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                //- BUILDING BLOX -----------------------------

mixin box(className, attr)
  .box(class=className data-name=className)&attributes(attributes)= attr
    - const faces = ['front','back','left','right','top','bottom']
    each face in faces
      div(class='face face__' + face)

mixin scene(className)
  .scene(class=className data-name=className)

//- SCENE ELEMENTS ----------------------------

mixin floor(className)

mixin window(className)

mixin building 

      //- just the two facing walls
        //- 15 windows on the front side
        - for(let i = 0; i<15; i++)

        //- 10 windows on the right side
        - for(let i = 0; i<10; i++)

        //- 5 floors
        - for(let i = 0; i<5; i++)
          +floor("floor-" + i)
        //- 1 roof



  --factor 0.5vmin
  --sky #190034
  --wall-base cornflowerblue
  --wall-light cornflowerblue
  --wall-dark #87c5ad
  --wall-darker #161a42
  --light-source #ffcd00

  background-color var(--sky)
  background-image radial-gradient(circle, rgba(255,255,255,1) 0vmin, rgba(255,255,255,1) 15vmin, rgba(255,255,255,0.2) 15vmin, rgba(255,255,255,0) 20vmin), radial-gradient(circle, rgba(255,255,255,1) 0vmin, rgba(255,255,255,1) 15vmin, rgba(255,255,255,0.2) 15vmin, rgba(255,255,255,0) 100vmin)
  background-repeat no-repeat
  background-position 100% 100%
  background-size 200% 200%

  min-height 100%
  display flex
  align-items center
  justify-content center
  //overflow hidden


  --z -5

  --walls-height 250
  --walls-width 150
  --walls-depth 100

  --height var(--walls-height)
  --width var(--walls-width)
  --depth var(--walls-depth)

  --color-light var(--wall-dark)
  --color-base var(--wall-light)
  --color-dark var(--wall-light)
  --color-darker var(--wall-darker)


    & > .face__front
      display grid
      grid-template-columns repeat(3, 1fr)
      grid-template-rows repeat(5, 1fr)

        content ""
        position absolute
        width 100%
        height 100%
        top 0
        left 0

        // background-image radial-gradient(circle, rgba(255,200,0,1) 0%, rgba(255,200,0,0) 100%)

        background-position 60% 0
        background-size 200% 200%
        background-repeat no-repeat
    & > .face__right
      display grid
      grid-template-columns repeat(2, 1fr)
      grid-template-rows repeat(5, 1fr)
      background-color var(--wall-darker)
      --color-base var(--wall-darker)
      --color-top var(--wall-dark)

    display flex
    justify-content center
    align-items center

    --rotate-x 90
    --z 2

    --z calc(var(--walls-height) / -2)
    --color-base var(--wall-darker)

    --roof-width calc(var(--walls-width) + 3)
    --roof-height 5
    --roof-depth calc(var(--walls-depth) + 3)

    --width var(--roof-width)
    --height var(--roof-height)
    --depth var(--roof-depth)

      --z calc(var(--height) / -2)

        // background-image linear-gradient(40deg, var(--wall-light) 50%, var(--wall-dark) 50%)

        --z 45

        --z 95

        --z 145

        --z 195

      --z var(--walls-height)

      --width 10
      --height 10
      --depth 0
      --x calc(var(--roof-width) - var(--width))
      --y var(--roof-depth)
      --z 8

        background-color transparent
        background-repeat no-repeat
        background-size 100%
        background-position 100% 100%
        background-image embedurl(spider='data:image/svg+xml,<svg xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 640 512"><path fill="currentColor" d="M544 32L527.6 32C513 12.63 490.1 0 464 0C419.9 0 384 35.88 384 80v21L12.12 393.6c-7.625 5.625-12.12 14.62-12.12 24.12c0 22.5 23.62 37 43.75 27l121.5-60.76l96.5 .0054l44.38 120.1c2.375 6.25 9.25 9.375 15.38 7.125l22.62-8.25c6.25-2.25 9.375-9.125 7.125-15.38L313 384L352 384c1.875 0 3.75-.2513 5.625-.2513l44.5 120.4c2.375 6.25 9.25 9.375 15.38 7.125l22.62-8.25c6.25-2.25 9.375-9.125 7.125-15.38l-41.24-111.5C485.8 352.8 544 279.3 544 192V112l96-16C640 60.63 597 32 544 32zM464 104c-13.25 0-24-10.75-24-24s10.75-24 24-24s24 10.75 24 24S477.2 104 464 104z"></path></svg>')

  --box-height 25
  --box-width 20
  --box-depth 8

  --width var(--box-width)
  --depth var(--box-depth)

    background none // not visible ...

