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function getData() {
    return [{
            "Title": {type:"string"},
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            "Title": "Gut (2012)",
            "Genres": "Drama| Horror| Thriller",
            "Release Date": "26-Oct-12",
            "Release Country": "USA",
            "Movie Rating": "",
            "Review Rating": 3.9,
            "Movie Run Time": "91 min",
            "Plot": "Directed by Elias. With Jason Vail, Nicholas Wilder, Sarah Schoofs, Kirstianna Mueller. Family man Tom has seen something he can't forget, a mysterious video with an ugly secret that soon spreads into his daily life and threatens to dismantle everything around him.",
            "Cast": "Jason Vail|Nicholas Wilder|Sarah Schoofs|Kirstianna Mueller|Kaitlyn Mueller|Angie Bullaro|Ria Burns-Wilder|Miles Joris-Peyrafitte|Karl Pfeiffer|Leisa Haddad|Misty Gonzalez|Jordan Sariego|Christine Kadets|Deborah J. Atuk|J. Brett Rose",
            "Language": "English",
            "Filming Locations": "New York, USA",
            "Budget": ""
            "Title": "The Haunting of Mia Moss (2017)",
            "Genres": "Horror",
            "Release Date": "13-Jan-17",
            "Release Country": "USA",
            "Movie Rating": "",
            "Review Rating": "",
            "Movie Run Time": "",
            "Plot": "Directed by Jake Zelch. With Nicola Fiore, Brinke Stevens, Curtis Carnahan, Jake Zelch.",
            "Cast": "Nicola Fiore|Brinke Stevens|Curtis Carnahan|Jake Zelch|Haley Bordelon|Asalee Biagioli|Emily Christina|Erin Felts|Jerri Gerth|Dustin Hubbard|Justin Isom Jr.|Erik Kommer|Mackenzie Lampkin-Isom|Ben Milke|Destinie Orndoff",
            "Language": "English",
            "Filming Locations": "",
            "Budget": "$30,000"
            "Title": "Sleepwalking (2017)",
            "Genres": "Horror",
            "Release Date": "21-Oct-17",
            "Release Country": "Canada",
            "Movie Rating": "",
            "Review Rating": "",
            "Movie Run Time": "",
            "Plot": "Directed by David Briggs. With Alysia Topol, Anthony Makela, Kelsi Ashley, Patrick J. Carew.",
            "Cast": "Alysia Topol|Anthony Makela|Kelsi Ashley|Patrick J. Carew|Chiv Chivaul|Starlotte Dresen|Melanie Durette|Emilie Overton|Corey Pascall|Lindsay Primeau|Trish Rainone|Tammy-lynn Wilcox",
            "Language": "English",
            "Filming Locations": "Sudbury, Ontario, Canada",
            "Budget": ""
        }, {
            "Title": "Teniente Gimo (2016)",
            "Genres": "Horror",
            "Release Date": "1-Jun-16",
            "Release Country": "Philippines",
            "Movie Rating": "",
            "Review Rating": 9.1,
            "Movie Run Time": "",
            "Plot": "Directed by Roland Sanchez, Roland Sanchez. With John Regala, Kate Brios, Julio Diaz, Mon Confiado. Teniente Gimo is a famous urban legend and an infamous character in Ilonggo folk literature in Western Visayas whose colorful yet tragic life had been the subject of speculation and theories by the town folks in Iloilo. He is widely believed by his town mates as an aswang who is responsible for abducting and killing some children during a famine in the old times.",
            "Cast": "John Regala|Kate Brios|Julio Diaz|Mon Confiado|Suzette Ranillo|Eliza Pineda|Joshua Dionisio|Ces Aldaba|Erlinda Villalobos|Iska|Jonathan Himalaya|Misty Henderson|Anamavie Sacares|Erwin Sabroso|Ricky Quezon",
            "Language": "Filipino|Tagalog|Visayan",
            "Filming Locations": "",
            "Budget": ""
            "Title": "Hell Mountain (2016)",
            "Genres": "Horror",
            "Release Date": 2016,
            "Release Country": "USA",
            "Movie Rating": "",
            "Review Rating": 9.2,
            "Movie Run Time": "92 min",
            "Plot": "Directed by Jesse Pomeroy. With Megan Collaso, Taylor Dooley, Markus Innocenti, Catherine Lidstone. A young reporter falls prey to a mysterious ailment after investigating an abandoned house; a place known for tales of missing children and possible cannibalism where local teens dare each other to sneak in and poke around. As the reporter digs deeper and her friends venture out to search the house on their own, she discovers a connection to the legend of Hell Mountain and her own cloudy past.",
            "Cast": "Megan Collaso|Taylor Dooley|Markus Innocenti|Catherine Lidstone|Adam Daniel Mezei|Colin Woodbury",
            "Language": "English",
            "Filming Locations": "",
            "Budget": ""
            "Title": "Bong of the Living Dead (2017)",
            "Genres": "Horror",
            "Release Date": "20-Oct-17",
            "Release Country": "USA",
            "Movie Rating": "",
            "Review Rating": 9.4,
            "Movie Run Time": "",
            "Plot": "Directed by Max Groah. With Tiffany Arnold, Eric Boso, Daniel Alan Kiely, Laura E. Mock. A group of friends and zombie movie buffs have their life long dream come true. As their provisions run low, reality begins to set in and they realize that the zombie apocalypse isn't all it's cracked up to be.",
            "Cast": "Tiffany Arnold|Eric Boso|Daniel Alan Kiely|Laura E. Mock|Dan Nye|Cat Taylor|Ben Brown|Sarah Starr|Jason Jay Crabtree|Luther Center|Bill Koruna|Danielle Talbott|Mary Jo Apisa|Vidas Barzdukas|Allison Black",
            "Language": "English",
            "Filming Locations": "",
            "Budget": ""
            "Title": "The Thirteenth (2017)",
            "Genres": "Horror",
            "Release Date": "15-May-17",
            "Release Country": "UK",
            "Movie Rating": "",
            "Review Rating": 9.4,
            "Movie Run Time": "72 min",
            "Plot": "Directed by Chris Hastings. With Rebecca Grant, Richard Syms, Lorna Doyle, Kurtis Stacey. When Chris finds out his dead father's legacy is no more than a mysterious riddle only he can solve, he's not interested. He just wants to pay a flying visit to the remote Greek island where his estranged father died, sort out his belongings, and go. But it's not that simple. Meeting a beautiful, mysterious woman, Chris learns his father died investigating an ancient mystery and may have ...",
            "Cast": "Rebecca Grant|Richard Syms|Lorna Doyle|Kurtis Stacey|Wookie Mayer",
            "Language": "English",
            "Filming Locations": "Symi, Greece",
            "Budget": "£500,000"
        }, {
            "Title": "Hotel Inferno 2: The Cathedral of Pain (2017)",
            "Genres": "Action| Horror",
            "Release Date": "29-Sep-17",
            "Release Country": "UK",
            "Movie Rating": "",
            "Review Rating": 9.5,
            "Movie Run Time": "70 min",
            "Plot": "Directed by Giulio De Santi, Tiziana Machella. With Rayner Bourton, Roland Stone, Jade Matthew, Michael Howe. You, Frank Zimosa, are dead - brutally killed by the Mistandrian Cultists and trapped in the nightmarish Hotel Inferno: a special layer of Hell where demons co-exist with cultists, providing them dark, forbidden knowledge in exchange for endless pain and suffering. Alongside another tormented soul, trapped in the inferno since the Middle Ages, you must locate the five elements comprising the ...",
            "Cast": "Rayner Bourton|Roland Stone|Jade Matthew|Michael Howe|Wilmar Zimosa|Cristian Corradetti|Christian Riva|Enrique Sorres|Santiago Ortaez|Marco Obov|Rita Ermini|Laura De Michelis|Erika Gradiowa|Patrik Guillepse|Serena Guillepse",
            "Language": "English",
            "Filming Locations": "",
            "Budget": "€356,893"
        }, {
            "Title": "The Theta Girl (2017)",
            "Genres": "Action| Horror| Sci-Fi",
            "Release Date": "13-Oct-17",
            "Release Country": "USA",
            "Movie Rating": "",
            "Review Rating": 9.6,
            "Movie Run Time": "98 min",
            "Plot": "Directed by Christopher Bickel. With Victoria Elizabeth Donofrio, Shane Silman, Darrelle D. Dove, Mike Amason. Gayce, a take-no-shit young woman, deals a hallucinogenic drug called \"theta,\" facilitating an audience for her friends' all-girl rock band. When Gayce's friends are brutally murdered, she must solve the mystery behind the murders and protect herself from the killer. She discovers the connections between theta and the murders - and learns a terrifying truth. That the world -- indeed her whole ...",
            "Cast": "Victoria Elizabeth Donofrio|Shane Silman|Darrelle D. Dove|Mike Amason|Christopher Bickel|Aaron Blomberg|Aaron Blomberg|Kenneth Briere|Shawn Dell Corley|Quinn Deogracias|Nick Dunn|Caley Fleming|Stanford Gardner|Nikki Gonzalez|Brice Hall",
            "Language": "English",
            "Filming Locations": "Columbia, South Carolina, USA",
            "Budget": "$14,000"
        }, {
            "Title": "Flesh of the Void (2017)",
            "Genres": "Horror",
            "Release Date": "21-Oct-17",
            "Release Country": "USA",
            "Movie Rating": "",
            "Review Rating": 9.5,
            "Movie Run Time": "77 min",
            "Plot": "Directed by James Quinn. With Man Without a Face, Kmsura, Dead Flesh, Elektriking. Flesh of the Void is a terribly disturbing experimental horror film about what it could feel like if death truly were the most horrible thing one could ever experience. It is intended as a trip through the deepest fears of human beings, exploring its subject in a highly grotesque, violent and extreme manner.",
            "Cast": "Man Without a Face|Kmsura|Dead Flesh|Elektriking|Skinboy|Inkgod|Bonehands|Them|Eloisa Alquati|Tamara Fragale",
            "Language": "English",
            "Filming Locations": "",
            "Budget": ""
        }, {
            "Title": "Do You See Me (2017)",
            "Genres": "Horror",
            "Release Date": "20-May-17",
            "Release Country": "USA",
            "Movie Rating": "",
            "Review Rating": 9.1,
            "Movie Run Time": "",
            "Plot": "Directed by Corbin Timbrook. With Lisa London, Gabrielle Stone, Philip Boyd, Jim Fitzpatrick. Emily is being stalked by a rogue clown. He's everywhere...including her closet.",
            "Cast": "Lisa London|Gabrielle Stone|Philip Boyd|Jim Fitzpatrick|Sarah Agor|Rya Meyers|Hayley Goldstein|Sal Landi|Taylor Piedmonte|Shelby Janes|Anna Lenes|Dayton Knoll|Christian Matthew Toma|Gabe Hohreiter|Robert Ambrose",
            "Language": "English",
            "Filming Locations": "Los Angeles, California, USA",
            "Budget": "$1,800,000"
            "Title": "Bonehill Road (2017)",
            "Genres": "Horror",
            "Release Date": "27-Oct-17",
            "Release Country": "USA",
            "Movie Rating": "",
            "Review Rating": 9.8,
            "Movie Run Time": "",
