Pen Settings



CSS Base

Vendor Prefixing

Add External Stylesheets/Pens

Any URLs added here will be added as <link>s in order, and before the CSS in the editor. You can use the CSS from another Pen by using its URL and the proper URL extension.

+ add another resource


Babel includes JSX processing.

Add External Scripts/Pens

Any URL's added here will be added as <script>s in order, and run before the JavaScript in the editor. You can use the URL of any other Pen and it will include the JavaScript from that Pen.

+ add another resource


Add Packages

Search for and use JavaScript packages from npm here. By selecting a package, an import statement will be added to the top of the JavaScript editor for this package.


Auto Save

If active, Pens will autosave every 30 seconds after being saved once.

Auto-Updating Preview

If enabled, the preview panel updates automatically as you code. If disabled, use the "Run" button to update.

Format on Save

If enabled, your code will be formatted when you actively save your Pen. Note: your code becomes un-folded during formatting.

Editor Settings

Code Indentation

Want to change your Syntax Highlighting theme, Fonts and more?

Visit your global Editor Settings.


                <div><canvas width="640" height="480" /></div>


WebGL CRT monitor effect loop. Uses offscreen 2D canvas as buffer source.

Libraries and sources:

- ReGL (WebGL helper):
- glMatrix (math):
- onecolor (RGB conversion):
- Google Fonts Inconsolata




                html, body {
  margin: 0;
  padding: 0;
  height: 100%;
  background: #000;

body {
  min-height: 640px;
  display: flex;
  flex-direction: column;
  align-items: center;
  justify-content: center;
  background: radial-gradient(circle at 50% 30%, #fff, #444);

div {
  padding: 10px 10px 20px;
  border-radius: 40px;
  box-shadow: 0 0 50px 50px #000;
  background: #000;



                const onecolor = one.color;

function hex2vector(cssHex) {
    const pc = onecolor(cssHex);

    return vec3.fromValues(,,

const charW = 6;
const charH = 10;
const bufferCW = 80;
const bufferCH = 24;
const bufferW = bufferCW * charW;
const bufferH = bufferCH * charH;
const textureW = 512;
const textureH = 256;

const consolePad = 8; // in texels
const consoleW = bufferW + consolePad * 2;
const consoleH = bufferH + consolePad * 2;

const bufferCanvas = document.createElement('canvas');
bufferCanvas.width = bufferW;
bufferCanvas.height = bufferH;
// document.body.appendChild(bufferCanvas);

const bufferContext = bufferCanvas.getContext('2d');

bufferContext.fillStyle = '#000';
bufferContext.fillRect(0, 0, bufferW, bufferH);

function charRange(start, end) {
  return Array.apply(null, new Array(end - start)).map((_, index) => {
    return String.fromCharCode(start + index);

const characterSet = ([]
  .concat(charRange(0x30, 0x3a)) // ASCII digits
  .concat(charRange(0x40, 0x5b)) // ASCII uppercase and @

// pseudo-random
// credit:
const SEED_OFFSET = new Date().getTime();

function randomize(seed) {
    const intSeed = seed % 2147483647;
    const safeSeed = intSeed > 0 ? intSeed : intSeed + 2147483646;
    return safeSeed * 16807 % 2147483647;

function getRandomizedFraction(seed) {
    return (seed - 1) / 2147483646;

let cursorX = 0, cursorY = bufferCH - 1;

const chunkList = [ '-\n' ];
let chunkIndex = 0, chunkPos = 0;

fetch('').then(response => {
  if (!response.ok) {
      throw new Error('oops');

  const reader = response.body.getReader();

  const nextChunk = () => {{ done, value }) => {
          if (done) {

          chunkList.push(new TextDecoder('utf-8').decode(value));


function updateWorld(delta) {
  // redraw
  bufferContext.textAlign = 'center';
  bufferContext.font = '12px "Inconsolata"';

  const advance = 2 + Math.floor(Math.random() * 10);