    --height var(--box-height)
    --width var(--box-width)
    --depth var(--box-depth)
    --y calc(var(--box-depth)/2 - var(--depth) / 2)
    --x calc(var(--box-width)/2 - var(--width) / 2)

    --height 2
    --depth 4
    --z calc(var(--box-height) / 2 + var(--height) / 2)

    --width 2
    --depth 4
    --z calc(var(--box-height) / -2 + var(--height) / 2)

    --width 2
    --depth 4
    --x calc(var(--box-width) - var(--width))

    --height 1
    --z calc(var(--box-height) / -2 - var(--height) / 2)

    --height 1
    --width 16
    --depth 2
    --x calc(var(--box-width)/2 - var(--width) / 2)
    --y 1
    --z 3

    --width 1
    --depth 2
    --x calc(var(--box-width)/2 - var(--width) / 2)
    --y 1

    --width 16
    --depth 1
    --x 2
    --y 1.1
    --color-front var(--sky)

      background-repeat no-repeat
      background-position bottom
      background-size calc(10*var(--unit))

  &:hover .glass
    --color-front var(--light-source)

.cell:nth-child(1) .glass .face__front
  background-size calc(6*var(--unit))
  background-position 85% 65%
  background-image embedurl(spider='data:image/svg+xml,<svg xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 576 512"><path fill="currentColor" d="M563.3 401.6c2.608 8.443-2.149 17.4-10.62 19.1l-15.35 4.709c-8.48 2.6-17.47-2.139-20.08-10.59L493.2 338l-79.79-31.8l53.47 62.15c5.08 5.904 6.972 13.89 5.08 21.44l-28.23 110.1c-2.151 8.57-10.87 13.78-19.47 11.64l-15.58-3.873c-8.609-2.141-13.84-10.83-11.69-19.4l25.2-98.02l-38.51-44.77c.1529 2.205 .6627 4.307 .6627 6.549c0 53.02-43.15 96-96.37 96S191.6 405 191.6 352c0-2.242 .5117-4.34 .6627-6.543l-38.51 44.76l25.2 98.02c2.151 8.574-3.084 17.26-11.69 19.4l-15.58 3.873c-8.603 2.141-17.32-3.072-19.47-11.64l-28.23-110.1c-1.894-7.543 0-15.53 5.08-21.44l53.47-62.15l-79.79 31.8l-24.01 77.74c-2.608 8.447-11.6 13.19-20.08 10.59l-15.35-4.709c-8.478-2.6-13.23-11.55-10.63-19.1l27.4-88.69c2.143-6.939 7.323-12.54 14.09-15.24L158.9 256l-104.7-41.73C47.43 211.6 42.26 205.1 40.11 199.1L12.72 110.4c-2.608-8.443 2.149-17.4 10.62-19.1l15.35-4.709c8.48-2.6 17.47 2.139 20.08 10.59l24.01 77.74l79.79 31.8L109.1 143.6C104 137.7 102.1 129.7 104 122.2l28.23-110.1c2.151-8.57 10.87-13.78 19.47-11.64l15.58 3.873C175.9 6.494 181.1 15.18 178.1 23.76L153.8 121.8L207.7 184.4l.1542-24.44C206.1 123.4 228.9 91.77 261.4 80.43c5.141-1.793 10.5 2.215 10.5 7.641V112h32.12V88.09c0-5.443 5.394-9.443 10.55-7.641C345.9 91.39 368.3 121 368.3 155.9c0 1.393-.1786 2.689-.2492 4.064L368.3 184.4l53.91-62.66l-25.2-98.02c-2.151-8.574 3.084-17.26 11.69-19.4l15.58-3.873c8.603-2.141 17.32 3.072 19.47 11.64l28.23 110.1c1.894 7.543 0 15.53-5.08 21.44l-53.47 62.15l79.79-31.8l24.01-77.74c2.608-8.447 11.6-13.19 20.08-10.59l15.35 4.709c8.478 2.6 13.23 11.55 10.63 19.1l-27.4 88.69c-2.143 6.939-7.323 12.54-14.09 15.24L417.1 256l104.7 41.73c6.754 2.691 11.92 8.283 14.07 15.21L563.3 401.6z"></path></svg>')
.cell:nth-child(5) .glass .face__front
  background-position 61% 100%
  background-image embedurl(cat='data:image/svg+xml,<svg xmlns="" width="100" viewBox="0 0 576 512"><path fill="currentColor" d="M322.6 192C302.4 192 215.8 194 160 278V192c0-53-43-96-96-96C46.38 96 32 110.4 32 128s14.38 32 32 32s32 14.38 32 32v256c0 35.25 28.75 64 64 64h176c8.875 0 16-7.125 16-15.1V480c0-17.62-14.38-32-32-32h-32l128-96v144c0 8.875 7.125 16 16 16h32c8.875 0 16-7.125 16-16V289.9c-10.25 2.625-20.88 4.5-32 4.5C386.2 294.4 334.5 250.4 322.6 192zM480 96h-64l-64-64v134.4c0 53 43 95.1 96 95.1s96-42.1 96-95.1V32L480 96zM408 176c-8.875 0-16-7.125-16-16s7.125-16 16-16s16 7.125 16 16S416.9 176 408 176zM488 176c-8.875 0-16-7.125-16-16s7.125-16 16-16s16 7.125 16 16S496.9 176 488 176z" /></svg>')

