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                var pivot = new WebDataRocks({
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    report: {
        "dataSource": {
            "dataSourceType": "json",
            "data": getSalesData()
        slice: {
            reportFilters: [
                uniqueName: "Category"                
            rows: [{
                uniqueName: "Date.Year"                
            }, {
                uniqueName: "Measures"
            columns: [{
                uniqueName: "Country",
                "filter": {
                    "members": [
            measures: [{
                uniqueName: "Sales"
    reportcomplete: function() {"reportcomplete");

Highcharts.theme= {
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// apply the theme
function createChart() {
        type: "area"
    }, function(data) {
            subtitle: {
                text: 'Sales by Countries'
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        Highcharts.chart("highchartsContainer", data);
    }, function(data) {
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                text: 'Sales by Countries'
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function getSalesData() {
    return [{
        "Country": "Canada",
        "Category": "Aircraft",
        "Sales": 204,
        "Date": "2018-01-02",
        "Profit": 216
    }, {
        "Country": "Germany",
        "Category": "Clothing",
        "Sales": 292,
        "Date": "2018-01-02",
        "Profit": 644
    }, {
        "Country": "Canada",
        "Category": "Aircraft",
        "Date": "2018-01-02",
        "Sales": 901,
        "Profit": 237
    }, {
        "Country": "Canada",
        "Category": "Wood",
        "Date": "2018-01-02",
        "Sales": 348
    }, {
        "Country": "Canada",
        "Category": "Clothing",
        "Date": "2018-01-02",
        "Sales": 725,
        "Profit": 335
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        "Country": "Canada",
        "Category": "Clothing",
        "Date": "2018-02-02",
        "Sales": 780,
        "Profit": 687
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        "Country": "Germany",
        "Category": "Wood",
        "Date": "2018-02-02",
        "Sales": 62,
        "Profit": 378
        "Country": "Germany",
        "Category": "Bikes",
        "Date": "2018-02-02",
        "Sales": 125,
        "Profit": 340
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        "Country": "Germany",
        "Category": "Clothing",
        "Date": "2018-02-02",
        "Sales": 190,
        "Profit": 980
    }, {
        "Country": "Canada",
        "Category": "Aircraft",
        "Date": "2018-02-02",
        "Sales": 140,
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        "Category": "Bikes",
        "Date": "2018-02-02",
        "Sales": 140,
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        "Country": "Canada",
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        "Date": "2018-03-02",
        "Sales": 588,
        "Profit": 770
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        "Country": "Canada",
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        "Date": "2018-03-02",
        "Sales": 470,
        "Profit": 255
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        "Country": "Germany",
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        "Date": "2018-03-02",
        "Sales": 365,
        "Profit": 1400
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        "Date": "2018-03-02",
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        "Date": "2018-03-02",
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        "Date": "2018-03-02",
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        "Date": "2018-03-02",
        "Sales": 320,
        "Profit": 500
    }, {
        "Country": "Canada",
        "Category": "Aircraft",
        "Date": "2018-03-02",
        "Sales": 365,
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    }, {
        "Country": "Canada",
        "Category": "Aircraft",
        "Date": "2018-04-02",
        "Sales": 522,
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        "Country": "Germany",
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        "Date": "2018-04-02",
        "Sales": 292,
        "Profit": 644
    }, {
        "Country": "Canada",
        "Category": "Aircraft",
        "Date": "2018-04-02",
        "Sales": 260,
        "Profit": 700
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        "Category": "Wood",
        "Date": "2018-04-02",
        "Sales": 348,
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    }, {
        "Country": "Canada",
        "Category": "Clothing",
        "Date": "2017-05-02",
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        "Country": "Canada",
        "Category": "Clothing",
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        "Date": "2017-02-02",
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        "Date": "2017-02-02",
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        "Date": "2017-02-02",
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        "Date": "2017-03-02",
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        "Date": "2017-03-02",
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        "Date": "2017-03-02",
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        "Date": "2015-03-02",
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        "Date": "2015-03-02",
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        "Date": "2015-03-02",
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        "Date": "2015-04-02",
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        "Category": "Clothing",
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        "Category": "Clothing",
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        "Date": "2019-05-02",
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        "Category": "Clothing",
        "Date": "2014-05-02",
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        "Date": "2014-05-02",
        "Sales": 900,
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        "Date": "2014-03-02",
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        "Date": "2014-03-02",
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        "Category": "Aircraft",
        "Date": "2014-03-02",
        "Sales": 365,
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        "Category": "Aircraft",
        "Date": "2014-04-02",
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        "Sales": 292,
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        "Date": "2014-04-02",
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        "Date": "2014-05-02",
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        "Date": "2014-05-02",
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        "Date": "2014-03-02",
