- var data = [
-   {
-     name: 'Yogi Bear', 
-     quote: 'Smaaaarter than the average bear!'
-   }, 
-   {
-     name: 'Boo Boo', 
-     quote: 'The ranger isn\'t going to like this...'
-   }, 
-   {
-     name: 'Cindy Bear', 
-     quote: 'Oh, that\'s Yogi...'
-   }, 
-   {
-     name: 'Ranger Smith', 
-     quote: 'Stole a picnic basket?! Yogiii!!!'
-   }
- ].reverse();
- var n = data.length;

header Resize the damn window
while n--
		h3 #{data[n].name}
			p #{data[n].quote}
			a(href='#') go
View Compiled
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View Compiled
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