.cell:nth-child(8) .glass .face__front
  // background-position 61% 100%
  background-size calc(12*var(--unit))
  background-image embedurl(astronaut='data:image/svg+xml,<svg xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 448 512"><path fill="currentColor" d="M176 448C167.3 448 160 455.3 160 464V512h32v-48C192 455.3 184.8 448 176 448zM272 448c-8.75 0-16 7.25-16 16s7.25 16 16 16s16-7.25 16-16S280.8 448 272 448zM164 172l8.205 24.62c1.215 3.645 6.375 3.645 7.59 0L188 172l24.62-8.203c3.646-1.219 3.646-6.375 0-7.594L188 148L179.8 123.4c-1.215-3.648-6.375-3.648-7.59 0L164 148L139.4 156.2c-3.646 1.219-3.646 6.375 0 7.594L164 172zM336.1 315.4C304 338.6 265.1 352 224 352s-80.03-13.43-112.1-36.59C46.55 340.2 0 403.3 0 477.3C0 496.5 15.52 512 34.66 512H128v-64c0-17.75 14.25-32 32-32h128c17.75 0 32 14.25 32 32v64h93.34C432.5 512 448 496.5 448 477.3C448 403.3 401.5 340.2 336.1 315.4zM64 224h13.5C102.3 280.5 158.4 320 224 320s121.8-39.5 146.5-96H384c8.75 0 16-7.25 16-16v-96C400 103.3 392.8 96 384 96h-13.5C345.8 39.5 289.6 0 224 0S102.3 39.5 77.5 96H64C55.25 96 48 103.3 48 112v96C48 216.8 55.25 224 64 224zM104 136C104 113.9 125.5 96 152 96h144c26.5 0 48 17.88 48 40V160c0 53-43 96-96 96h-48c-53 0-96-43-96-96V136z"></path></svg>')

.cell:nth-child(7) .glass .face__front
  background-position 15% 100%
  background-size calc(5*var(--unit))
  background-image embedurl(plant='data:image/svg+xml,<svg xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 576 512"><path fill="currentColor" d="M568.3 192c-29 .125-135 6.124-213.9 82.1C321.2 304.7 301 338.3 288 369.9c-13-31.63-33.25-65.25-66.38-94.87C142.8 198.2 36.75 192.2 7.75 192C3.375 192 0 195.4 0 199.9c.25 27.88 7.125 126.2 88.75 199.3C172.8 481 256 479.1 288 479.1s115.2 1.025 199.3-80.85C568.9 326 575.8 227.7 576 199.9C576 195.4 572.6 192 568.3 192zM288 302.6c12.75-18.87 27.62-35.75 44.13-50.5c19-18.62 39.5-33.37 60.25-45.25c-16.5-70.5-51.75-133-96.75-172.3c-4.125-3.5-11-3.5-15.12 0c-45 39.25-80.25 101.6-96.75 172.1c20.37 11.75 40.5 26.12 59.25 44.37C260 266.4 275.1 283.7 288 302.6z"></path></svg>')

.cell:nth-child(3) .glass .face__front
  background-position 95% 0%
  background-size calc(8*var(--unit))
  background-image embedurl(crack='data:image/svg+xml,<svg xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 512 512"><path fill="currentColor" d="M511.4 37.87l-87.54 467.6c-1.625 8.623-14.04 8.634-15.67 .0104L341.4 141.7L295.7 314.2c-2.375 7.624-12.98 7.624-15.36 0L246.3 180.9l-46.49 196.9c-1.875 8.373-13.64 8.373-15.51 0L139.1 190.5L103.6 314.5c-2.375 7.124-12.64 7.198-15.14 .0744L1.357 41.24C-4.768 20.75 10.61 0 31.98 0h448C500 0 515.2 18.25 511.4 37.87z"></path></svg>')