  for (let i = 0; i < advance; i++) {
    const chunk = chunkList[chunkIndex];
    const char = chunk[chunkPos];
    // advance read head
    chunkPos += 1;
    if (chunkPos >= chunk.length) {
      chunkIndex = (chunkIndex + 1) % chunkList.length;
      chunkPos = 0;

    const charCode = char.charCodeAt(0);
    if (charCode >= 32) {
      bufferContext.fillStyle = `hsl(${160 + (charCode / 256) * 60}, 100%, 60%)`;
        (cursorX + 0.5) * charW, // center inside character box
        cursorY * charH + charH,
        charW // restrict width, but allow a tiny bit of spillover
      cursorX += 1;

    if (charCode === 10 || cursorX >= bufferCW) {
      cursorX = 0;

        0, charH, bufferW, bufferH - charH,
        0, 0, bufferW, bufferH - charH

      bufferContext.fillStyle = `#000`;
      bufferContext.fillRect(0, bufferH - charH, bufferW, charH);

// "warm up" the state by simulating the world for a bit
Array.apply(null, new Array(100)).forEach(() => {

// let fadeCountdown = 0;

function renderWorld(delta) {
//   // fade screen every few frames
//   // (not every frame, for long trails without rounding artifacts)
//   fadeCountdown -= delta;
//   if (fadeCountdown < 0) {
//     bufferContext.fillStyle = 'rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.5)';  
//     bufferContext.fillRect(0, 0, bufferW, bufferH);
//     fadeCountdown += 0.2;
//   }

//   trails.forEach((trail, index) => {
//     const k = index / trails.length;
//     const charX = Math.floor(trail[0]);
//     // randomize based on character position
//     const charSeed = index + (charX + trail[1] * bufferCW) * 50;
//     const outSeed = randomize(charSeed * 1500 + SEED_OFFSET);

//     const char = characterSet[Math.floor(getRandomizedFraction(outSeed) * characterSet.length)];

//   }); 

// init WebGL
const regl = createREGL({
    canvas: document.body.querySelector('canvas'),
    attributes: { antialias: true, alpha: false, preserveDrawingBuffer: true }

const spriteTexture = regl.texture({
    width: textureW,
    height: textureH,
    mag: 'linear'

const termFgColor = hex2vector('#efe');
const termBgColor = hex2vector('#202520');

const quadCommand = regl({
    vert: `
        precision mediump float;

        attribute vec3 position;

        varying vec2 uvPosition;

        void main() {
            uvPosition = position.xy * vec2(0.5, -0.5) + vec2(0.5);

            gl_Position = vec4(
                vec2(-1.0, 1.0) + (position.xy - vec2(-1.0, 1.0)) * 1.0,

    frag: `
        precision mediump float;

        varying vec2 uvPosition;

        uniform sampler2D sprite;
        uniform float time;
        uniform float glitchLine;
        uniform float glitchFlutter;
        uniform float glitchAmount;
        uniform float glitchDistance;
        uniform vec3 bgColor;
        uniform vec3 fgColor;

        #define curvature 1.0
        #define textureW ${textureW + '.0'}
        #define textureH ${textureH + '.0'}
        #define consoleW ${consoleW + '.0'}
        #define consoleH ${consoleH + '.0'}

        vec3 renderFacet(vec2 facetOrigin, vec2 facetSize, vec2 facetWH, vec2 facetTexelUV, float facetGlitchLine, vec2 textureLookupRatio) {
            float facetH = facetWH.y;

            // simulate 2x virtual pixel size, for crisp display on low-res
            vec2 inTexel = mod(facetTexelUV * facetWH * 0.5, vec2(1.0));

            float facetGlitchDistance = glitchDistance / facetSize.y;
            float distToGlitch = facetGlitchLine - (facetTexelUV.y - inTexel.y / facetH);
            float glitchOffsetLinear = step(0.0, distToGlitch) * max(0.0, facetGlitchDistance - distToGlitch) / facetGlitchDistance;
            float glitchOffset = glitchOffsetLinear * glitchOffsetLinear;

            facetTexelUV.x -= glitchOffset * glitchAmount + 0.081 * (glitchFlutter * glitchFlutter * glitchFlutter);

            vec2 inTexelOffset = inTexel - 0.5;
            vec2 uvAdjustment = inTexelOffset * vec2(0.0, .5 / facetH); // remove vertical texel interpolation
            vec2 distortedUVPosition = facetOrigin + (facetTexelUV - uvAdjustment) * facetSize;

            vec4 sourcePixel = texture2D(
                distortedUVPosition * textureLookupRatio

