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                <link href="" rel="stylesheet" />
<script src=""></script>
<script src=""></script>
<script src=""></script>
<script src=""></script>

  <h2 style="text-align:center; margin-bottom:2;">Sales Analytics Dashboard</h2>
  <div id="wdr-component"></div>
  <h3 style="text-align:center; margin-bottom:20px;">Max Price by Country</h3>
  <div id="line-chart-container" style="width:900px;height:450; margin-left: 35px; margin-bottom:0;"></div>
  <h3 style="text-align:center;">Sales by Channels</h3>
  <div id="pie-chart-container" style="width:900px;height:450; margin-left: 50px;"></div>
  <h3 style="text-align:center; margin-bottom:0;">Customer Demographics</h3>
  <div id="bar-chart-container" style="width:900px;height:450; margin-left: 35px; margin-top:15px;"></div>


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p {
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                var pivot = new WebDataRocks({
  container: "#wdr-component",
  toolbar: true,
  height: 550,
  width: 1000,
  customizeCell: customizeCellFunction,
  report: {
    dataSource: {
      data: getJSONData()
    slice: {
      rows: [
          uniqueName: "Location"
      columns: [
          uniqueName: "Measures"
          uniqueName: "Product Group"
          uniqueName: "Product"
      measures: [
          uniqueName: "Price",
          aggregation: "sum"
    formats: [
        name: "currency",
        thousandsSeparator: " ",
        decimalSeparator: ".",
        currencySymbol: "$",
        currencySymbolAlign: "left",
        nullValue: "",
        textAlign: "right",
        isPercent: false
    options: {
      grid: {
        showHeaders: false
  reportcomplete: function () {"reportcomplete");
    pivotTableReportComplete = true;
var pivotTableReportComplete = false;
var googleChartsLoaded = false;

google.charts.load("current", { packages: ["corechart", "bar"] });


function onGoogleChartsLoaded() {
  googleChartsLoaded = true;
  if (pivotTableReportComplete) {

function createLineChart() {
  if (googleChartsLoaded) {
        type: "line",
        slice: {
          rows: [
              uniqueName: "Location"
          columns: [
              uniqueName: "Measures"
          measures: [
              uniqueName: "Price",
              aggregation: "max"

function drawLineChart(_data) {
  var data = google.visualization.arrayToDataTable(;
  var formatter = new google.visualization.NumberFormat({
    fractionDigits: 2,
    prefix: "$"
  formatter.format(data, 1);
  var options = {
    colors: ["#2A9D8F", "#E9C46A", "#E76F51"],
    bars: "horizontal"
  var chart = new google.visualization.LineChart(
  chart.draw(data, options);

function createPieChart() {
  if (googleChartsLoaded) {
        type: "pie",
        slice: {
          rows: [
              uniqueName: "Channel"
          columns: [
              uniqueName: "Measures"
          measures: [
              uniqueName: "Sales",
              formula: 'sum("Price") * sum("Quantity")',
              individual: true,
              caption: "Total Sales"

function drawPieChart(_data) {
  var data = google.visualization.arrayToDataTable(;
  var formatter = new google.visualization.NumberFormat({
    fractionDigits: 2,
    prefix: "$"
  formatter.format(data, 1);
  var options = {
    legend: {
      position: "bottom"
    pieHole: 0.35,
    chartArea: { height: "85%" },
    pieSliceBorderColor: "none",
    colors: ["#A5D8DD", "#EA6A47", "#0091D5"]
  var chart = new google.visualization.PieChart(
  chart.draw(data, options);

function createBarChart() {
  if (googleChartsLoaded) {
        type: "bar",
        slice: {
          rows: [
              uniqueName: "Customer Gender"
          columns: [
              uniqueName: "Measures"
          measures: [
              uniqueName: "Customer Gender",
              formula: 'count("Customer Gender")',
              caption: "Total Number"

function drawBarChart(_data) {
  var data = google.visualization.arrayToDataTable(;
  var formatter = new google.visualization.NumberFormat({
    fractionDigits: 2,
    prefix: "$"
  formatter.format(data, 1);
  var options = {
    colors: ["#2A9D8F"],
    bars: "horizontal"
  var chart = new google.charts.Bar(
  chart.draw(data, options);

/* Insert icons to the cells */
/*Icons made by Smashicons from */
function customizeCellFunction(cell, data) {
  if (
    data.type == "value" &&
    !data.isDrillThrough &&
    data.isGrandTotalColumn &&
  ) {
