<svg id="cloud" width="800" height="70"></svg>
<svg id="wave" width="800" height="360">

<button id="weather">切换天气</button>
  position: absolute;
  left: 50%;
  margin-left: -400px;
  margin:0 auto;
  display: block;
         * 作者: luxueyan
         * 博客: http://hi.gitcafe.io
         * 参考: http://gamedev.stackexchange.com/questions/44547/2d-water-with-dynamic-waves
         * 注: 原文包含lua和prosessing.js
var s = Snap('#wave');
var wave = s.paper.path('').attr({
  stroke: 'Cyan',
  fill: 'Cyan'
// var rains = makeRains();

var bank = s.paper.path('M50 150 H100 V350H700V150H750').attr({
  stroke: 'silver',
  strokeWidth: 5,
  fill: 'none',
  strokeLinejoin: 'round'
var lastUpdate = +new Date;

// rain count
var RAIN_COUNT = 6;
// Resolution of simulation
var NUM_POINTS = 180;
// Width of simulation
var WIDTH = 600;
// Horizonal Position
var X_OFFSET = 100;
// Spring constant for forces applied by adjacent points
var SPRING_CONSTANT = 0.005;
// Sprint constant for force applied to baseline
// Vertical draw offset of simulation
var Y_OFFSET = 200;
// Damping to apply to speed changes
var DAMPING = 0.99;
// Number of iterations of point-influences-point to do on wave per step
// (this makes the waves animate faster)

// A phase difference to apply to each sine
var offset = 0;

// Amounts by which a particular sine is offset
var sineOffsets = [];
// Amounts by which a particular sine is amplified
var sineAmplitudes = [];
// Amounts by which a particular sine is stretched
var sineStretches = [];
// Amounts by which a particular sine's offset is multiplied
var offsetStretches = [];
// Set each sine's values to a reasonable random value
var tableContent = "";
var rainState;
var wavePoints = makeWavePoints(NUM_POINTS);

function init() {
  for (var i = -0; i < NUM_BACKGROUND_WAVES; i++) {
    var sineOffset = -Math.PI + 2 * Math.PI * Math.random();
    var sineAmplitude = Math.random() * BACKGROUND_WAVE_MAX_HEIGHT;
    var sineStretch = Math.random() * BACKGROUND_WAVE_COMPRESSION;
    var offsetStretch = Math.random() * BACKGROUND_WAVE_COMPRESSION;
  var c = Snap('#cloud');
  c.paper.path('M100.063,20c0,0-49.649-28.854,85.269-19.895c31.768-24.37,130.412-9.946,130.412-9.946c42.981-8.315,170.958-20.393,147.551,13.429c-8.247,11.914,38.582-3.945,57.264,8.454c30.454,20.216,2.868,23.573-44.308,23.252c-30.094,9.155-41.798,4.974-41.798,4.974c-75.237,14.051-29.94-6.469-96.172,1.119c-56.335,6.454-48.23,0.885-134.444,0.688c-81.296-0.184-53.616-6.159-80.366-7.154c2.579,9.812,-5.063,-6.227,-10.063,-10.227z').attr({stroke:'#A7A9AC', fill:"#A7A9AC"});
  c.paper.path('M280.063,20c0,0-49.649-28.854,85.269-19.895c31.768-24.37,130.412-9.946,130.412-9.946c42.981-8.315,170.958-20.393,147.551,13.429c-8.247,11.914,38.582-3.945,57.264,8.454c30.454,20.216,2.868,23.573-44.308,23.252c-30.094,9.155-41.798,4.974-41.798,4.974c-75.237,14.051-29.94-6.469-96.172,1.119c-56.335,6.454-48.23,0.885-134.444,0.688c-81.296-0.184-53.616-6.159-80.366-7.154c2.579,9.812,-5.063,-6.227,-10.063,-10.227z').attr({stroke:'#A7A9AC', fill:"#A7A9AC"});

// Make points to go on the wave
function makeWavePoints(numPoints) {
  var t = [];
  for (var n = 0; n < numPoints; n++) {
    // This represents a point on the wave
    var newPoint = {
      x: n / numPoints * WIDTH + X_OFFSET,
      y: Y_OFFSET,
      spd: {
        y: 0
      }, // speed with vertical component zero
      mass: 1
  return t

// This function sums together the sines generated above,
// given an input value x
function overlapSines(x) {
  var result = 0;
  for (var i = 0; i < NUM_BACKGROUND_WAVES; i++) {
    result = result + sineOffsets[i] + sineAmplitudes[i] * Math.sin(x * sineStretches[i] + offset * offsetStretches[i]);

  return result;