            // multiply by source alpha as well
            vec3 pixelRGB = sourcePixel.rgb * sourcePixel.a;

            float scanlineAmount = inTexelOffset.y * inTexelOffset.y / 0.25;
            float intensity = 12.0 - scanlineAmount * 3.0; // ray intensity is over-amped by default
            vec3 glitchLineAmp = vec3(0.7, 0.15, 0.1) * glitchOffset * 20.0;

            return mix(
                intensity * pixelRGB
            ) * (1.0 - 0.5 * scanlineAmount) + glitchLineAmp;

        void main() {
            // @todo use uniform
            vec2 consoleWH = vec2(consoleW, consoleH);
            float maxMixFactor = 8.0;
            float mixFactor = max(0.0, mod(time * 0.5, maxMixFactor + 2.0) - 2.0);
            float globalLoopMix = (mixFactor / maxMixFactor);
            globalLoopMix *= globalLoopMix; // slow at first
            //float mixFactor = maxMixFactor - abs(mod(time * 0.5, maxMixFactor * 2.0) - maxMixFactor);
            vec2 textureLookupRatio = consoleWH / vec2(textureW, textureH);

            vec2 globalCenterOffset = uvPosition - vec2(0.5);
            float globalDistortionFactor = dot(globalCenterOffset, globalCenterOffset) * curvature * globalLoopMix;
            vec2 globalTexelUV = uvPosition + globalCenterOffset * (1.0 - globalDistortionFactor) * globalDistortionFactor; // pixel position in parent-relative UV
            vec2 fromGlobalEdge = vec2(0.5) - abs(globalTexelUV - vec2(0.5));

            vec2 parentOrigin = vec2(0); // parent origin in global UV
            vec2 parentSize = vec2(1.0); // parent size in global UV
            vec2 parentWH = consoleWH; // parent size in texels
            vec2 parentUV = globalTexelUV; // pixel position in parent-relative UV
            float parentEdgeSize = 0.1;

            int maxLevels = int(mixFactor);
            for(int level = 0; level < 7; level++) {
              if (level >= maxLevels) {

              parentSize *= 0.5;
              parentOrigin += floor(parentUV / 0.5) * parentSize;
              parentUV = mod(parentUV, 0.5) / 0.5;
              parentWH *= 0.5;
              parentEdgeSize *= 1.75; // tighten up edge feathering
              mixFactor -= 1.0;

            vec2 parentCenterOffset = parentUV - vec2(0.5);
            float parentDistortionFactor = dot(parentCenterOffset, parentCenterOffset) * curvature;
            vec2 parentTexelUV = parentUV + parentCenterOffset * (1.0 - parentDistortionFactor) * parentDistortionFactor; // intended texture coordinates inside parent UV

            vec2 facetOriginInParent = floor(parentUV / 0.5) * 0.5;
            vec2 facetOrigin = parentOrigin + parentSize * facetOriginInParent; // facet origin in global UV
            vec2 facetWH = parentWH * 0.5; // facet size in texels
            vec2 facetUV = (parentUV - facetOriginInParent) / vec2(0.5); // pixel position inside facet

            vec2 facetCenterOffset = facetUV - vec2(0.5);
            float facetDistortionFactor = dot(facetCenterOffset, facetCenterOffset) * curvature;
            vec2 facetTexelUV = facetUV + facetCenterOffset * (1.0 - facetDistortionFactor) * facetDistortionFactor; // intended texture coordinates inside facet UV

            vec2 parentFacetTexelUV = (parentTexelUV - facetOriginInParent) / 0.5; // parent texture coordinates inside facet UV

            float edgeFadeMixFactor = (clamp(mixFactor, 0.8, 0.95) - 0.8) / 0.15;
            float distortionMixFactor = (max(mixFactor, 0.95) - 0.95) / 0.05;