    if (data.value < 15000) {
      cell.text =
        "<img src='' class='centered'>";
    } else if (data.value >= 15000) {
      cell.text =
        "<img src='' class='centered'>";

function getJSONData() {
  return [
      Price: {
        type: "number"
      Quantity: {
        type: "number"
      "Customer Gender": {
        type: "string"
      "Customer Age Group": {
        type: "string"
      "Product Group": {
        type: "string"
      Product: {
        type: "string"
      "Date Order": {
        type: "date"
      Country: {
        type: "level",
        hierarchy: "Location"
      City: {
        type: "level",
        hierarchy: "Location",
        parent: "Country"
      Channel: {
        type: "string"
      "Product Group": "Servers",
      Size: "262 oz",
      Color: "red",
      Channel: "Retail Store",
      Product: "Servers",
      Country: "Australia",
      City: "Sydney",
      Price: 174,
      Quantity: 225,
      Date: "2015-09-06T20:23:13+00:00",
      DateTime: "2018-07-30T17:30:32+00:00",
      "Date Order": "2018-05-28T10:43:10+00:00",
      "Customer Gender": "Female",
      Duration: 829
      "Product Group": "Servers",
      Size: "262 oz",
      Color: "red",
      Channel: "Retail Store",
      Product: "Servers",
      Country: "Australia",
      City: "Sydney",
      Price: 857,
      Quantity: 225,
      Date: "2015-09-06T20:23:13+00:00",
      DateTime: "2018-07-30T17:30:32+00:00",
      "Date Order": "2018-12-19T10:43:10+00:00",
      "Customer Gender": "Female",
      Duration: 424
      "Product Group": "Servers",
      Size: "262 oz",
      Color: "red",
      Channel: "Retail Store",
      Product: "Servers",
      Country: "Australia",
      City: "Sydney",
      Price: 740,
      Quantity: 225,
      Date: "2015-09-06T20:23:13+00:00",
      DateTime: "2018-07-30T17:30:32+00:00",
      "Date Order": "2018-02-08T10:43:10+00:00",
      "Customer Gender": "Female",
      "Customer Age Group": "15 to 17 years",

      Duration: 782
      "Product Group": "Servers",
      Size: "262 oz",
      Color: "red",
      Channel: "Retail Store",
      Product: "Servers",
      Country: "Australia",
      City: "Sydney",
      Price: 988,
      Quantity: 225,
      Date: "2015-09-06T20:23:13+00:00",
      DateTime: "2018-07-30T17:30:32+00:00",
      "Date Order": "2018-02-15T10:43:10+00:00",
      "Customer Gender": "Female",
      "Customer Age Group": "15 to 17 years",

      Duration: 475
      "Product Group": "Servers",
      Size: "262 oz",
      Color: "red",
      Channel: "Retail Store",
      Product: "Servers",
      Country: "Australia",
      City: "Brisbane",
      Price: 1255,
      Quantity: 225,
      Date: "2015-09-06T20:23:13+00:00",
      DateTime: "2018-07-30T17:30:32+00:00",
      "Date Order": "2018-04-18T10:43:10+00:00",
      "Customer Gender": "Female",
      "Customer Age Group": "15 to 17 years",
      Duration: 997
      "Product Group": "Servers",
      Size: "262 oz",
      Color: "red",
      Channel: "Retail Store",
      Product: "Servers",
      Country: "Australia",
      City: "Sydney",
      Price: 3500,
      Quantity: 225,
      Date: "2015-09-06T20:23:13+00:00",
      DateTime: "2018-07-30T17:30:32+00:00",
      "Date Order": "2018-05-19T10:43:10+00:00",
      "Customer Gender": "Female",
      "Customer Age Group": "30 to 35 years",
      Duration: 644
      "Product Group": "Servers",
      Size: "262 oz",
      Color: "red",
      Channel: "Retail Store",
      Product: "Servers",
      Country: "Australia",
      City: "Sydney",
      Price: 1330,
      Quantity: 225,
      Date: "2015-09-06T20:23:13+00:00",
      DateTime: "2018-07-30T17:30:32+00:00",
      "Date Order": "2018-05-28T10:43:10+00:00",
      "Customer Gender": "Female",
      "Customer Age Group": "30 to 35 years",
      Duration: 243
      "Product Group": "Servers",
      Size: "262 oz",
      Color: "red",
      Channel: "Retail Store",
      Product: "Servers",
      Country: "Australia",
      City: "Sydney",
      Price: 970,
      Quantity: 225,
      Date: "2015-09-06T20:23:13+00:00",
      DateTime: "2018-07-30T17:30:32+00:00",
      "Date Order": "2018-06-10T10:43:10+00:00",
      "Customer Gender": "Female",
      "Customer Age Group": "30 to 35 years",
      Duration: 576
      "Product Group": "Servers",
      Size: "262 oz",
      Color: "red",
      Channel: "Retail Store",
      Product: "Servers",
      Country: "Australia",
      City: "Melbourne",
      Price: 877,
      Quantity: 225,
