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    span.header-subtitile PURE CSS
    p.header-title Parallel park
     input.passo1 type='checkbox' id="passo1"    
     input.passo2 type='checkbox' id="passo2" 
     input.passo3 type='checkbox' id="passo3"     
     input.passo4 type='checkbox' id='passo4'
       label.passo1-label for="passo1" start
       label.passo2-label for="passo2" step2
       label.passo3-label for="passo3" step 3
       label.passo4-label for="passo4" finish
       h2.congrats-title Congratulations!
       h3.congrats-subtitle You are now a parallel park master.
         a.congrats-link href=" liked this 'Pure CSS Parallel Park' on @codepen. Take a look and discover how to parallel park." target="_blank" title="And show them how to perfect parallel park." Share this pen with your friends on twitter. &#8599;



                @import compass

@import url(,700)
@import url(

  display: none

  position: relative
    font-family: Montserrat, 'sans-serif'
    font-size: 45px    
    text-align: center
    color: #34495e
      font-size: .35em
      margin-bottom: 5px
      position: relative
        content: ''
        position: absolute
        width: 25%
        height: 2px
        top: 50%
        margin-top: -1px
        background-color: #34495e
        left: -35%
        right: -35%
      margin-top: 0

// ------------------------------------------ |
// Variáveis                                  |
// -------------------------------------------|

$color-car: #b6bec3
$color-car-blue: #3498db
$color-car-red: #e74c3c
$color-car-silver: silver
$color-glasses: #495d65
$height-car: 125px
$width-car: 285px
$margin-left-car: 40px
$padding-park: 20px
$margin-left-passo1: ($width-car + $margin-left-car) * 2 + $padding-park

  padding: 0 20px
  background-color: #ecf0f1
  font-family: 'Lato', sans-serif
  width: ($width-car + $margin-left-car) * 3 + 10px
  display: block  
  background-color: hsl(0, 8%, 90%)  
  min-height: 500px
  margin: 0 auto
  background-color: hsl(0, 8%, 85)    
  padding: $padding-park
  position: relative  
  border-top: 2px solid #fff
  @include box-shadow(0px -20px 0px #c4baba)
  margin-top: 50px
    content: ''
    position: absolute
    height: 100%
    border-left: 2px dashed #fff
    width: 2px
    top: 0px
    left: $width-car + $padding-park + 10px
    left: $width-car * 2 + $padding-park * 2 + $margin-left-car
// ------------------------------------------ |
// Extends - placeholder                      |
// Estilos comuns para elementos simétricos   |
// -------------------------------------------|

// retrovisores
  content: ''
  width: 12px
  height: 12px
  background-color: inherit    
  right: 80px
  position: absolute  

// farois  
  content: ''
  width: 20px
  height: 10px
  background-color: yellow
  position: absolute      
  top: 70px
  @include border-radius(50%)

// vidro laterais  
  content: ''
  display: block
  border-bottom: 10px solid $color-glasses
  border-left: 30px solid transparent
  border-right: 40px solid transparent
  height: 10px
  width: 130px
  position: absolute
  right: 52px

// luzes de ré  
  content:  ''
  width: 23px
  height: 12px
  background-color: #D92626
  position: absolute    
  bottom: -62px   

// --------------------------------------- |
// Linha de carros estacionados -----------|  
  + .car-line
    margin-top: 40px

// --------------------------------------- |
// Espaço - vaga para estacionar ----------|  
  width: $width-car
  height: $height-car
  @include inline-block
  font-size: 31px
  text-align: center
  line-height: 1.5
  color: #333  
  @include box-sizing(border-box)
  padding: 10px
    content: 'You are going to park here!'
    content: "Click the button bellow to start."
  + .car
    margin-left: $margin-left-car

// --------------------------------------- |
// Carro ----------------------------------|  
// --------------------------------------- |
  width: $width-car
  height: $height-car
  background: $color-car
  position: relative    
  @include inline-block
  @include border-top-right-radius(40px 50%)
  @include border-bottom-right-radius(40px 50%)    
  @include border-bottom-left-radius(20px 30px)
  @include border-top-left-radius(20px 30px) 

    @extend %commons-retrovisor
    top: -12px
    @include border-radius(3px 100% 0 0)
    @extend %commons-retrovisor
    bottom: -12px
    @include border-radius(0 0 100% 3px) 
  // Parte frontal do carro
  // Vidro frontal
    border-bottom: 40px solid $color-glasses
    border-left: 8px solid transparent
    border-right: 8px solid transparent
    top: 42px
    height: 0
    width: 70px
    right: 30px
    position: absolute
    @include rotate(-90deg)
    @include box-shadow(0px 3px 0 #fff)
    // Faróis
    // farol esquerdo
      @extend %commons-farol
      @include rotate(22deg)
      left: -5px
    // farol direito
      @extend %commons-farol
      @include rotate(-22deg)
      right: -5px      
  // Outras cores para o carro
    background-color: $color-car-blue
    background-color: $color-car-red
    background-color: $color-car-silver      

  // Espaçamento entre carros    
  + .car, 
  + .vacancy
    margin-left: $margin-left-car
  // Meio do carro
  // Vidros laterais 
    // vidro lateral direito
      @extend %commons-vidro-lateral
      bottom: 8px
    // vidro lateral esquerdo
      @extend %commons-vidro-lateral
      top: 8px
      @include scale(1, -1)
  // Parte traseira do carro    
    content: ''
    border-bottom: 35px solid $color-glasses
    border-left: 20px solid transparent
    border-right: 20px solid transparent
    height: 0
    top: 44px
    width: 60px  
    left: -5px
    @include rotate(90deg)  
    position: absolute
    // Luzes de ré
    // luz de ré esquerda
      @extend %commons-luz-de-re
      left: -30px        
      @include border-bottom-left-radius(40px 22px)     
      // luz de ré direita
      @extend %commons-luz-de-re
      right: -30px  
      @include border-bottom-right-radius(40px 22px)   

