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Any URLs added here will be added as <link>s in order, and before the CSS in the editor. You can use the CSS from another Pen by using its URL and the proper URL extension.

+ add another resource


Babel includes JSX processing.

Add External Scripts/Pens

Any URL's added here will be added as <script>s in order, and run before the JavaScript in the editor. You can use the URL of any other Pen and it will include the JavaScript from that Pen.

+ add another resource


Add Packages

Search for and use JavaScript packages from npm here. By selecting a package, an import statement will be added to the top of the JavaScript editor for this package.


Auto Save

If active, Pens will autosave every 30 seconds after being saved once.

Auto-Updating Preview

If enabled, the preview panel updates automatically as you code. If disabled, use the "Run" button to update.

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If enabled, your code will be formatted when you actively save your Pen. Note: your code becomes un-folded during formatting.

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                <div class="cat-loader">
  <div class="cat-lower">
    <div class="wrapper bkg-stretch">
    <div class="wrapper cat-jj">
    <div class="wrapper bkg">
    <div class="wrapper cat-ass">
    <div class="wrapper inner-leg">
      <div class="cat-leg">
    <div class="wrapper outer-leg">
      <div class="cat-leg">
  <div class="cat-upper">
    <div class="wrapper bkg-stretch">
    <div class="wrapper cat-face">
      <div class="face-shape">
      <div class="ears"></div>
      <div class="wisker">
      <div class=eyes></div>
      <div class=mouth>
    <div class="wrapper body"></div>
    <div class="wrapper inner-leg">
      <div class="cat-leg">
    <div class="wrapper outer-leg">
      <div class="cat-leg">
<div class="link">
  <a href="//">Origin gif</a>


                // Sample trigonometric  funcs are copied from
@function pow($number, $exp) {
  $value: 1;
  @if $exp > 0 {
    @for $i from 1 through $exp {
      $value: $value * $number;
  @else if $exp < 0 {
    @for $i from 1 through -$exp {
      $value: $value / $number;
  @return $value;

@function fact($number) {
  $value: 1;
  @if $number > 0 {
    @for $i from 1 through $number {
      $value: $value * $i;
  @return $value;

@function pi() {
  @return 3.14159265359;

@function rad($angle) {
  $unit: unit($angle);
  $unitless: $angle / ($angle * 0 + 1);
  // If the angle has 'deg' as unit, convert to radians.
  @if $unit==deg {
    $unitless: $unitless / 180 * pi();
  @return $unitless;

@function sin($angle) {
  $sin: 0;
  $angle: rad($angle);
  // Iterate a bunch of times.
  @for $i from 0 through 10 {
    $sin: $sin + pow(-1, $i) * pow($angle, (2 * $i + 1)) / fact(2 * $i + 1);
  @return $sin;

@function cos($angle) {
  $cos: 0;
  $angle: rad($angle);
  // Iterate a bunch of times.
  @for $i from 0 through 10 {
    $cos: $cos + pow(-1, $i) * pow($angle, 2 * $i) / fact(2 * $i);
  @return $cos;

@function tan($angle) {
  @return sin($angle) / cos($angle);

@mixin drawOnCircle($color: green, $offset: 0, $startAngle: 0deg, $endAngle: 15deg, $step: 1) {
  $draw: 0 0 transparent;
  $startAngle: $startAngle + 0deg;
  $endAngle: $endAngle + 0deg;
  @if $step < 1 {
    $step: 1;
  @for $i from $startAngle through $step * $endAngle {
    $x: cos(rad($i / $step)) * $offset - $offset;
    $y: sin(rad($i / $step)) * $offset;
    $draw: #{$draw},
    $x $y;
  color: $color;
  box-shadow: $draw;

// Varibles
$backgorund-color:         #E8DDE0;
$stroke-color:             #393D46;
$cat-body-color:           #EBA763;
$cat-body-color-light:     #F1C28F;
$cat-jj-color:             #C48344;
$cat-mouth-color:          #D06257;

$cat-size:                 16px; // Make a bigger cat!