      Date: "2015-09-06T20:23:13+00:00",
      DateTime: "2018-07-30T17:30:32+00:00",
      "Date Order": "2018-06-20T10:43:10+00:00",
      "Customer Gender": "Female",
      "Customer Age Group": "30 to 35 years",
      Duration: 411
      "Product Group": "PC Clients",
      Size: "262 oz",
      Color: "red",
      Channel: "Retail Store",
      Product: "Thin Clients",
      Country: "Australia",
      Price: 940,
      Quantity: 225,
      Date: "2015-09-06T20:23:13+00:00",
      DateTime: "2018-07-30T17:30:32+00:00",
      "Date Order": "2018-11-23T10:43:10+00:00",
      "Customer Gender": "Female",
      "Customer Age Group": "30 to 35 years",
      Duration: 422
      "Product Group": "PC Clients",
      Size: "262 oz",
      Color: "red",
      Channel: "Retail Store",
      Product: "Thin Clients",
      Country: "Australia",
      City: "Melbourne",
      Price: 557,
      Quantity: 225,
      Date: "2015-09-06T20:23:13+00:00",
      DateTime: "2018-07-30T17:30:32+00:00",
      "Date Order": "2018-01-03T10:43:10+00:00",
      "Customer Gender": "Female",
      "Customer Age Group": "30 to 35 years",
      Duration: 754
      "Product Group": "PC Clients",
      Size: "147 oz",
      Color: "white",
      Channel: "Call Center",
      Product: "Thin Clients",
      Country: "France",
      City: "Paris",
      Price: 242,
      Quantity: 855,
      Date: "2018-08-23T05:58:56+00:00",
      DateTime: "2016-03-06T23:45:26+00:00",
      "Date Order": "2018-02-15T00:15:47+00:00",
      "Customer Gender": "Male",
      "Customer Age Group": "30 to 35 years",
      Duration: 554
      "Product Group": "PC Clients",
      Size: "264 oz",
      Color: "white",
      Channel: "Retail Store",
      Product: "Thin Clients",
      Country: "Australia",
      City: "Melbourne",
      Price: 6829,
      Date: "2019-01-08T22:02:31+00:00",
      DateTime: "2018-12-10T14:33:25+00:00",
      "Date Order": "2018-02-15T00:15:47+00:00",
      Quantity: 19,
      Duration: 757,
      "Customer Age Group": "30 to 35 years",
      "Customer Gender": "Male"
      "Product Group": "PC Clients",
      Size: "264 oz",
      Color: "white",
      Channel: "Retail Store",
      Product: "Thin Clients",
      Country: "Australia",
      City: "Melbourne",
      Price: 4221,
      Date: "2019-01-08T22:02:31+00:00",
      DateTime: "2018-12-10T14:33:25+00:00",
      "Date Order": "2018-05-28T00:15:47+00:00",
      Quantity: 19,
      Duration: 787,
      "Customer Age Group": "30 to 35 years",
      "Customer Gender": "Male"
      "Product Group": "PC Clients",
      Size: "264 oz",
      Color: "white",
      Channel: "Retail Store",
      Product: "Thin Clients",
      Country: "Australia",
      City: "Melbourne",
      Price: 3041,
      Date: "2019-01-08T22:02:31+00:00",
      DateTime: "2018-12-10T14:33:25+00:00",
      "Date Order": "2018-06-10T00:15:47+00:00",
      Quantity: 19,
      Duration: 711,
      "Customer Age Group": "30 to 35 years",
      "Customer Gender": "Male"
      "Product Group": "PC Clients",
      Size: "264 oz",
      Color: "white",
      Channel: "Retail Store",
      Product: "Thin Clients",
      Country: "Australia",
      City: "Melbourne",
      Price: 789,
      Date: "2019-01-08T22:02:31+00:00",
      DateTime: "2018-12-10T14:33:25+00:00",
      "Date Order": "2018-06-20T00:15:47+00:00",
      Quantity: 19,
      Duration: 633,
      "Customer Age Group": "30 to 35 years",
      "Customer Gender": "Male"
      "Product Group": "PC Clients",
      Size: "264 oz",
      Color: "white",
      Channel: "Retail Store",
      Product: "Thin Clients",
      Country: "Australia",
      City: "Melbourne",
      Price: 789,
      Date: "2019-01-08T22:02:31+00:00",
      DateTime: "2018-12-10T14:33:25+00:00",
      "Date Order": "2018-06-20T00:15:47+00:00",
      Quantity: 19,
      Duration: 577,
      "Customer Age Group": "30 to 35 years",
      "Customer Gender": "Female"
      "Product Group": "PC Clients",
      Size: "264 oz",
      Color: "white",
      Channel: "Retail Store",
      Product: "Thin Clients",
      Country: "Australia",
      City: "Melbourne",
      Price: 789,
      Date: "2019-01-08T22:02:31+00:00",
      DateTime: "2018-12-10T14:33:25+00:00",
      "Date Order": "2018-06-20T00:15:47+00:00",
      Quantity: 19,
      Duration: 841,
      "Customer Gender": "Female"
      "Product Group": "PC Clients",
      Size: "264 oz",
      Color: "white",
      Channel: "Retail Store",
      Product: "Thin Clients",
      Country: "Australia",
