<main class="overflow-hidden vh-100 flex items-stretch">
    class="w-100 h-100"
    viewBox="0 0 600 600"
    preserveAspectRatio="xMidYMid slice"
    <g stroke-width="4">
      <rect width="100%" height="100%" fill="#0259BF" />
      <circle class="move" id="js-move" cx="" cy="" r="12" fill="#fff" stroke="#6A9ED0" />
.move { cursor: move; }
.ew-resize { cursor: ew-resize; }
// Dom Nodes
const moveEl = document.querySelector("#js-move");
const VIEWBOX_SIZE = { W: 600, H: 600 };

 * Create an observable stream to handle drag gesture
const drag = ({ element, pan$, onStart, onEnd }) => {
  const panStart$ = pan$.filter(e => e.type === "panstart");
  const panMove$ = pan$.filter(e => e.type === "panmove");
  const panEnd$ = pan$.filter(e => e.type === "panend");

  return panStart$.switchMap(() => {
    // Get the starting point on panstart
    const { start, w, h } = getStartInfo(element);

    // Create observable to handle pan-move 
    // and stop on pan-end
    const move$ = panMove$
      .map(scaleToCanvas({ start, w, h }))

    // We can subscribe to move$ and 
    // handle cleanup in the onComplete callback
    move$.subscribe(null, null, onEnd);

    return move$;

 * Generate the drag handler for a DOM element
function handleDrag(element) {
  // Create a new Hammer Manager
  const hammerPan = new Hammer(element, {
    direction: Hammer.DIRECTION_ALL

  hammerPan.get("pan").set({ direction: Hammer.DIRECTION_ALL });

  // Convert hammer events to an observable
  const pan$ = Rx.Observable.fromEvent(hammerPan, "panstart panmove panend");

  const drag$ = drag({
    element: element,
    onStart: () => element.setAttribute("r", 12 * 2),
    onEnd: () => element.setAttribute("r", 12)

  return drag$.map(({ x, y }) => [x, y]);

 * Utils
function getStartInfo(element) {
  const start = {
    x: +element.getAttribute("cx"),
    y: +element.getAttribute("cy")
  const w = document.body.clientWidth;
  const h = document.body.clientHeight;
  return { start, w, h };

function scaleToCanvas({ start: { x, y }, w, h }) {
  // Scale to account for SVG canvas with preserveAspectRatio="xMidYMid slice"
  const svgW = w > h ? VIEWBOX_SIZE.W : VIEWBOX_SIZE.W * w / h;
  const svgH = w > h ? VIEWBOX_SIZE.H * h / w : VIEWBOX_SIZE.H;

  return e => ({
    x: x + mapFromToRange(e.deltaX, 0, w, 0, svgW),
    y: y + mapFromToRange(e.deltaY, 0, h, 0, svgH)

function mapFromToRange(x, x1, x2, y1, y2) {
  return (x - x1) * ((y2 - y1) / (x2 - x1)) + y1;

 * Lerp
 * based on @davidkpiano's RXCSS
 * https://github.com/davidkpiano/RxCSS/blob/7817e419c98b1564195479f8b5e9c5dffb989f84/src/lerp.js
function lerp(rate) {
  return ({ x, y }, targetValue) => {
    const mapValue = (value, tValue) => {
      const delta = (tValue - value) * rate;
      return value + delta;

    return {
      x: mapValue(x, targetValue.x),
      y: mapValue(y, targetValue.y)

 * Make a DOM element move
const location$ = handleDrag(moveEl).startWith([200, 400]);

  .map(([x, y]) => ({
    moveElLocation: [x, y]
  .subscribe(({ moveElLocation }) => {
    moveTo(moveElLocation, moveEl);

function moveTo([x, y], element) {
  element.setAttribute("cx", x);
  element.setAttribute("cy", y);
View Compiled

External CSS

  1. https://unpkg.com/tachyons@4.7.0/css/tachyons.min.css

External JavaScript

  1. https://unpkg.com/@reactivex/rxjs@5.1.0/dist/global/Rx.min.js
  2. https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/hammer.js/2.0.8/hammer.min.js