// Update the positions of each wave point
function updateWavePoints(points, dt) {
  for (var i = 0; i < ITERATIONS; i++) {

    for (var n = 0; n < points.length; n++) {
      var p = points[n];
      // force to apply to this point
      var force = 0;

      // forces caused by the point immediately to the left or the right
      var forceFromLeft, forceFromRight;

      if (n == 0) { // wrap to left-to-right
        var dy = points[points.length - 1].y - p.y;
        forceFromLeft = SPRING_CONSTANT * dy;
      } else { // normally
        var dy = points[n - 1].y - p.y;
        forceFromLeft = SPRING_CONSTANT * dy;
      if (n == points.length - 1) { // wrap to right-to-left
        var dy = points[0].y - p.y;
        forceFromRight = SPRING_CONSTANT * dy;
      } else { // normally
        var dy = points[n + 1].y - p.y;
        forceFromRight = SPRING_CONSTANT * dy;

      // Also apply force toward the baseline
      var dy = Y_OFFSET - p.y;
      forceToBaseline = SPRING_CONSTANT_BASELINE * dy;

      // Sum up forces
      force = force + forceFromLeft;
      force = force + forceFromRight;
      force = force + forceToBaseline;

      // Calculate acceleration
      var acceleration = force / p.mass;

      // Apply acceleration (with damping)
      p.spd.y = DAMPING * p.spd.y + acceleration;

      // Apply speed
      p.y = p.y + p.spd.y;

// Callback for drawing
function drawWave(dt) {

  offset = offset + 1;
  // Update positions of points
  updateWavePoints(wavePoints, dt)
  var path = [];
  for (var n = 0; n < wavePoints.length; n++) {
    var p = wavePoints[n];
    if (n == 0) {
      path.push('M' + p.x + ' ' + (p.y + overlapSines(p.x, 0, 0)));
    } else {
      path.push(p.x + ' ' + (p.y + overlapSines(p.x)));

    path: path
//make rains
function makeRains() {
  var rains = [];
  for (var n = 0; n < RAIN_COUNT; n++) {
    rains.push([X_OFFSET + WIDTH * Math.random(), 50 * Math.random(), 1, 3]);
  return rains;
function getClosestPointIndex(cx) {
  var left = parseInt((cx - X_OFFSET) / (WIDTH / NUM_POINTS) - 1);
  return left + (Math.abs(wavePoints[left].x - cx) > Math.abs(wavePoints[left + 1].x - cx));

  // var high = NUM_POINTS - 1;
  // var low = 0;
  // var mid = 0;
  // var index, x;
  // while (low <= high) {
  //     mid = parseInt((high + low)/2);
  //     x = wavePoints[mid].x;
  //     if (x == cy) {
  //         index = mid;
  //         break;
  //     } else if (high - low = 1) {
  //         index = Math.abs(wavePoints[high].x - cy) > Math.abs(wavePoints[low].x - cy) ? high : low;
  //         break;
  //     } else if (x > cy) {
  //         high = mid - 1;
  //     } else if (x < cy) {
  //         low = mid + 1;
  //     }
  // }
  // return index;

function updateRains(now) {
  var rains = s.selectAll('ellipse');
  rains.forEach(function(e, i) {
    var cx = parseInt(e.attr('cx'));
    var closestPointIndex = parseInt(e.attr('data-cp-index'));
    var cy = parseInt(e.attr('data-start-y')) + 0.5 * Math.pow((now - parseInt(e.attr('data-start-time'))) / 50, 2);
    if (wavePoints[closestPointIndex].y <= cy) {
      wavePoints[closestPointIndex].y = Y_OFFSET + 10;
    } else {
        cy: cy

function drawRains() {
  var rains = makeRains();
  var l = rains.length;
  // var g = s.g();
  var now = +new Date;
  for (var n = 0; n < l; n++) {
    s.paper.ellipse(rains[n][0], rains[n][1], rains[n][2], rains[n][3]).attr({
      'data-start-time': now,
      'fill': 'Cyan',
      'data-cp-index': getClosestPointIndex(rains[n][0]),
      'data-start-y': rains[n][1]
  rainState = 'on';

function run() {
  var now = +new Date;
  var dt = now - lastUpdate;
  lastUpdate = now;

var rainHd = setInterval(drawRains, 500);
//begin run
var runHd = setInterval(function() {
}, 30);
  if(rainState == 'on') {
    rainState = 'off';
  } else {
    rainHd = setInterval(drawRains, 500);

External CSS

This Pen doesn't use any external CSS resources.

External JavaScript

  1. //cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/jquery/2.1.3/jquery.min.js
  2. https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/snap.svg/0.5.1/snap.svg-min.js