      City: "Melbourne",
      Price: 997,
      Date: "2019-01-08T22:02:31+00:00",
      DateTime: "2018-12-10T14:33:25+00:00",
      "Date Order": "2018-11-24T00:15:47+00:00",
      Quantity: 19,
      Duration: 100,
      "Customer Gender": "Female"
      "Product Group": "PC Clients",
      Size: "76 oz",
      Color: "red",
      Channel: "Online Store",
      Product: "Thin Clients",
      Country: "Canada",
      City: "Toronto",
      Date: "2019-01-08T22:02:31+00:00",
      DateTime: "2018-12-10T14:33:25+00:00",
      "Date Order": "2018-02-15T00:15:47+00:00",
      Price: 1664,
      Quantity: 19,
      Duration: 2200,
      "Customer Gender": "Female"
      "Product Group": "PC Clients",
      Size: "217 oz",
      Color: "red",
      Channel: "Call Center",
      Product: "Thin Clients",
      Country: "France",
      City: "Paris",
      Date: "2014-04-23T03:57:37+00:00",
      DateTime: "2014-04-11T04:40:49+00:00",
      "Date Order": "2018-05-19T03:09:59+00:00",
      Price: 2995,
      Quantity: 98,
      Duration: 310,
      "Customer Gender": "Female"
      "Product Group": "PC Clients",
      Size: "251 oz",
      Color: "green",
      Channel: "Online Store",
      Product: "Thin Clients",
      Country: "Germany",
      City: "Hamburg",
      Date: "2016-12-11T05:03:28+00:00",
      DateTime: "2015-04-17T02:56:57+00:00",
      "Date Order": "2018-11-23T15:34:42+00:00",
      Price: 1487,
      Quantity: 96,
      Duration: 150,
      "Customer Gender": "Male"
      "Product Group": "PC Clients",
      Size: "292 oz",
      Color: "green",
      Channel: "Online Store",
      Product: "Thin Clients",
      Country: "United Kingdom",
      City: "London",
      Date: "2016-12-11T05:03:28+00:00",
      DateTime: "2015-04-17T02:56:57+00:00",
      "Date Order": "2018-11-23T15:34:42+00:00",
      Price: 9245,
      Quantity: 51,
      "Customer Gender": "Female"
      "Product Group": "PC Clients",
      Size: "218 oz",
      Color: "yellow",
      Channel: "Online Store",
      Product: "Thin Clients",
      Country: "Australia",
      City: "Melbourne",
      Price: 865,
      Date: "2016-12-11T05:03:28+00:00",
      DateTime: "2015-04-17T02:56:57+00:00",
      "Date Order": "2018-11-23T15:34:42+00:00",
      Quantity: 4513,
      "Customer Gender": "Female"
      "Product Group": "PC Clients",
      Size: "218 oz",
      Color: "yellow",
      Channel: "Online Store",
      Product: "Thin Clients",
      Country: "Australia",
      City: "Melbourne",
      Price: 777,
      Date: "2016-12-11T05:03:28+00:00",
      DateTime: "2015-04-17T02:56:57+00:00",
      "Date Order": "2018-02-08T15:34:42+00:00",
      Quantity: 4513,
      "Customer Gender": "Female"
      "Product Group": "PC Clients",
      Size: "218 oz",
      Color: "yellow",
      Channel: "Online Store",
      Product: "Thin Clients",
      Country: "Australia",
      City: "Melbourne",
      Price: 1025,
      Date: "2016-12-11T05:03:28+00:00",
      DateTime: "2015-04-17T02:56:57+00:00",
      "Date Order": "2018-04-18T15:34:42+00:00",
      Quantity: 4513,
      "Customer Gender": "Female"
      "Product Group": "PC Clients",
      Size: "218 oz",
      Color: "yellow",
      Channel: "Online Store",
      Product: "Thin Clients",
      Country: "Australia",
      City: "Melbourne",
      Price: 865,
      Date: "2016-12-11T05:03:28+00:00",
      DateTime: "2015-04-17T02:56:57+00:00",
      "Date Order": "2018-11-23T15:34:42+00:00",
      Quantity: 4513,
      "Customer Age Group": "21 years",
      "Customer Gender": "Female"
      "Product Group": "PC Clients",
      Size: "218 oz",
      Color: "yellow",
      Channel: "Online Store",
      Product: "Thin Clients",
      Country: "Australia",
      City: "Melbourne",
      Price: 865,
      Date: "2016-12-11T05:03:28+00:00",
      DateTime: "2015-04-17T02:56:57+00:00",
      "Date Order": "2018-12-19T15:34:42+00:00",
      Quantity: 4513,
      "Customer Age Group": "21 years",
      "Customer Gender": "Female"
      "Product Group": "PC Clients",
      Size: "218 oz",
      Color: "yellow",
      Channel: "Online Store",
      Product: "Thin Clients",
      Country: "Australia",
      City: "Melbourne",
      Price: 988,
      Date: "2016-12-11T05:03:28+00:00",
      DateTime: "2015-04-17T02:56:57+00:00",
      "Date Order": "2018-12-19T15:34:42+00:00",
      Quantity: 4513,
      "Customer Gender": "Female"
      "Product Group": "PC Clients",
      Size: "218 oz",
      Color: "yellow",
      Channel: "Online Store",
      Product: "Thin Clients",
      Country: "Australia",
      City: "Melbourne",
      Price: 865,
      Date: "2016-12-11T05:03:28+00:00",
      DateTime: "2015-04-17T02:56:57+00:00",
      "Date Order": "2018-12-19T15:34:42+00:00",
      Quantity: 4513,
      "Customer Gender": "Female"
      "Product Group": "PC Clients",
      Size: "218 oz",
      Color: "yellow",
      Channel: "Online Store",
      Product: "Thin Clients",
      Country: "Australia",
      City: "Melbourne",
      Price: 865,
      Date: "2016-12-11T05:03:28+00:00",
      DateTime: "2015-04-17T02:56:57+00:00",
      "Date Order": "2018-12-19T15:34:42+00:00",
      Quantity: 4513,
      "Customer Gender": "Female"
      "Product Group": "PC Clients",
      Size: "218 oz",
      Color: "yellow",
      Channel: "Online Store",
      Product: "Thin Clients",
      Country: "Australia",
      City: "Melbourne",
      Price: 250,
      Date: "2016-12-11T05:03:28+00:00",
      DateTime: "2015-04-17T02:56:57+00:00",
      "Date Order": "2018-06-10T15:34:42+00:00",
      Quantity: 4513,
      "Customer Gender": "Female"
      "Product Group": "Tablets",
      Size: "218 oz",
      Color: "yellow",
      Channel: "Online Store",
      Product: "eReaders",
      Country: "Australia",
      City: "Melbourne",
      Price: 988,
      Date: "2016-12-11T05:03:28+00:00",
      DateTime: "2015-04-17T02:56:57+00:00",
      "Date Order": "2018-06-20T15:34:42+00:00",
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      Price: 440,
      Date: "2016-12-11T05:03:28+00:00",
      DateTime: "2015-04-17T02:56:57+00:00",
      "Date Order": "2018-11-24T15:34:42+00:00",
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      Price: 887,
      Date: "2016-12-11T05:03:28+00:00",
      DateTime: "2015-04-17T02:56:57+00:00",
      "Date Order": "2018-01-03T15:34:42+00:00",
      Quantity: 4513,
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      Date: "2019-01-08T22:02:31+00:00",
      DateTime: "2018-12-10T14:33:25+00:00",
      "Date Order": "2018-02-15T00:15:47+00:00",
      Price: 511,
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      Date: "2015-09-06T20:23:13+00:00",
      DateTime: "2018-07-30T17:30:32+00:00",
      "Date Order": "2018-05-28T10:43:10+00:00",
      Quantity: 1854,
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      Price: 3654,
      Date: "2014-04-23T03:57:37+00:00",
      DateTime: "2014-04-11T04:40:49+00:00",
      "Date Order": "2018-05-19T03:09:59+00:00",
      Quantity: 1187,
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      City: "Toronto",
      Date: "2016-03-28T06:21:13+00:00",
      DateTime: "2018-09-29T02:08:58+00:00",
      "Date Order": "2018-06-10T01:56:45+00:00",
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      City: "Toronto",
      Date: "2016-03-28T06:21:13+00:00",
      DateTime: "2018-09-29T02:08:58+00:00",
      "Date Order": "2018-06-10T01:56:45+00:00",
      Price: 722,
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      City: "Lyon",
      Date: "2018-12-14T17:21:46+00:00",
      DateTime: "2018-04-13T09:08:14+00:00",
      "Date Order": "2018-01-03T18:31:56+00:00",
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      Product: "eReaders",
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      Date: "2018-12-14T17:21:46+00:00",
      DateTime: "2018-04-13T09:08:14+00:00",
      "Date Order": "2018-02-08T18:31:56+00:00",
      Price: 967,
      Quantity: 1646,
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      City: "Marseille",
      Date: "2018-12-14T17:21:46+00:00",
      DateTime: "2018-04-13T09:08:14+00:00",
      "Date Order": "2018-02-08T18:31:56+00:00",
      Price: 967,
      Quantity: 1646,
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      Channel: "Retail Store",
      Product: "Smart Phones",
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      City: "Marseille",
      Date: "2018-12-14T17:21:46+00:00",
      DateTime: "2018-04-13T09:08:14+00:00",
      "Date Order": "2018-04-18T18:31:56+00:00",
      Price: 967,
      Quantity: 1646,
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      City: "Berlin",
      Date: "2018-10-05T05:30:49+00:00",
      DateTime: "2014-07-09T05:01:29+00:00",
      "Date Order": "2018-02-15T00:15:47+00:00",
      Price: 569,
      Quantity: 6568,
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      Color: "blue",
      Channel: "Retail Store",
      Product: "Smart Phones",
      Country: "United Kingdom",