$stroke-width:             1em;
$inner-width:              10em;
$outer-width:              20em;
$cat-width:                $outer-width - $inner-width;
$leg-width:                3.6em;
$jj-width:                 3em;

$cat-inner-leg-start:      $inner-width;
$cat-inner-leg-center:     $cat-inner-leg-start + $leg-width / 2;
$cat-jj-start:             $cat-inner-leg-start + $leg-width - .05em;
$cat-jj-center:            $cat-jj-start + $jj-width / 2;
$cat-outer-leg-start:      $outer-width - $leg-width + .025em;
$cat-outer-leg-center:     $cat-outer-leg-start + $leg-width / 2;

$anim-duration: 4s;

.cat-loader {
  font-size: $cat-size;
  width: 50em;
  height: 50em;
  margin: 5em;
  position: relative;
  z-index: 1;

.cat-lower {
  animation: donut-rotate $anim-duration infinite cubic-bezier(.76, 0, .59, 1);

.cat-upper {
  animation: donut-rotate $anim-duration infinite cubic-bezier(.4, 0, .56, 1);

.cat-upper {
  trasnform-origin: 50% 50%;

@keyframes donut-rotate {
  6% {
    transform: rotate(0);
  100% {
    transform: rotate(-720deg);

@keyframes stretch-body-upper {
  0%, 100% {
    transform: rotate(180deg);
  65% {
    transform: rotate(280deg);

@keyframes stretch-body-lower {
  0%, 100% {
    transform: rotate(180deg);
  70% {
    transform: rotate(20deg);

@keyframes mouth-open {
  0%, 100% {
    padding: 0em .2em;
  40%, 70% {
    padding: .55em .2em;

@keyframes jj-stretch {
  10%, 100% {
    transform: rotate(115deg);
  60%, 80% {
    transform: rotate(122deg);

.bkg-stretch {
  position: absolute;
  overflow: hidden;
  padding: ($outer-width + 1em) / 2 $outer-width + 1em;
  margin: 0 -1 * ($outer-width + 1em);
  transform-origin: 50% 50%;
  z-index: -1;
  & > div {
    position: absolute;
    height: 100%;
    width: 100%;
    left: 0;
    top: 0;
    transform: rotate(180deg);
    overflow: hidden;
    transform-origin: 50% 0%;
    &:after {
      content: '';
      position: absolute;
      box-shadow: 0 0 0 $stroke-width $stroke-color, 0 0 0 $leg-width - $stroke-width $cat-body-color, 0 0 0 $cat-width - $leg-width + $stroke-width $cat-body-color-light, 0 0 0 $cat-width - $stroke-width $cat-body-color, 0 0 0 $cat-width $stroke-color;
      border-radius: 100em;
      padding: $inner-width;
      top: 0;
      left: 50%;
      margin: -$inner-width;
      transform-origin: 50% 50%;