.cell:nth-child(10) .glass .face__front
  background-position -8% 100%
  background-size calc(10*var(--unit))
  background-image embedurl(crack='data:image/svg+xml,<svg xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 448 512"><path fill="currentColor" d="M377.7 338.8l37.15-92.87C419 235.4 411.3 224 399.1 224h-57.48C348.5 209.2 352 193 352 176c0-4.117-.8359-8.057-1.217-12.08C390.7 155.1 416 142.3 416 128c0-16.08-31.75-30.28-80.31-38.99C323.8 45.15 304.9 0 277.4 0c-10.38 0-19.62 4.5-27.38 10.5c-15.25 11.88-36.75 11.88-52 0C190.3 4.5 181.1 0 170.7 0C143.2 0 124.4 45.16 112.5 88.98C63.83 97.68 32 111.9 32 128c0 14.34 25.31 27.13 65.22 35.92C96.84 167.9 96 171.9 96 176C96 193 99.47 209.2 105.5 224H48.02C36.7 224 28.96 235.4 33.16 245.9l37.15 92.87C27.87 370.4 0 420.4 0 477.3C0 496.5 15.52 512 34.66 512H413.3C432.5 512 448 496.5 448 477.3C448 420.4 420.1 370.4 377.7 338.8zM176 479.1L128 288l64 32l16 32L176 479.1zM271.1 479.1L240 352l16-32l64-32L271.1 479.1zM320 186C320 207 302.8 224 281.6 224h-12.33c-16.46 0-30.29-10.39-35.63-24.99C232.1 194.9 228.4 192 224 192S215.9 194.9 214.4 199C209 213.6 195.2 224 178.8 224h-12.33C145.2 224 128 207 128 186V169.5C156.3 173.6 188.1 176 224 176s67.74-2.383 96-6.473V186z"></path></svg>')

.cell:nth-child(2) .glass .face__front
  background-position -8% 100%
  background-size calc(10*var(--unit))
  background-image embedurl(crack='data:image/svg+xml,<svg xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 384 512"><path fill="currentColor" d="M186.1 .1032c-105.1 3.126-186.1 94.75-186.1 199.9v264c0 14.25 17.3 21.38 27.3 11.25l24.95-18.5c6.625-5.001 16-4.001 21.5 2.25l43 48.31c6.25 6.251 16.37 6.251 22.62 0l40.62-45.81c6.375-7.251 17.62-7.251 24 0l40.63 45.81c6.25 6.251 16.38 6.251 22.62 0l43-48.31c5.5-6.251 14.88-7.251 21.5-2.25l24.95 18.5c10 10.13 27.3 3.002 27.3-11.25V192C384 83.98 294.9-3.147 186.1 .1032zM128 224c-17.62 0-31.1-14.38-31.1-32.01s14.38-32.01 31.1-32.01s32 14.38 32 32.01S145.6 224 128 224zM256 224c-17.62 0-32-14.38-32-32.01s14.38-32.01 32-32.01c17.62 0 32 14.38 32 32.01S273.6 224 256 224z"></path></svg>')


                const win = window
const root = document.documentElement

 * throttle events
function throttle(fn, delay) {
  let allowSample = true;

  return function (e) {
    if (allowSample) {
      allowSample = false;
      setTimeout(() => { allowSample = true; }, delay);

 * mouse move
window.onmousemove = throttle(mouseMoveHandler, 100)
function mouseMoveHandler(e) {
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 * Purely for debugging 
const {
  dat: { GUI },
} = window

const CONTROLLER = new GUI()
const CONFIG = { 'parallax-x': 0, 'parallax-z': 0, 'zoom': 1, 'global-x': 70, 'global-y': 0, 'global-z': 30, 'labels': false, 'checker': false, 'wireframe': false, 'face-opacity': 1, }

const UPDATE = () => {
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  document.documentElement.setAttribute('labels', CONFIG.labels ? true : false)
  document.documentElement.setAttribute('wireframe', CONFIG.wireframe ? true : false)

const STAGE_FOLDER = CONTROLLER.addFolder('Stage')
STAGE_FOLDER.add(CONFIG, 'zoom', 0, 5, 0.1)
STAGE_FOLDER.add(CONFIG, 'global-x', 0, 180, 1)
.name('Global X (deg)')
STAGE_FOLDER.add(CONFIG, 'global-y', 0, 180, 1)
.name('Global Y (deg)')
STAGE_FOLDER.add(CONFIG, 'global-z', 0, 180, 1)
.name('Global Z (deg)')
STAGE_FOLDER.add(CONFIG, 'parallax-x', 0, 180, 1)
  .name('Parallax X')
STAGE_FOLDER.add(CONFIG, 'parallax-z', 0, 180, 1)
  .name('Parallax Z')
STAGE_FOLDER.add(CONFIG, 'face-opacity', 0, 1, 0.1)
  .name('Face Opacity')
STAGE_FOLDER.add(CONFIG, 'checker')
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STAGE_FOLDER.add(CONFIG, 'labels')
STAGE_FOLDER.add(CONFIG, 'wireframe')