      City: "London",
      Date: "2016-12-11T05:03:28+00:00",
      DateTime: "2015-04-17T02:56:57+00:00",
      "Date Order": "2018-11-23T15:34:42+00:00",
      Price: 156,
      Quantity: 7585,
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      Channel: "Retail Store",
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      City: "San Francisco",
      Date: "2014-04-23T03:57:37+00:00",
      DateTime: "2014-04-11T04:40:49+00:00",
      "Date Order": "2018-05-19T03:09:59+00:00",
      Price: 845,
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      City: "Brisbane",
      Price: 838,
      Date: "2019-01-08T22:02:31+00:00",
      DateTime: "2018-12-10T14:33:25+00:00",
      "Date Order": "2018-02-15T00:15:47+00:00",
      Quantity: 6460,
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      Channel: "Call Center",
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      City: "Toronto",
      Date: "2017-09-11T12:46:19+00:00",
      DateTime: "2015-03-17T13:55:31+00:00",
      "Date Order": "2018-12-18T23:43:16+00:00",
      Price: 51,
      Quantity: 410,
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      Channel: "Online Store",
      Product: "Workstations",
      Country: "France",
      City: "Marseille",
      Price: 650,
      Date: "2017-11-30T10:28:38+00:00",
      DateTime: "2014-08-07T21:19:31+00:00",
      "Date Order": "2018-06-20T19:20:11+00:00",
      Quantity: 2307,
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      Channel: "Call Center",
      Product: "eReaders",
      Country: "Germany",
      City: "Berlin",
      Date: "2017-03-02T17:19:02+00:00",
      DateTime: "2017-07-14T20:45:55+00:00",
      "Date Order": "2018-06-10T07:41:13+00:00",
      Price: 885,
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      Channel: "Online Store",
      Product: "eReaders",
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      City: "London",
      Date: "2015-06-12T16:57:56+00:00",
      DateTime: "2018-11-12T05:01:41+00:00",
      "Date Order": "2018-12-18T23:43:16+00:00",
      Price: 239,
      Quantity: 7541,
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      Channel: "Online Store",
      Product: "eReaders",
      Country: "United States",
      City: "San Francisco",
      Price: 145,
      Date: "2014-05-23T14:34:50+00:00",
      DateTime: "2015-03-07T17:57:31+00:00",
      "Date Order": "2018-02-15T00:15:47+00:00",
      Quantity: 7978,
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      City: "Brisbane",
      Date: "2017-04-16T01:58:42+00:00",
      DateTime: "2014-07-31T09:10:03+00:00",
      "Date Order": "2018-12-18T23:43:16+00:00",
      Price: 534,
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      City: "Toronto",
      Date: "2017-07-05T02:57:39+00:00",
      DateTime: "2015-12-05T20:28:25+00:00",
      "Date Order": "2018-12-18T23:43:16+00:00",
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      Product: "Notebooks",
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      City: "Brisbane",
      Date: "2019-01-08T22:02:31+00:00",
      DateTime: "2018-12-10T14:33:25+00:00",
      "Date Order": "2018-02-15T00:15:47+00:00",
      Price: 693,
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      Channel: "Online Store",
      Product: "Notebooks",
      Country: "Canada",
      City: "Toronto",
      Date: "2018-08-23T05:58:56+00:00",
      DateTime: "2016-03-06T23:45:26+00:00",
      "Date Order": "2018-02-15T00:15:47+00:00",
      Price: 753,
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      Channel: "Call Center",
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      Country: "France",
      City: "Lyon",
      Date: "2015-09-06T20:23:13+00:00",
      DateTime: "2018-07-30T17:30:32+00:00",
      "Date Order": "2018-05-28T10:43:10+00:00",
      Price: 356,
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      Channel: "Online Store",
      Product: "Notebooks",
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      City: "Berlin",
      Date: "2017-11-22T19:44:56+00:00",
      DateTime: "2017-06-29T05:36:10+00:00",
      "Date Order": "2018-11-24T10:12:16+00:00",
      Price: 124,
      Quantity: 4673,
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      Channel: "Retail Store",
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      City: "San Francisco",
      Price: 493,
      Date: "2017-11-22T19:44:56+00:00",
      DateTime: "2017-06-29T05:36:10+00:00",
      "Date Order": "2018-11-24T10:12:16+00:00",