.cat-upper {
  position: absolute;
  width: 100%;
  height: 100%;
  padding-left: 50%;
  z-index: 3;
  .wrapper {
    width: 50%;
    position: absolute;
    top: 50%;
    transform-origin: 0% 50%;
    &.cat-face {
      transform: rotate(35deg);
    &.inner-leg {
      transform: rotate(101deg);
    &.outer-leg {
      transform: rotate(93deg);
    &.body {
      transform: rotate(91deg);
    &.bkg-stretch {
      transform: rotate(60deg);
      transform-origin: 50% 0;
      & > div {
        animation: stretch-body-upper $anim-duration infinite;
    &.body {
      &:after {
        content: '';
        position: absolute;
        background-color: $cat-body-color-light;
        padding: ($cat-width - 2 * $leg-width + 2 * $stroke-width) / 2 - .25em;
        margin-top: -($cat-width - 2 * $leg-width + 2 * $stroke-width) / 2;
        margin-left: $inner-width + $leg-width - $stroke-width;
        border-radius: 10em;
        position: absolute;
        // @include drawOnCircle($cat-body-color-light, $inner-width + ($cat-width) / 2, 0, -10);
        box-shadow: 0 0 0 transparent, 0em 0em 0 0 #F1C28F, -0.00228em -0.26179em 0 0 #F1C28F, -0.00914em -0.52349em 0 0 #F1C28F, -0.02056em -0.78504em 0 0 #F1C28F, -0.03654em -1.04635em 0 0 #F1C28F, -0.05708em -1.30734em 0 0 #F1C28F, -0.08217em -1.56793em 0 0 #F1C28F, -0.11181em -1.82804em 0 0 #F1C28F, -0.14598em -2.0876em 0 0 #F1C28F, -0.18467em -2.34652em 0 0 #F1C28F, -0.22788em -2.60472em 0 0 #F1C28F;
    &.inner-leg .cat-leg div {
      // @include drawOnCircle($cat-body-color, $cat-inner-leg-center, 0, -33);
      box-shadow: 0 0 0 transparent, 0em 0em 0 0 #EBA763, -0.0018em -0.20594em 0 0 #EBA763, -0.00719em -0.41181em 0 0 #EBA763, -0.01617em -0.61756em 0 0 #EBA763, -0.02874em -0.82313em 0 0 #EBA763, -0.0449em -1.02844em 0 0 #EBA763, -0.06464em -1.23344em 0 0 #EBA763, -0.08796em -1.43806em 0 0 #EBA763, -0.11484em -1.64224em 0 0 #EBA763, -0.14528em -1.84593em 0 0 #EBA763, -0.17927em -2.04905em 0 0 #EBA763, -0.2168em -2.25155em 0 0 #EBA763, -0.25786em -2.45336em 0 0 #EBA763, -0.30243em -2.65442em 0 0 #EBA763, -0.35051em -2.85468em 0 0 #EBA763, -0.40208em -3.05406em 0 0 #EBA763, -0.45711em -3.25252em 0 0 #EBA763, -0.5156em -3.44999em 0 0 #EBA763, -0.57753em -3.6464em 0 0 #EBA763, -0.64288em -3.8417em 0 0 #EBA763, -0.71163em -4.03584em 0 0 #EBA763, -0.78375em -4.22874em 0 0 #EBA763, -0.85923em -4.42036em 0 0 #EBA763, -0.93804em -4.61063em 0 0 #EBA763, -1.02016em -4.79949em 0 0 #EBA763, -1.10557em -4.9869em 0 0 #EBA763, -1.19423em -5.17278em 0 0 #EBA763, -1.28612em -5.35709em 0 0 #EBA763, -1.38122em -5.53976em 0 0 #EBA763, -1.47949em -5.72075em 0 0 #EBA763, -1.5809em -5.9em 0 0 #EBA763, -1.68543em -6.07745em 0 0 #EBA763, -1.79303em -6.25305em 0 0 #EBA763, -1.90369em -6.42674em 0 0 #EBA763;
