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      <h1>Spankie B. Hungry</h1>
        alt="shocked monkey in a green polks dot shirt"
      <p>This is Spankie</p>
        You notice that Spankie is a littled shocked that you showed up without
        anything to eat. After all, you know that no one will sell him a mask so
        he can go out shopping.
      <p>However, there is a solution:</p>
        <li>Go to Walmart</li>
        <br />
        <li>buy some madeleines <br />(they're his favorite)</li>
        <br />
          <b><i>Feed the Monkey!</i></b>
        If you don't have a mask yourself, you can always go online to <br/>
        <a href="https://www.amazon.com/">Amazon</a> 
        <p>Just make sure to
        ship the madeleines to his address.

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