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Babel includes JSX processing.

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                <div class="wrap">
	<h1 class="pen-title">Owl Carousel - Single Slide / Caption Overlay with SVG Nav</h1>
	<p class="pen-description">Using OwlCarousel.js to display single-image (at a time) in carousel with caption overlay, and SVG navigation.</p>
	<!-- Begin Your Code -->
	<section class="owl-carousel owl-theme">
		<figure class="owl-item">
			<img src="" alt="Nicholas Cage">
			<figcaption>Collaboratively administrate empowered markets via plug-and-play networks. Dynamically procrastinate B2C users after installed base benefits. Dramatically visualize customer directed convergence without revolutionary ROI.</figcaption>
		<figure class="owl-item">
			<img src="" alt="Nicholas Cage">
		<figure class="owl-item">
			<img src="" alt="Nicholas Cage">
			<figcaption>Efficiently unleash cross-media information without cross-media value. Quickly maximize timely deliverables for real-time schemas.</figcaption>
		<figure class="owl-item">
			<img src="" alt="Nicholas Cage"></figure>
	<!-- End Your Code -->
</div><!-- .wrap -->


                .wrap {
	max-width: rem(800);
	text-align: center;
} // .wrap

// Owl Carousel Theme
.owl-theme {
	color: $color-white;
	figure {
		line-height: 0;
		margin: 0;
		position: relative;
	} // figure
	figcaption {
		background: rgba($color-black, 1);
		font-size: rem(14);
		line-height: 1.33;
		padding: rem(10) rem(20);
		text-align: left;
		z-index: 10;
		@include media($phone-landscape) {
			background: rgba($color-black, 0.8);
			bottom: 0;
			font-size: rem(16);
			left: 0;
			padding: rem(20) rem(40);
			right: 0;
			position: absolute;
	} // figcaption
} // .owl-theme

.owl-controls {
	margin-top: rem(10);
	text-align: center;
	// Styling Next and Prev buttons
	.owl-buttons {
		div {
			@include position(absolute, 50% null null null);
			background: $color-blue;
			color: $color-white;
			display: inline-block;
			margin-top: rem(-12);
			opacity: 0.8;
			padding: rem(3) rem(10);
			zoom: 1;
			&:after {
				@include size(rem(48) rem(48));
				background-size: cover;
				content: '';
				display: inline-block;
		} // div
		span {
			@extend .screen-reader-text !optional;
		} // span
		.owl-prev {
			left: 0;
			&:after {
				background: url('') center center no-repeat;
		} // .owl-prev
		.owl-next {
			right: 0;
			&:after {
				background: url('') center center no-repeat;
		} // .owl-next
	} // .owl-buttons
	// Styling Pagination
	.owl-page {
		display: inline-block;
		*display: inline; /*IE7 life-saver */
		zoom: 1;
		span {
			@include size(rem(12) rem(12));
			background: $color-blue;
			border-radius: 50%;
			display: block;
			filter: Alpha(Opacity=70); /*IE7 fix*/
			margin: rem(5) rem(7);
			opacity: 0.7;
			// If PaginationNumbers is true
			&.owl-numbers {
				@include size(auto auto);
				border-radius: rem(30);
				color: $color-white;
				font-size: rem(12);
				padding: rem(2) rem(10);
			} // span.owl-numbers
		} // span
		&.active span {
			filter: Alpha(Opacity=100); /*IE7 fix*/
			opacity: 1;
	} // .owl-page
	// Clickable class fix problem with hover on touch devices
	// Use it for non-touch hover action
	&.clickable {
		.owl-buttons {
			div:hover {
				filter: Alpha(Opacity=100); /*IE7 fix*/
				opacity: 1;
				text-decoration: none;
		} // .owl-buttons
		.owl-page:hover span {
			filter: Alpha(Opacity=100); /*IE7 fix*/
			opacity: 1;
	} // .owl-controls.clickable
} // .owl-controls

// each image
.owl-item {
	// preloading images
	&.loading {
		background: url( no-repeat center center;
		min-height: rem(150);
} // .owl-item


                // Simple example of OwlCarousel.js
window.OwlCarousel = {};
( function( window, $, that ) {

	// Constructor.
	that.init = function() {

		if ( that.meetsRequirements ) {

	// Cache all the things.
	that.cache = function() {
		that.$c = {
			window: $( window ),
			carousel: $( '.owl-carousel' ),

	// Combine all events.
	that.bindEvents = function() {
		that.$c.window.on( 'load', that.owlCarousel_init );

	// Do we meet the requirements?
	that.meetsRequirements = function() {
		return that.$c.carousel.length;

	// Initialize Owl Carousel with options
	that.owlCarousel_init = function() {
			navigation : true, // Show next and prev buttons
			navigationText: ['<span>Previous</span>', '<span>Next</span>'],
			slideSpeed : 300,
			paginationSpeed : 400,

	// Engage!
	$( that.init );
})( window, jQuery, window.OwlCarousel );
