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    Responsive, pinterest-style masonic tiles using CSS Grid (only - no JS, no flexbox).
    Change browser width and note how everything reflows, _and_ the red tile numbers stay in correct order.
<div class="results">    

  <div class="ht1">
    <img src="" style="height:45px"/>
      NENE MALO - 2012 Me declaro culpable

  <div class="ht4">
    <img src="" style="height:180px"/>
      Dracula (version 2)

      <div class="ht4">
      <img src="" style="height:180px"/>
      Beyond Good and Evil

      <div class="ht1">
      <img src="" style="height:45px"/>
      Grateful Dead Live at Barton Hall,...

      <div class="ht4">
      <img src="" style="height:180px"/>
      Christmasasaurus vol. 2

      <div class="ht3">
      <img src="" style="height:123px"/>
      The Internet's Own Boy: The Story of...

      <div class="ht1">
      <img src="" style="height:45px"/>
      I'm In A Pickle

      <div class="ht1">
      <img src="" style="height:58px"/>
      Internet Arcade: Moon Patrol

      <div class="ht1">
      <img src="" style="height:45px"/>
      Grateful Dead Live at Fillmore East...

      <div class="ht1">
      <img src="" style="height:59px"/>
      Internet Arcade: Satan's Hollow

      <div class="ht1">
      <img src="" style="height:45px"/>
      Where Did You Sleep Last Night?

      <div class="ht1">
      <img src="" style="height:45px"/>
      Umphrey's McGee Live at Fox Theatre on...

      <div class="ht3">
      <img src="" style="height:123px"/>
      FBI returns Riseup server to May...

      <div class="ht1">
      <img src="" style="height:45px"/>
      Ryan Adams Live at Carling Academy on...

      <div class="ht1">
      <img src="" style="height:45px"/>
      NASA Audio Highlight Reels, Soundbites...

      <div class="ht3">
      <img src="" style="height:123px"/>
      Copying Is Not Theft

      <div class="ht3">
      <img src="" style="height:124px"/>
      Store Wars

      <div class="ht2">
      <img src="" style="height:113px"/>
      Star Wars

      <div class="ht3">
      <img src="" style="height:123px"/>
      Fallen Heir

      <div class="ht1">
      <img src="" style="height:45px"/>
      Blind Melon Live at Commodore Ballroom...

      <div class="ht7">
      <img src="" style="height:282px"/>
      Katchewanooka Herald (Lakefield,...

      <div class="ht2">
      <img src="" style="height:113px"/>
      Dragon's Lair

      <div class="ht4">
      <img src="" style="height:180px"/>
      Mr. Spaceship

      <div class="ht1">
      <img src="" style="height:45px"/>
      Wes Loper [Band] Live at The Shedhouse...

      <div class="ht3">
      <img src="" style="height:123px"/>

      <div class="ht3">
      <img src="" style="height:123px"/>
      Eminem's Mosh

      <div class="ht3">
      <img src="" style="height:120px"/>
      Dark Castle

      <div class="ht3">
      <img src="" style="height:124px"/>
      Kinetic Art Demo Video

      <div class="ht3">
      <img src="" style="height:123px"/>
      All of the Dead

      <div class="ht3">
      <img src="" style="height:123px"/>
      Star Wars re-remastered to high quality...

      <div class="ht2">
      <img src="" style="height:98px"/>
      More Books!

      <div class="ht3">
      <img src="" style="height:123px"/>
      Werewolf in a Girls' Dormitory iPod...

      <div class="ht3">
      <img src="" style="height:123px"/>
      Political TV Ad Archive launch at...

      <div class="ht1">
      <img src="" style="height:45px"/>
      Smashing Pumpkins Live at War Memorial...

      <div class="ht3">
      <img src="" style="height:123px"/>
      A Digital Media Primer for Geeks

      <div class="ht5">
      <img src="" style="height:228px"/>
      DNA Lounge Live: Bootie SF (2006-10-14)

      <div class="ht3">
      <img src="" style="height:124px"/>
      Safety: Harm Hides at Home

      <div class="ht7">
      <img src="" style="height:285px"/>
      Cracker Live at Pappy And Harriet's...

      <div class="ht3">
      <img src="" style="height:123px"/>
      Internet Archive 35mm Stock Footage...

      <div class="ht1">
      <img src="" style="height:45px"/>
      Death Cab for Cutie Live at Folkets...

      <div class="ht3">
      <img src="" style="height:124px"/>
      Rise of the Living Dead, Episode II

      <div class="ht3">
      <img src="" style="height:123px"/>
      Political Commercial

      <div class="ht3">
      <img src="" style="height:123px"/>
      Democracy Now! Monday, September 17,...

      <div class="ht3">
      <img src="" style="height:123px"/>
      Aaron Swartz Memorial at the Internet...

      <div class="ht4">
      <img src="" style="height:180px"/>
      Hardly Just Begun

      <div class="ht6">
      <img src="" style="height:270px"/>
      Island Of Bali

      <div class="ht2">
      <img src="" style="height:101px"/>
      2012 Camaro RS Transformers Edition

      <div class="ht1">
      <img src="" style="height:45px"/>
      DJ Spooky Live at Trasheteria, Guelph...

      <div class="ht3">
      <img src="" style="height:123px"/>
      Toddy Chocolate Drink: Fearless Fred...

      <div class="ht1">
      <img src="" style="height:45px"/>
      Mekons Live at Starry Plough on...



Each tile's image height is known in advance.  at we use backend (PHP) to fetch that height and then simply have to run a formula like this for picking which 'htX' class to use:
  'ht' . min(7, floor($imgHT / 40));

We assume 20px gutters, and we _also_ split our grid into 20px high row increments (minimum here is 2 row spans per tile).

a 'row span' of 2 is  60px high,
a 'row span' of 3 is 100px high, etc.
.results {
   /* fit in up to 5 columns of 180px wide tiles, 20px gutters: 5*180 + 4*20: */
  max-width: 980px;
  margin: 0 auto;
  display: grid;
  grid-gap: 20px;
  /* fit as many columns as possible, 180px wide each: */
  grid-template-columns: repeat(auto-fill, 180px);
  /* each row is 20px high -- we always span 2+ */
  grid-auto-rows: minmax(20px, auto);
  justify-content: center;	

.results > * {
  width: 180px;
  /* only for older non-grid browsers: */
  float: left;  
  /* only for older non-grid browsers: */
  margin: 15px;

.ht0 { grid-row-end: span 2; }
.ht1 { grid-row-end: span 3; }
.ht2 { grid-row-end: span 4; }
.ht3 { grid-row-end: span 5; }
.ht4 { grid-row-end: span 6; }
.ht5 { grid-row-end: span 7; }
.ht6 { grid-row-end: span 8; }
.ht7 { grid-row-end: span 9; }

@supports (display: grid) {
  .results > * {
    /* modern browser -- grid-gap takes care of us: */
    margin: 0 auto;

/* cosmetics only from here on down */
.results > * {
  background-color: #ddd;
.results > * img {
  max-width: 100%;
.results > * span {
  font-size: 125%;
  color: #cc3333;
  font-family: 'Ultra';