            "Plot": "Directed by Todd Sheets. With Andrew Baltes, Clinton Baysinger, Logan Boese, Aaron Brazier. Emily and Eden Stevens escape one violent situation only to dive head first into another. Terrified and alone they are stranded in the dark woods only to be chased into a horrific scene in a house or horrors. They must work together to get out alive. But what is worse? What is on the inside or out?",
            "Cast": "Andrew Baltes|Clinton Baysinger|Logan Boese|Aaron Brazier|Alexander Brotherton|Eli DeGeer|Douglas Epps|Dilynn Fawn Harvey|Gary Kent|Eric Khul|David E. McMahon|Millie Milan|Aaron Neal|Jane Plumberg|Linnea Quigley",
            "Language": "English",
            "Filming Locations": "",
            "Budget": ""
            "Title": "Treasure Chest of Horrors II (2013)",
            "Genres": "Comedy| Horror| Thriller",
            "Release Date": "23-Apr-13",
            "Release Country": "USA",
            "Movie Rating": "NOT RATED",
            "Review Rating": 3.7,
            "Movie Run Time": "82 min",
            "Plot": "Directed by M. Kelley, Shawn C. Phillips, Alex Powers. With Veronica Ricci, Nicholas Adam Clark, James Cullen Bressack, Nick Waugh. Mona Screamalot, along with her crazy family, prepares you for six short horror films from deep within her trashy treasure chest. This anthology features party killers, giant killer babies, an angry murderous child, a bacterial infection like no other, a murderous cross dresser,a killer in the woods, and Satan. Oh yeah, don't forget the buckets of blood.",
            "Cast": "Veronica Ricci|Nicholas Adam Clark|James Cullen Bressack|Nick Waugh|Shawn C. Phillips|Brent Buser|Miles Dougal|Joseph Frantz|M. Kelley|Brendan Mitchell|Joben Penuliar|Ethan Phillips|Kim Phillips|Stephen Phillips|Alex Powers",
            "Language": "English",
            "Filming Locations": "Baltimore, Maryland, USA",
            "Budget": ""
            "Title": "Infidus (2015)",
            "Genres": "Crime| Drama| Horror",
            "Release Date": "10-Apr-15",
            "Release Country": "USA",
            "Movie Rating": "",
            "Review Rating": 5.8,
            "Movie Run Time": "80 min",
            "Plot": "Directed by Giulio De Santi. With Bonini Mino, Massimo Caratelli, Maurizio Zaffino, Stefania Bonini. In the suburbs of Rome, two disparate lives with only desire for vengeance and redemption in common find their destinies intertwined. Massimo's mind is plagued with images of his wife's violent death at the hands of a criminal gang involved in the production of snuff films. With every memory of the woman he loved replaced by unforgettable images of her horrific final moments, Massimo sees only ...",
            "Cast": "Bonini Mino|Massimo Caratelli|Maurizio Zaffino|Stefania Bonini|Andrea Di Spirito|Walter Montano|Cristiano Mazzacane|Simone Paternosto|Adrian Baigus|Domenico Deltreppo|Manolo Di Rocco|Stefania Caratelli|Christian Riva|Domenico Vagnati|Roberta Abatiello",
            "Language": "Italian",
            "Filming Locations": "",
            "Budget": ""
            "Title": "In Extremis (2017)",
            "Genres": "Horror| Thriller",
            "Release Date": 2017,
            "Release Country": "UK",
            "Movie Rating": "",
            "Review Rating": "",
            "Movie Run Time": "93 min",
            "Plot": "Directed by Steve Stone. With David O'Hara, Isabelle Allen, Neil Pearson, Toyah Willcox. It's the end of the world - at least their world.",
            "Cast": "David O'Hara|Isabelle Allen|Neil Pearson|Toyah Willcox|Bill Fellows|Tina Harris|Nick Cornwall|Lisa Gormley|Joe Simpson|Stuart Sessions|Luke Ryder|Jeannie McGinnis|Michael David Worden|Lorraine Dallas|Amy Popplewell",
            "Language": "English",
            "Filming Locations": "",
            "Budget": "$3,400,000"
            "Title": "Ghostlight (2013)",
            "Genres": "Drama| Horror| Thriller",
            "Release Date": "3-Jun-14",
            "Release Country": "USA",
            "Movie Rating": "NOT RATED",
            "Review Rating": 5.1,
            "Movie Run Time": "90 min",
            "Plot": "Directed by Jeff Ferrell. With Eden Campbell, Lisa Coronado, David A. Crellin, Jeff Ferrell. Andrew wins a radio contest to spend one night alone in a haunted theater on the 80th anniversary of the bloody murder/suicide that occurred within its walls. His prize: $50,000. His task: To spend 12 hours alone inside. The catch: The theater has been reportedly haunted ever since the tragedy 80 years ago, and has been plagued by a series of mysterious deaths in the years since. As Andrew is ...",
            "Cast": "Eden Campbell|Lisa Coronado|David A. Crellin|Jeff Ferrell|Ramona Freeborn|Russell Hodgkinson|Dennis Kleinsmith|Brian Sutherland",
            "Language": "English",
            "Filming Locations": "",
            "Budget": ""
            "Title": "Parasyte: Part 2 (2015)",
            "Genres": "Action| Drama| Horror| Sci-Fi",
            "Release Date": "25-Apr-15",
            "Release Country": "Japan",
            "Movie Rating": "",
            "Review Rating": 6.5,
            "Movie Run Time": "117 min",
            "Plot": "Directed by Takashi Yamazaki. With Shôta Sometani, Eri Fukatsu, Ai Hashimoto, Sadao Abe. Humanity is under attack by human-mimicking flesh-eating alien parasites. One parasite bonds with his young high school student host, and he convinces the parasite to help him stop the others.",
            "Cast": "Shôta Sometani|Eri Fukatsu|Ai Hashimoto|Sadao Abe|Satoshi Araki|Tadanobu Asano|Kazuki Kitamura|Jun Kunimura|Nao Ohmori|Pierre Taki",
            "Language": "Japanese",
            "Filming Locations": "Tokyo, Japan",
            "Budget": ""
            "Title": "Stranger in the House (2015)",
            "Genres": "Horror| Mystery| Thriller",
            "Release Date": "28-May-17",
            "Release Country": "Spain",
            "Movie Rating": "PG-13",
            "Review Rating": 4.6,
            "Movie Run Time": "90 min",
            "Plot": "Directed by Devon Gummersall. With Annabella Sciorra, Tammy Blanchard, Nathan Darrow, Dennis Boutsikaris. Eve has married the man of her dreams but when they return to live in the house willed to him by his first wife who died under horrific circumstances, it becomes a waking nightmare as Eve falls into a spiral of suspicion and madness.",
            "Cast": "Annabella Sciorra|Tammy Blanchard|Nathan Darrow|Dennis Boutsikaris|Jenn Liu|Roberta Maxwell|Bettina Skye|Angela Lin|Susan-Kate Heaney|Paul Urcioli|Yvette Mercedes|Peter Sabri|Fatima Mai|Denis Silvestri|Mike Nojun Park",
            "Language": "English",
            "Filming Locations": "Warwick, New York, USA",
            "Budget": ""
            "Title": "Tutak Tutak Tutiya (2016)",
            "Genres": "Comedy| Horror",
            "Release Date": "7-Oct-16",
            "Release Country": "India",
            "Movie Rating": "",
            "Review Rating": 5.4,
            "Movie Run Time": "138 min",
            "Plot": "Directed by Vijay. With Tamannaah Bhatia, Karishma Gulati, Esha Gupta, Amy Jackson. The Hindi version of the trilingual horror-comedy wherein a husband finds out his wife is possessed. The Telugu version is Abhinetri (2016) and the Tamil version is Devi(L) (2016)",
            "Cast": "Tamannaah Bhatia|Karishma Gulati|Esha Gupta|Amy Jackson|Farah Khan|Ravi Khanna|Prabhudheva|Murli Sharma|Kanwalpreet Singh|Sonu Sood|Rajiv Thakur",
            "Language": "Hindi",
            "Filming Locations": "",
            "Budget": ""
            "Title": "The Strange House (2015)",
            "Genres": "Horror",
            "Release Date": "24-Jul-15",
            "Release Country": "China",
            "Movie Rating": "",
            "Review Rating": 5.3,
            "Movie Run Time": "87 min",
            "Plot": "Directed by Danny Pang. With Siu-Fai Cheung, Yi Song, Zitian Tian, Jiao Xu. A young girl pretending to be the deceased granddaughter of an ailing grandmother begins experiencing horrific visions of the dead granddaughter, causing her to slowly succumb to the insanity of illusion and reality merging.",
            "Cast": "Siu-Fai Cheung|Yi Song|Zitian Tian|Jiao Xu",
            "Language": "Mandarin",
            "Filming Locations": "",
            "Budget": ""
            "Title": "Rise of the Animals (2011)",
            "Genres": "Adventure| Comedy| Horror",
            "Release Date": "1-May-12",
            "Release Country": "USA",
            "Movie Rating": "NOT RATED",
            "Review Rating": 3.6,
            "Movie Run Time": "70 min",
            "Plot": "Directed by Chris Wojcik. With Greg Hoople, Stephanie Motta, Adam Schonberg, Nikki Preston. In a world where animals have turned on humanity, a teen travels across the country in search of the girl of his dreams.",
            "Cast": "Greg Hoople|Stephanie Motta|Adam Schonberg|Nikki Preston|Charles Bigelow|Phillip Musumeci|Katie LeVander|Melissa Orioli|Laura Blank|Tricia Dalusio|Brittany Cerra|Renee Radwan|Justine Turner|Max Roth|Charlie Roth",
            "Language": "English",
            "Filming Locations": "Rochester, New York, USA",
            "Budget": "$7,000"
            "Title": "When Death Calls (2012)",
            "Genres": "Horror",
            "Release Date": "28-Apr-12",
            "Release Country": "USA",
            "Movie Rating": "",
            "Review Rating": 5.9,
            "Movie Run Time": "91 min",
            "Plot": "Directed by Jim Haggerty. With Suzi Lorraine, Tina Krause, Nathalie Bryant, Jae Mosc. Disc jockey Roxy Richards encourages her listeners to call in and share scary stories during a live broadcast on Halloween night: A psycho stalks an elementary school teacher, an adulterous one night stand goes horrifically awry, a young couple who decide to stay in find themselves in great danger, an engaged woman gets terrorized by a predatory monster that lives in the basement of her ...",
            "Cast": "Suzi Lorraine|Tina Krause|Nathalie Bryant|Jae Mosc|Pooya Mohseni|Robert Lincourt|Katt Masterson|Darlene McCullough|Rebecca Rose McCain|Stephen Alan Wilson|Jim Haggerty|Dennis Newman|Alex Kruz|Angela Alvizuri|David Tapias",
            "Language": "English",
            "Filming Locations": "",
            "Budget": ""
            "Title": "Dark Medicine (2013)",
            "Genres": "Horror| Sci-Fi",
            "Release Date": 2013,
            "Release Country": "USA",
            "Movie Rating": "NOT RATED",
            "Review Rating": 2.8,
            "Movie Run Time": "72 min",
            "Plot": "Directed by Tariq Nasheed. With Ola Akinroluyo, Byron Baudo, Josh Bednarsky, Emily Brooks. A middle school in a small college town was recently shut down because of mysterious toxins found on the premise. These toxins were cause by a secret eugenics program gone wrong. Tonight, a group of college friends discover the abandoned school, and decide to explore it just for fun. Once inside, they soon realize that that school is not so abandoned.",
