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          <h1 class="heading">Unlock Your Best Self at VFitClub. Embrace Wellness, Transform Your Life</h1>
          <p class="description">Experience the Ultimate Fitness Journey with Functional Training, Plyometric Boxes, Aerobics Classes, TRX, and More</p>
          <div class="hero-box-buttons"><button>Discover Classes</button><button>See Our Offerings</button></div>

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      <div class="container aboutus">
        <div class="section-aboutus-info" data-aos="fade-down">
          <h2>About VFitClub</h2>
            At VFitClub, we're not just a fitness center; we're a community dedicated to transforming lives through health and wellness. Founded with a passion for helping individuals
            achieve their fitness goals, our mission is to empower, inspire, and support you on your journey to a healthier, happier life.
          <h2>Our Vision</h2>
            Our vision is to be your trusted partner in achieving optimal well-being. We believe that a strong and healthy body is the foundation for a successful, fulfilling life.
            Whether you're new to fitness or a seasoned athlete, we're here to guide you on your path to success.
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        <h2 class="title">Our Team</h2>
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          <div class="team-member">
            <img src="" alt="Logo" class="member-logo" />
            <div class="team-memmber-info">
              <div class="member-name">Joe Bloggs</div>
              <div class="member-desg">Weight Lifting Coach</div>
              <div class="member-desc">Specializes in sculpting strength and muscle with precision</div>
          <div class="team-member">
            <img src="" alt="Logo" class="nav-icon" />
            <div class="team-memmber-info">
              <div class="member-name">Charlie Watson</div>
              <div class="member-desg">MMA Coach</div>
              <div class="member-desc">Hones combat skills and self-defense with expertise</div>
          <div class="team-member">
            <img src="" alt="Logo" class="nav-icon" />
            <div class="team-memmber-info">
              <div class="member-name">Rachel Danielle</div>
              <div class="member-desg">Yoga Instructor</div>
              <div class="member-desc">Guides you to inner peace and flexibility through mindful yoga practice</div>
          <div class="team-member">
            <img src="é.jpg" alt="Logo" class="nav-icon" />
            <div class="team-memmber-info">
              <div class="member-name">Taylor Melé</div>
              <div class="member-desg">Personal Trainer</div>
              <div class="member-desc">Your path to achieving fitness goals, one personalized session at a time</div>
    <section class="section-memberships" id="memberships">
      <div class="container memberships">
        <h2 class="title">Memberships</h2>
        <div class="classes">
          <div class="class" data-aos="flip-left">
            <h2 class="class-name">3 Months</h2>
            <div class="class-price">$100/MON USD</div>
            <hr />
            <div class="class-name">
                <li>5 Classes</li>
                <li>5 In Personal Training Sessions</li>
                <li>Full Gym & Facilities Access</li>
                <li>Gym Tour & Training Instruction</li>
            <a>Get Started</a>
          <div class="class" data-aos="flip-up">
            <h2 class="class-name">6 Months</h2>
            <div class="class-price">$75/MON USD</div>
            <hr />
            <div class="class-name">
                <li>10 Classes</li>
                <li>10 In Personal Training Sessions</li>
                <li>Full Gym & Facilities Access</li>
                <li>Boxing Ring, Free Events</li>
                <li>Gym Tour & Training Instruction</li>
            <a>Get Started</a>
          <div class="class" data-aos="flip-right">
            <h2 class="class-name">1 Whole Year</h2>
            <div class="class-price">$50/MON USD</div>
            <hr />
            <div class="class-name">
                <li>10 Classes</li>
                <li>15 In Personal Training Sessions</li>
                <li>Full Gym & Facilities Access</li>
                <li>Boxing Ring, Free Events</li>
                <li>Gym Tour & Training Instruction</li>
            <a>Get Started</a>
    <section class="section-reviews" id="reviews">
      <div class="container reviews">
        <h2 class="title">Customer Reviews</h2>
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            <div class="review-image" data-aos="image-rotateIn"><img src="" alt="Logo" class="review-icon" width="130" height="130" /></div>
            <div class="review-details" data-aos="fade-down">
              <div>Samantha R</div>
                I can't say enough good things about VFitClub. The trainers are exceptional, and the community is so welcoming. I've made incredible progress in my fitness journey
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            <div class="review-image" data-aos="image-rotateIn"><img src="" alt="Logo" class="review-icon" width="130" height="130" /></div>
            <div class="review-details" data-aos="fade-down">
              <div>Vinay U</div>
              <div>Charlie, the MMA coach, is a true expert. He pushes you to your limits while ensuring safety. I've learned so much and gained newfound confidence</div>
          <div class="review-info">
            <div class="review-image" data-aos="image-rotateIn"><img src="" alt="Logo" class="review-icon" width="130" height="130" /></div>
            <div class="review-details" data-aos="fade-down">
              <div>Michael S</div>
                VFitClub is not just a gym; it's a lifestyle. The facility is top-notch, and the trainers are top-level. I've never felt more motivated and supported in my fitness
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          123 Wellness Way Activeville,<br />
          Fitnessland 56789<br />United States
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      <h2>Got hiit</h2>
      <p>Experience our new high-intensity interval
        training facility to boost endurance and agility!</p>
      <h1>70%OFF FOR NEW GYM MEMBERS</h1>
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