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                      <div class="card" data-state="#about">  
        <div class="card-header">  
         <div class="card-cover" style="background-image: url('')"></div>  
         <img class="card-avatar" src="" alt="avatar" />  
         <h1 class="card-fullname">Syed Arif Arbaz</h1>  
          <br />
         <h2 class="card-jobtitle">Web Developer, Blogger</h2>  
        <div class="card-main">  
         <div class="card-section is-active" id="about">  
          <div class="card-content">  
           <div class="card-subtitle">ABOUT</div>  
           <p class="card-desc">Say Hello! My name is <b>Syed Arif Arbaz</b>,  and I'm a professional Web Developer or Designer, and Content Creator from Bihar, India. I enjoy playing with Codes and making interesting things.
          <div class="card-social">  
           <a href="#"><svg viewBox="0 0 24 24" xmlns="">  
             <path d="M15.997 3.985h2.191V.169C17.81.117 16.51 0 14.996 0c-3.159 0-5.323 1.987-5.323 5.639V9H6.187v4.266h3.486V24h4.274V13.267h3.345l.531-4.266h-3.877V6.062c.001-1.233.333-2.077 2.051-2.077z" /></svg></a>  
           <a href="#"><svg xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 512 512">  
             <path d="M512 97.248c-19.04 8.352-39.328 13.888-60.48 16.576 21.76-12.992 38.368-33.408 46.176-58.016-20.288 12.096-42.688 20.64-66.56 25.408C411.872 60.704 384.416 48 354.464 48c-58.112 0-104.896 47.168-104.896 104.992 0 8.32.704 16.32 2.432 23.936-87.264-4.256-164.48-46.08-216.352-109.792-9.056 15.712-14.368 33.696-14.368 53.056 0 36.352 18.72 68.576 46.624 87.232-16.864-.32-33.408-5.216-47.424-12.928v1.152c0 51.008 36.384 93.376 84.096 103.136-8.544 2.336-17.856 3.456-27.52 3.456-6.72 0-13.504-.384-19.872-1.792 13.6 41.568 52.192 72.128 98.08 73.12-35.712 27.936-81.056 44.768-130.144 44.768-8.608 0-16.864-.384-25.12-1.44C46.496 446.88 101.6 464 161.024 464c193.152 0 298.752-160 298.752-298.688 0-4.64-.16-9.12-.384-13.568 20.832-14.784 38.336-33.248 52.608-54.496z" /></svg></a>  
           <a href="#"><svg viewBox="0 0 512 512" xmlns="">  
             <path d="M301 256c0 24.852-20.148 45-45 45s-45-20.148-45-45 20.148-45 45-45 45 20.148 45 45zm0 0" />  
             <path d="M332 120H180c-33.086 0-60 26.914-60 60v152c0 33.086 26.914 60 60 60h152c33.086 0 60-26.914 60-60V180c0-33.086-26.914-60-60-60zm-76 211c-41.355 0-75-33.645-75-75s33.645-75 75-75 75 33.645 75 75-33.645 75-75 75zm86-146c-8.285 0-15-6.715-15-15s6.715-15 15-15 15 6.715 15 15-6.715 15-15 15zm0 0" />  
             <path d="M377 0H135C60.562 0 0 60.563 0 135v242c0 74.438 60.563 135 135 135h242c74.438 0 135-60.563 135-135V135C512 60.562 451.437 0 377 0zm45 332c0 49.625-40.375 90-90 90H180c-49.625 0-90-40.375-90-90V180c0-49.625 40.375-90 90-90h152c49.625 0 90 40.375 90 90zm0 0" /></svg></a>  
           <a href="#"><svg viewBox="0 0 24 24" xmlns="">  
             <path d="M23.994 24v-.001H24v-8.802c0-4.306-.927-7.623-5.961-7.623-2.42 0-4.044 1.328-4.707 2.587h-.07V7.976H8.489v16.023h4.97v-7.934c0-2.089.396-4.109 2.983-4.109 2.549 0 2.587 2.384 2.587 4.243V24zM.396 7.977h4.976V24H.396zM2.882 0C1.291 0 0 1.291 0 2.882s1.291 2.909 2.882 2.909 2.882-1.318 2.882-2.909A2.884 2.884 0 002.882 0z" /></svg></a>  
         <div class="card-section" id="experience">  
          <div class="card-content">  
           <div class="card-subtitle">WORK EXPERIENCE</div>  
           <div class="card-timeline">  
            <div class="card-item" data-year="2020">  
             <div class="card-item-title">Front-end Developer at <span>JotForm</span></div>  
             <div class="card-item-desc">Disrupt stumptown retro everyday carry unicorn.</div>  
            <div class="card-item" data-year="2020">  
             <div class="card-item-title">UI Developer at <span>GitHub</span></div>  
             <div class="card-item-desc">Developed new conversion funnels and disrupt.</div>  
            <div class="card-item" data-year="2021">  
             <div class="card-item-title">Illustrator at <span>Google</span></div>  
             <div class="card-item-desc">Onboarding illustrations for App.</div>  
            <div class="card-item" data-year="2022">  
             <div class="card-item-title">Full-Stack Developer at <span>CodePen</span></div>  
             <div class="card-item-desc">Responsible for the encomposing brand expreience.</div>  
         <div class="card-section" id="contact">  
          <div class="card-content">  
           <div class="card-subtitle">CONTACT</div>  
           <div class="card-contact-wrapper">  
            <div class="card-contact">  
             <svg xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 24 24" fill="none" stroke="currentColor" stroke-width="2" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round">  
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              <circle cx="12" cy="10" r="3" /></svg>  
            <div class="card-contact">  
             <svg xmlns="" viewbox="0 0 24 24" fill="none" stroke="currentColor" stroke-width="2" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round">  
              <path d="M22 16.92v3a2 2 0 01-2.18 2 19.79 19.79 0 01-8.63-3.07 19.5 19.5 0 01-6-6 19.79 19.79 0 01-3.07-8.67A2 2 0 014.11 2h3a2 2 0 012 1.72 12.84 12.84 0 00.7 2.81 2 2 0 01-.45 2.11L8.09 9.91a16 16 0 006 6l1.27-1.27a2 2 0 012.11-.45 12.84 12.84 0 002.81.7A2 2 0 0122 16.92z" /></svg>(+91) 76********</div>  
            <div class="card-contact">  
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              <path d="M22 6l-10 7L2 6" /></svg><a href="mailto:">  
            <button class="contact-me"><a href="">WORK TOGETHER</a></button>  
         <div class="card-buttons">  
          <button data-section="#about" class="is-active">ABOUT</button>  
          <button data-section="#experience">EXPERIENCE</button>  
          <button data-section="#contact">CONTACT</button>  


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