      Quantity: 6918,
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      Price: 332,
      Quantity: 5130,
      Date: "2017-11-22T19:44:56+00:00",
      DateTime: "2017-06-29T05:36:10+00:00",
      "Date Order": "2018-11-24T10:12:16+00:00",
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      Date: "2017-11-22T19:44:56+00:00",
      DateTime: "2017-06-29T05:36:10+00:00",
      "Date Order": "2018-11-24T10:12:16+00:00",
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      Channel: "Retail Store",
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      City: "Glasgow",
      Price: 666,
      Quantity: 2549,
      Date: "2014-05-23T14:34:50+00:00",
      DateTime: "2015-03-07T17:57:31+00:00",
      "Date Order": "2018-02-15T00:15:47+00:00",
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      City: "Marseille",
      Date: "2014-05-23T14:34:50+00:00",
      DateTime: "2015-03-07T17:57:31+00:00",
      "Date Order": "2018-02-15T00:15:47+00:00",
      Price: 1654,
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      Channel: "Call Center",
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      City: "Berlin",
      Date: "2017-07-05T02:57:39+00:00",
      DateTime: "2015-12-05T20:28:25+00:00",
      "Date Order": "2018-12-18T23:43:16+00:00",
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      Country: "United Kingdom",
      City: "Glasgow",
      Date: "2017-03-02T17:19:02+00:00",
      DateTime: "2017-07-14T20:45:55+00:00",
      "Date Order": "2018-06-10T07:41:13+00:00",
      Price: 1222,
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      Channel: "Retail Store",
      Product: "Storage",
      Date: "2016-10-22T13:57:02+00:00",
      DateTime: "2015-12-02T04:15:17+00:00",
      "Date Order": "2018-06-10T07:41:13+00:00",
      Country: "United States",
      City: "San Francisco",
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      Quantity: 60,
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      Channel: "Retail Store",
      Product: "Smart Phones",
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      City: "Brisbane",
      Date: "2017-02-07T12:40:29+00:00",
      DateTime: "2017-11-05T09:31:21+00:00",
      "Date Order": "2018-02-15T00:15:47+00:00",
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      "Product Group": "Smart Phones",
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      Channel: "Retail Store",
      Product: "Smart Phones",
      Country: "Australia",
      City: "Brisbane",
      Date: "2017-02-07T12:40:29+00:00",
      DateTime: "2017-11-05T09:31:21+00:00",
      "Date Order": "2018-11-25T00:15:47+00:00",
      Price: 3200,
      Quantity: 64,
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      Channel: "Retail Store",
      Product: "Smart Phones",
      Country: "Australia",
      City: "Brisbane",
      Date: "2017-02-07T12:40:29+00:00",
      DateTime: "2017-11-05T09:31:21+00:00",
      "Date Order": "2018-11-25T00:15:47+00:00",
      Price: 4500,
      Quantity: 64,
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      "Customer Age Group": "20 years"
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      Channel: "Retail Store",
      Product: "Servers",
      Country: "Australia",
      City: "Brisbane",
      Date: "2017-02-07T12:40:29+00:00",
      DateTime: "2017-11-05T09:31:21+00:00",
      "Date Order": "2018-11-25T00:15:47+00:00",
      Price: 2200,
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      "Product Group": "Servers",
      Size: "81 oz",
      Color: "red",
      Channel: "Online Store",
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      Country: "Canada",
      City: "Montreal",
      Date: "2017-07-09T13:39:23+00:00",
      DateTime: "2016-05-09T02:14:36+00:00",
      "Date Order": "2018-04-18T04:43:30+00:00",
      Price: 7623,
      Quantity: 44,
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      Channel: "Call Center",
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      Country: "France",
      City: "Lyon",
      Date: "2015-06-26T04:12:42+00:00",
      DateTime: "2018-03-28T06:25:54+00:00",
      "Date Order": "2018-02-08T11:16:58+00:00",
      Price: 3971,
      Quantity: 17,
      "Customer Gender": "Male",
      "Customer Age Group": "22 to 24 years"
      "Product Group": "Servers",
      Size: "238 oz",
      Color: "green",
      Channel: "Call Center",
      Product: "Servers",
      Country: "Germany",
      City: "Hamburg",
      Date: "2017-09-11T12:46:19+00:00",
