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Any URLs added here will be added as <link>s in order, and before the CSS in the editor. You can use the CSS from another Pen by using its URL and the proper URL extension.

+ add another resource


Babel includes JSX processing.

Add External Scripts/Pens

Any URL's added here will be added as <script>s in order, and run before the JavaScript in the editor. You can use the URL of any other Pen and it will include the JavaScript from that Pen.

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Add Packages

Search for and use JavaScript packages from npm here. By selecting a package, an import statement will be added to the top of the JavaScript editor for this package.


Auto Save

If active, Pens will autosave every 30 seconds after being saved once.

Auto-Updating Preview

If enabled, the preview panel updates automatically as you code. If disabled, use the "Run" button to update.

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If enabled, your code will be formatted when you actively save your Pen. Note: your code becomes un-folded during formatting.

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Visit your global Editor Settings.


                - const BASE = '';
- const DATA = [ // tabs content data
- 	{
-			name: 'slider', 
- 		desc: 'Define a slider others can update.', 
- 		link: 'input/range'
- 	}, 
- 	{
-			name: 'number input', 
- 		desc: 'Create a number.', 
- 		link: 'input/number'
- 	}, 
- 	{
-			name: 'table', 
- 		desc: 'Create a table to input data.', 
- 		link: 'table'
- 	}
- ];
- const N = DATA.length; // number of tabs

- let k = 0; // selected tab index on page load
- let r = 5; // tab rounding

	- for(let i = 0; i < N; i++)
		- let j = i + 1;
		| /* tab and tab panel indices */
		| [role^=tab]:nth-of-type(#{j}) { --i: #{i} }
		| /* tab panel flag based on corresponding tab 
		|  * being hovered or focused */
		|	:has([role=tab]:nth-child(#{j}):is(:hover, :focus)) 
		| [role=tabpanel]::nth-of-type(#{j}) { --hov: 1 }

svg(width='0' height='0' aria-hidden='true')
		// extract just the semi-transparent tab "border-color"
		// and make it go from alpha = .5 to fully opaque
			feFuncA(type='table' tableValues='0 1 0')
		// dilate it to make it intersect tab shape edges
		feMorphology(operator='dilate' radius=2*r result='line')
		// extract just the fully opaque no rounding tab shape
			feFuncA(type='table' tableValues='0 0 1')
		// blur has the side effect of rounding corners
		feGaussianBlur(stdDeviation=r result='blur')
		// also creates semitransparent edge pixels
		// push alpha of most (not all) towards either 0 or 1
		// whichever is closer, using out of bounds values
		// depending on the r value; save as 'fill'
		// this gives us the rounded tab
			        tableValues=`${-1*Math.round(Math.sqrt(2*r))} ${r + 1}`)
		// now for the tab border
		// push alpha of most (not all) semitransparent pixels
		// towards either 0 or 1 as follows:
		// close to either 0 or 1 => push towards 0
		// close to .5 => push towards 1
			        tableValues=[-r, r, -r].join(' '))
		// keep the "border-color" area only within this shape
		feComposite(in='line' operator='in')
		// place the no line rounded tab on top

	h1#title Tabs with rounded corners & borders
	section.tabs(style=`--n: ${N}; --k: ${k}; --r: ${r}px`)
		nav.tablist(role='tablist' aria-labelledby='title')
			- for(let i = 0; i < N; i++)
				- let c = DATA[i];
				       id=`tab${i}` aria-controls=`panel${i}` 
				       aria-selected=i ? 'false' : 'true' 
							 tabindex=i ? -1 : 0) #{}
		- for(let i = 0; i < N; i++)
			- let c = DATA[i];
			    id=`panel${i}` aria-labelledby=`tab${i}` 
			    aria-hidden=i ? 'true' : 'false')
					p #{c.desc} 
						a(href=`${BASE}${}` target='_blank') Link
						| .


                @import url('');

/* grid 'em all  */
html, body, main, section, nav, div { display: grid }

html { min-height: 100% }

body {
	place-content: center;
	grid-template-columns: Min(100%, 40em);
	overflow-x: hidden; /* juust in case */
	/* image background to show there are no covers */
			50%/ cover #191c1f;
	background-blend-mode: multiply;
	color: #ededed; /* contrasting text */
	font: 300 clamp(.75em, 6.25vw, 1.5em)/ 1.125 
		shantell sans, cursive

/* svg only to contain filter which alters graphic result
 * so it's functionally the same as a style element, 
 * take it out of document flow */
svg[aria-hidden='true'] { position: fixed }

h1 {
	font-weight: 500;
	text-align: center;
	text-wrap: balance

a, button, div { --hov: 0 }

a { color: limegreen }

:focus { outline: dotted 1px }

:is(a, button):is(:hover, :focus) { --hov: 1 }

.tabs {
	/* no gap between tab & corresponding tab panel (row)
	 * only between tabs (column gap) */
	grid-gap: 0 Max(.375em, calc(2*var(--r)));
		repeat(2, max-content)/ 
		Max(5%, 3*var(--r)) /* first tab offset */ 
		/* the n tabs, sized by their content */
		repeat(var(--n), max-content) 
		1fr /* space after last tab */;
	font-family: kode mono, monospace

