<ol class="link-list">
  <li>This is a <a href="#">plain nothing happens on hover</a> link.</li>
  <li>This is an <a href="#">underline on hover</a> link.</li>
  <li>This is a <a href="#">remove underline on hover</a> link.</li>
  <li>This is a <a href="#">change color and remove underline on hover</a> link.</li>
  <li>This is a <a href="#">change color on hover</a> link.</li>
  <li>This is a <a href="#">dashed bottom border changes to solid</a> link.</li>
  <li>This is a <a href="#">solid bottom border changes to dashed</a> link.</li>
  <li>This is a <a href="#">no underline change color on hover</a> link.</li>
  <li>This is a <a href="#">change background color on hover</a> link.</li>
  <li>This is a <a href="#">dotted bottom border changes to solid</a> link.</li>
  <li>This is a <a href="#">rainbow colored text on hover</a> link.</li>
  <li>This is an <a href="#">overline on hover</a> link.</li>
  <li>This is an <a href="#">underline and overline on hover</a> link.</li>
  <li>This is a <a href="#">top and bottom border on hover</a> link.</li>
  <li>This is a <a href="#">solid border on all sides</a> link.</li>
  <li>This is a <a href="#">background and text color changes on hover</a> link.</li>
  <li>This is a <a href="#">color change with transition on hover</a> link.</li>
  <li>This is a <a href="#">bold text on hover</a> link.</li>
  <li>This is a <a href="#">line-through on hover</a> link.</li>
  <li>This is an <a href="#">italics on hover</a> link.</li>
  <li>This is a <a href="#">small-caps on hover</a> link.</li>
  <li>This is a <a href="#">text shadow on hover</a> link.</li>
  <li>This is a <a href="#">background color with rounded corners on hover</a> link.</li>
  <li>This is a <a href="https://www.google.com">URL appears on hover </a> link.</li>
  <li>This is a <a href="#">background color plus dotted bottom border</a> link.</li>
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