      DateTime: "2015-03-17T13:55:31+00:00",
      "Date Order": "2018-12-18T23:43:16+00:00",
      Price: 3591,
      Quantity: 11,
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      "Customer Age Group": "22 to 24 years"
      "Product Group": "Servers",
      Size: "286 oz",
      Color: "green",
      Channel: "Online Store",
      Product: "Servers",
      Country: "United Kingdom",
      City: "London",
      Date: "2016-03-28T06:21:13+00:00",
      DateTime: "2018-09-29T02:08:58+00:00",
      "Date Order": "2018-12-18T23:43:16+00:00",
      Price: 2564,
      Quantity: 61,
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      Channel: "Online Store",
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      City: "Los Angeles",
      Date: "2018-12-14T17:21:46+00:00",
      DateTime: "2018-04-13T09:08:14+00:00",
      "Date Order": "2018-01-03T18:31:56+00:00",
      Price: 5165,
      Quantity: 13,
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      "Customer Age Group": "25 to 29 years"
      "Product Group": "PC Clients",
      Size: "242 oz",
      Color: "green",
      Channel: "Retail Store",
      Product: "Desktops",
      Country: "Australia",
      Date: "2016-12-11T05:03:28+00:00",
      DateTime: "2015-04-17T02:56:57+00:00",
      "Date Order": "2018-11-23T15:34:42+00:00",
      Price: 2344,
      Quantity: 56,
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      "Product Group": "PC Clients",
      Size: "67 oz",
      Color: "red",
      Channel: "Online Store",
      Product: "Desktops",
      Country: "Canada",
      City: "Montreal",
      Date: "2014-04-23T03:57:37+00:00",
      DateTime: "2014-04-11T04:40:49+00:00",
      "Date Order": "2018-05-19T03:09:59+00:00",
      Price: 3864,
      Quantity: 24,
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      "Customer Age Group": "15 to 17 years"
      "Product Group": "PC Clients",
      Size: "40 oz",
      Color: "yellow",
      Channel: "Call Center",
      Product: "Desktops",
      Country: "France",
      City: "Marseille",
      Date: "2018-05-05T06:47:38+00:00",
      DateTime: "2014-01-16T16:18:13+00:00",
      "Date Order": "2018-12-18T23:43:16+00:00",
      Price: 9845,
      Quantity: 23,
      "Customer Gender": "Male",
      "Customer Age Group": "15 to 17 years"
      "Product Group": "PC Clients",
      Size: "201 oz",
      Color: "red",
      Channel: "Call Center",
      Product: "Desktops",
      Country: "Germany",
      City: "Hamburg",
      Date: "2018-09-11T22:10:05+00:00",
      DateTime: "2014-01-19T21:08:55+00:00",
      "Date Order": "2018-12-18T23:43:16+00:00",
      Price: 4822,
      Quantity: 27,
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      "Customer Age Group": "15 to 17 years"
      "Product Group": "PC Clients",
      Size: "201 oz",
      Color: "red",
      Channel: "Call Center",
      Product: "Desktops",
      Country: "Germany",
      Date: "2018-09-11T22:10:05+00:00",
      DateTime: "2014-01-19T21:08:55+00:00",
      "Date Order": "2018-12-18T23:43:16+00:00",
      Price: 2330,
      Quantity: 27,
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      "Customer Age Group": "15 to 17 years"
      "Product Group": "PC Clients",
      Size: "201 oz",
      Color: "red",
      Channel: "Online Store",
      Product: "Desktops",
      Country: "Germany",
      City: "Hamburg",
      Date: "2018-09-11T22:10:05+00:00",
      DateTime: "2014-01-19T21:08:55+00:00",
      "Date Order": "2018-11-24T21:43:16+00:00",
      Price: 3660,
      Quantity: 27,
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      "Customer Age Group": "15 to 17 years"
      "Product Group": "PC Clients",
      Size: "201 oz",
      Color: "red",
      Channel: "Online Store",
      Product: "Desktops",
      Country: "Germany",
      Date: "2018-09-11T22:10:05+00:00",
      DateTime: "2014-01-19T21:08:55+00:00",
      "Date Order": "2018-11-24T23:43:16+00:00",
      Price: 2330,
      Quantity: 27,
      "Customer Gender": "Female",
      "Customer Age Group": "15 to 17 years"
      "Product Group": "PC Clients",
      Size: "201 oz",
      Color: "red",
      Channel: "Online Store",
      Product: "Workstations",
      Country: "Germany",
      City: "Hamburg",
      Date: "2018-09-11T22:10:05+00:00",
      DateTime: "2014-01-19T21:08:55+00:00",
      "Date Order": "2018-12-18T23:43:16+00:00",
      Price: 2330,
      Quantity: 27,
      "Customer Gender": "Female",
      "Customer Age Group": "15 to 17 years"

