<div class="playing">
<img src="https://picsum.photos/300/300?random=1" alt="Album cover">
<div class="playing__meta">
<div class="details">
<div>Some song title</div>
<div>Some Artist</div>
<div class="actions">
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<span class="sr-only">Like track</span>
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<span class="sr-only">Toggle menu</span>
<nav popover="auto" id="context">
<li>Add to queue</li>
<li>Go to song radio</li>
<li>Go to artist</li>
<li>Go to album</li>
<li>Show credits</li>
<li>Save to your Liked Songs</li>
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<span>Add to playlist</span>
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<div popover="auto" id="share">
<li>Copy Song Link</li>
<li>Embed track</li>
<div popover="auto" id="playlist">
<input type="search" placeholder="Find a playlist">
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<li>Create playlist</li>
<li>5 Star</li>
<li>Changing Room</li>
<option value=center>Content Position</option>
<option value=top>Top</option>
<option value=right>Right</option>
<option value=bottom>Bottom</option>
<option value=left>Left</option>
<option value=center>Center</option>
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