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        Gross Domestic 
        %strong Product
{:href => '#timeline'}
          %a{:href => '#about'}
            About GDP
      %h2 About the GDP
      %p.lead Gross domestic product (GDP) is a monetary measure of the market value of all final goods and services produced in a period (quarterly or yearly) of time. Nominal GDP estimates are commonly used to determine the economic performance of a whole country or region, and to make international comparisons. Nominal GDP per capita does not, however, reflect differences in the cost of living and the inflation rates of the countries; therefore using a basis of GDP per capita at purchasing power parity (PPP) is arguably more useful when comparing differences in living standards between different nations.
    Made with &hearts; by 
    %a{:href => '', :target=> '_blank'}
      satinflame design  



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      content: "";

main {
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      flex: 1;
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.chart {
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  padding: 5px 5px 0;
  margin: 0;
.chart div  { 
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  padding: 0.5px;
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// Thanks to
.chart {
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                let model = {
  i: 0,
  chartMax: 0

let controller = {
  init: function() {
    let d = {};
  getData: function() {
    var myD;
    var XHR = new XMLHttpRequest();
    XHR.onreadystatechange = function() {
      if (this.readyState == 4 && this.status == 200) {
        myData = JSON.parse(this.responseText);
  loadChart: function(obj) {
    let i = model.i;

    let chartScale = d3
      .domain([0, model.chartMax])
      .range([0, 300]); // second # controls height

    document.getElementById("charttitle").innerHTML = `${} <small>${
    document.getElementById("timeline").innerHTML = `${showMonth(
    )} - ${showMonth(obj.to_date)}`;

    let barH = 100 /;
      .style("height", d => chartScale(Math.floor(d[1])) + "px")
      .style("width", barH + "%")
      // .attr("title", function(d) {
      //   return `${showMonth(d[0])} (${d[1]})`;
      // })
      .html(function(d) {
       return `<span class="tag"><strong>${getAmount(d[1])}</strong> ${showMonth(d[0])}</span>`

    // this.incrementChart(); // for multi charts
  findMax: function(arr) {
    let max = model.chartMax;
    let m = arr.forEach(e => {
      if (e[1] > max) {
        max = e[1];
    return max;
  setMax: function(num) {
    model.chartMax = num;
  incrementChart: function() {


function showMonth(timestamp) {
  let time = new Date(timestamp);
  return getMonthLabel(time.getUTCMonth()) + " " + time.getUTCFullYear();

function getMonthLabel(num) {
  var month = new Array();
  month[0] = "Jan";
  month[1] = "Feb";
  month[2] = "Mar";
  month[3] = "Apr";
  month[4] = "May";
  month[5] = "June";
  month[6] = "July";
  month[7] = "Aug";
  month[8] = "Sept";
  month[9] = "Oct";
  month[10] = "Nov";
  month[11] = "Dec";
  return month[num];
function getAmount(val) {
  return "$"+val.toFixed(2).replace(/(\d)(?=(\d{3})+\.)/g, '$1,') + " billion";