            "Cast": "Ola Akinroluyo|Byron Baudo|Josh Bednarsky|Emily Brooks|Corey Browne|Shawn Calloway|Drew Chase|JinYoung Choi|Russ Kingston|Abbey Kochman|Nyell Leahy|Kelci C. Magel|Robert Maxwell|Tariq Nasheed|Rachelle Neal",
            "Language": "English",
            "Filming Locations": "Atlanta, Georgia, USA",
            "Budget": ""
            "Title": "Sexy Durga (2017)",
            "Genres": "Drama| Fantasy| Horror| Mystery| Thriller",
            "Release Date": "21-Mar-17",
            "Release Country": "USA",
            "Movie Rating": "",
            "Review Rating": 5.9,
            "Movie Run Time": "85 min",
            "Plot": "Directed by Sanal Kumar Sasidharan. With Rajshri Deshpande, Bilas Nair, Arun Sol, Sujish. Durga, a north Indian migrant and a Keralite youth named Kabeer are running away on a midnight. They are waiting for a transport to the nearest railway station to catch a train to a distant place. Two small time gangsters, transporting arms, offer assistance to the couple. The hapless \"Durga\" encounters a cross section of the society through the rest of the night. Parallel to the journey of Durga...",
            "Cast": "Rajshri Deshpande|Bilas Nair|Arun Sol|Sujish|Vedh",
            "Language": "Malayalam",
            "Filming Locations": "Thiruvananthapuram, Kerala, India",
            "Budget": "INR 6,000,000"
            "Title": "Circus of the Dead (2014)",
            "Genres": "Action| Horror| Thriller",
            "Release Date": "13-Jan-17",
            "Release Country": "USA",
            "Movie Rating": "",
            "Review Rating": 6,
            "Movie Run Time": "102 min",
            "Plot": "Directed by Billy 'Bloody Bill' Pon. With Bill Oberst Jr., Parrish Randall, Chanel Ryan, Roger Edwards. A man becomes entangled in a deadly morality game when the circus comes to town and a sadistic clown forces him to examine the things in life he takes for granted in the most horrific ways.",
            "Cast": "Bill Oberst Jr.|Parrish Randall|Chanel Ryan|Roger Edwards|Brad Potts|Ryan Clapp|Rusty Edwards|Mike Williams|Jed Duesler|Travis Steele|Steve Brooks|Jordan Bell|Madi Lane|Kyle Mueller|Sergio Gracida",
            "Language": "English",
            "Filming Locations": "Odessa, Texas, USA",
            "Budget": "$150,000"
            "Title": "Zombie Resurrection (2014)",
            "Genres": "Horror",
            "Release Date": "23-Mar-15",
            "Release Country": "UK",
            "Movie Rating": "NOT RATED",
            "Review Rating": 2.7,
            "Movie Run Time": "86 min",
            "Plot": "Directed by Jake Hawkins, Andy Phelps. With Eric Colvin, Jim Sweeney, Danny Brown, Simon Burbage. 15 months after the apocalypse, a group of survivors are forced to take refuge in an abandoned school, where they encounter a mysterious zombie with the power to bring the undead back to life.",
            "Cast": "Eric Colvin|Jim Sweeney|Danny Brown|Simon Burbage|Jade Colucci|Joe Rainbow|Rachel Nottingham|Shamiso Mushambi|Georgia Winters|Rupert Phelps|Jamie Frampton|Kate Korbel|Andy Bazire|Ian McIntyre|Jake Hawkins",
            "Language": "English",
            "Filming Locations": "Hampshire, England, UK",
            "Budget": "£100,000"
            "Title": "Falling (2016)",
            "Genres": "Drama| Horror| Romance| Thriller",
            "Release Date": "8-Apr-16",
            "Release Country": "USA",
            "Movie Rating": "",
            "Review Rating": 7.1,
            "Movie Run Time": "105 min",
            "Plot": "Directed by Ali Askari. With Josh Helman, Yael Stone, Jennifer Allcott, Paul Sorvino. After the death of his wife, Sarah, young widower Malcolm is reluctantly trying to put his life back together with the help of his plucky sister-in-law, Dee. When he meets Nya, a free spirited young woman, things seem to be looking up... until he starts seeing his dead wife everywhere, and she's not too happy about the fact that he's dating again.",
            "Cast": "Josh Helman|Yael Stone|Jennifer Allcott|Paul Sorvino|Yvonne Cone|Slate Holmgren|Danny Lane|Melissa Almas|Sashah Askari|Marc Brockett|Paul Buckley|Laura Calhoun|Joe Caruso|Kallie Flynn Childress|Heather Delia",
            "Language": "English",
            "Filming Locations": "Utica, New York, USA",
            "Budget": ""
            "Title": "Bad Behavior (2015)",
            "Genres": "Horror",
            "Release Date": "27-Oct-15",
            "Release Country": "USA",
            "Movie Rating": "",
            "Review Rating": "",
            "Movie Run Time": "64 min",
            "Plot": "Directed by Curtis Everitt. With John Langston, Amelia Blue, Rex Roby, Peyton Hicks. Turner takes his friends out to a cabin in the woods. When they get there, they find out that their bad behavior will give way to a sinister turn of events.",
            "Cast": "John Langston|Amelia Blue|Rex Roby|Peyton Hicks|Brian Cannon|Samantha Kalahar|Aaron Keith|Blake Harthcock|Clayton Southerland|Melanie Calvert Benton|Nate Womack",
            "Language": "English",
            "Filming Locations": "Pelahatchie, Mississippi, USA",
            "Budget": "$1,023"
            "Title": "Devil's Tower (2014)",
            "Genres": "Horror",
            "Release Date": "16-Sep-14",
            "Release Country": "UK",
            "Movie Rating": "",
            "Review Rating": 3.4,
            "Movie Run Time": "82 min",
            "Plot": "Directed by Owen Tooth. With Jason Mewes, Roxanne Pallett, Frances Ruffelle, Jessica-Jane Stafford. When Sid's friend goes missing, he and new girl Sarah investigate disappearances in their tower block. Uncovering the secret of a vengeful ghost possessing a horde of zombies, they must fight for their lives - and their souls.",
            "Cast": "Jason Mewes|Roxanne Pallett|Frances Ruffelle|Jessica-Jane Stafford|Emma Buckley|Kweku Amoa|Peter Barrett|Jason Owen Bee|Jason Thomas Brown|Jessica Ann Brownlie|Alison Carroll|Adam Dakin|Emily Denton-Davies|Lee Dilley|Steven Dolton",
            "Language": "English",
            "Filming Locations": "Derbyshire, England, UK",
            "Budget": "$3,000,000"
            "Title": "I Am ZoZo (2012)",
            "Genres": "Horror| Thriller",
            "Release Date": "18-Feb-12",
            "Release Country": "USA",
            "Movie Rating": "UNRATED",
            "Review Rating": 3.6,
            "Movie Run Time": "85 min",
            "Plot": "Directed by Scott Di Lalla. With Kelly McLaren, Courtney Foxworthy, Demetrius Sager, Caleb Courtney. I Am ZoZo is a psychological thriller about five young people who play with a Ouija board on Halloween and attract the attention of a malevolent demon. The film is based on real experiences with an ancient and malevolent spirit called ZoZo that attaches itself to people exclusively through Ouija boards. I Am ZoZo was shot last fall on location on San Juan Island, WA and Seattle entirely on Kodak ...",
            "Cast": "Kelly McLaren|Courtney Foxworthy|Demetrius Sager|Caleb Courtney|Caleb Debattista|Darren Wayne Evans|John Vejvoda|Sophia Mitri Schloss|Demeri Millikin",
            "Language": "English",
            "Filming Locations": "San Juan Island, San Juan Islands, Washington, USA",
            "Budget": ""
            "Title": "Before Dawn (2013)",
            "Genres": "Horror",
            "Release Date": "8-Jun-13",
            "Release Country": "Japan",
            "Movie Rating": "NOT RATED",
            "Review Rating": 4.7,
            "Movie Run Time": "82 min",
            "Plot": "Directed by Dominic Brunt. With Dominic Brunt, Joanne Mitchell, Eileen O'Brien, Nicky Evans. An estranged couple's vacation to save their troubled relationship goes awry when they find themselves under attack from the walking dead",
            "Cast": "Dominic Brunt|Joanne Mitchell|Eileen O'Brien|Nicky Evans|Alex Baldacci|Alan French|Holly Illis|David Nolan|Neale Myers|Bryn Hammond|Mark Charnock|Tony Earnshaw|Ian Jowett",
            "Language": "English",
            "Filming Locations": "Yorkshire, England, UK",
            "Budget": "£25,000"
            "Title": "Apparition (2015)",
            "Genres": "Fantasy| Horror| Thriller",
            "Release Date": "5-May-15",
            "Release Country": "USA",
            "Movie Rating": "NOT RATED",
            "Review Rating": 4,
            "Movie Run Time": "100 min",
            "Plot": "Directed by Quinn Saunders. With Katrina Law, Jody Quigley, Lili Bordán, Jarett Armstrong. When Doug's fiancée is killed in a car accident he retreats to their isolated farmhouse to recover from his loss, but supernatural occurrences leave him fearing for his sanity and reveal a secret she took with her to the grave.",
            "Cast": "Katrina Law|Jody Quigley|Lili Bordán|Jarett Armstrong|Rebeka Choudhury|Airen DeLaMater|Dave Droxler|Joseph Forsstrom|Pete Postiglione|Megan Rose|Thomas Roy|Tom Settefrati|Margo Trovei",
            "Language": "English",
            "Filming Locations": "Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA",
            "Budget": "$3,000,000"
            "Title": "Darkroom (2017)",
            "Genres": "Drama| Horror",
            "Release Date": "18-Jan-17",
            "Release Country": "Philippines",
            "Movie Rating": "",
            "Review Rating": 6.6,
            "Movie Run Time": "95 min",
            "Plot": "Directed by Pedring Lopez. With Ella Cruz, Bret Jackson, AJ Muhlach, Donnalyn Bartolome.",
            "Cast": "Ella Cruz|Bret Jackson|AJ Muhlach|Donnalyn Bartolome|Andrew Muhlach|Rose Van Ginkel|Caleb Santos|Samantha Capulong|Jack Reid|Lander Vera-Perez|Abby Bautista",
            "Language": "Filipino|Tagalog",
            "Filming Locations": "",
            "Budget": ""
            "Title": "Don't Look in the Basement 2 (2015)",
            "Genres": "Horror| Thriller",
            "Release Date": "25-May-16",
            "Release Country": "USA",
            "Movie Rating": "",
            "Review Rating": 4,
            "Movie Run Time": "88 min",
            "Plot": "Directed by Tony Brownrigg. With Andrew Sensenig, Frank Mosley, Arianne Martin, Jim O'Rear. In 1972, the patients and doctors at Stephens Sanitarium were brutally murdered. Over forty years later, the only known survivor returns only to find the ghosts of the past have not been resting in peace.",
            "Cast": "Andrew Sensenig|Frank Mosley|Arianne Martin|Jim O'Rear|Scott Tepperman|Megan Emerick|Willie Minor|Camilla Carr|Earl Browning III|Brady McInnes|Carolyn King|Chester Rushing|Libby Hall|Kim Foster|Joseph Spector",
            "Language": "English",
            "Filming Locations": "Tehuacana, Texas, USA",
            "Budget": ""
            "Title": "2: Voodoo Academy (2012)",
            "Genres": "Horror",
            "Release Date": "1-Oct-12",
            "Release Country": "USA",
            "Movie Rating": "",
            "Review Rating": 4.5,
            "Movie Run Time": "75 min",
            "Plot": "Directed by David DeCoteau. With Alex Fox, Michelle Bauer, Brandon Schinaman, Josh Randall. Young hot travelers are sidelined by a road blocked with fallen trees, and stop for a night at the mansion belonging to sexy Sebastian. The house has a history of voodoo, mayhem and horror, and new arrivals are fresh meat for the hungry house...",
            "Cast": "Alex Fox|Michelle Bauer|Brandon Schinaman|Josh Randall|Shawn McCormick|Alex Bugaj|Richie Nuzzolese",
            "Language": "English",
            "Filming Locations": "Malibu, California, USA",
            "Budget": "$1,000,000"
            "Title": "Return of the Killer Shrews (2012)",
            "Genres": "Horror",
            "Release Date": 2012,
            "Release Country": "USA",
            "Movie Rating": "",
            "Review Rating": 2.7,
            "Movie Run Time": "84 min",
            "Plot": "Directed by Steve Latshaw. With John Schneider, Jennifer Lyons, Bruce Davison, James Best. Fifty-three years after being attacked by killer shrews on a remote island, Captain Thorne Sherman is hired by a reality television crew to return to the island in question. The shrews attack again in short order.",
            "Cast": "John Schneider|Jennifer Lyons|Bruce Davison|James Best|Jason-Shane Scott|Sean Flynn|Rick Hurst|Jeneta St. Clair|Katherine Randolph|Maggie Wagner|Holly Weber|Christopher Goodman|David Browning|Megan Rebelo|Jason Nguyen",
            "Language": "English",
            "Filming Locations": "Sanna Movie Ranch - Soledad Canyon Road, Agua Dulce, California, USA",
            "Budget": ""
            "Title": "Slaughter Drive (2017)",
            "Genres": "Horror",
            "Release Date": "12-Oct-17",
            "Release Country": "USA",
            "Movie Rating": "",
            "Review Rating": "",
            "Movie Run Time": "",
            "Plot": "Directed by Ben Dietels. With Vincent Bombara, Chris Crighton, Ben Dietels, Danielle Dietels.",
            "Cast": "Vincent Bombara|Chris Crighton|Ben Dietels|Danielle Dietels|Seth Gontkovic|David Hammer|Ollis Patrick Hanley|Nikki Howell|Ryan Lintner|Eric Martinez|Nikki Nader|Blake O'Donnell|David Ogrodowski|Steve Rudzinski|Carrie Shoberg",
            "Language": "English",
            "Filming Locations": "",
            "Budget": "$10,000"
            "Title": "Septic Man (2013)",
            "Genres": "Horror",
            "Release Date": "15-Aug-14",
            "Release Country": "USA",
            "Movie Rating": "R",
            "Review Rating": 4.1,
            "Movie Run Time": "83 min",
            "Plot": "Directed by Jesse Thomas Cook. With Jason David Brown, Molly Dunsworth, Julian Richings, Robert Maillet. A sewage worker gets trapped inside a septic tank during a water contamination crisis and undergoes a hideous transformation.",
            "Cast": "Jason David Brown|Molly Dunsworth|Julian Richings|Robert Maillet|Timothy Burd|Stephen McHattie|Nicole G. Leier|Charlie Baker|Tony Burgess",
            "Language": "English",
            "Filming Locations": "Collingwood, Ontario, Canada",
            "Budget": ""
            "Title": "The Perfect House (2013)",
            "Genres": "Horror",
            "Release Date": 2013,
            "Release Country": "USA",
            "Movie Rating": "",
            "Review Rating": 4.3,
            "Movie Run Time": "84 min",
            "Plot": "Directed by Kris Hulbert, Randy Kent. With Felissa Rose, Jonathan Tiersten, John Philbin, Dustin Stevens. A young couple's dream home turns into a house of horrors when the disturbing, violent acts of three generations of doomed families is reawakened for them to witness.",
            "Cast": "Felissa Rose|Jonathan Tiersten|John Philbin|Dustin Stevens|Monique Parent|Andrea Vahl|William A. Robertson|Kris Smith|Timothy Dugan|Alex Victoria|Michael Wagner|Holly Greene|Hans Hernke|Becky Friedman|Angelina Leigh",
            "Language": "English",
            "Filming Locations": "Buffalo, New York, USA",
            "Budget": ""
            "Title": "Her Cry: La Llorona Investigation (2013)",
            "Genres": "Horror",
            "Release Date": "19-Apr-13",
            "Release Country": "USA",
            "Movie Rating": "NOT RATED",
            "Review Rating": 5.4,
            "Movie Run Time": "89 min",
            "Plot": "Directed by Damir Catic. With Nichole Ceballos, James Ezrin, Ron Gelner, Everardo Guzman. Crew of \"Paranormal Legends\" went to film their 4th season at the place where La Llorona (Weeping woman) was reportedly seen. Only thing that's left was 17 hours of tapes and 2 camcorders.",
            "Cast": "Nichole Ceballos|James Ezrin|Ron Gelner|Everardo Guzman|Parker Riggs|Gabrielle Santamauro",
            "Language": "English",
            "Filming Locations": "Houston, Texas, USA",
            "Budget": "$60,000"
            "Title": "The Canadoo (2016)",
            "Genres": "Horror",
            "Release Date": "2-Nov-16",
            "Release Country": "USA",
            "Movie Rating": "",
            "Review Rating": 4,
            "Movie Run Time": "74 min",
            "Plot": "Directed by Raymond Wood. With Tyler Buckingham, Alina Lia, Dréy Wigfall, Ali Roberts. When five fame-hungry millennials are chosen to be contestants on a reality survival TV show, it appears they have been given a chance at celebrity stardom - but when a mixture of strange discoveries, unexplained occurrences, and mysterious disappearances plague the group, they begin to turn on one another, wondering if they are actually on a game show or if someone playing a game of their own.",
            "Cast": "Tyler Buckingham|Alina Lia|Dréy Wigfall|Ali Roberts|Teddy Cole|Brook Todd",
            "Language": "English",
            "Filming Locations": "Atlanta, Georgia, USA",
            "Budget": "$1,500,000"
            "Title": "Inoperable (2017)",
            "Genres": "Horror",
            "Release Date": 2017,
            "Release Country": "USA",
            "Movie Rating": "",
            "Review Rating": "",
            "Movie Run Time": "",
            "Plot": "Directed by Christopher Lawrence Chapman. With Danielle Harris, Katie Keene, Chris Hahn, Jeff Denton. A young woman wakes up in a seemingly evacuated hospital with a hurricane approaching that has awakened malevolent forces inside. She realizes she must escape the hospital before the hurricane passes, or she will be trapped there forever.",
            "Cast": "Danielle Harris|Katie Keene|Chris Hahn|Jeff Denton|Crystal Cordero|Cher Hubsher|Gene Michael|Barry Aslinger|Isabella Sofia Menna|Khris Colgate|Michelle Marin|Dawn Hubsher|Jared Gopman|Brittni Amber Lombardo|Philip Schene",
            "Language": "English",
            "Filming Locations": "Tampa, Florida, USA",
            "Budget": ""
            "Title": "Hellriser (2017)",
            "Genres": "Horror",
            "Release Date": "9-Oct-17",
            "Release Country": "UK",
            "Movie Rating": "",
            "Review Rating": 5,
            "Movie Run Time": "75 min",
            "Plot": "Directed by Steve Lawson. With Steven Dolton, Charlie Bond, Nathan Head, Raven Lee. When their city is rocked by a series of brutal occult murders, veteran detective John Locke and his young partner Terri Keyes are forced to put aside their differences and follow the trail of evidence to a formerly abandoned asylum.",
            "Cast": "Steven Dolton|Charlie Bond|Nathan Head|Raven Lee|Andrew Coughlan|Evadne Fisher|Georgia Annable|Emmeline Kellie|M.J. Simpson|Marcus Langford|Kin Ma|Charlene Marie|Amelia Valentine",
            "Language": "English",
            "Filming Locations": "",
            "Budget": "£100,000"
            "Title": "Yaamirukka Bayamey (2014)",
            "Genres": "Comedy| Horror",
            "Release Date": "9-May-14",
            "Release Country": "India",
            "Movie Rating": "",
            "Review Rating": 7.2,
            "Movie Run Time": "125 min",
            "Plot": "Directed by Deekay. With Krishna Sekhar, Rupa Manjari, Karunakaran, Oviya. Is a ghost haunting Kiran's ancestral property? Or is it a conman's master moves?",
            "Cast": "Krishna Sekhar|Rupa Manjari|Karunakaran|Oviya|Aadhav Kannadasan|Anaswara|Nalinikanth|Mayilsamy|Bose Venkat|Namo Narayana|Mahanadhi Shankar|Sona Heiden|Devipriya|Balaji Mohan|Rayil Ravi",
            "Language": "Tamil",
            "Filming Locations": "",
            "Budget": ""
            "Title": "Grindsploitation (2016)",
            "Genres": "Action| Crime| Horror| Sci-Fi| Thriller",
            "Release Date": "31-Oct-16",
            "Release Country": "USA",
            "Movie Rating": "UNRATED",
            "Review Rating": 6.2,
            "Movie Run Time": "140 min",
            "Plot": "Directed by Lloyd Kaufman, James Atkins, Dustin Austen. With P.J. Soles, Lloyd Kaufman, Shawn C. Phillips, Shane Ryan. Exploitation anthology from the twisted minds of established and up and coming directors from across the globe.",
            "Cast": "P.J. Soles|Lloyd Kaufman|Shawn C. Phillips|Shane Ryan|Nathan Head|Jessica Ann Brownlie|Scarlet Fry|Sadie Katz|Nicola Fiore|Bryan Hanna|Rami Hilmi|Melissa Hollett|Max Wasa|Jason Impey|Caleb Emerson",
            "Language": "English",
            "Filming Locations": "",
            "Budget": ""
            "Title": "Ular Tangga (2017)",
            "Genres": "Horror| Thriller",
            "Release Date": "9-Mar-17",
            "Release Country": "Indonesia",
            "Movie Rating": "",
            "Review Rating": 7.1,
            "Movie Run Time": "",
            "Plot": "Directed by Arie Azis. With Ahmad Affandy, Alessia Cestaro, Shareefa Daanish, Egy Fedly. An indigo student who can see something bad is going to happen who come through a dream with her plan and friends for hiking a mountain but no one believe her.",
            "Cast": "Ahmad Affandy|Alessia Cestaro|Shareefa Daanish|Egy Fedly|Yova Garcia|Roy Martin|Vicky Monica|Fauzan Nasrul|Randa Septian|Guntur Triyoga",
            "Language": "Indonesian",
            "Filming Locations": "Gunung Pancar, Indonesia",
            "Budget": "$1,000,000"
            "Title": "Ek Thi Daayan (2013)",
            "Genres": "Horror| Romance| Thriller",
            "Release Date": "18-Apr-13",
            "Release Country": "India",
            "Movie Rating": "",
            "Review Rating": 5.7,
            "Movie Run Time": "135 min",
            "Plot": "Directed by Kannan Iyer. With Emraan Hashmi, Konkona Sen Sharma, Kalki Koechlin, Huma Qureshi. A popular illusionist is haunted by a Daayan witch.",
            "Cast": "Emraan Hashmi|Konkona Sen Sharma|Kalki Koechlin|Huma Qureshi|Pavan Malhotra|Rajatabha Dutta|Vishesh Tiwari|Sara Arjun|Bhavesh Balchandani|Pallavi Batra|Shirina Sambyal|Deepak Dhadwal|Habib|Kanupriya Gupta|Prem Parmar",
            "Language": "Hindi",
            "Filming Locations": "",
            "Budget": ""
            "Title": "Haunted House on Sorority Row (2014)",
            "Genres": "Horror",
            "Release Date": "21-Feb-14",
            "Release Country": "USA",
            "Movie Rating": "NOT RATED",
            "Review Rating": 5.6,
            "Movie Run Time": "81 min",
            "Plot": "Directed by Henrique Couto. With Erin R. Ryan, Marylee Osborne, Iabou Windimere, Joni Durian. A fledging sorority moves into a dilapidated house only to find something evil is lurking in the shadows. Is it an elaborate hazing ritual? Or is something sinister - something paranormal - behind the mental and physical assault?",
            "Cast": "Erin R. Ryan|Marylee Osborne|Iabou Windimere|Joni Durian|Tonjia Atomic|Haley Madison|Joe Kidd|Tara Clark|Chandra McCracken|Rachael Redolfi|Eric Widing|Mike Hilinski|Brandi Baird|Rachel Ritter",
            "Language": "English",
            "Filming Locations": "Dayton, Ohio, USA",
            "Budget": "$65,000"
            "Title": "Victimized (2014)",
            "Genres": "Drama| Horror| Thriller",
            "Release Date": "27-Sep-14",
            "Release Country": "USA",
            "Movie Rating": "",
            "Review Rating": 6.9,
            "Movie Run Time": "80 min",
            "Plot": "Directed by Michael Kenneth Fahr. With Michael Kenneth Fahr, Sarah Nicklin, Cuyle Carvin, Ellen J. Pilch. Matt Miller has spent his entire life living in the shadows of his brother. He believes if his brother were to disappear then so would all his problems. So one deadly night Matt decides to take matters into his own hands.",
            "Cast": "Michael Kenneth Fahr|Sarah Nicklin|Cuyle Carvin|Ellen J. Pilch|Jesse Murphy|Ron Phippen|Dustin Hubbard|Michael Omiecinski|Candice Cole|Mark Debenedictis|T.C. Top Cat Taylor|Joey Garcia|Peter Lucibello",
            "Language": "English",
            "Filming Locations": "Sarasota, Florida, USA",
            "Budget": ""
            "Title": "The Unwanted (2014)",
            "Genres": "Drama| Horror| Mystery| Romance",
            "Release Date": "31-Mar-14",
            "Release Country": "USA",
            "Movie Rating": "",
            "Review Rating": 4,
            "Movie Run Time": "95 min",
            "Plot": "Directed by Bret Wood. With Hannah Fierman, Christen Orr, William Katt, Lynn Talley. In this Southern Gothic retelling of Sheridan Le Fanu's vampire story 'Carmilla,' a young drifter (Christen Orr) arrives in a rural town seeking the whereabouts of the mother she never knew. When she becomes sexually involved with an emotionally fragile waitress (Hannah Fierman), she exposes the secret of her mother's disappearance and incites the wrath of the girl's overprotective father (...",
            "Cast": "Hannah Fierman|Christen Orr|William Katt|Lynn Talley|Kylie Brown|Elizabeth Hunter|Chris Burns|Neal R. Hazard|Jane Bass|Robert Hatch",
            "Language": "English",
            "Filming Locations": "Atlanta, Georgia, USA",
            "Budget": ""
            "Title": "Hotel Inferno (2013)",
            "Genres": "Action| Horror",
            "Release Date": "16-Dec-13",
            "Release Country": "USA",
            "Movie Rating": "",
            "Review Rating": 4.7,
            "Movie Run Time": "80 min",
            "Plot": "Directed by Giulio De Santi. With Rayner Bourton, Michael Howe, Jessica Carroll, Christian Riva. A cold-blooded seasoned contract killer is hired to take out a couple hidden in a hotel, but he will soon need to fight not only for his life but also for his soul, as this seemingly easy task will turn the hunter into prey.",
            "Cast": "Rayner Bourton|Michael Howe|Jessica Carroll|Christian Riva|Wilmar Zimosa|Santiago Ortaez|Monica Muñoz|Riccardo Valentini|Mauro Migliorini|Bonini Mino|Pierluigi Nitas|Enrique Sorres|Giulio De Santi|Carlos F.|Alessia Knox",
            "Language": "English",
            "Filming Locations": "Tunisia",
            "Budget": ""
            "Title": "Demonte Colony (2015)",
            "Genres": "Horror| Thriller",
            "Release Date": "22-May-15",
            "Release Country": "India",
            "Movie Rating": "",
            "Review Rating": 7,
            "Movie Run Time": "116 min",
            "Plot": "Directed by R. Ajay Gnanamuthu. With Arulnidhi, Ramesh Thilak, Sananth, M.S. Bhaskar. After consuming liquor, four friends decide to do something interesting and visit a haunted bungalow. However, they do not realize that they have returned home with an evil spirit.",
            "Cast": "Arulnidhi|Ramesh Thilak|Sananth|M.S. Bhaskar|Jangiri Madhumitha|Yogi Babu|Inigo|Arun Pandian|Singampuli|Ram Vaitheeswaran|Abishek Joseph George",
            "Language": "Tamil",
            "Filming Locations": "",
            "Budget": ""
            "Title": "The Onania Club (2017)",
            "Genres": "Drama| Horror| Thriller",
            "Release Date": 2017,
            "Release Country": "USA",
            "Movie Rating": "",
            "Review Rating": "",
            "Movie Run Time": "",
            "Plot": "Directed by Tom Six.",
            "Cast": "",
            "Language": "English",
            "Filming Locations": "Los Angeles, California, USA",
            "Budget": ""
            "Title": "Play Motel (1979)",
            "Genres": "Crime| Horror| Romance| Thriller",
            "Release Date": "25-Aug-15",
            "Release Country": "USA",
            "Movie Rating": "X",
            "Review Rating": 5.3,
            "Movie Run Time": "90 min",
            "Plot": "Directed by Mario Gariazzo. With Ray Lovelock, Anna Maria Rizzoli, Mario Cutini, Antonella Antinori. A reporter and his girlfriend investigate deaths surrounding a hotel where several prominent people go to have sex.",
            "Cast": "Ray Lovelock|Anna Maria Rizzoli|Mario Cutini|Antonella Antinori|Patrizia Behn|Enzo Fisichella|Marina Hedman|Mario Novelli|Marino Masé|Patrizia Webley|Vittorio Ripamonti|Bob Balisteri|Bruno Di Luia|Franco Beltramme|Michele Zurlaro",
            "Language": "Italian",
            "Filming Locations": "Cine International, Rome, Lazio, Italy",
            "Budget": ""
            "Title": "Turned (2015)",
            "Genres": "Drama| Horror",
            "Release Date": "4-Sep-15",
            "Release Country": "USA",
            "Movie Rating": "",
            "Review Rating": 7.3,
            "Movie Run Time": "",
            "Plot": "Directed by Chris R. Notarile. With Josh Rothman, Christian Chase, Roberto Lombardi, Athena Brensberger. When Jack, a rough and tough vampire slayer, is bitten by his arch-nemesis Monty, he has but one day left to live before he becomes the very thing he has been hunting for most of his life.",
            "Cast": "Josh Rothman|Christian Chase|Roberto Lombardi|Athena Brensberger|Seregon O'Dassey|MacKenzie Medwin|Sid O'Connell|Marissa Centrella|Arthur Koutsoumbaris|Joseph Pridmore|Mary Benedetto|Jonathan Boothe|Tara Haight|Edward John Socienski",
            "Language": "English",
            "Filming Locations": "Staten Island, New York, USA",
            "Budget": "$1,000"
            "Title": "Miss Zombie (2013)",
            "Genres": "Horror",
            "Release Date": "14-Sep-13",
            "Release Country": "Japan",
            "Movie Rating": "",
            "Review Rating": 6.3,
            "Movie Run Time": "85 min",
            "Plot": "Directed by SABU. With Makoto Togashi, Ayaka Komatsu, Tôru Tezuka, Tarô Suruga. A Japanese family acquires an undead domestic servant whose presence begins to effect their daily lives.",
            "Cast": "Makoto Togashi|Ayaka Komatsu|Tôru Tezuka|Tarô Suruga|Tateto Serizawa|Hihio Iwanaga|Takaya Yamauchi|Riku Ohnishi",
            "Language": "Japanese",
            "Filming Locations": "",
            "Budget": ""
            "Title": "Bloody Chainsaw Girl (2016)",
            "Genres": "Action| Horror",
            "Release Date": "20-Feb-16",
            "Release Country": "Japan",
            "Movie Rating": "",
            "Review Rating": 4.6,
            "Movie Run Time": "",
            "Plot": "Directed by Hiroki Yamaguchi. With Mizuho Abe, Seijirô Nakamura, Ray Nishimura, Kayako Okuda.",
            "Cast": "Mizuho Abe|Seijirô Nakamura|Ray Nishimura|Kayako Okuda|Seira Satô|Yûki Tamaki|Rio Uchida|Mari Yamachi",
            "Language": "Japanese",
            "Filming Locations": "",
            "Budget": ""
            "Title": "Fatal Frame (2014)",
            "Genres": "Horror",
            "Release Date": "26-Sep-14",
            "Release Country": "Japan",
            "Movie Rating": "",
            "Review Rating": 5.8,
            "Movie Run Time": "104 min",
            "Plot": "Directed by Mari Asato. With Aoi Morikawa, Ayami Nakajô, Kôdai Asaka, Minori Hagiwara. Michi a student in a conservative all-girls school, must resolve the mysterious disappearances and deaths of her fellow classmates after they found an intriguing but haunting photo of Aya, the best singer of class, who apparently is being held locked in her room, physically but not spiritually... A death curse is placed on anyone who sees Aya's photo, which seems to be taken with a \"Camera ...",
            "Cast": "Aoi Morikawa|Ayami Nakajô|Kôdai Asaka|Minori Hagiwara|Fujiko Kojima|Jun Miho|Karen Miyama|Noriko Nakagoshi|Yuri Nakamura|Kasumi Yamaya",
            "Language": "Japanese",
            "Filming Locations": "",
            "Budget": ""
            "Title": "Visceral: Entre las cuerdas de la locura (2012)",
            "Genres": "Horror",
            "Release Date": "29-Nov-12",
            "Release Country": "Chile",
            "Movie Rating": "",
            "Review Rating": 5.4,
            "Movie Run Time": "69 min",
            "Plot": "Directed by Felipe Eluti. With Felipe Eluti, Carolina Salles, Felipe Ruiz, José Manuel García. A washed-up boxer finally gets his big chance to prove that he is worthy of the champion's gloves on his much-awaited title fight.",
            "Cast": "Felipe Eluti|Carolina Salles|Felipe Ruiz|José Manuel García|Gabriela Arancibia|Macarena Jiménez|Valentina Varela|Mauricio Dukeduro|Tamara Zuñega|Daniela Pardo|Lucas García|Pia Cardenas|Carolina Palacios|Claudia Mena|Juan José Vargas",
            "Language": "Spanish",
            "Filming Locations": "",
            "Budget": ""
            "Title": "The Dark Castle (2015)",
            "Genres": "Horror| Thriller",
            "Release Date": "28-Mar-15",
            "Release Country": "Indonesia",
            "Movie Rating": "",
            "Review Rating": "",
            "Movie Run Time": "80 min",
            "Plot": "Directed by Sasha Mahé. With Rachel Albert, Bruno Henry, Laurent Paris, Rahajeng Sekar Putri. A newlywed couple who go on their honeymoon in St Jean Le Vieux, France are kidnapped by a local mysterious cult.",
            "Cast": "Rachel Albert|Bruno Henry|Laurent Paris|Rahajeng Sekar Putri|Panji Saputra",
            "Language": "English|Indonesian",
            "Filming Locations": "Pérouges, Ain, Rhône-Alpes, France",
            "Budget": ""
            "Title": "The Ouija Exorcism (2015)",
            "Genres": "Horror",
            "Release Date": "6-Oct-15",
            "Release Country": "USA",
            "Movie Rating": "UNRATED",
            "Review Rating": 2.1,
            "Movie Run Time": "87 min",
            "Plot": "Directed by Nick Slatkin. With J. Damian Anastasio, Brittney Bertier, Cameron Bigelow, Jay Brothers. In 1985, a celebrated exorcist trapped a horrific demon inside a ouija board. Thinking the board to be a game, his son played without obeying the rules, and let the demon loose. In order to save his son, the exorcist sent him far away until the demon could be destroyed. Thirty years later, and after his death, his grandson finds the board and makes the same mistake his father did. Now the evil is...",
            "Cast": "J. Damian Anastasio|Brittney Bertier|Cameron Bigelow|Jay Brothers|Tony Harutyunyan|Lola Kelly|Laura Kirchner|Walker Mintz|Ben Morrison|Lynne Newton|Michael Palladino|Julia Rae|Branden Smith",
            "Language": "English",
            "Filming Locations": "Los Angeles, California, USA",
            "Budget": ""
            "Title": "Soldiers of the Damned (2015)",
            "Genres": "Action| Horror| Thriller| War",
            "Release Date": "8-Aug-15",
            "Release Country": "UK",
            "Movie Rating": "",
            "Review Rating": 3.6,
            "Movie Run Time": "99 min",
            "Plot": "Directed by Mark Nuttall. With Gil Darnell, Miriam Cooke, Lucas Hansen, Tom Sawyer. An evil secret awaits.",
            "Cast": "Gil Darnell|Miriam Cooke|Lucas Hansen|Tom Sawyer|Jason Kennedy|Mark Fountain|Matthew John Morley|Nicholas Keith|Nicky Bell|Renny Krupinski|Alan French|Andonis Anthony|Natalia Ryumina|Andrei Zayats|Stuart Adams",
            "Language": "English",
            "Filming Locations": "Cumbria, England, UK",
            "Budget": ""
            "Title": "Smothered (2016)",
            "Genres": "Comedy| Horror",
            "Release Date": "29-Mar-16",
            "Release Country": "USA",
            "Movie Rating": "NOT RATED",
            "Review Rating": 4.1,
            "Movie Run Time": "96 min",
            "Plot": "Directed by John Schneider. With Kane Hodder, R.A. Mihailoff, Bill Moseley, Dane Rhodes. Five horror icons ditch an unprofitable autograph signing convention to earn some extra cash haunting an RV park, but find themselves being haunted instead.",
            "Cast": "Kane Hodder|R.A. Mihailoff|Bill Moseley|Dane Rhodes|Malcolm Danare|Don Shanks|Rachel Alana Handler|Amy Brassette|Ritchie Montgomery|Michael Berryman|Andrew Bowen|Joseph Randy Causin|Edward A. Chambers|Rebecca Collins|Aiden Flowers",
            "Language": "English",
            "Filming Locations": "Baton Rouge, Louisiana, USA",
            "Budget": ""
            "Title": "Necrophobia 3D (2014)",
            "Genres": "Horror| Mystery| Thriller",
            "Release Date": "19-Sep-14",
            "Release Country": "USA",
            "Movie Rating": "",
            "Review Rating": 4.2,
            "Movie Run Time": "75 min",
            "Plot": "Directed by Daniel de la Vega. With Luis Machín, Raúl Taibo, Viviana Saccone, Gerardo Romano. Dante is a tailor who after losing his twin brother to death became phobic which prevents him from being in contact with death. Whenever he is in front of a dead body, he experiences a creepy feeling that makes him lose his mind.",
            "Cast": "Luis Machín|Raúl Taibo|Viviana Saccone|Gerardo Romano|Julieta Cardinali|Hugo Astar",
            "Language": "Spanish",
            "Filming Locations": "",
            "Budget": ""
            "Title": "Roommate (2013)",
            "Genres": "Drama| Horror| Thriller",
            "Release Date": "9-Nov-13",
            "Release Country": "Japan",
            "Movie Rating": "",
            "Review Rating": 5.9,
            "Movie Run Time": "",
            "Plot": "Directed by Takeshi Furusawa. With Keiko Kitagawa, Kyoko Fukada, Kengo Kôra, Mariko Tsutsui. Harumi Hagiwara lands in the hospital after being involved in an accident. She hits it off with her nurse, Reiko Nishimura, and the two decide to move in together after she's discharged. However, Harumi begins to witness a series of mysterious events soon after noticing Reiko's strange behavior. Additionally, she fears for her own safety when Reiko starts referring to herself as 'Mari' as if ...",
            "Cast": "Keiko Kitagawa|Kyoko Fukada|Kengo Kôra|Mariko Tsutsui|Minori Hagiwara|Yukijirô Hotaru|Chihiro Ohtsuka|Hiroyuki Onoue|Tomorô Taguchi",
            "Language": "Japanese",
            "Filming Locations": "",
            "Budget": ""
            "Title": "Kawan Aku Mati Dalam Rumah Sewa (2014)",
            "Genres": "Comedy| Horror",
            "Release Date": "14-Aug-14",
            "Release Country": "Malaysia",
            "Movie Rating": "",
            "Review Rating": "",
            "Movie Run Time": "",
            "Plot": "With Abam Bocey, Acey Bocey, Fad Bocey, Epy Kodiang. One of their friends accidentally died in their house by mistake. What are they gonna do with their friend's corpse?",
            "Cast": "Abam Bocey|Acey Bocey|Fad Bocey|Epy Kodiang|Shah Rempit|Yassin Yahya",
            "Language": "Malay",
            "Filming Locations": "",
            "Budget": ""
            "Title": "Hate Crime (2012)",
            "Genres": "Action| Horror| Thriller",
            "Release Date": 2012,
            "Release Country": "USA",
            "Movie Rating": "NOT RATED",
            "Review Rating": 5.1,
            "Movie Run Time": "73 min",
            "Plot": "Directed by James Cullen Bressack. With Jody Barton, Nicholas Adam Clark, Greg Depetro, Debbie Diesel. A Jewish family, that just arrived in a new neighborhood, are recording their youngest son's birthday celebrations on video when their home is suddenly invaded by a bunch of crystal-meth-crazed Neo-Nazi lunatics.",
            "Cast": "Jody Barton|Nicholas Adam Clark|Greg Depetro|Debbie Diesel|Tim Moran|Ian Roberts|Sloane Morgan Siegel|Maggie Wagner",
            "Language": "English",
            "Filming Locations": "",
            "Budget": ""
            "Title": "Scars (2016)",
            "Genres": "Horror",
            "Release Date": "23-Jan-17",
            "Release Country": "UK",
            "Movie Rating": "",
            "Review Rating": 3.9,
            "Movie Run Time": "108 min",
            "Plot": "Directed by Sean K. Robb. With Danielle Cole, Neale Kimmel, Matt Wells, Eric Regimbald. SCARS is a psychological thriller, written and directed by Canadian filmmaker Sean K. Robb. In this stark and disturbing story, Scar - a raven-haired punk with blood under her fingernails - and Scarlett - a blond beauty with a penchant for extortion - discover that they enjoy killing men together. 'Killing dudes is easy,' says Scar, as the two women embark on a violent and ruthless killing spree,...",
            "Cast": "Danielle Cole|Neale Kimmel|Matt Wells|Eric Regimbald|Ophilia Davis|Nigel Downer|Chris Handfield|Greg LeGros|Jennifer McAuliffe|Jon Pressick|Ryan Alexander Scott II|Tennessee Webb",
            "Language": "English",
            "Filming Locations": "Toronto, Ontario, Canada",
            "Budget": ""
            "Title": "Legend Has It (2009)",
            "Genres": "Horror",
            "Release Date": "17-Sep-14",
            "Release Country": "UK",
            "Movie Rating": "NOT RATED",
            "Review Rating": 4.1,
            "Movie Run Time": "95 min",
            "Plot": "Directed by Max Nikoff. With Todd Oeltze, Julia Fazakerly, Heath Finn, Amanda Ward. A family of four was brutally slaughtered years in their farmhouse, and the killer was never caught. Now, a young film crew returns to find the bloody truth of the murders. Will they come out alive?",
            "Cast": "Todd Oeltze|Julia Fazakerly|Heath Finn|Amanda Ward|Jared Cohn|Theodore Perkins|Andreas Wigand|Teresa Berkin|Peter Choyce|Sebastien Szumilas|Mark Irvingsen|Jeff Blumberg|Jim Asseltyne|Mike Nelsen|Randy Hallusen",
            "Language": "English",
            "Filming Locations": "Pasadena, California, USA",
            "Budget": "$350,000"
            "Title": "Sociopathia (2015)",
            "Genres": "Horror",
            "Release Date": "19-Nov-15",
            "Release Country": "USA",
            "Movie Rating": "",
            "Review Rating": 4.3,
            "Movie Run Time": "86 min",
            "Plot": "Directed by Ruby Larocca, Rich Mallery. With Nicola Fiore, Asta Paredes, Ruby Larocca, Tammy Jean. Introverted and peculiar, Mara spends her days fabricating props for movies. But her reclusive persona conceals an internal wrath. Terrified of being alone, Mara refuses to let her lovers leave, sadistically murdering them and keeping their corpses as living dolls. When she's hired by Kat, a fledgling producer, the two instantly hit it off. As their relationship grows more intense, Mara begins to...",
            "Cast": "Nicola Fiore|Asta Paredes|Ruby Larocca|Tammy Jean|George Stover|Rich Mallery|Nicolette le Faye|Brandy Noir|Desiree Saetia|Tabetha Ray|Matthew Garrett|Cori Dials|Sean Murray|Dante Rene|Nick Decarlo",
            "Language": "English",
            "Filming Locations": "Baltimore, Maryland, USA",
            "Budget": "$750,000"
            "Title": "Echoes (2014)",
            "Genres": "Drama| Horror| Thriller",
            "Release Date": "18-May-15",
            "Release Country": "Sweden",
            "Movie Rating": "NOT RATED",
            "Review Rating": 4.4,
            "Movie Run Time": "93 min",
            "Plot": "Directed by Nils Timm. With Kate French, Steven Brand, Steve Hanks, Billy Wirth. Struggling with horrifying, sleep-paralysis induced visions, a young writer retreats with her boyfriend to an isolated desert house. As the visions intensify, she finds herself on the verge of losing her mind...or uncovering a life-threatening secret.",
            "Cast": "Kate French|Steven Brand|Steve Hanks|Billy Wirth|Caroline Whitney Smith|Kevin Brewerton|Nicolas Charles|Ivory Dortch|Tina Huang|Stacey Souther|Oxley",
            "Language": "English",
            "Filming Locations": "Joshua Tree, California, USA",
            "Budget": ""
            "Title": "In the Dark (2015)",
            "Genres": "Horror| Thriller",
            "Release Date": "6-Oct-15",
            "Release Country": "USA",
            "Movie Rating": "TV-MA",
            "Review Rating": 4.1,
            "Movie Run Time": "85 min",
            "Plot": "Directed by David Buchert, Chris St.Croix. With Scott Aaker, Andria Armstrong, Shannon Beals, Olivia Bishop. Twisted tales of terror featuring an axe wielding maniac, a sinister matchmaker and sin eating creature from hell.",
            "Cast": "Scott Aaker|Andria Armstrong|Shannon Beals|Olivia Bishop|Clay Brocker|Raven Bryant|Emily Byrd|Chris Carson|Chris Cavolo|Vince Cusomato|Leah Fincher|Katie Groshong|Cooper Guy|Justin Hand|William J. Harrison",
            "Language": "English",
            "Filming Locations": "Nashville, Tennessee, USA",
            "Budget": ""
            "Title": "Dabbe: Bir Cin Vakasi (2012)",
            "Genres": "Horror",
            "Release Date": "3-Aug-12",
            "Release Country": "Turkey",
            "Movie Rating": "",
            "Review Rating": 6.3,
            "Movie Run Time": "119 min",
            "Plot": "Directed by Hasan Karacadag. With Elcin Atamgüc, Nihan Aypolat, Pervin Bagdat, Elif Erdal. Turkish director Hasan Karacadag is something of an unusual case. In a nation that appears uncertain how to feel about its own history with exploitation film and generally reluctant to embrace genre film - though there are obvious exceptions - Karacadag has jumped headlong into the horror pool. The director first came to attention with the J-horror influenced D@BB, a surprise hit in Turkey that ...",
            "Cast": "Elcin Atamgüc|Nihan Aypolat|Pervin Bagdat|Elif Erdal|Koray Kadiraga|Mete Sahinoglu|Ceren Sertac|Su Burcu Yazgi|Ismail Yildiz|Nalan Örgöt",
            "Language": "Turkish",
            "Filming Locations": "",
            "Budget": ""
            "Title": "The Haunter of the Dark (2015)",
            "Genres": "Horror| Thriller",
            "Release Date": "28-Jan-15",
            "Release Country": "Russia",
            "Movie Rating": "",
            "Review Rating": 6.9,
            "Movie Run Time": "83 min",
            "Plot": "Directed by Dmitriy Khmelyov. With Sergey A., Giza, Dmitriy Khmelyov, Vladislav Krivenchuk. Alexey \"Blake\" Blochenkov goes to an old abandoned sanatorium to film a video for his blog. There, he lets out something horrible. An ancient evil. The Haunter Of The Dark.",
            "Cast": "Sergey A.|Giza|Dmitriy Khmelyov|Vladislav Krivenchuk|Sanek",
            "Language": "Russian",
            "Filming Locations": "",
            "Budget": "RUR 700"
            "Title": "Hectic Knife (2016)",
            "Genres": "Action| Comedy| Horror",
            "Release Date": "28-Jul-16",
            "Release Country": "USA",
            "Movie Rating": "",
            "Review Rating": 6.6,
            "Movie Run Time": "",
            "Plot": "Directed by Greg DeLiso. With Peter Litvin, Georgia Kate Haege, J.J. Brine, John Munnelly. A put upon, knife wielding vigilante, Hectic Knife protects the city from scum, baddies and a new super villain bent on world domination, Piggly Doctor.",
            "Cast": "Peter Litvin|Georgia Kate Haege|J.J. Brine|John Munnelly|Don Abood|Michael Anthony|Andrea Baquero|Robert Bella|Richie Blackwood|Joe Cipriano|Niki Cipriano|Edward Colon|Andy Could|Alexis Cundiff|Leah Debene",
            "Language": "English|Spanish",
            "Filming Locations": "Bay Ridge, Brooklyn, New York City, New York, USA",
            "Budget": "$15,000"
            "Title": "Toxin: 700 Days Left on Earth (2015)",
            "Genres": "Action| Drama| Horror",
            "Release Date": "19-Apr-15",
            "Release Country": "USA",
            "Movie Rating": "",
            "Review Rating": 8.4,
            "Movie Run Time": "",
            "Plot": "Directed by Shawn Welling. With Lee Majors, Isabella Blake-Thomas, Sarati, Elizabeth Blake-Thomas. 700 days after the U.S. president announces a new, rapidly spreading virus, a resulting plague has killed most of humanity and transformed the rest into mutants. The sole survivor, Sarah Teller (Sarati), and her canine companion, Ranger (Max the Dog), struggle valiantly to find a cure and restore the human race. When a mysterious force pulls her to a displaced mansion deep in the Texas hills, ...",
            "Cast": "Lee Majors|Isabella Blake-Thomas|Sarati|Elizabeth Blake-Thomas|Preslee Bishop|Nick W. Nicholson|Shawn Welling|Alexis B. Santiago|Michelle Ellen Jones|Bob Boudreaux|Lee Gailey|Matthew Carter|Reneé Redden-Somoza|Brandon Itz|Katia Hadjiyska",
            "Language": "English",
            "Filming Locations": "Mexia, Texas, USA",
            "Budget": "$30,000"
            "Title": "La Niña de la Mina (2016)",
            "Genres": "Horror",
            "Release Date": "1-Jul-16",
            "Release Country": "Mexico",
            "Movie Rating": "",
            "Review Rating": 3.8,
            "Movie Run Time": "82 min",
            "Plot": "Directed by Jorge Eduardo Ramírez. With Gerardo Taracena, Regina Blandón, Daniel Martínez, Thomas Ebert. Arter a tourist disappears inside a mine in Guanajuato, Mat Medina a young expert in mine engineering is hired to make a security diagnostic in the mines of a big company.",
            "Cast": "Gerardo Taracena|Regina Blandón|Daniel Martínez|Thomas Ebert|Susana Lozano|Sophie Gómez|Fernanda Sasse|Bárbara Islas|Fernando Banda|Jose Angel Bichir|Paola Galina|Ruy Senderos|Víctor Huggo Martin|Mary Paz Mata|Elena Puig",
            "Language": "",
            "Filming Locations": "",
            "Budget": "$1,200,000"
            "Title": "Beneath the Old Dark House (2015)",
            "Genres": "Horror",
            "Release Date": "13-Mar-15",
            "Release Country": "USA",
            "Movie Rating": "",
            "Review Rating": 6.5,
            "Movie Run Time": "",
            "Plot": "Directed by Jaysen P. Buterin, Matt Cloude, Jesse H. Knight. With Mandy Divine, Tom Gore, Bradley Eugene Greer, Kelli-Anne Harris. Four strangers suddenly awaken deep within the catacombs of a dark and decrepit House, with no memory of how they got there. The only thing they have in common is their being held captive by a Mysterious Man, and it is there in his domain, that he waits to tell these helpless strangers the fates that await them in Beneath the Old Dark House.",
            "Cast": "Mandy Divine|Tom Gore|Bradley Eugene Greer|Kelli-Anne Harris|Christy Johnson|Patrick G. Keenan|Kely McClung|Casey Murray|Paul Sieber|Kaila Spargo|Marius Wiley|Michael Ray Williams",
            "Language": "English",
            "Filming Locations": "",
            "Budget": "$100,000"
            "Title": "Stag Hunt (2015)",
            "Genres": "Adventure| Comedy| Drama| Fantasy| Horror| Thriller",
            "Release Date": "16-May-15",
            "Release Country": "USA",
            "Movie Rating": "",
            "Review Rating": 3.6,
            "Movie Run Time": "94 min",
            "Plot": "Directed by James Shanks. With Mackenzie Astin, Neil Cole, Chris Rogers, Donald Morrison. A stag do in Dartmoor goes horribly wrong when the guys discover they are not alone.",
            "Cast": "Mackenzie Astin|Neil Cole|Chris Rogers|Donald Morrison|Julie T. Wallace",
            "Language": "English",
            "Filming Locations": "",
            "Budget": "£400,000"
            "Title": "Fetish Dolls Die Laughing (2012)",
            "Genres": "Comedy| Fantasy| Horror",
            "Release Date": "24-Apr-12",
            "Release Country": "USA",
            "Movie Rating": "NOT RATED",
            "Review Rating": 2,
            "Movie Run Time": "100 min",
            "Plot": "Directed by David Silvio. With Laura Romeo, Michael McGovern, Aaron Bernard, Angelo Bruni. Do you remember, as a child, when your parents teased you with the \"Tickle Monster\"? It turns out that he's more real (and even more malevolent) than you could have ever imagined! With seedy photographer Billy Tagg (Michael McGovern) serving as the ancient entity's latest vessel, the Tickle Monster torments his way through a catalog of Billy's beautiful bondage babes - until no-nonsense homicide ...",
            "Cast": "Laura Romeo|Michael McGovern|Aaron Bernard|Angelo Bruni|Diana Silvio|Antietam|Kimberly Naim|Tiffany Apan|Angie Azur|Stacey Bartlebaugh-Gmys|Daniel Baxter|Michael Burkett|Diane Cholock|Mike Danylo|David Dietz",
            "Language": "English",
            "Filming Locations": "Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, USA",
            "Budget": "$4,000"
            "Title": "Shame the Devil (2013)",
            "Genres": "Crime| Horror| Thriller",
            "Release Date": "9-Sep-14",
            "Release Country": "USA",
            "Movie Rating": "NOT RATED",
            "Review Rating": 3.5,
            "Movie Run Time": "94 min",
            "Plot": "Directed by Paul Tanter. With Simon Phillips, Juliette Bennett, Will de Meo, Bradford West. A London detective tracking a serial killer finds the killers \"truth or die\" methods take him to New York to solve the case.",
            "Cast": "Simon Phillips|Juliette Bennett|Will de Meo|Bradford West|Doug Bradley|Kellie Shirley|Peter Woodward|Peter Barrett|Lucy Clements|Jack Murray|Martin Fisher|Leo Goodman|Thomas Worthington|Warwick Evans|Charlotte Lewis",
            "Language": "English",
            "Filming Locations": "London, England, UK",
            "Budget": "$3,000,000"
            "Title": "Holla II (2013)",
            "Genres": "Comedy| Horror",
            "Release Date": "19-Apr-13",
            "Release Country": "USA",
            "Movie Rating": "R",
            "Review Rating": 6.9,
            "Movie Run Time": "90 min",
            "Plot": "Directed by H.M. Coakley. With Vanessa Bell Calloway, Kiely Williams, Greg Cipes, Trae Ireland. After narrowly escaping with her life at the hands of her mentally ill sister Veronica, Monica, with the help of her Mother, Marion, has taken great measures to ensure her safety, including changing her face and relocating to the South. Six years has past and now she finally believes she is safe from Veronica. Little does she know that death and betrayal still await her and her friends on the eve...",
            "Cast": "Vanessa Bell Calloway|Kiely Williams|Greg Cipes|Trae Ireland|Allison Kyler|Teairra Mari|Liana Mendoza|Omar Gooding|Laila Odom|Akeem Smith|Shelli Boone|Crystal Hoang|Masasa Moyo|Chase Anthony|Cyann Ribeiro",
            "Language": "English",
            "Filming Locations": "Ellenton, Florida, USA",
            "Budget": "$1,000,000"
            "Title": "Made Me Do It (2017)",
            "Genres": "Drama| Fantasy| Horror| Thriller",
            "Release Date": "29-Sep-17",
            "Release Country": "USA",
            "Movie Rating": "",
            "Review Rating": 8.3,
            "Movie Run Time": "90 min",
            "Plot": "Directed by Benjamin Ironside Koppin. With Anna B. Shaffer, Kyle Van Vonderen, Cortney Palm, Jason Gregory London. College student Ali Hooper and her little brother are attacked by a masked maniac, and the key to them surviving the night lies in unlocking a secret from the killer's past.",
            "Cast": "Anna B. Shaffer|Kyle Van Vonderen|Cortney Palm|Jason Gregory London|Liston Spence|Elain Rinehart|Cole Jenkins|Daniel E. Kafer|Kytia L'Amour|George Capacete|Andrew Harmon|Katherine McKalip|Emily Tess Miller|Latrell Hart",
            "Language": "English",
            "Filming Locations": "",
            "Budget": ""
            "Title": "The Tale of the Voodoo Prostitute (2012)",
            "Genres": "Horror",
            "Release Date": "5-Jun-12",
            "Release Country": "USA",
            "Movie Rating": "NOT RATED",
            "Review Rating": 4.1,
            "Movie Run Time": "75 min",
            "Plot": "Directed by Chaz Buchanan. With Jayde Kelley, Heather McCormick, Charles Buchanan, Martin Ezelle. In the Tale of the Voodoo Prostitute, a master manipulator and hustler by the name of Fleetwood Deville dispenses heinous wrong-doings to nearly everyone that crosses his path. One particular female managed to meet and exceed any expectation of evil. She cursed Fleetwood to a fate even worse than death: impotence. With his harem of beautiful women and killers, Fleetwood must rival neighboring ...",
            "Cast": "Jayde Kelley|Heather McCormick|Charles Buchanan|Martin Ezelle|Joshua Winch|Trent Hotman|Kenneth Duane|Derrick Pointer|Roger Nelson|Ron Clemons|Christina Wiley|Stefany Torres|Jeannie Stroumpos|Kate Lindeman|Suavey Harrison",
            "Language": "English",
            "Filming Locations": "Dallas, Texas, USA",
            "Budget": ""
            "Title": "Necrophile Passion (2013)",
            "Genres": "Horror",
            "Release Date": "18-Aug-13",
            "Release Country": "Germany",
            "Movie Rating": "",
            "Review Rating": 3.1,
            "Movie Run Time": "52 min",
            "Plot": "Directed by Tom Heidenberg. With Günther Brandl, Eldrid Remy, Katharina Buchberger, Sandra Pucher. Solitary and alone, left by his girlfriend, after being treated badly by her, a young man finds a female body in the woods. His conscience tells him to call the police, but something inside him, something evil commands him to take the corpse with him and satisfy his darkest desires. His Life is total pieces of trash and only the love to the female corpse gives him the power to continue his life. ...",
            "Cast": "Günther Brandl|Eldrid Remy|Katharina Buchberger|Sandra Pucher|Simone R.",
            "Language": "German",
            "Filming Locations": "",
            "Budget": ""
            "Title": "Killer Campout (2017)",
            "Genres": "Horror",
            "Release Date": "21-Jul-17",
            "Release Country": "USA",
            "Movie Rating": "",
            "Review Rating": 5.8,
            "Movie Run Time": "86 min",
            "Plot": "Directed by Brad Twigg. With Herschell Gordon Lewis, John A. Russo, Nadia White, George Stover. Two youth counselors bring a group of emotionally troubled teens deep into the woods for a weekend of solitude and confrontational therapy. The trip turns deadly when they are terrorized by a cannibalistic hermit with a thirst for blood.",
            "Cast": "Herschell Gordon Lewis|John A. Russo|Nadia White|George Stover|Julio Bana Fernandez|Chris O'Brocki|Gary Lee Vincent|James L. Edwards|Roger Yawson|Jenny Jannetty|Rosanna Nelson|Andrea Marie|Lindsay Lockhart|Luba Hansen|Jason Delgado",
            "Language": "English",
            "Filming Locations": "",
            "Budget": ""
        }, {
            "Title": "Take 2: The Audition (2015)",
            "Genres": "Horror",
            "Release Date": "1-Feb-15",
            "Release Country": "USA",
            "Movie Rating": "",
            "Review Rating": 9.3,
            "Movie Run Time": "",
            "Plot": "Directed by Rob Hawk. With Tyler Mane, Genoveva Rossi, Cabrina Collesides, Ursula Triplett. When 12 Actors embark on a journey through the woods on what they believe is a casting call for a multimillion dollar horror film, they soon find out that the cameras are rolling and they already got the role.",
            "Cast": "Tyler Mane|Genoveva Rossi|Cabrina Collesides|Ursula Triplett|Mark Behar|Rachel Cook|Rob Hawk|Loren W. Lepre|Gene Keller|Bessie Amato|Salvatore Franciosa|Steve Wollett|Jefferson Sanders|Gina Marie Scholl|Mark Valeriano",
            "Language": "English",
            "Filming Locations": "",
            "Budget": "$10,000,000"
        }, {
            "Title": "Johann Karlo's Gun Driver (2016)",
            "Genres": "Action| Adventure| Fantasy| Horror| Sci-Fi| Western",
            "Release Date": "1-Sep-16",
            "Release Country": "USA",
            "Movie Rating": "",
            "Review Rating": 9.3,
            "Movie Run Time": "52 min",
            "Plot": "Directed by Johann Karlo. With Curtis Wayne Johnson II, Megan Hanks, Andres Perez, Alex Anaya. Jesse 01776 and Sonja 01984 team up in rebellion against the self-proclaimed Boss of America and his soulless goons and thugs, embarking on a bloodthirsty adventure of romance and revenge.",
            "Cast": "Curtis Wayne Johnson II|Megan Hanks|Andres Perez|Alex Anaya|Keith Lopez|Tim Davis|Michael Ochotorena|Mark Biery|Michelle Klawunn|Michael Argueta|Blaize Naasz|Brian Contreras|Saylor O'Donnell|Fred James|Belona Feng",
            "Language": "English",
            "Filming Locations": "Tucson, Arizona, USA",
            "Budget": "$5,000"
        }, {
            "Title": "Barrio Tales 2 (2016)",
            "Genres": "Comedy| Horror",
            "Release Date": 2016,
            "Release Country": "USA",
            "Movie Rating": "",
            "Review Rating": 9.2,
            "Movie Run Time": "80 min",
            "Plot": "Directed by Jarret Tarnol. With Alexander Aguila, Ronnie Alvarez, Alberto Barros Jr., Rebekah Brandes.",
            "Cast": "Alexander Aguila|Ronnie Alvarez|Alberto Barros Jr.|Rebekah Brandes|Maritza Brikisak|Juan Javier Cardenas|David Castro|Vanessa Curry|Isait De La Fuente|David Fernandez Jr.|Dan Gilbert|Amanda Goff|Michelle Jubilee Gonzalez|Mayra Leal|Jordan Rennick",
            "Language": "English",
            "Filming Locations": "Los Angeles, California, USA",
            "Budget": ""
        }, {
            "Title": "The Plague 2: Biohazard Blood (2017)",
            "Genres": "Horror",
            "Release Date": "11-Jun-17",
            "Release Country": "USA",
            "Movie Rating": "",
            "Review Rating": 9.1,
            "Movie Run Time": "80 min",
            "Plot": "Directed by Emir Skalonja. With Mirela Ajdimovski, Michael Balch, Rob Bickert III, Linda Bickert. After Tom's and Jack's death, Becky and Jill continue their journey in the zombie apocalypse. Their goal is only to survive, until they see the mysterious signs for a sanctuary.",
            "Cast": "Mirela Ajdimovski|Michael Balch|Rob Bickert III|Linda Bickert|Madelyn Bruno|Tyler Cheman|Mitch Cochran|Jamie Colby|Nicholas Duerr|Katherine Fudge|Leah Glendenning|Michelina Houlihan|John Karyus|Amira Keeton|Damien Keeton",
            "Language": "English",
            "Filming Locations": "",
            "Budget": "$1,400"
            "Title": "The Small Woman in Grey (2017)",
            "Genres": "Horror",
            "Release Date": "1-Oct-17",
            "Release Country": "UK",
            "Movie Rating": "",
            "Review Rating": 9.5,
            "Movie Run Time": "90 min",
            "Plot": "Directed by Andrew Sean Eltham-Byers. With Brinke Stevens, Susan Barham, Josh Boden, Aurora Collman. A group of teenagers go for a partying weekend in the woods. Unknown to them the woods they have chosen is home to a legend. The legend of a young girl who was bullied and then committed suicide. Are the woods haunted by a peaceful spirit or a spirit hell bent on destruction? Or is everything not quite what it seems? Watch as our teenagers fight with all their might to survive until morning.",
            "Cast": "Brinke Stevens|Susan Barham|Josh Boden|Aurora Collman|Heidi Dabrowski|Jordan Emmett|Matt Fisher|Alan Harding|Jesse James Reynolds|Heather Russell-Kay|Brett Shepherd|Becca Tizzard|John Turner",
            "Language": "English",
            "Filming Locations": "England, UK",
            "Budget": "£5,000"
            "Title": "Honeyspider (2014)",
            "Genres": "Horror| Thriller",
            "Release Date": "18-Oct-14",
            "Release Country": "USA",
            "Movie Rating": "NOT RATED",
            "Review Rating": 3.5,
            "Movie Run Time": "76 min",
            "Plot": "Directed by Josh Hasty. With Frank J. Aard, Anjali Alm-Basu, Brad Baker, Katie Bearden. It's Halloween day in 1989 and college student Jackie Blue wants to enjoy a quiet birthday in the midst of a chaotic semester at school. Her friend Amber has other ideas and persuades Jackie to come to the annual Monster Mash party on campus after her shift at the local movie theater. As murder plays out on the silver screen during the theater's Halloween night Horrorthon, Jackie falls under a ...",
            "Cast": "Frank J. Aard|Anjali Alm-Basu|Brad Baker|Katie Bearden|Franki Boegeman|Roberto Bricchi|Mariah Brown|Kenny Caperton|Haley Clutter|Ethan Dunn|Gina Eaton|Morgan Fraley|Ann Hale|Josh Hasty|David Hensley",
            "Language": "English",
            "Filming Locations": "The Myers House NC, Hillsborough, North Carolina, USA",
            "Budget": ""
            "Title": "Pinwheel (2017)",
            "Genres": "Horror",
            "Release Date": "10-Jan-17",
            "Release Country": "USA",
            "Movie Rating": "",
            "Review Rating": 4.7,
            "Movie Run Time": "88 min",
            "Plot": "Directed by Daniel Dahlstrom. With Julie Ann Dawson, Ashley Couture, David Gere, Ox Baker. A decade after her mother's murder, Riley Canterbury must return home, after her neglectful, carnival owner father has gone missing. She soon realizes things in this small New England town are much stranger and sinister than she remembered. 10 years after the gruesome murder of her mother, Riley, now 25, is barely skating by in her run down Los Angeles apartment. Upon receiving word that her ...",
            "Cast": "Julie Ann Dawson|Ashley Couture|David Gere|Ox Baker|Jami Tennille|Ashley Tramonte|Greg Nutcher|Marisa Hunter|Mark Resnik|Jeffrey Alan Solomon|Buck Biestek|Nicole Bardis|Gunther Grambo|Gary Wolfenden|Bill Ziegler",
            "Language": "English",
            "Filming Locations": "Middletown, Connecticut, USA",
            "Budget": ""
            "Title": "Dead Walkers: Rise of the 4th Reich (2013)",
            "Genres": "Horror",
            "Release Date": "31-Jul-13",
            "Release Country": "USA",
            "Movie Rating": "TV-MA",
            "Review Rating": 1.4,
            "Movie Run Time": "75 min",
            "Plot": "Directed by Philip Gardiner. With Philip Berzamanis, Jane Haslehurst, Bob Lee, Nathan Head. In 1945 the Second World War came to an end and the Nazis fled. Scientists and military elite escaped across borders and found themselves in new worlds. Some fled to Russia, some the United States and others to South America. But there was another division, a forgotten group. A top secret and powerful team of men and women formed in the womb of the Nazi Occult. Now, decades after the war, their ...",
            "Cast": "Philip Berzamanis|Jane Haslehurst|Bob Lee|Nathan Head|Rudy Barrow|Jack Burrows|Nikki Webster|Rachel Littlewood|Eirian Cohen|Melissa Hollett|Graham Keith Gill|Dayna Shuffle|Craig Canning|Kay Vardy|Tom Vardy",
            "Language": "English|English",
            "Filming Locations": "Nottingham, Nottinghamshire, England, UK",
            "Budget": ""
