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                <!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
<title>Bulletproof Test</title>
<meta charset="utf-8" />
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="bulletproof.css">

	<div id="wrapper">
				<img src="/Users/MRG/NU Classes/Interactive Producing/Interactive Midterm/midtermPages1/head2.jpg">
				<li><a href="" alt="About Me" title="About Me">About</a></li>
	<div id="content">
			<article class="post">
				<h2>Are you depressed? The answer may lie in your blood</h2>
						<img class="armblood" src="/Users/MRG/NU Classes/Interactive Producing/Interactive Midterm/midtermPages1/armblood.jpg"/>
					<p>One year after identifying blood markers to determine depression symptoms in teenagers, new findings from a Northwestern University professor may be able to produce similar results in adults <a href="file:///Users/MRG/Desktop/Interactive%20Midterm/midtermstory1.html" target="_blank"> Click Here to Read More...</a></p> 
			<article class="post1">
				<h2>The nose may hold answer to schizophrenia diagnosis</h2>
						<img class="nose" src="/Users/MRG/NU Classes/Interactive Producing/Interactive Midterm/midtermPages1/nose.jpg"/>
							<p>A new, non-invasive method to determine symptoms of schizophrenia may result in earlier detection of the disorder, according to research by doctors at Tel Aviv University’s Sackler Faculty of Medicine.</p> 
			<article class="post2">
				<h2>Scientology Front Group Holds Anti-Psychiatry Exhibit</h2>
						<img class="psy_death" src="/Users/MRG/NU Classes/Interactive Producing/Interactive Midterm/midtermPages1/psy_death.jpg"/>
					<p>The Citizen's Commission on Human Rights, a Scientology front group formed in 1969, recently held an exihibit in Wicker Park aimed to portray the psychiatric community in a negative light.</p>
			</div><!--end content-->
			<article class="box">
	 			<h1>About Me</h1>
	 			<img class="headshot" src="/Users/MRG/NU Classes/Interactive Producing/Interactive Midterm/midtermPages1/headshot2.jpg" />
					<p>Matthew Gelfand is a 27-year-old graduate journalism student at Northwestern University's Medill School of Journalism. He is currently in his second quarter and is enrolled in the school's interactive track. He covers mental health and pharmacology for Northwestern's Medill News Service. <a href="" "alt="Bio Link">Click here for full bio</a></p>
			<article class="box">
				<h1>Social Media</h1>
						<li>Google Plus</li>
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						<li>thing one</li>
						<li>thing one</li>
						<li>thing one</li>
						<li>thing one</li>
						<li>thing one</li>
						<li>thing one</li>
						<li>thing one</li>
						<li>thing one</li>
						<li>thing one</li>
						<li>thing one</li>
						<li>thing one</li>
						<li>thing one</li>
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