<h1>Responsive Typography</h1>
<p>It appears that by using calc() and vw we can get responsive typography that scales perfectly between specific pixel values within a specific viewport range.</p>
<p>The problem with the common approach to responsive typography is that it is jumpy and requires a lot of media queries.</p>
<p>Viewport units are fluid but lack precise control over font-size.</p>
<p>Typically you might use a table like this to work out the range of font sizes across different resolutions.</p>
<th>Viewport units:</th><th>1vw</th><th>2vw</th><th>3vw</th><th>4vw</th><th>5vw</th>
<th>Viewport size</th><th colspan="5">font-size in pixels</th>
<p>Looking at the table you can see there are many limitations. There is no way to scale between 16px and 36px for example over the given viewport sizes. That is a shame because this is the type of control designers expect (and should expect).</p>
<p>Imagine you want the smallest font-size to be 12 pixels and then once the device width is greater than 400px you want the font-size to gradually increase to 24px and stop scaling by the time the viewport reaches 800px. That is exactly what this demo does!</p>
<p>This is achieved by using viewport units in combination with calc().</p>
<p>More details here: <a target="blank" href="https://madebymike.com.au/writing/precise-control-responsive-typography/">https://madebymike.com.au/writing/precise-control-responsive-typography/</a></p>
// These values are the minimum and maximum viewport sizes to apply the font scaling
$min_width: 400;
$max_width: 800;
// These values represent the range of fon-tsize to apply
// These values effect the base font-size, headings and other elements will scale proportionally
$min_font: 12;
$max_font: 24;
:root { font-size: #{$min_font}px; }
// This part is a little bit ugly, I will explain what is going on in a blog post soon.
@media (min-width: #{$min_width}px) and (max-width: #{$max_width}px){
:root {
font-size: calc( #{$min_font}px + (#{$max_font} - #{$min_font}) * ( (100vw - #{$min_width}px) / ( #{$max_width} - #{$min_width}) ));
@media (min-width: #{$max_width}px){
:root {
font-size: #{$max_font}px;
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