// Animação --------------------------|
// Keyframes e passos da animação ----|
// -----------------------------------|

// PASSO 1 ---------------------------|
@include keyframes(animacao-passo1)
    left: 0
    left: $margin-left-passo1 + 10px        

.passo1:checked + .passo2:not(:checked)
  ~ .car
    @include animation(animacao-passo1 3s ease-in-out)
.passo1:checked + .passo2 
  ~ .car
    left: $margin-left-passo1 + 10px

// PASSO 2 ----------------------------|
@include keyframes(animacao-passo2)
    @include rotate(0)    
    left: $margin-left-passo1 + 10px        
    @include transform-origin(top, left)    
    @include rotate(.1turn)
    left: $margin-left-passo1 - 10px        

.passo1:checked + .passo2:checked + .passo3:not(:checked)
  ~ .car
    @include animation(animacao-passo2 3s)

.passo1:checked + .passo2:checked + .passo3
  ~ .car            
    @include transform-origin(top, left)        
    @include rotate(.1turn)
    left: $margin-left-passo1 - 10px

// PASSO 3 -----------------------------|
@include keyframes(animacao-passo3)
    left: $margin-left-passo1 - 10px        
    top: 0
    left: 470px
    top: -183px        
.passo1:checked + .passo2:checked + .passo3:checked
  ~ .car
    @include animation(animacao-passo3 3s ease-out)
    left: 470px
    top: -183px        
// PASSO 4
@include keyframes(animacao-passo4)
    left: 470px
    top: -183px          
    @include rotate(.1turn)  
    left: 345px
    top: -183px
    @include rotate(0deg)

.passo2:checked + .passo3:checked
  + .passo4:checked ~ .car
    @include animation(animacao-passo4 3s)
    left: 345px
    top: -183px
    @include rotate(0deg)
// I get this from this pen: 
// from the user @arkev
  @include inline-block
  box-shadow: 0 0 1px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.35)
  overflow: hidden
  border-radius: 5px
  counter-reset: flag
  position: absolute
  bottom: 25px
  left: calc(50% - 200px)
  color: #34495e
  > label
    text-decoration: none
    outline: none
    display: block
    float: left
    font-size: 12px
    line-height: 36px
    padding: 0 10px 0 60px
    position: relative
    cursor: pointer   
      padding-left: 46px
      border-radius: 5px 0 0 5px
        left: 14px
      border-radius: 0 5px 5px 0
      padding-right: 20px
      content: ''
      position: absolute
      top: 0
      right: -18px
      width: 36px
      height: 36px
      transform: scale(0.707) rotate(45deg)
      z-index: 1
      box-shadow: 2px -2px 0 2px hsl(0, 8%, 90%)
      border-radius: 0 5px 0 50px
      content: none
      content: counter(flag)
      counter-increment: flag
      border-radius: 100%
      width: 20px
      height: 20px
      line-height: 20px
      margin: 8px 0
      position: absolute
      top: 0
      left: 30px
      background: #444
      font-weight: bold
      text-align: center
      color: $color-glasses
    > label
      background: white
      color: black
      transition: all 0.5s
        background: white
        color: black
        transition: all 0.5s
        background: white
        box-shadow: 0 0 0 1px #ccc
        background-color: $color-glasses
        color: #fff

  @include opacity(0)
  bottom: 140px
  position: absolute 
  visibility: hidden
  width: 100%
  color: #34495e
    margin: 0
    line-height: 1.5
    text-align: center
    font-size: 42px
    font-size: 22px
    color: $color-car-blue
    text-decoration: none
@include keyframes(animacao-check-step)      
  0%, 80%
    pointer-events: none
    @include opacity(.2)    
    pointer-events: all
    @include opacity(1)

@include keyframes(show-congrats)    
  0%, 50%
    @include opacity(0)
    @include opacity(100)
  pointer-events: all
  @include opacity(1)  

  background-color: $color-glasses
  color: #fff

  pointer-events: none
  @include opacity(.2)

  @extend %commons-non-checkable-step
// step 1 checked
  @extend %commons-checked-step
  ~ .breadcrumbs
    > .passo1-label, 
    > .passo1-label:after           
      @extend %commons-checked-step
    > .passo2-label
      @include animation(animacao-check-step 3.2s)
      @extend %commons-checkable-step        
  // step 1 and 2 checked
  + input.passo2:checked    
    ~ .breadcrumbs
      > .passo2-label, 
      > .passo2-label:after           
        @extend %commons-checked-step      
      > .passo3-label
        @include animation(animacao-check-step 3.2s)
        @extend %commons-checkable-step
    // step 1, 2 and 3 checked        
    + input.passo3:checked
      ~ .breadcrumbs
        > .passo3-label, 
        > .passo3-label:after           
          @extend %commons-checked-step            
        > .passo4-label
          @include animation(animacao-check-step 3.2s)
          @extend %commons-checkable-step
      // step 1, 2, 3 and 4 checked                  
      + input.passo4:checked
        ~ .breadcrumbs
          > .passo4-label, 
          > .passo4-label:after           
            @include animation(animacao-check-step 3.2s)
            @extend %commons-checked-step                  
        ~ .congrats
          @include animation(show-congrats 4.4s)  
          visibility: visible
          @include opacity(1)


                // Nothing to see here, this is pure css =D
// fork this project on github:
