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<a href="/sport/football" class="dark-gray link f3 ttu fw5 ml3">Football </a>
<aside class="a-β½οΈ grid overview bg-near-black white mt pv4 ph3 ph0-l lh-copy">
<!-- match date -->
<time datetime="2017-02-26" class="j-self-end hs2 f7 ttu b">SUN, 26 Feb 2017</time>
<!-- match type -->
<span class="hs2 f7 ttu">EFL Cup - Final</span>
<!-- Home Team Name -->
<abbr title="Manchester United" class="j-self-end self-center f4 f3-ns">
<span class="dn dn-m di-l">Manchester United</span>
<span class="di di-m dn-l">Man Utd</span>
<!-- Home Team Goals -->
<span class="dib bg-yellow dark-gray fw8 lh-solid tc self-center h2 flex items-center justify-center f4 f3-ns pv0 pv2-ns ph2 ph3-ns">3</span>
<!-- Away Team Goals -->
<span class="dib bg-yellow dark-gray fw8 lh-solid tc self-center h2 flex items-center justify-center f4 f3-ns pv0 pv2-ns ph2 ph3-ns">2</span>
<!-- Away Team Name -->
<abbr title="Southampton" class="self-center f4 f3-ns">Southampton</abbr>
<!-- Home info -->
<ul class="ph0 mv0 list j-self-end f7 f6-ns tr">
<li class="dib">
(19'<span class="clip"> minutes</span>,
87'<span class="clip"> minutes</span>),
<li class="dib">
(38'<span class="clip"> minutes</span>)
<!-- Clock & HT score -->
<div class="hs2 tc">
<abbr title="Full Time" class="db yellow f7 mb2">FT</abbr>
<div class="f7">
<abbr title="Half Time">HT</abbr>
2 - 1
<!-- Away info -->
<ul class="ph0 mv0 list f7 f6-ns">
<li class="dib">
(45'+1<span class="clip"> minutes</span>,
48'<span class="clip"> minutes</span>)
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<div class="z-1 pv4 ph3 nl3 nr3 bg-near-black bg-transparent-ns">
<h1 class="mt0 mb2 w-80-l f3 f2-ns lh-title">EFL Cup final: Reaction as Ibrahimovic breaks Saints hearts</h1>
<div class="flex items-center">
<svg viewBox="0 0 32 32" width="1em" height="1em" fill="currentColor" class="dib mr2 f7">
<polygon points="17,15.4 17,6 15,6 15,16.6 23.8,21.7 24.8,19.9"></polygon>
<path d="M16,4c6.6,0,12,5.4,12,12c0,6.6-5.4,12-12,12S4,22.6,4,16C4,9.4,9.4,4,16,4 M16,0C7.2,0,0,7.2,0,16c0,8.8,7.2,16,16,16 s16-7.2,16-16C32,7.2,24.8,0,16,0L16,0z"></path>
<time datetime="2017-02-26T14:00:00+00:00" class="f7">
26 Feb 2017
<!-- Summary -->
<aside class="a-π bg-near-white nt5-l z-1 bt b--blue bw2 ph3 pb3 top-1 self-start sticky-l sticky-xl">
<h2 class="fw4 f4">Summary</h2>
<ul class="list--square pl3 f6 lh-copy mv0">
<li class="mb2">Listen on BBC Radio 5 live using the audio button</li>
<li class="mb2">Ibrahimovic heads in for late Man Utd glory</li>
<li class="mb2">Gabbiadini had scored twice to bring Saints back to 2-2</li>
<li class="mb2">Lingard and Ibrahimovic gave United 2-0 lead</li>
<li class="mb2">Mourinho could become first Man Utd boss to win trophy in first season</li>
<li class="mb0">Southampton looking for first major trophy since 1976</li>
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<h2 class="mv0 fw4 f4 dn db-xl">Live Reporting</h2>
<p class="f6 mb0 flex items-end">By Shamoon Hafez
<span class="flex-auto"></span>
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<article class="grid-ns post ph3 pt4">
<time class="f6 tr-ns mb3 mb0-ns db">
<span class="clip">Posted at</span>
<span class="di db-ns">14:20</span>
<span class="di db-ns">26 Feb</span>
<div class="bb b--moon-gray pb3">
<h2 class="mt0 mb1 lh-solid f4">Goodbye</h2>
<p class="mv0 f6">Man Utd 3-2 Southampton</p>
<p>One of THE great cup finals.</p>
<ul class="pl4">
<li>Jose Mourinho joins legends Sir Alex Ferguson and Brian Clough in winning the League Cup four times.</li>
<li>Mourinho becomes the first Manchester United manager to win a major trophy in his first season.</li>
<li>Mourinho keeps up a 100% winning record in English domestic finals.</li>
<p>But it is Zlatan Ibrahimovic's name which will be at the top of the headlines after the Swede scored twice, including a late winner, to give United victory over Southampton.</p>
<p><a class="link hover-blue bb b--moon-gray b dark-gray" href="http://www.bbc.co.uk/sport/football/39018813" alt="Have a read of Phil McNulty's match report from Wembley">Have a read of Phil McNulty's match report from Wembley</a></p>
<p>We are back on Monday for Premier League action as champions Leicester take on Liverpool.</p>
<p>Until then.</p>
<article class="grid-ns post ph3 pt4">
<time class="f6 tr-ns mb3 mb0-ns db">
<span class="clip">Posted at</span>
<span class="di db-ns">13:49</span>
<span class="di db-ns">26 Feb</span>
<div class="bb b--moon-gray pb3">
<p class="mv0 f6">Manchester United win EFL Cup</p>
<p>A dab from Paul Pogba with the trophy. Of course.</p>
<p><img src="https://s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com/s.cdpn.io/149125/pogba.jpg" alt="Paul Pogba celebrates" /></p>
<article class="grid-ns post ph3 pt4">
<time class="f6 tr-ns mb3 mb0-ns db">
<span class="clip">Posted at</span>
<span class="di db-ns">13:46</span>
<span class="di db-ns">26 Feb</span>
<div class="pb3">
<p class="mv0 f6">Man Utd 3-2 Southampton</p>
<div class="mt3 flex items-center">
<img class="br-100 w3 h3 mr2" src="https://s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com/s.cdpn.io/149125/shearer.jpg" />
<div class="f6">
<p class="mv0">Alan Shearer</p>
<p class="mv0">Ex-Southampton striker on BBC Radio 5 live</p>
<p>Zlatan made all the difference. It was a stunning free kick.</p>
<p>The way he used all of his experience - not just in his two goals but everywhere on the pitch, he deserves that Man of the Match trophy.</p>
<article class="grid-ns post ph3 pt4 bg-lightest-blue">
<time class="f6 tr-ns mb3 mb0-ns db">
<span class="clip">Posted at</span>
<span class="di db-ns">13:37</span>
<span class="di db-ns">26 Feb</span>
<div class="pb3">
<header class="flex items-start">
<svg viewBox="0 0 32 32" width="4rem" class="pr3 border-box"><g fill="#4E7A22"><path d="M3 23.1l-.7.7.7-.7-.7.7c-.4.4-.5.8-.1 1.2l4.4 4.4c. 1.3 0l.1-.1.6-.6L3 23.1zM19.8 10.5l-2.4 2.4s-1.2 1.2-2.7 2c-1.5.8-4.3 2-5.5 2.7-1.2.7-2 1.4-2.7 1.9l5.5 5.6.1-.1c.5-.7 1.2-1.5 1.9-2.7.7-1.2 2-3.9 2.8-5.3.8-1.5 2-2.6 2-2.6l2.5-2.4-1.5-1.5z"></path></g><path fill="#FFF" d="M14.8 21.4c-.2-.1-2.2-.7-3-1.5-.8-.8-1.4-2.8-1.5-3l.9-.3c.2.5.7 2 1.3 2 1.1 2.6 1.3l-.3.9z"></path><path fill="#CCC" d="M25.566 5.908l.707.707-3.606 3.606-.707-.706zM26.1 14.9c-.6 0-1.2-.2-1.6-.7-.8-.8-.8-2 0-2.7l.7.7c-.2.2-.3.4-.3.7 0 . 1.3.5 1.8 0 .7-.7.7-1.8 0-2.4-.9-.9-2.7-1-3.6-.1l-.7-.7c.6-.6 1.5-.9 2.5-.9s1.9.4 2.5 1c1.1 1.1 1.1 2.8 0 3.9-.4.3-1 .5-1.6.5zM21.9 9.4l-.7-.7c.8-.9.8-2.6-.1-3.5-.7-.7-1.8-.7-2.4 0-.5.5-.5 1.3 0 1.8l-.7.7c-.9-.9-.9-2.3 0-3.2 1.1-1.1 2.8-1.1 3.9 0 .6.6 1 1.5 1 2.5-.1.9-.4 1.8-1 2.4z"></path><path d="M8.6 28.7L3 23.1l3.5-3.5 5.5 5.6z"></path><path fill="#C7B299" d="M28 6.8l1-1.5c. 0-1l-1-1c-.3-.3-.7-.2-.9 0l-.2.2c-.2.2-.2.5-.1.7l-1.5.9 1.8 2z"></path></svg>
<h2 class="mt0 mb1 lh-solid ttu flex items-center f4">
<span class="ttu bg-blue dib white f6 pa1 f7 fw4 mr2">Breaking</span>
<p class="mv0 f6">Manchester United win EFL Cup</p>
<p>Wayne Rooney lifts the trophy.</p>
<p>Manchester United are the EFL Cup champions.</p>
<p>Jose Mouriho becomes the first United manager to win a trophy in his first season at the club.</p>
<p><img src="https://s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com/s.cdpn.io/149125/trophy.jpg" alt="Wayne Rooney" /></p>
<article class="grid-ns post ph3 pt4">
<time class="f6 tr-ns mb3 mb0-ns db">
<span class="clip">Posted at</span>
<span class="di db-ns">13:35</span>
<span class="di db-ns">26 Feb</span>
<div class="bb b--moon-gray pb3">
<p class="mv0 f6">Manchester United win EFL Cup</p>
<p>Zlatan Ibrahimovic is named the man of the match.</p>
<p>Surprise, surprise.</p>
<article class="grid-ns post ph3 pt4">
<time class="f6 tr-ns mb3 mb0-ns db">
<span class="clip">Posted at</span>
<span class="di db-ns">13:28</span>
<span class="di db-ns">26 Feb</span>
<div class="bb b--moon-gray pb3">
<p class="mv0 f6">Manchester United win EFL Cup</p>
<p>They signed him on a free, but Zlatan Ibrahimovic has been a priceless acquisition for Manchester United.</p>
<p>26 goals for the season now, including two in the EFL Cup final against Southampton.</p>
<p>It is the 19th major trophy of his illustrious career and first for United.</p>
<p>"This is what I came for, I came to win," he tells Sky Sports.</p>
<p>Big game player.</p>
<article class="grid-ns post ph3 pt4">
<time class="f6 tr-ns mb3 mb0-ns db">
<span class="clip">Posted at</span>
<span class="di db-ns">13:23</span>
<span class="di db-ns">26 Feb</span>
<div class="bb b--moon-gray pb3">
<h2 class="f4 mt0 mb1 lh-solid">FULL-TIME</h2>
<p class="mv0 f6">Man Utd 3-2 Southampton</p>
<p>It's four in four for Jose Mourinho, as Manchester United beat Southampton in an epic EFL Cup final.</p>
<p>Zlatan Ibrahimovic with the winning goal three minutes from time.</p>
<p><img src="https://s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com/s.cdpn.io/149125/full-time.jpg" alt="Manchester United celebrate" /></p>
<article class="grid-ns post ph3 pt4">
<time class="f6 tr-ns mb3 mb0-ns db">
<span class="clip">Posted at</span>
<span class="di db-ns">90+4 mins</span>
<div class="bb b--moon-gray pb3">
<p class="mv0 f6">Man Utd 3-2 Southampton</p>
<p>Match-winner Zlatan Ibrahimovic earns a free-kick deep in the attacking half.</p>
<p>Time is up.</p>
<article class="grid-ns post ph3 pt4">
<time class="f6 tr-ns mb3 mb0-ns db">
<span class="clip">Posted at</span>
<span class="di db-ns">90+3 mins</span>
<div class="bb b--moon-gray pb3">
<p class="mv0 f6">Man Utd 3-2 Southampton</p>
<p>Pumped into the Manchester United area...</p>
<p>...it falls to Ryan Bertrand...</p>
<p>...but the left-backs shot is blocked by a red shirt.</p>
<p>United almost there.</p>
<article class="grid-ns post ph3 pt4">
<time class="f6 tr-ns mb3 mb0-ns db">
<span class="clip">Posted at</span>
<span class="di db-ns">90+3 mins</span>
<div class="bb b--moon-gray pb3">
<p class="mv0 f6">Man Utd 3-2 Southampton</p>
<p>Can Southampton take it into extra time???</p>
<article class="grid-ns post ph3 pt4">
<time class="f6 tr-ns mb3 mb0-ns db">
<span class="clip">Posted at</span>
<span class="di db-ns">90+3 mins</span>
<div class="bb b--moon-gray pb3">
<p class="mv0 f6">Man Utd 3-2 Southampton</p>
<article class="grid-ns post ph3 pt4">
<time class="f6 tr-ns mb3 mb0-ns db">
<span class="clip">Posted at</span>
<span class="di db-ns">90+2 mins</span>
<div class="bb b--moon-gray pb3">
<p class="mv0 f6">Man Utd 3-2 Southampton</p>
<p>Clever from Paul Pogba, goes down under a challenge from a Southampton man.</p>
<p>Eats away a few more seconds.</p>
<article class="grid-ns post ph3 pt4">
<time class="f6 tr-ns mb3 mb0-ns db">
<span class="clip">Posted at</span>
<span class="di db-ns">90+2 mins</span>
<div class="bb b--moon-gray pb3">
<p class="mv0 f6">Man Utd 3-2 Southampton</p>
<p>"We'll never die, we'll never die, we'll keep the red flag flying high," sing the United fans at Wembley.</p>
<p>120 seconds left.</p>
<p>Southampton need to get the ball forward.</p>
<article class="grid-ns post ph3 pt4">
<time class="f6 tr-ns mb3 mb0-ns db">
<span class="clip">Posted at</span>
<span class="di db-ns">90+1 mins</span>
<div class="bb b--moon-gray pb3">
<p class="mv0 f6">Man Utd 3-2 Southampton</p>
<p>Is there a twist left in this match? Can Southampton reply as they did early in the match?</p>
<article class="grid-ns post ph3 pt4">
<time class="f6 tr-ns mb3 mb0-ns db">
<span class="clip">Posted at</span>
<span class="di db-ns">90 mins</span>
<div class="bb b--moon-gray pb3">
<p class="mv0 f6">Man Utd 3-2 Southampton</p>
<p>The 90 minutes are up.</p>
<article class="grid-ns post ph3 pt4">
<time class="f6 tr-ns mb3 mb0-ns db">
<span class="clip">Posted at</span>
<span class="di db-ns">89 mins</span>
<div class="bb b--moon-gray pb3">
<h2 class="f4 mt0 mb1 lh-solid">SUBSTITUTION</h2>
<p class="mv0 f6">Man Utd 3-2 Southampton</p>
<p>Wayne Rooney was getting ready to come on, his tracksuit was off and he celebrated the goal wildly but he won't be making his entrance anymore.</p>
<p>On comes Marouane Fellaini instead, replacing Anthony Martial.</p>
<p>Southampton have to go for it and send on striker Jay Rodriguez for Steven Davies.</p>
<p>One minute left.</p>
<article class="grid-ns post ph3 pt4">
<time class="f6 tr-ns mb3 mb0-ns db">
<span class="clip">Posted at</span>
<span class="di db-ns">13:16</span>
<span class="di db-ns">26 Feb</span>
<div class="pb3">
<p class="mv0 f6">Man Utd 3-2 Southampton</p>
<div class="mt3 flex items-center">
<img class="br-100 w3 h3 mr2" src="https://s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com/s.cdpn.io/149125/shearer.jpg" />
<div class="f6">
<p class="mv0">Alan Shearer</p>
<p class="mv0">Ex-Southampton striker on BBC Radio 5 live</p>
<p>What a ball that was into Ibrahimovic and no way was he going to miss that.</p>
<img src="https://s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com/s.cdpn.io/149125/zlatan.jpg" alt="Zlatan Ibrahimovic" />
<article class="grid-ns post ph3 pt4 bg-lightest-blue">
<time class="f6 tr-ns mb3 mb0-ns db">
<span class="clip">Posted at</span>
<span class="di db-ns">89 mins</span>
<div class="pb3">
<div class="flex items-start">
<svg viewBox="0 0 32 32" width="3rem" class="dib mr2"><path d="M0 0v16h2v-4h3c.5-.9 1.3-2.6 2-3.3V7h2c.8-.5 2-1.3 3-1.6V2h3v3h2V2h3V5.3c.9.3 2.2 1.1 3 1.6h2v1.7c.7.8 1.5 2.3 2 3.3h3v4h2V0H0zm5 10H2V7h3v3zm0-5H2V2h3v3zm5 0H7V2h3v3zm15 0h-3V2h3v3zm5 5h-3V7h3v3zm0-5h-3V2h3v3z"></path><circle fill="#FFF" cx="16" cy="16.7" r="10"></circle><path d="M12.6 15.6l1.3 4h4.2l1.3-4-3.4-2.5z"></path><path d="M16 6C9.9 6 5 10.9 5 17s4.9 11 11 11 11-4.9 11-11S22.1 6 16 6zm7.8 17.2l-.2-1.6-3.7.8-1.9 3.2 1.5.7c-1.1.4-2.3.7-3.5.7-1.2 0-2.4-.2-3.5-.6l1.5-.7-1.9-3.2-3.7-.8-.2 1.6C6.9 21.5 6 19.4 6 17v-.4l1.1 1.2L9.7 15l-.4-3.7-1.6.3c1.3-2 3.3-3.5 5.7-4.1l-.8 1.4 3.4 1.5 3.4-1.5-.8-1.4c2.4.5 4.4 2 5.7 4l-1.6-.3-.4 3.7 2.5 2.8 1.1-1.2v.5c.1 2.3-.8 4.5-2.1 6.2z"></path></svg>
<h2 class="f4 mt0 mb1 lh-solid">GOAL - Man Utd 3-2 Southampton</h2>
<p class="mv0 f6">Zlatan Ibrahimovic</p>
<p>It is him again, who else!!</p>
<p>From getting away at one end, United score at the other.</p>
<p>Ander Herrera's cross is pin-point onto the head of <b>Zlatan Ibrahimovic</b>, who heads home from six yards out.</p>
<p>No way he was missing that.</p>
<p>Heartbreak for the Saints.</p>
<img src="https://s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com/s.cdpn.io/149125/goal.jpg" alt="Zlatan Ibrahimovic" />
<img src="https://s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com/s.cdpn.io/149125/celebration.jpg" alt="Manchester United celebrate" />
<article class="grid-ns post ph3 pt4">
<time class="f6 tr-ns mb3 mb0-ns db">
<span class="clip">Posted at</span>
<span class="di db-ns">86 mins</span>
<div class="pb3 bb b--moon-gray">
<p class="mv0 f6">Man Utd 2-2 Southampton</p>
<p>United break to the other end...</p>
<article class="grid-ns post ph3 pt4">
<time class="f6 tr-ns mb3 mb0-ns db">
<span class="clip">Posted at</span>
<span class="di db-ns">86 mins</span>
<div class="pb3 bb b--moon-gray">
<h2 class="f4 mt0 mb1 lh-solid">OFF THE LINE!</h2>
<p class="mv0 f6">Man Utd 2-2 Southampton</p>
<p>Oh so close for Southampton.</p>
<p>Ryan Bertrand puts a brilliant ball into the area, not for the first time, but Shane Long cannot prod it home.</p>
<p>From the resulting corner, Zlatan Ibrahimovic heads Jack Stephens's effort off the line.</p>
<article class="grid-ns post ph3 pt4">
<time class="f6 tr-ns mb3 mb0-ns db">
<span class="clip">Posted at</span>
<span class="di db-ns">85 mins</span>
<div class="pb3">
<p class="mv0 f6">Man Utd 2-2 Southampton</p>
<p>Wayne Rooney taking instructions from assistant manager Rui Faria.</p>
<p>The bib is off.</p>
<div class="grid-ns post ph3 pt4">
<button class="ho1 w-100 f6 bg-green pv2 bt-0 bl-0 br-0 b bw1 white bb b--dark-green grow pointer">Show more updates</button>
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<h2 class="fw4 f4 dn db-xl">Match Stats</h2>
<div class="flex items-center justify-center">
<span class="clip">Home Team</span><span class="w1 h1 dib bg-dark-blue mr2"></span>
<span class="mr3">Man Utd</span>
<span class="clip">Away Team</span><span class="w1 h1 dib bg-blue mr2"></span> Southampton
<dl class="tc lh-copy">
<dt class="b mb1">Possession</dt>
<dd class="dib ml0 bg-dark-blue white br bw1 pv1 fl tl pl2" style="width:48.3%;">
<span class="clip">Home</span>
<dd class="dib ml0 bg-blue white pv1 tr pr2" style="width:51.7%;">
<span class="clip">Away</span>
<dt class="b mb1">Shots</dt>
<dd class="dib ml0 bg-dark-blue white br bw1 pv1 fl tl pl2" style="width:45.45454545454545%;">
<span class="clip">Home</span>
<dd class="dib ml0 bg-blue white pv1 tr pr2" style="width:54.54545454545454%;">
<span class="clip">Away</span>
<dt class="b mb1">Shots on Target</dt>
<dd class="dib ml0 bg-dark-blue white br bw1 pv1 fl tl pl2" style="width:54.54545454545454%;">
<span class="clip">Home</span>
<dd class="dib ml0 bg-blue white pv1 tr pr2" style="width:45.45454545454545%;">
<span class="clip">Away</span>
<dt class="b mb1">Corners</dt>
<dd class="dib ml0 bg-dark-blue white br bw1 pv1 fl tl pl2" style="width:20%;">
<span class="clip">Home</span>
<dd class="dib ml0 bg-blue white pv1 tr pr2" style="width:80%;">
<span class="clip">Away</span>
<dt class="b mb1">Fouls</dt>
<dd class="dib ml0 bg-dark-blue white br bw1 pv1 fl tl pl2" style="width:45.83333333333333%;">
<span class="clip">Home</span>
<dd class="dib ml0 bg-blue white pv1 tr pr2" style="width:54.166666666666664%;">
<span class="clip">Away</span>
<!-- line-ups -->
<aside class="a-π a-π€Ό-xl bg-white ph3 pt3 pt5-xl z-1 flex flex-wrap content-start"
aria-labelledby="tab-line-ups" role="tabpanel">
<h2 id="lx-football-team-lineups" class="mt0 fw4 f4 dn db-xl">Line-ups</h2>
<div class="flex-auto mr3">
<h3 class="mt0 mb3 f4">Man Utd</h3>
<ul class="list pl0">
<li class="pa2 bb b--moon-gray flex items-center">
<b class="w2 dib">1</b>
<abbr title="David de Gea">de Gea</abbr>
<li class="pa2 bb b--moon-gray flex items-center">
<b class="w2 dib">25</b>
<abbr title="A Valencia">A Valencia</abbr>
<li class="pa2 bb b--moon-gray flex items-center">
<b class="w2 dib">3</b>
<abbr title="Eric Bailly">Bailly</abbr>
<li class="pa2 bb b--moon-gray flex items-center">
<b class="w2 dib">12</b>
<abbr title="Chris Smalling">Smalling</abbr>
<li class="pa2 bb b--moon-gray flex items-center">
<b class="w2 dib">5</b>
<abbr title="Marcos Rojo">Rojo</abbr>
<li class="pa2 bb b--moon-gray flex items-center">
<b class="w2 dib">21</b>
<abbr title="Ander Herrera">Herrera</abbr>
<span class="clip">Booked at 24mins</span>
<svg width="1em" height="1em" class="dib yellow ml2 f5 rot"><use xlink:href="#card"/></svg>
<li class="pa2 bb b--moon-gray flex items-center">
<b class="w2 dib">6</b><abbr title="Paul Pogba">Pogba</abbr>
<li class="pa2 bb b--moon-gray flex items-center">
<b class="w2 dib">8</b>
<abbr title="Juan Mata">Mata</abbr>
<span class="clip">Substituted for</span>
<svg width="1em" height="1em" class="dib mh2 f5"><use xlink:href="#substitute"/></svg>
<abbr title="Michael Carrick" class="mr1">Carrick</abbr>
<span class="clip">at</span>45'<span class="clip">minutes</span>
<li class="pa2 bb b--moon-gray flex items-center">
<b class="w2 dib">14</b>
<abbr title="Jesse Lingard">Lingard</abbr>
<span class="clip">Booked at 41mins</span>
<svg width="1em" height="1em" class="dib yellow mh2 f5 rot"><use xlink:href="#card"/></svg>
<span class="clip">Substituted for</span>
<svg width="1em" height="1em" class="dib mr1 f5"><use xlink:href="#substitute"/></svg>
<abbr title="Marcus Rashford" class="mr1">Rashford</abbr>
<span class="clip">at</span>77'<span class="clip">minutes</span>
<li class="pa2 bb b--moon-gray flex items-center">
<b class="w2 dib">11</b>
<abbr title="Anthony Martial">Martial</abbr>
<span class="clip">Substituted for</span>
<svg width="1em" height="1em" class="dib mh2 f5"><use xlink:href="#substitute"/></svg>
<abbr title="Marouane Fellaini" class="mr1">Fellaini</abbr>
<span class="clip">at</span>90'<span class="clip">minutes</span>
<li class="pa2 bb b--moon-gray flex items-center">
<b class="w2 dib">9</b>
<abbr title="Zlatan Ibrahimovic">Ibrahimovic</abbr>
<h4 class="fw4 f4 mb3">Substitutes</h4>
<ul class="list pl0 mb4">
<li class="pa2 bb b--moon-gray flex items-center">
<b class="w2 dib">10</b>
<abbr title="Wayne Rooney">Rooney</abbr>
<li class="pa2 bb b--moon-gray flex items-center">
<b class="w2 dib">16</b>
<abbr title="Michael Carrick">Carrick</abbr>
<li class="pa2 bb b--moon-gray flex items-center">
<b class="w2 dib">17</b>
<abbr title="Daley Blind">Blind</abbr>
<li class="pa2 bb b--moon-gray flex items-center">
<b class="w2 dib">18</b>
<abbr title="Ashley Young">Young</abbr>
<li class="pa2 bb b--moon-gray flex items-center">
<b class="w2 dib">19</b>
<abbr title="Marcus Rashford">Rashford</abbr>
<li class="pa2 bb b--moon-gray flex items-center">
<b class="w2 dib">20</b>
<abbr title="Sergio Romero">Romero</abbr>
<li class="pa2 bb b--moon-gray flex items-center">
<b class="w2 dib">27</b>
<abbr title="Marouane Fellaini">Fellaini</abbr>
<div class="flex-auto mb5">
<h3 class="mt0 mb3 f4">Southampton</h3>
<ul class="list pl0">
<li class="pa2 bb b--moon-gray flex items-center">
<b class="w2 dib">1</b>
<abbr title="Fraser Forster">Forster</abbr>
<li class="pa2 bb b--moon-gray flex items-center">
<b class="w2 dib">2</b>
<abbr title="CΓ©dric Soares">Soares</abbr>
<li class="pa2 bb b--moon-gray flex items-center">
<b class="w2 dib">24</b>
<abbr title="Jack Stephens">Stephens</abbr>
<span class="clip">Booked at 40mins</span>
<svg width="1em" height="1em" class="dib yellow ml2 f5 rot"><use xlink:href="#card"/></svg>