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        "Category": "Aircraft",
        "Date": "2014-04-02",
        "Sales": 522,
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        "Sales": 292,
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        "Country": "Canada",
        "Category": "Aircraft",
        "Date": "2014-04-02",
        "Sales": 260,
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        "Date": "2014-05-02",
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        "Date": "2018-02-02",
        "Sales": 62,
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        "Date": "2018-02-02",
        "Sales": 125,
        "Profit": 340
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        "Country": "Germany",
        "Category": "Clothing",
        "Date": "2018-02-02",
        "Sales": 190,
        "Profit": 980
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        "Country": "Canada",
        "Category": "Aircraft",
        "Date": "2018-02-02",
        "Sales": 140,
        "Profit": 255
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        "Country": "Canada",
        "Category": "Bikes",
        "Date": "2018-02-02",
        "Sales": 140,
        "Profit": 236
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        "Country": "Canada",
        "Category": "Cars",
        "Date": "2018-03-02",
        "Sales": 588,
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        "Country": "Canada",
        "Category": "Clothing",
        "Date": "2018-03-02",
        "Sales": 470,
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        "Country": "Germany",
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        "Date": "2018-03-02",
        "Sales": 365,
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        "Country": "Canada",
        "Category": "Bikes",
        "Date": "2018-03-02",
        "Sales": 320,
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        "Country": "Germany",
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        "Date": "2018-03-02",
        "Sales": 900,
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        "Country": "Germany",
        "Category": "Cars",
        "Date": "2018-03-02",
        "Sales": 700,
        "Profit": 800
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        "Country": "Canada",
        "Category": "Aircraft",
        "Date": "2018-03-02",
        "Sales": 320,
        "Profit": 500
    }, {
        "Country": "Canada",
        "Category": "Aircraft",
        "Date": "2018-03-02",
        "Sales": 365,
        "Profit": 240
    }, {
        "Country": "Canada",
        "Category": "Aircraft",
        "Date": "2018-04-02",
        "Sales": 522,
        "Profit": 200
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        "Country": "Germany",
        "Category": "Clothing",
        "Date": "2018-04-02",
        "Sales": 292,
        "Profit": 644
    }, {
        "Country": "Canada",
        "Category": "Aircraft",
        "Date": "2018-04-02",
        "Sales": 260,
        "Profit": 700
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        "Country": "Canada",
        "Category": "Wood",
        "Date": "2018-04-02",
        "Sales": 348,
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        "Country": "Canada",
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        "Date": "2017-05-02",
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        "Sales": 900,
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        "Date": "2017-02-02",
        "Sales": 62,
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        "Date": "2017-02-02",
        "Sales": 125,
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        "Country": "Germany",
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        "Date": "2017-02-02",
        "Sales": 190,
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        "Date": "2017-02-02",
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        "Country": "Canada",
        "Category": "Bikes",
        "Date": "2017-02-02",
        "Sales": 140,
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        "Country": "Canada",
        "Category": "Cars",
        "Date": "2017-03-02",
        "Sales": 588,
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        "Country": "Canada",
        "Category": "Clothing",
        "Date": "2017-03-02",
        "Sales": 470,
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        "Date": "2017-03-02",
        "Sales": 365,
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        "Date": "2019-03-02",
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        "Date": "2019-03-02",
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        "Country": "Germany",
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        "Date": "2019-03-02",
        "Sales": 700,
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        "Date": "2018-04-02",
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        "Country": "Canada",
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        "Date": "2013-04-02",
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        "Country": "Canada",
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        "Date": "2013-05-02",
        "Sales": 350,
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        "Date": "2013-05-02",
        "Sales": 900,
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        "Date": "2013-02-02",
        "Sales": 62,
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        "Date": "2013-02-02",
        "Sales": 125,
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        "Country": "Germany",
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        "Date": "2013-02-02",
        "Sales": 190,
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        "Date": "2013-02-02",
        "Sales": 140,
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        "Country": "Canada",
        "Category": "Bikes",
        "Date": "2013-02-02",
        "Sales": 140,
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        "Country": "Canada",
        "Category": "Cars",
        "Date": "2013-03-02",
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        "Country": "Canada",
        "Category": "Clothing",
        "Date": "2013-03-02",
        "Sales": 470,
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        "Country": "Germany",
        "Category": "Cars",
        "Date": "2013-03-02",
        "Sales": 365,
        "Profit": 1400
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        "Country": "Canada",
        "Category": "Bikes",
        "Date": "2013-03-02",
        "Sales": 320,
        "Profit": 1032
    }, {
        "Country": "Germany",
        "Category": "Clothing",
        "Date": "2013-03-02",
        "Sales": 900,
        "Profit": 800
    }, {
        "Country": "Germany",
        "Category": "Cars",
        "Date": "2013-03-02",
        "Sales": 700,
        "Profit": 800
