<div class="notice info"><p>This is a an info notice, it provides feedback of a neutral nature to the user.</p></div>
<div class="notice success"><p>This is a success notice, it provides feedback of a positive nature to the user.</p></div>
<div class="notice warning"><p>This is a warning notice, it provides feedback of a potentially negative nature to the user.</p></div>
<div class="notice error"><p>This is an error notice, it provides feedback of a negative nature to the user.</p></div>
body {
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color: #34495e;
-webkit-font-smoothing: antialiased;
line-height: 1.6em;
p {
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.notice {
position: relative;
margin: 1em;
background: #F9F9F9;
padding: 1em 1em 1em 2em;
border-left: 4px solid #DDD;
box-shadow: 0 1px 1px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.125);
.notice:before {
position: absolute;
top: 50%;
margin-top: -17px;
left: -17px;
background-color: #DDD;
color: #FFF;
width: 30px;
height: 30px;
border-radius: 100%;
text-align: center;
line-height: 30px;
font-weight: bold;
font-family: Georgia;
text-shadow: 1px 1px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.5);
.info {
border-color: #0074D9;
.info:before {
content: "i";
background-color: #0074D9;
.success {
border-color: #2ECC40;
.success:before {
content: "√";
background-color: #2ECC40;
.warning {
border-color: #FFDC00;
.warning:before {
content: "!";
background-color: #FFDC00;
.error {
border-color: #FF4136;
.error:before {
content: "X";
background-color: #FF4136;
This Pen doesn't use any external CSS resources.
This Pen doesn't use any external JavaScript resources.