h1 Your cart
p "I say let the world go to hell, but I should always have my tea."
p ― Fyodor Dostoyevsky, Notes from Underground
.empty style="display:none" No more twinkies !
li.product data-price=4.90 data-quantity=2
img.image src = "https://s.cdpn.io/24822/sidebar-cupcake.png"
.product-name Cupcake
.product-price $ 4.90
.product-quantity x2
.button.plus +
.button.minus -
li.product data-price=3.50 data-quantity=1
img.image src = "https://s.cdpn.io/24822/ponytails-coffee-time-coffee-cup3.png"
.product-name Coffee
.product-price $ 3.50
.product-quantity x1
.button.plus +
.button.minus -
li.product data-price=5.70 data-quantity=3
img.image src = "https://s.cdpn.io/24822/Chocolate.png"
.product-name Chocolate
.product-price $ 5.70
.product-quantity x3
.button.plus +
.button.minus -
li.product data-price=6.90 data-quantity=1
img.image src = "https://s.cdpn.io/24822/waffle-homestyle.png"
.product-name Waffle
.product-price $ 6.90
.product-quantity x1
.button.plus +
.button.minus -
li.product data-price=3.90 data-quantity=2
img.image src = "https://s.cdpn.io/24822/donuts.jpg"
.product-name Donuts
.product-price $ 3.90
.product-quantity x2
.button.plus +
.button.minus -
li.product data-price=6.50 data-quantity=1
img.image src = "https://s.cdpn.io/24822/raspberry-sorbet.gif"
.product-name Sorbet
.product-price $ 6.50
.product-quantity x1
.button.plus +
.button.minus -
li.product data-price=1.80 data-quantity=3
img.image src = "https://s.cdpn.io/24822/croissant-psd49504.png"
.product-name French Croissant
.product-price $ 1.80
.product-quantity x3
.button.plus +
.button.minus -
li.product data-price=2.50 data-quantity=1
img.image src = "https://s.cdpn.io/24822/Macaron.png"
.product-name Macaron
.product-price $ 2.50
.product-quantity x1
.button.plus +
.button.minus -
li.product data-price=2.50 data-quantity=1
img.image src = "https://s.cdpn.io/24822/millefeuille-vanille.jpg"
.product-name Mille-feuille
.product-price $ 12.90
.product-quantity x1
.button.plus +
.button.minus -
li.product data-price=9.90 data-quantity=1
img.image src = "https://s.cdpn.io/24822/tarte-au-citron.jpg"
.product-name Lemon Pie
.product-price $ 9.90
.product-quantity x1
.button.plus +
.button.minus -
td.label Subtotal :
td.value $ 71.90
td.label Sales tax :
td.value $ 3.60
td.label Shipping :
td.value $ 5.00
td.label Total :
td.value $ 80.50
.big-button.go Get them !
.big-button.return Return to shop
View Compiled
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View Compiled
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