function(genomeA, genomeB) {
return this.getCompatibility(genomeA, genomeB) < this.deltaThreshold;
* Returns the genome with the highest fitness in the population.
* @return {Genome} The elite genome.
Neuroevolution.prototype.getElite = function() {
return this.genomes[0];
//Private static functions
function sigmoid(t) {
return 1 / (1 + Math.exp(-t));
function randomNumBetween(min, max) {
return Math.floor(Math.random() * (max - min + 1) + min);
function randomWeightedNumBetween(min, max) {
return Math.floor(Math.pow(Math.random(), 2) * (max - min + 1) + min);
function compareGenomesAscending(genomeA, genomeB) {
return genomeA.fitness - genomeB.fitness;
function compareGenomesDescending(genomeA, genomeB) {
return genomeB.fitness - genomeA.fitness;
Array.prototype.remove = function() {
var what, a = arguments, L = a.length, ax;
while (L && this.length) {
what = a[--L];
while ((ax = this.indexOf(what)) !== -1) {
this.splice(ax, 1);
return this;
function log(text) {
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