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                <h1>Liquid layout</h1>
  <p>Instead of using fixed widths for your layouts you could make a flexible layout using percentages for your column widths. This will work in more situations than a fixed-width layout that only looks right at one specific size. These were called liquid layouts.</p>
  <p>But while a liquid layout will look good across a wide range of widths, it will begin to worsen at the extremes. On a wide screen the layout will look like it’s been stretched out too far. On a narrow screen the layout will look like it’s been squashed. Both scenarios feel uncomfortable.</p>
  <p>You can mitigate these problems by using <code>min-width</code> and <code>max-width</code> for your layout. But then at any sizes below the minimum width or above the maximum width, you’ve got the same issues you’d have with a fixed-width layout. On a wide screen there’d be unused space going to waste. On a narrow screen, the user would have to move the whole page left and right in order to see everything.</p> 
  <p>The word “liquid” is just one of the terms used to describe this kind of layout. These kinds of designs were also called fluid layouts or flexible layouts. The terminology was as fluid as the technique.</p>
  <p>This example is using the CSS <code>float</code> property to create columns. That was a popular technique before CSS grid or flexbox existed.</p>


                body {
  font-family: sans-serif;
  line-height: 1.5;
  padding: 0 16px;

article {
  width: 66%;
  float: left;

aside {
  width: 33%;
  float: right;

h1 {
  margin-bottom: 0;