            // blended target texture coordinates inside facet UV
            vec2 blendedTexelUV = mix(parentFacetTexelUV, facetTexelUV, distortionMixFactor);

            vec2 fromFacetEdge = vec2(0.5) - abs(blendedTexelUV - vec2(0.5)); // use blended position
            vec2 fromParentEdge = vec2(0.5) - abs(parentTexelUV - vec2(0.5));

            if (fromFacetEdge.x > 0.0 && fromFacetEdge.y > 0.0 && fromGlobalEdge.x > 0.0 && fromGlobalEdge.y > 0.0) {
                vec2 fromParentEdgePixel = min(parentEdgeSize * parentWH * fromParentEdge, vec2(1.0, 1.0));
                vec2 fromEdgePixel = min(parentEdgeSize * facetWH * fromFacetEdge, vec2(1.0, 1.0));
                vec2 fromGlobalEdgePixel = min(0.1 * consoleWH * fromGlobalEdge, vec2(1.0, 1.0));

                // fade faster near the parent's center
                float distanceAmount = 4.0 * dot(parentCenterOffset, parentCenterOffset);
                float edgeMixCurve = 2.0 * edgeFadeMixFactor * (1.0 - edgeFadeMixFactor);
                float edgeFade = mix(
                    fromParentEdgePixel.x * fromParentEdgePixel.y,
                    fromEdgePixel.x * fromEdgePixel.y,
                    edgeFadeMixFactor - distanceAmount * edgeMixCurve

                float loopedEdgeFade = edgeFade * mix(
                    fromGlobalEdgePixel.x * fromGlobalEdgePixel.y,

                float screenFade = mix(
                    1.0 - dot(parentCenterOffset, parentCenterOffset) * 1.8,
                    1.0 - dot(facetCenterOffset, facetCenterOffset) * 1.8,

                float loopedScreenFade = screenFade * mix(
                    1.0 - dot(globalCenterOffset, globalCenterOffset) * 1.8,

                vec2 facetSize = parentSize * 0.5;
                float facetGlitchLine = (glitchLine - facetOrigin.y) / facetSize.y;

                gl_FragColor = vec4(
                    loopedEdgeFade * loopedScreenFade * renderFacet(
            } else {
                gl_FragColor = vec4(0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0);

    attributes: {
        position: regl.buffer([
            [ -1, -1, 0 ],
            [ 1, -1, 0 ],
            [ -1, 1, 0 ],
            [ 1, 1, 0 ]

    uniforms: {
        time: regl.context('time'),
        glitchLine: regl.prop('glitchLine'),
        glitchFlutter: regl.prop('glitchFlutter'),
        glitchAmount: regl.prop('glitchAmount'),
        glitchDistance: regl.prop('glitchDistance'),
        camera: regl.prop('camera'),
        sprite: spriteTexture,
        bgColor: regl.prop('bgColor'),
        fgColor: regl.prop('fgColor')

    primitive: 'triangle strip',
    count: 4,

    depth: {
        enable: false

    blend: {
        enable: true,
        func: {
            src: 'src alpha',
            dst: 'one minus src alpha'

    depth: 1,
    color: [ 0, 0, 0, 1 ]

// main loop
let currentTime =;
let elapsedTime = 0;

function rafBody() {
  // measure time
  const newTime =;
  const delta = Math.min(0.05, (newTime - currentTime) / 1000); // apply limiter to avoid frame skips
  currentTime = newTime;
  elapsedTime += delta;

  // glitch settings
  const glitchLine = (0.8 + elapsedTime * 0.27) % 1.0;
  const glitchFlutter = (elapsedTime * 40.0) % 1.0; // timed to be slightly out of sync from main frame rate
  const glitchAmount = 0.06 + glitchFlutter * 0.01;
  const glitchDistance = 0.04 + glitchFlutter * 0.35;


  spriteTexture.subimage(bufferContext, consolePad, consolePad);
    bgColor: termBgColor,
    fgColor: termFgColor,


// kickstart the loop