[role='tablist'] {
	/* ensure it's on top of selected tab panel */
	z-index: 2;
	/* make it occupy the entire first row */
	grid-area: 1/ 1/ span 1/ -1;
	/* and inherit columns */
	grid-template-columns: subgrid

[role*='tab'] {
	/* difference between selected tab & this tab index */
	--dif: var(--k) - var(--i);
	/* NOT selected flag; 
	 * 0 if selected (ON), 1 if not selected (OFF) */
	--not: Min(1, Max(var(--dif), -1*(var(--dif))));
	/* is selected flag; 
	 * 1 if selected (ON), 0 if not selected (OFF) */
	--sel: calc(1 - var(--not));
	/* percentage value based on this flag
	 * 100% if selected, 0% if not */
	--prc: calc(var(--sel)*100%);
	color: /* based on is selected flag */
		color-mix(in srgb, 
			/* sel ON, hov irrelevant */
			#04e4a4 var(--prc), 
			/* sel OFF, based on is hovered flag */
			color-mix(in srgb, 
					#746c76 /* hov ON */ calc(var(--hov)*100%), 
					#3d4144 /* hov OFF */))

[role='tab'] {
	/* column depending on its index */
	grid-area: 1/ calc(var(--i) + 2);
	overflow: hidden; /* prevent spillout if needed */
	/* focus ring space in from border */
	outline-offset: calc(-2*var(--r));
	border: none; /* override browser default */
	padding: .5em .75em; /* give the text some space */
	/* limit its width */
	max-width: Max(3em, 100vw/(var(--n) + 1));
	background: none; /* override browser default */
	font: inherit; /* override browser default */
	font-weight: 700; /* make it stand out */
	/* some refining touches */
	text-overflow: ellipsis;
	text-transform: capitalize;
	white-space: nowrap;
	cursor: pointer

[role='tabpanel'] {
	/* make it occupy entire grid */
	grid-area: 1/ 1/ -1/ -1;
	/* and inherit both rows and columns */
	grid-template: subgrid/ subgrid;
	/* sepends on selection status */
	z-index: var(--sel)

.back {
	/* make it cover entire parent grid */
	grid-area: 1/ 1/ -1/ -1;
	/* and inherit entire parent grid, both rows & cols */
	grid-template: subgrid/ subgrid;
	/* cancel out padding */
	margin: calc(-1*var(--r));
	/* make some space around its pseudos 
	 * that create the basic no rounding tab shape */
	padding: var(--r);
	/* semitransparent outer area outside pseudos 
	 * this gets extrated to create the border  
	 * using its RGB channels */
		color-mix(in srgb, currentcolor, #0000);
	/* this rounds the shape created by the pseudos
	 * and gives it a border */
	filter: url(#roundstroke);
	&::before, &::after {
			/* depends on selection status */
			color-mix(in srgb, 
				#101214 var(--prc) /* when selected */, 
				#202428 /* when not selected */);
		content: ''
	/* put it in same cell as corresponding tab (button) */
	&::before { grid-area: 1/ calc(var(--i) + 2) }
	/* make it cover entire second row (content area) */
	&::after { grid-area: 2/ 1/ -1/ -1 }

.content {
	/* make it occupy second row */
	grid-area: 2/ 1/ span 1/ -1;
	align-content: start;
	/* this text content on top of its back sibling 
	 * responsible for background and border */
	z-index: 1;
	padding: .5em;
	min-height: 9em;
	color: #dedede;
	[role='tabpanel'][aria-hidden='true'] & {
		display: none


                const _TABS = document.querySelector('.tabs'), 
			_LIST = [..._TABS.querySelectorAll('button[role=tab]')], 
			_PANE = [..._TABS.querySelectorAll('[role=tabpanel]')], 
			N = _LIST.length;

let k ='--k');

function switchAttr(e1, e2, attr) {
	[e1[attr], e2[attr]] = [e2[attr], e1[attr]]

function switchTabs(i) {
	switchAttr(_LIST[i], _LIST[k], 'ariaSelected');
	switchAttr(_PANE[i], _PANE[k], 'ariaHidden');
	/* for some reason, switching like above doesn't work */
	_LIST[i].tabIndex = 0;
	_LIST[k].tabIndex = -1;
	_LIST[i].focus();'--k', k = i)

addEventListener('click', e => {
	let _t =, i = _LIST.indexOf(_t);
	if(i > -1) switchTabs(i)

addEventListener('keyup', e => {
	let _t =, i = _LIST.indexOf(_t);
	if(i !== -1) {
		switch(e.keyCode) {
			case 39: // ->
				switchTabs((k + 1)%N);
			case 37: // <-
				switchTabs((k + N - 1)%N);
			case 36: // HOME
			case 35: // END
				switchTabs(N - 1);
