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                <div class="comic">
<div class="conversation-column">
    <svg height="200" stroke-width="8" font-size="72" viewBox="0 0 2340 623">
      <image xlink:href="v/013-1.svg" width="100%" height="100%" aria-labelledby="t:20"><title id="t:20">The snowman leans over Sleuthy’s desk. Sleuthy turns to face them while tugging on the blinds’ cord, letting more light in and making the scene much easier to draw.</title></image>

      <path fill="#fff" stroke="#000" d="M281 12h-14C166 17-34 46 42 196c37 73 176 24 269 28 40 1 87-18 114-51l10 7c-3 10-6 20-7 32-2 27 3 47 12 63l-45 38c-9-6-20-11-32-15-97-33-275-36-294 87-20 139 192 126 287 102 30-7 53-22 68-39 23 3 72 7 119-26-40 9-76-1-100-11 6-24 0-50-17-72l41-36c63 40 187 20 266 16 70-3 214 5 248-70 64-141-182-160-276-159-75 0-192 1-247 56l-15-9c2-10 3-21 1-32-13-72-95-93-163-93z"></path>
      <text x="-190" y="-232" text-anchor="middle" transform="translate(418 340)">I can’t<tspan x="-190" y="-160">stay away.</tspan></text>
      <text x="-282" y="89" text-anchor="middle" transform="translate(980 104)">Moe and I,<tspan x="-282" y="161">we got history.</tspan></text>
      <text x="-497" y="373" text-anchor="middle" transform="translate(754 14)">Like you<tspan x="-497" y="445">and me.</tspan></text>
    <svg class="noborder" height="250" stroke-width="8" font-size="72" viewBox="0 0 1824 912" style="align-self:flex-end">
      <image xlink:href="v/013-4.svg" x="318" width="1506" height="912" aria-labelledby="t:21"><title id="t:21">Sleuthy strikes a dramatic silhouette with hands on hips.</title></image>
      <path fill="#fff" stroke="#000" d="M198 105c-55 0-106 7-151 27-40 19-64 67-18 100 61 43 138 39 206 29 122-18 261 5 383-8 0 0 41 39 99 50-31-30-33-61-33-61l30-8c111-38-66-126-135-116-121 16-259-14-381-13Z"></path>
      <text x="73" y="71" text-anchor="middle" transform="translate(303 137)">Not like you and me.</text>

    <svg class="noborder" height="150" stroke-width="8" font-family="WhizBang, sans-serif" viewBox="0 0 791 245" style="align-self:flex-start">
      <image xlink:href="v/013-2.svg" width="500" height="238" y="7" aria-labelledby="t:22"><title id="t:22">The snowman counters with their own dramatic silhouette of an outstretched hand.</title></image>
      <path fill="#fff" stroke="#000" stroke-width="3" d="M616 2c-86-1-175 4-222 9-16 2-22 33-5 42 8 5 28 8 56 10-6 5-17 11-40 17 21 3 54-9 68-15 102 6 261 3 302-7 32-7 2-47-17-49-40-5-90-7-142-7Z"></path>
      <text x="375" y="-48" font-size="36" text-anchor="middle" transform="translate(208 96)">Not exactly, but kinda.</text>

    <svg class="noborder" height="200" stroke-width="8" font-family="WhizBang, sans-serif" font-size="72" viewBox="0 0 1699 618" style="align-self:flex-end">
      <image xlink:href="v/013-3.svg" width="921" height="618" x="778" aria-labelledby="t:23"><title id="t:23">A close-up of Sleuthy’s face! We can’t see anything but banana fuzz thanks to the dramatic shadows, though.</title></image>
      <path fill="#fff" stroke="#000" d="M116 241C15 238-53 346 69 367c143 23 393 21 546 3 15 11 69 44 189 27-71-8-104-23-119-32 31-1 53-6 42-57-13-55-102-46-147-51-156-15-290 15-444-13l-20-3Z"></path>
      <text x="-126" y="122" text-anchor="middle" transform="translate(506 215)">No, I don’t think so.</text>

    <svg class="noborder" height="200" stroke-width="8" font-family="WhizBang, sans-serif" font-size="72" viewBox="0 0 2382 687">
      <image xlink:href="v/013-5.svg" width="1503" height="687" aria-labelledby="t:24"><title id="t:24">We finish with a close-up of the snowman’s coal eyes.</title></image>
      <path fill="#fff" stroke="#000" d="M1530 75c-39-1-72 19-82 63-5 26 22 43 67 54-2 17-14 47-74 86 72-16 108-59 120-78 114 15 286 7 374 0 95-6 420 68 442-46 8-39-36-66-72-71-110-16-219 8-329 1-148-10-297-8-446-9Z"></path>
      <text x="1827" y="-1" text-anchor="middle" transform="translate(83 165)">Okay but help me anyway.</text>


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svg.noborder {
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  align-items: center;
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  width: 760px;



