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                 <template id="star-rating-template">
    <slot name="star-rating-legend"><legend>Rate your experience:</legend></slot>
       <input type="radio" name="rating" value="1" aria-label="1 star" required/>
       <input type="radio" name="rating" value="2" aria-label="2 stars"/>
       <input type="radio" name="rating" value="3" aria-label="3 stars"/>
       <input type="radio" name="rating" value="4" aria-label="4 stars"/>
       <input type="radio" name="rating" value="5" aria-label="5 stars"/>
    <button type="reset">Reset</button>
    <button type="submit">Submit</button>

  <legend slot="star-rating-legend">Blendan Smooth</legend>
  <legend slot="star-rating-legend">Hoover Sukhdeep</legend>
  <legend slot="star-rating-legend">Toasty McToastface</legend>
  <p>Is this text visible?</p>
  <!-- this examples doesn't have content with a `slot` attribute -->
  <p>Is this text visible?</p>


                rating {
  display: inline-flex;
/* make the current radio visually hidden */
  appearance: none;
  margin: 0;
  box-shadow: none; /* remove shadow on invalid submit */

/* generated content is supported on input. */
input[type=radio]::after {
  content: '\2605';
  font-size: 32px;

/* by default, if no value is selected, all stars are grey */
input[type=radio]:invalid::after {
  color: #ddd;

/* if the rating has focus or is hovered, make all stars darker */
rating:hover input[type=radio]:invalid::after,
rating:focus-within input[type=radio]:invalid::after
{color: #888;}

/* make all the stars after the focused one light grey, until a value is selected */
rating:hover input[type=radio]:hover ~ input[type=radio]:invalid::after,
rating input[type=radio]:focus ~ input[type=radio]:invalid::after  {color: #ddd;}

/* if a value is selected, make them all selected */
rating input[type=radio]:valid {
  color: orange;
/* then make the ones coming after the selected value look inactive */
rating input[type=radio]:checked ~ input[type=radio]:not(:checked)::after{
  color: #ccc;
  content: '\2606'; /* optional. hollow star */


//let starRating = document.getElementById("star-rating-template").content;

  class extends HTMLElement {
    constructor() {
      super(); // Always call super first in constructor
      const starRating = document.getElementById('star-rating-template').content;
      const shadowRoot = this.attachShadow({mode: 'open'});
