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  h1 Your cart
  p "I say let the world go to hell, but I should always have my tea."
  p ― Fyodor Dostoyevsky, Notes from Underground

  .empty style="display:none" No more twinkies ! 

    li.product data-price=4.90 data-quantity=2
          img.image src = ""
          .product-name Cupcake
          .product-price $ 4.90
      .product-quantity x2
      .product-interactions +
        .button.minus -

    li.product data-price=3.50 data-quantity=1
          img.image src = ""
          .product-name Coffee
          .product-price $ 3.50
      .product-quantity x1
      .product-interactions +
        .button.minus -

    li.product data-price=5.70 data-quantity=3
          img.image src = ""
          .product-name Chocolate
          .product-price $ 5.70
      .product-quantity x3
      .product-interactions +
        .button.minus -

    li.product data-price=6.90 data-quantity=1
          img.image src = ""
          .product-name Waffle
          .product-price $ 6.90
      .product-quantity x1
      .product-interactions +
        .button.minus -

    li.product data-price=3.90 data-quantity=2
          img.image src = ""
          .product-name Donuts
          .product-price $ 3.90
      .product-quantity x2
      .product-interactions +
        .button.minus -

    li.product data-price=6.50 data-quantity=1
          img.image src = ""
          .product-name Sorbet
          .product-price $ 6.50
      .product-quantity x1
      .product-interactions +
        .button.minus -

    li.product data-price=1.80 data-quantity=3
          img.image src = ""
          .product-name French Croissant
          .product-price $ 1.80
      .product-quantity x3
      .product-interactions +
        .button.minus -

    li.product data-price=2.50 data-quantity=1
          img.image src = ""
          .product-name Macaron
          .product-price $ 2.50
      .product-quantity x1
      .product-interactions +
        .button.minus -

    li.product data-price=2.50 data-quantity=1
          img.image src = ""
          .product-name Mille-feuille
          .product-price $ 12.90
      .product-quantity x1
      .product-interactions +
        .button.minus -

    li.product data-price=9.90 data-quantity=1
          img.image src = ""
          .product-name Lemon Pie
          .product-price $ 9.90
      .product-quantity x1
      .product-interactions +
        .button.minus -

    td.label Subtotal :
    td.value $ 71.90
    td.label Sales tax : 
    td.value $ 3.60
    td.label Shipping :
    td.value $ 5.00
    td.label Total :
    td.value $ 80.50

  .big-button.go Get them !
  .big-button.return Return to shop


                @import compass

@import url(,700)

  box-sizing: border-box

html, body
  font: 16px 'Mouse Memoirs' 
  background: #ad6932
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  text-align: center
  padding: 1em 0 2em
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    position: relative
    width: 200px
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      z-index: 1
      .product-preview, .product-interactions
        background: #E8B0AF

      .product-preview, .product-interactions 
        background: #FDDAC4
      .product-preview, .product-interactions
        background: #F1D5A5
      padding: 1em
      height: 280px
      position: relative
        width: 100%
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          width: 100%
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      font-size: 2em
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      position: absolute
      top: .5em
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      backface-visibility: hidden 

    &:hover .product-interactions, .visible
      opacity: 1!important
      transform: perspective(600px) rotateX(0deg)!important
      position: absolute
      bottom: 75px
      width: 100%
      height: 60px
      border-bottom: 1px dashed rgba(0, 0, 0, .4)
      transform-origin: 50% 100% 0
      transform: perspective(600px) rotateX(90deg)
      opacity: 0
      transition: .4s all ease-in-out
      display: table
        width: 32%
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        transition: .1s all ease-in-out
        transform-origin: 50% 0 0
        transform: perspective(600px)
        z-index: 0
        position: relative
        display: table-cell
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          color: #7fb034
          color: #a0ce5a
          content: "+"
          position: absolute
          color: red 
          left: 50%
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          transform: rotateZ(45deg)

        &:nth-child(1), &:nth-child(2)
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          background: rgba(255, 255, 255, .5)

  margin: 0
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  width: 100%
  height: 6em

    position: absolute
    cursor: pointer
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      z-index: 10
      font-size: 2em
      background: #ad6932
      color: #f0dccd
        background: #6c411f
        content: "←"
      background: #a0ce5a
      color: #334715
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                $('.cart-container').on('mousemove', function(evt) {
  var windowWidth = $(window).width();
  var cartWidth = $('.product').length * 200;
  if(windowWidth < cartWidth)
    $('.cart').stop(false, true).animate({
      left: - (evt.clientX / windowWidth) * (cartWidth - windowWidth)
    $('.cart').stop(false, true).css({
      left: 0

$('.plus').click( function() {
  var product = $(this).closest('.product')
  var q ='quantity') + 1;'quantity', q);

$('.minus').click( function() {
  var product = $(this).closest('.product')
  var q = Math.max(1,'quantity') - 1);'quantity', q);

$('.del').click( function() {
  var product = $(this).closest('.product')
  product.hide('blind', {direction:'left'}, 500, function() {
    if($('.product').length == 0)  {
      $('.cart-container .cart').hide();
      $('.cart-container .empty').show();

function updateProduct(product) {
  var quantity ='quantity');
  var price ='price');
  $('.product-quantity', product).text('x' + quantity);
  $('.product-price', product).text('$ ' + (price * quantity).toFixed(2));

function updateBill() {
  var subtotal = 0;
  var salestax = 0;
  var shipping = 5;
  var total = 0;
  $('.product').each(function () {
    subtotal += $(this).data('quantity') * $(this).data('price');
  salestax = subtotal * 0.05;
  total = subtotal + salestax + shipping;
  $('.subtotal .value').text('$ ' + subtotal.toFixed(2));
  $('.salestax .value').text('$ ' + salestax.toFixed(2)); 
  $('.total .value').text('$ ' + total.toFixed(2));
