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<h1><a aria-current="page" class="" href="/">A Work in Progress</a></h1>
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<div class="s-module--pre--3NC-2">developer's blog by </div>
<div class="s-module--links--ozFGS"><a href="http://wgao19.cc" class="s-module--author--1QT_I">Wei Gao</a><a href="https://twitter.com/wgao19" class="s-module--link--nIVjQ twitter-logo"><svg width="2500" height="2500" viewBox="126.444 2.281 589 589"><circle cx="420.944" cy="296.781" r="294.5" fill="#2daae1"></circle><path d="M609.773 179.634c-13.891 6.164-28.811 10.331-44.498 12.204 16.01-9.587 28.275-24.779 34.066-42.86a154.78 154.78 0 0 1-49.209 18.801c-14.125-15.056-34.267-24.456-56.551-24.456-42.773 0-77.462 34.675-77.462 77.473 0 6.064.683 11.98 1.996 17.66-64.389-3.236-121.474-34.079-159.684-80.945-6.672 11.446-10.491 24.754-10.491 38.953 0 26.875 13.679 50.587 34.464 64.477a77.122 77.122 0 0 1-35.097-9.686v.979c0 37.54 26.701 68.842 62.145 75.961-6.511 1.784-13.344 2.716-20.413 2.716-4.998 0-9.847-.473-14.584-1.364 9.859 30.769 38.471 53.166 72.363 53.799-26.515 20.785-59.925 33.175-96.212 33.175-6.25 0-12.427-.373-18.491-1.104 34.291 21.988 75.006 34.824 118.759 34.824 142.496 0 220.428-118.052 220.428-220.428 0-3.361-.074-6.697-.236-10.021a157.855 157.855 0 0 0 38.707-40.158z" fill="#fff"></path></svg></a>
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<h2 class="title"><a href="/2019-04-22__yarn-upgrade-not-updating-package-json-questionmark/" style="box-shadow: none;">Why Running `yarn upgrade` Does Not Update My `package.json`</a></h2><small>April 22, 2019</small>
<p class="excerpt"><span>Why Running Does Not Update My Today I wanted to upgrade the dependency of React of one of my projects. So I ran And it seems everyone…</span><a class="s-module--read--3t7Sj" href="/2019-04-22__yarn-upgrade-not-updating-package-json-questionmark/">Read ⟶</a></p>
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<h2 class="title"><a href="/2019-04-17__making-flow-happy-after-0.85/" style="box-shadow: none;">Making Flow Happy after 0.85</a></h2><small>April 17, 2019</small>
<p class="excerpt"><span>Making Flow Happy after 0.85 For the past few weeks I’ve filled my free hours to upgrade our codebase’s dependency of Flow to its latest…</span><a class="s-module--read--3t7Sj" href="/2019-04-17__making-flow-happy-after-0.85/">Read ⟶</a></p>
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<h2 class="title"><a href="/2019-04-07__reverse-engineering-the-blending-mode-of-gilbert-color/" style="box-shadow: none;">Reverse Engineering the Blending Mode of Gilbert Color</a></h2><small>April 07, 2019</small>
<p class="excerpt"><span>Reverse Engineering the Blending Mode of Gilbert Color, and Things Learned I’ve been preparing for my Talk.CSS talk about this week…</span><a class="s-module--read--3t7Sj" href="/2019-04-07__reverse-engineering-the-blending-mode-of-gilbert-color/">Read ⟶</a></p>
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<h2 class="title"><a href="/2019-03-25__back-to-html-css-javascript/" style="box-shadow: none;">Back to HTML, CSS, and JavaScript and Build My Speaker Site</a></h2><small>March 25, 2019</small>
<p class="excerpt"><span>Back to HTML, CSS, and JavaScript Building My Speaker Site Inspired by Global Diversity CFP Day , and due to an increasing involvement at…</span><a class="s-module--read--3t7Sj" href="/2019-03-25__back-to-html-css-javascript/">Read ⟶</a></p>
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<h2 class="title"><a href="/2019-03-21__do-you-spam-flex-box-also/" style="box-shadow: none;">Do You Spam Flex Box Also?</a></h2><small>March 21, 2019</small>
<p class="excerpt"><span>Do You Spam Flex Box Also? This is not a post about how to use flex box. For this aim, you may find the following posts (app) interesting…</span><a class="s-module--read--3t7Sj" href="/2019-03-21__do-you-spam-flex-box-also/">Read ⟶</a></p>
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<h2 class="title"><a href="/2019-03-10__content-width-determination-with-the-box-model/" style="box-shadow: none;">Content Width Determination with the Box Model</a></h2><small>March 10, 2019</small>
<p class="excerpt"><span>Content Width Determination with the Box Model I was working on a this design that contains a few badges aligned like this on a corner.
