- var np = 3;
- var ng = 5;
- var n = ng*np;

while n--
View Compiled
@import 'compass/css3';

$np: 3;
	(ini: 50vw 50vh)
	(ini: 75vw 25vh)
	(ini: 25vw 75vh)
	(ini: 5vw 39vh, dif: 80vw -47vh)
	(ini: 85vw 73vh, dif: -65vw 7vh);
$ng: length($data);
$rc: 10em;
$t: 6s;

@function getPolyPoints(
		$n: 3 /* number of poly vertices */, 
		$oa: -90deg /* angular offset of 1st poly vertex */, 
		$bw: 50% /* polygon border-width */) {
	$ba: 360deg/$n; // base angle corrensponding to 1 poly edge
	$l0: (); // list of points, initially empty
	$l1: (); // list of points, initially empty
	@for $i from 0 through $n {
		$ca: $i*$ba + $oa; // angle current point is at wrt x axis
		$x: calc(50%*(1 + #{cos($ca)})); // x coord of current point
		$y: calc(50%*(1 + #{sin($ca)})); // y coord of current point
		$l0: $l0, $x $y; // add current point coords to points list
		$ca: -$i*$ba + $oa; // angle current point is at wrt x axis
		$x: calc(50% + (50% - #{$bw})*#{cos($ca)}); // x coord of current point
		$y: calc(50% + (50% - #{$bw})*#{sin($ca)}); // y coord of current point
		$l1: $l1, $x $y // add current point coords to points list
	@return join($l0, $l1, comma)

html {
	overflow: hidden;
	background: #000

body { filter: drop-shadow(0 0 15px #fff) }

.poly {
	position: absolute;
	color: HSL(var(--hue), 100%, 65%);
	filter: drop-shadow(0 0 15px currentcolor);
	mix-blend-mode: screen;
	animation: pos $t linear infinite;
	&:before {
		display: block;
		margin: -$rc;
		padding: $rc;
		border-radius: 50%;
		transform: scale(0);
		background: currentcolor;
		clip-path: var(--p0);
		animation: inherit;
		animation-name: poly;
		animation-timing-function: ease-out;
		content: ''
	@for $i from 0 to $ng {
		$n: 3 + random(7);
		$oa: random(360)*1deg;
		$cd: nth($data, $i + 1);
		$ini: map-get($cd, ini);
		$dif: if(map-has-key($cd, dif), map-get($cd, dif), 0 0);
		&:nth-child(n + #{$i*$np + 1}) {
			top: nth($ini, 2); left: nth($ini, 1);
			--x: nth($dif, 1);
			--y: nth($dif, 2);
			--hue: #{random(360)};
			--p0: polygon(getPolyPoints($n, $oa));
			--p1: polygon(getPolyPoints($n, $oa, 4px));
	@for $i from 0 to $np {
		&:nth-child(#{$np}n + #{$i + 1}) { animation-delay: -$i*$t/$np }

@keyframes pos { to { transform: translate(var(--x), var(--y)) rotate(270deg) } }

@keyframes poly {
	25% {
		opacity: .99;
		clip-path: var(--p1)
	75% { opacity: .99 }
	to {
		transform: scale(1);
		opacity: 0;
		clip-path: var(--p1)
View Compiled

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