<li class="pa2 bb b--moon-gray flex items-center">
<b class="w2 dib">3</b>
<abbr title="Maya Yoshida">Yoshida</abbr>
<li class="pa2 bb b--moon-gray flex items-center">
<b class="w2 dib">21</b>
<abbr title="Ryan Bertrand">Bertrand</abbr>
<li class="pa2 bb b--moon-gray flex items-center">
<b class="w2 dib">16</b>
<abbr title="James Ward-Prowse">Ward-Prowse</abbr>
<li class="pa2 bb b--moon-gray flex items-center">
<b class="w2 dib">14</b>
<abbr title="Oriol Romeu">Romeu</abbr>
<span class="clip">Booked at 18mins</span>
<svg width="1em" height="1em" class="dib yellow ml2 f5 rot"><use xlink:href="#card"/></svg>
<li class="pa2 bb b--moon-gray flex items-center">
<b class="w2 dib">8</b>
<abbr title="Steven Davis">Davis</abbr>
<span class="clip">Substituted for</span>
<svg width="1em" height="1em" class="dib mh2 f5"><use xlink:href="#substitute"/></svg>
<abbr title="Jay Rodriguez" class="mr1">Rodriguez</abbr>
<span class="clip">at</span>90'<span class="clip">minutes</span>
<li class="pa2 bb b--moon-gray flex items-center">
<b class="w2 dib">22</b>
<abbr title="Nathan Redmond">Redmond</abbr>
<span class="clip">Booked at 56mins</span>
<svg width="1em" height="1em" class="dib yellow ml2 f5 rot"><use xlink:href="#card"/></svg>
<li class="pa2 bb b--moon-gray flex items-center">
<b class="w2 dib">11</b>
<abbr title="Dusan Tadic">Tadic</abbr>
<span class="clip">Substituted for</span>
<svg width="1em" height="1em" class="dib mh2 f5"><use xlink:href="#substitute"/></svg>
<abbr title="Sofiane Boufal" class="mr1">Boufal</abbr>
<span class="clip">at</span>77'<span class="clip">minutes</span>
<li class="pa2 bb b--moon-gray flex items-center">
<b class="w2 dib">20</b>
<abbr title="Manolo Gabbiadini">Gabbiadini</abbr>
<span class="clip">Substituted for</span>
<svg width="1em" height="1em" class="dib mh2 f5"><use xlink:href="#substitute"/></svg>
<abbr title="Shane Long" class="mr1">Long</abbr>
<span class="clip">at</span>83'<span class="clip">minutes</span>
<h4 class="fw4 f4 mb3">Substitutes</h4>
<ul class="list pl0 mb0">
<li class="pa2 bb b--moon-gray flex items-center">
<b class="w2 dib">7</b>
<abbr title="Shane Long">Long</abbr>
<li class="pa2 bb b--moon-gray flex items-center">
<b class="w2 dib">9</b>
<abbr title="Jay Rodriguez">Rodriguez</abbr>
<li class="pa2 bb b--moon-gray flex items-center">
<b class="w2 dib">12</b>
<abbr title="MartΓn CΓ‘ceres">CΓ‘ceres</abbr>
<li class="pa2 bb b--moon-gray flex items-center">
<b class="w2 dib">19</b>
<abbr title="Sofiane Boufal">Boufal</abbr>
<li class="pa2 bb b--moon-gray flex items-center">
<b class="w2 dib">23</b>
<abbr title="Pierre-Emile HΓΈjbjerg">HΓΈjbjerg</abbr>
<li class="pa2 bb b--moon-gray flex items-center">
<b class="w2 dib">38</b>
<abbr title="Sam McQueen">McQueen</abbr>
<li class="pa2 bb b--moon-gray flex items-center">
<b class="w2 dib">40</b>
<abbr title="Mouez Hassen">Hassen</abbr>
<div class="lh-copy w-100">
<dl class="mv0">
<dt class="dib b">Referee:</dt>
<dd class="dib ml0">Andre Marriner</dd>
<dl class="mv0">
<dt class="dib b">Attendance:</dt>
<dd class="dib ml0">85,264</dd>
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