The…</span><a class="s-module--read--3t7Sj" href="/2019-03-10__content-width-determination-with-the-box-model/">Read ⟶</a></p>
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<h2 class="title"><a href="/2019-03-08__mix-blend-mode/" style="box-shadow: none;">How I Started Reading `mix-blend-mode` and What They Are Creating with It</a></h2><small>March 08, 2019</small>
<p class="excerpt"><span>How I Started Reading and What They Are Creating with It I was working on this Dribbble Design by Louie Mantia . At my first sight, all…</span><a class="s-module--read--3t7Sj" href="/2019-03-08__mix-blend-mode/">Read ⟶</a></p>
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<h2 class="title"><a href="/2019-03-07__fixing-connect-flowtype-annotation-after-flow-0.89/" style="box-shadow: none;">Fixing Connect FlowType Annotation after 0.89</a></h2><small>March 07, 2019</small>
<p class="excerpt"><span>This’ll be a quick post about how to fix most of the annotations. Upgrading Flow past 0.85 has been tough. Flow asks for more required…</span><a class="s-module--read--3t7Sj" href="/2019-03-07__fixing-connect-flowtype-annotation-after-flow-0.89/">Read ⟶</a></p>
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<h2 class="title"><a href="/2019-03-02__transform-establishes-containing-block-for-descendants/" style="box-shadow: none;">Transform Establishes Containing Block for Descendants</a></h2><small>March 02, 2019</small>
<p class="excerpt"><span> Establishes Containing Block for Descendants A problem came up when I was trying to draw a heart using CSS following this guide . You draw…</span><a class="s-module--read--3t7Sj" href="/2019-03-02__transform-establishes-containing-block-for-descendants/">Read ⟶</a></p>
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<h2 class="title"><a href="/react-redux-sharing-for-shopee/" style="box-shadow: none;">React Redux Sharing for Shopee</a></h2><small>January 25, 2019</small>
<p class="excerpt"><span>Motivation Last year between September and November, I’ve spent much of my time working on an open source project, React Redux , to help…</span><a class="s-module--read--3t7Sj" href="/react-redux-sharing-for-shopee/">Read ⟶</a></p>
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<h2 class="title"><a href="/cubic-bezier/" style="box-shadow: none;">Understanding the Cubic Bézier Curves</a></h2><small>January 19, 2019</small>
<p class="excerpt"><span>Intuition Omitting the construction details, a cubic Bézier curve is a [ 0,1 ] curve with at most two smooth turns. With CSS, a cubic…</span><a class="s-module--read--3t7Sj" href="/cubic-bezier/">Read ⟶</a></p>
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<h2 class="title"><a href="/upgrading-react-redux-v6/" style="box-shadow: none;">Upgrading to React-Redux v6: Around the New Context API</a></h2><small>December 21, 2018</small>
<p class="excerpt"><span>So React-Redux upgraded to 6.0.0 . I’ve spent some time to migrate our codebase. Here’s a bit of what I’ve learned. In this writeup I…</span><a class="s-module--read--3t7Sj" href="/upgrading-react-redux-v6/">Read ⟶</a></p>
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