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                <!--Load the chart libraries. D3 and Echart. These in the <head></head>-->
<script charset="utf-8" src=""></script>
<script charset="utf-8" src=""></script>

<!--div container for the chart. this in the <body></body>-->
<div id="main"></div>


                /*just a bit of style*/
#main {
  width: 1000px;
  height: 600px;
  margin: auto;
  margin-top: 50px;



                /*An examble of Bar Chart usgin D3 and Apache Echart. Input data as CSV extract from: United Nations, Department of Economic and Social Affairs, Population Division (2018). World Urbanization Prospects: The 2018 Revision, Online Edition. Copyright © 2018 by United Nations, made available under a Creative Commons license CC BY 3.0 IGO: selection of the top 20 cities*/

//CityData is returned as an array containing the CSV data.

  "", d3.autotype).then(function (CityData) {
    //initialise Echarts in the Div id=main
    var myChartEchart = echarts.init(document.getElementById("main"), {
      width: 1000,
      height: 450
    }); //height is used to avoid cut the text on the Xaxis

    /* An example of 'option' as variable
             var labelOption = { 
             show: true,
             position: 'inside',
             rotate: 90,
             align: 'left',
             verticalAlign: 'middle',
             fontSize: 12,
             formatter: '{@pop1950} millions',

    // All the settings of the chart are provided in this variable
    var option = {
      title: {
        text: "World's Largest Urban Agglomerations 2020",
        textStyle: {
          color: "blue",
          fontSize: 22,
          fontWeight: "bold"
        subtext: "Population data UN World Urbanization Prospects",
        subtextStyle: {
          color: "coral",
          fontWeight: "bold"

      xAxis: {
        type: "category",
        axisLabel: {
          interval: 0,
          rotate: 30, //If the label names are too long you can manage this by rotating the label.
          fontSize: 9

      yAxis: {
        type: "value",
        name: "Population 2020 (millions)",
        nameLocation: "center",
        nameGap: 30,
        nameTextStyle: {
          align: "center"
        splitNumber: 10

      tooltip: {
        show: true

      legend: {
        data: ["CityName"]

      dataset: [
        // ref
          source: CityData
      series: [
          // ref
          type: "bar",
          showBackground: true,
          itemStyle: {
            color: "#ffcf7d",
            borderColor: "#ffac1f",
            borderWidth: 1.5,
            borderType: "dashed"
          barWidth: "70%",
          //label: labelOption, //option can be coded in external variable, see above. ref
          label: {
            show: true,
            position: "inside",
            rotate: 90,
            align: "left",
            verticalAlign: "middle",
            fontSize: 12,
            //formatter: '{@pop2035} millions', //pop value as strin
            formatter: function (params) {
              var pop2035_float = parseFloat(;

              return pop2035_float.toFixed(2) + ` millions`;
          encode: {
            x: "CityName",
            y: ["pop2035", "pop1950"],
            tooltip: ["pop2035", "pop1950"]

          tooltip: {
            formatter: function (params) {
              //as pop values are strings, we parsed them to Float to better control the number of decimal places
              var pop1950_float = parseFloat(;
              var pop2035_float = parseFloat(;

              return (
                `${}<br />
                                  Population 1950 :  ` +
                pop1950_float.toFixed(2) +
                ` millions <br />
                                  Population 2035 :  ` +
                pop2035_float.toFixed(2) +
                ` millions`

              //Uncomment the following return -and comment the previous one- to use pop values as strings in the TOOLTIP
                            return `${}<br />
                                      Population 1950: ${} millions <br />
                                      Population 2035: ${} millions`;
          animationDuration: 2000,
          animationEasing: "elasticOut" //

    // All the above is applied to the chart