      &:before {
        // @include drawOnCircle($stroke-color, $cat-inner-leg-start + $stroke-width / 2 , 0, -33);
        box-shadow: 0 0 0 transparent, 0em 0em 0 0 #393D46, -0.0016em -0.18325em 0 0 #393D46, -0.0064em -0.36644em 0 0 #393D46, -0.01439em -0.54953em 0 0 #393D46, -0.02558em -0.73244em 0 0 #393D46, -0.03996em -0.91514em 0 0 #393D46, -0.05752em -1.09755em 0 0 #393D46, -0.07827em -1.27963em 0 0 #393D46, -0.10219em -1.46132em 0 0 #393D46, -0.12927em -1.64256em 0 0 #393D46, -0.15952em -1.82331em 0 0 #393D46, -0.19291em -2.00349em 0 0 #393D46, -0.22945em -2.18307em 0 0 #393D46, -0.26911em -2.36199em 0 0 #393D46, -0.31189em -2.54018em 0 0 #393D46, -0.35778em -2.7176em 0 0 #393D46, -0.40675em -2.89419em 0 0 #393D46, -0.4588em -3.0699em 0 0 #393D46, -0.51391em -3.24468em 0 0 #393D46, -0.57205em -3.41847em 0 0 #393D46, -0.63323em -3.59121em 0 0 #393D46, -0.69741em -3.76286em 0 0 #393D46, -0.76457em -3.93337em 0 0 #393D46, -0.8347em -4.10268em 0 0 #393D46, -0.90777em -4.27073em 0 0 #393D46, -0.98377em -4.43749em 0 0 #393D46, -1.06266em -4.6029em 0 0 #393D46, -1.14443em -4.7669em 0 0 #393D46, -1.22905em -4.92945em 0 0 #393D46, -1.31649em -5.0905em 0 0 #393D46, -1.40673em -5.25em 0 0 #393D46, -1.49974em -5.4079em 0 0 #393D46, -1.59549em -5.56415em 0 0 #393D46, -1.69396em -5.71871em 0 0 #393D46;
      &:after {
        // @include drawOnCircle($stroke-color, $cat-inner-leg-start + $leg-width - $stroke-width / 2 , 0, -19);
        box-shadow: 0 0 0 transparent, 0em 0em 0 0 #393D46, -0.002em -0.22863em 0 0 #393D46, -0.00798em -0.45718em 0 0 #393D46, -0.01795em -0.6856em 0 0 #393D46, -0.03191em -0.91381em 0 0 #393D46, -0.04985em -1.14174em 0 0 #393D46, -0.07176em -1.36932em 0 0 #393D46, -0.09765em -1.59649em 0 0 #393D46, -0.12749em -1.82317em 0 0 #393D46, -0.16128em -2.04929em 0 0 #393D46, -0.19902em -2.27479em 0 0 #393D46, -0.24068em -2.4996em 0 0 #393D46, -0.28627em -2.72364em 0 0 #393D46, -0.33575em -2.94686em 0 0 #393D46, -0.38913em -3.16918em 0 0 #393D46, -0.44637em -3.39053em 0 0 #393D46, -0.50747em -3.61085em 0 0 #393D46, -0.57241em -3.83007em 0 0 #393D46, -0.64116em -4.04812em 0 0 #393D46, -0.71371em -4.26494em 0 0 #393D46;
    &.outer-leg .cat-leg {
      left: $cat-outer-leg-start - $inner-width;
    &.outer-leg .cat-leg div {
      // @include drawOnCircle($cat-body-color, $cat-outer-leg-center, 0, -30, 2);
      box-shadow: 0 0 0 transparent, 0em 0em 0 0 #EBA763, -0.00069em -0.15882em 0 0 #EBA763, -0.00277em -0.31763em 0 0 #EBA763, -0.00624em -0.47642em 0 0 #EBA763, -0.01109em -0.63517em 0 0 #EBA763, -0.01732em -0.79387em 0 0 #EBA763, -0.02494em -0.95251em 0 0 #EBA763, -0.03395em -1.11108em 0 0 #EBA763, -0.04433em -1.26957em 0 0 #EBA763, -0.0561em -1.42796em 0 0 #EBA763, -0.06926em -1.58623em 0 0 #EBA763, -0.08379em -1.74439em 0 0 #EBA763, -0.0997em -1.90242em 0 0 #EBA763, -0.11699em -2.0603em 0 0 #EBA763, -0.13566em -2.21802em 0 0 #EBA763, -0.1557em -2.37558em 0 0 #EBA763, -0.17712em -2.53295em 0 0 #EBA763, -0.19991em -2.69013em 0 0 #EBA763, -0.22407em -2.84711em 0 0 #EBA763, -0.2496em -3.00387em 0 0 #EBA763, -0.2765em -3.1604em 0 0 #EBA763, -0.30476em -3.31669em 0 0 #EBA763, -0.33439em -3.47272em 0 0 #EBA763, -0.36537em -3.6285em 0 0 #EBA763, -0.39771em -3.78399em 0 0 #EBA763, -0.43141em -3.9392em 0 0 #EBA763, -0.46646em -4.09411em 0 0 #EBA763, -0.50287em -4.24871em 0 0 #EBA763, -0.54062em -4.40298em 0 0 #EBA763, -0.57971em -4.55692em 0 0 #EBA763, -0.62015em -4.71051em 0 0 #EBA763, -0.66193em -4.86374em 0 0 #EBA763, -0.70504em -5.0166em 0 0 #EBA763, -0.74948em -5.16908em 0 0 #EBA763, -0.79525em -5.32117em 0 0 #EBA763, -0.84235em -5.47285em 0 0 #EBA763, -0.89077em -5.62411em 0 0 #EBA763, -0.94051em -5.77494em 0 0 #EBA763, -0.99156em -5.92534em 0 0 #EBA763, -1.04392em -6.07528em 0 0 #EBA763, -1.09759em -6.22477em 0 0 #EBA763, -1.15257em -6.37377em 0 0 #EBA763, -1.20884em -6.5223em 0 0 #EBA763, -1.2664em -6.67032em 0 0 #EBA763, -1.32525em -6.81784em 0 0 #EBA763, -1.38539em -6.96484em 0 0 #EBA763, -1.44681em -7.11131em 0 0 #EBA763, -1.50951em -7.25723em 0 0 #EBA763, -1.57347em -7.40261em 0 0 #EBA763, -1.6387em -7.54742em 0 0 #EBA763, -1.7052em -7.69165em 0 0 #EBA763, -1.77295em -7.8353em 0 0 #EBA763, -1.84195em -7.97835em 0 0 #EBA763, -1.91219em -8.1208em 0 0 #EBA763, -1.98368em -8.26263em 0 0 #EBA763, -2.0564em -8.40382em 0 0 #EBA763, -2.13035em -8.54438em 0 0 #EBA763, -2.20553em -8.68429em 0 0 #EBA763, -2.28192em -8.82354em 0 0 #EBA763, -2.35953em -8.96211em 0 0 #EBA763, -2.43834em -9.1em 0 0 #EBA763;
      &:before {
        // @include drawOnCircle($stroke-color, $cat-outer-leg-start + $stroke-width / 2 , 0, -10, 2);
        box-shadow: 0 0 0 transparent, 0em 0em 0 0 #393D46, -0.00064em -0.14748em 0 0 #393D46, -0.00257em -0.29495em 0 0 #393D46, -0.00579em -0.44239em 0 0 #393D46, -0.0103em -0.5898em 0 0 #393D46, -0.01609em -0.73717em 0 0 #393D46, -0.02316em -0.88448em 0 0 #393D46, -0.03152em -1.03172em 0 0 #393D46, -0.04117em -1.17888em 0 0 #393D46, -0.0521em -1.32596em 0 0 #393D46, -0.06431em -1.47293em 0 0 #393D46, -0.0778em -1.61979em 0 0 #393D46, -0.09258em -1.76653em 0 0 #393D46, -0.10864em -1.91313em 0 0 #393D46, -0.12597em -2.05959em 0 0 #393D46, -0.14458em -2.20589em 0 0 #393D46, -0.16447em -2.35203em 0 0 #393D46, -0.18563em -2.49798em 0 0 #393D46, -0.20807em -2.64374em 0 0 #393D46, -0.23177em -2.7893em 0 0 #393D46, -0.25675em -2.93465em 0 0 #393D46;
      &:after {
        // @include drawOnCircle($stroke-color, $cat-outer-leg-start + $leg-width - $stroke-width / 2 , 0, -30, 2);
        box-shadow: 0 0 0 transparent, 0em 0em 0 0 #393D46, -0.00074em -0.17017em 0 0 #393D46, -0.00297em -0.34032em 0 0 #393D46, -0.00668em -0.51045em 0 0 #393D46, -0.01188em -0.68054em 0 0 #393D46, -0.01856em -0.85058em 0 0 #393D46, -0.02672em -1.02055em 0 0 #393D46, -0.03637em -1.19045em 0 0 #393D46, -0.0475em -1.36025em 0 0 #393D46, -0.06011em -1.52995em 0 0 #393D46, -0.0742em -1.69954em 0 0 #393D46, -0.08977em -1.86899em 0 0 #393D46, -0.10682em -2.03831em 0 0 #393D46, -0.12535em -2.20746em 0 0 #393D46, -0.14535em -2.37645em 0 0 #393D46, -0.16683em -2.54526em 0 0 #393D46, -0.18977em -2.71388em 0 0 #393D46, -0.21419em -2.88228em 0 0 #393D46, -0.24008em -3.05047em 0 0 #393D46, -0.26743em -3.21843em 0 0 #393D46, -0.29625em -3.38614em 0 0 #393D46, -0.32653em -3.55359em 0 0 #393D46, -0.35827em -3.72078em 0 0 #393D46, -0.39147em -3.88767em 0 0 #393D46, -0.42612em -4.05428em 0 0 #393D46, -0.46223em -4.22057em 0 0 #393D46, -0.49978em -4.38655em 0 0 #393D46, -0.53879em -4.55218em 0 0 #393D46, -0.57923em -4.71748em 0 0 #393D46, -0.62112em -4.88241em 0 0 #393D46, -0.66445em -5.04697em 0 0 #393D46, -0.70921em -5.21115em 0 0 #393D46, -0.7554em -5.37493em 0 0 #393D46, -0.80302em -5.5383em 0 0 #393D46, -0.85206em -5.70125em 0 0 #393D46, -0.90252em -5.86376em 0 0 #393D46, -0.9544em -6.02583em 0 0 #393D46, -1.00769em -6.18744em 0 0 #393D46, -1.06239em -6.34858em 0 0 #393D46, -1.11849em -6.50923em 0 0 #393D46, -1.17599em -6.66939em 0 0 #393D46, -1.23489em -6.82904em 0 0 #393D46, -1.29518em -6.98818em 0 0 #393D46, -1.35686em -7.14677em 0 0 #393D46, -1.41991em -7.30483em 0 0 #393D46, -1.48435em -7.46233em 0 0 #393D46, -1.55016em -7.61926em 0 0 #393D46, -1.61733em -7.77561em 0 0 #393D46, -1.68586em -7.93136em 0 0 #393D46, -1.75576em -8.08652em 0 0 #393D46, -1.827em -8.24106em 0 0 #393D46, -1.89959em -8.39497em 0 0 #393D46, -1.97352em -8.54824em 0 0 #393D46, -2.04878em -8.70086em 0 0 #393D46, -2.12537em -8.85281em 0 0 #393D46, -2.20329em -9.0041em 0 0 #393D46, -2.28252em -9.1547em 0 0 #393D46, -2.36307em -9.3046em 0 0 #393D46, -2.44492em -9.45379em 0 0 #393D46, -2.52806em -9.60226em 0 0 #393D46, -2.6125em -9.75em 0 0 #393D46;
    &.cat-face {
      position: absolute;
      bottom: 0;
      transform-origin: 0 0;

      &:after {
        content: '';
        position: absolute;
        padding: $stroke-width / 2;
        background-color: $stroke-color;
        border-radius: 10em;
        margin-top: -$stroke-width / 2;
        top: 0;

      &:before {
        left: $inner-width;
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