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Any URLs added here will be added as <link>s in order, and before the CSS in the editor. You can use the CSS from another Pen by using its URL and the proper URL extension.

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Babel includes JSX processing.

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Any URL's added here will be added as <script>s in order, and run before the JavaScript in the editor. You can use the URL of any other Pen and it will include the JavaScript from that Pen.

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                <header class="site-header">
  <div class="max-width">
    <h1 class="heading__primary">HTML Cheat Sheet</h1>
    <h2 class="heading__secondary">
    <nav class="toggle-nav">
      <a href="#" data-toggle="all" class="active">All</a>
      <a href="#" data-toggle="document">Document Elements</a>
      <a href="#" data-toggle="container">Container Elements</a>
      <a href="#" data-toggle="content">Content Elements</a>

<main class="site-content">
  <article class="content-section" id="document">
    <header class="content-section__header">
      <div class="max-width">
        <h1 class="heading__tertiary">Document Elements</h1>

    <div class="max-width">
      <p class="description">Document elements create the basic outline of a website. While they are required to build a website, if you are building a website in CodePen you do not need to include these tags.
      <table class="content-section__table">
            <td><code class="code code--pink">&lt;html&gt;&lt;/html&gt;</code></td>
            <td>Wraps around <strong>all</strong> of the content of a web page. Says that everything inside is marked-up with HTML.</td>
            <td><code class="code code--pink">&lt;head&gt;&lt;/head&gt;</code></td>
            <td>Wraps around information about a web page. Code in the <code>head</code> element is not visible on the page.</td>
            <td><code class="code code--pink">&lt;body&gt;&lt;/body&gt;</code></td>
            <td>Wraps around a the content in a web page. This is the visible part of the web page. When adding markup to CodePen you are adding code to the <code>body</code> element.</td>
  <article class="content-section" id="container">
    <header class="content-section__header">
      <div class="max-width">
        <h1 class="heading__tertiary">Container Elements</h1>

    <div class="max-width">
      <p class="description">Container elements wrap around chunks of content. Specific elements give extra meaning to the content while generic elements don’t give any additional meaning.</p>

      <h3 class="heading__quaternary">Specific Containers</h3>
      <table class="content-section__table">
            <td><code class="code code--pink">&lt;header&gt;&lt;/header&gt;</code></td>
            <td>Holds the introduction content to an entire web page or section of content.</td>
            <td><code class="code code--pink">&lt;nav&gt;&lt;/nav&gt;</code></td>
            <td>Holds a group of links.</td>
            <td><code class="code code--pink">&lt;main&gt;&lt;/main&gt;</code></td>
            <td>Holds the main content of a web page, the stuff people are there to read.</td>
            <td><code class="code code--pink">&lt;section&gt;&lt;/section&gt;</code></td>
            <td>Wraps around a group of related content.</td>
            <td><code class="code code--pink">&lt;article&gt;&lt;/article&gt;</code></td>
            <td>Wraps around a group of content. Examples can be blog posts, news articles, or even individual comments.</td>
            <td><code class="code code--pink">&lt;aside&gt;&lt;/aside&gt;</code></td>
            <td>Wraps around groups of content that aren’t required to fully understand the main content of the page. An example would be content in a sidebar.</td>
            <td><code class="code code--pink">&lt;footer&gt;&lt;/footer&gt;</code></td>
            <td>Holds the footer content to an entire web page or section of content.</td>

      <h3 class="heading__quaternary">Generic Containers</h3>
      <table class="content-section__table">
            <td><code class="code code--pink">&lt;div&gt;&lt;/div&gt;</code></td>
            <td>Creates a block element with no semantic meaning.</td>
            <td><code class="code code--pink">&lt;span&gt;&lt;/span&gt;</code></td>
            <td>Creates an inline element with no semantic meaning.</td>

      <p>For more information about block elements and inline elements visit the <a href="" target="_blank">Glossary or Terms</a>.</p>
  <article class="content-section" id="content">
    <header class="content-section__header">
      <div class="max-width">
        <h1 class="heading__tertiary">Content Elements</h1>

    <div class="max-width">
      <p class="description">Content elements give meaning to the different types of content on a web page.</p>
      <table class="content-section__table">
              <code class="code code--pink">&lt;h1&gt;&lt;/h1&gt;</code><br />
              <code class="code code--pink">&lt;h2&gt;&lt;/h2&gt;</code><br />
              <code class="code code--pink">&lt;h3&gt;&lt;/h3&gt;</code><br />
              <code class="code code--pink">&lt;h4&gt;&lt;/h4&gt;</code><br />
              <code class="code code--pink">&lt;h5&gt;&lt;/h5&gt;</code><br />
              <code class="code code--pink">&lt;h6&gt;&lt;/h6&gt;</code>
            <td>Creates a hierarchy of headings with h1 being the largest and h6 being the smallest.</td>
            <td><code class="code code--pink">&lt;p&gt;&lt;/p&gt;</code></td>
            <td>Wraps around a paragraph of text.</td>
            <td><code class="code code--pink">&lt;a <span class="code--purple">href="<span class="code--blue"></span>"</span>&gt;<span class="code--black">Link Text</span>&lt;/a&gt;</code></td>
            <td>An anchor element wraps around text to become a link. Requires the <code>href</code> attribute which specifies where the text links to.</td>
            <td><code class="code code--pink">&lt;blockquote&gt;&lt;/blockquote&gt;</code></td>
            <td>For quoted text, usually indents text from both sides.</td>
            <td><code class="code code--pink">&lt;ol&gt;&lt;/ol&gt;</code></td>
            <td>Wraps around a group of list items to create an ordered list.</td>
            <td><code class="code code--pink">&lt;ul&gt;&lt;/ul&gt;</code></td>
            <td>Wraps around a group of list items to create an unordered list.</td>
            <td><code class="code code--pink">&lt;li&gt;&lt;/li&gt;</code></td>
            <td>Creates an individual list item. All list items must be contained in either an ordered or unordered list element.</td>
            <td><code class="code code--pink">&lt;img <span class="code--purple">src="<span class="code--blue">image.jpg</span>" alt="<span class="code--blue">An Image</span>"</span> /&gt;</code></td>
            <td>Img elements are used to display images. Requires the <code>src</code> attribute which specifies the url of the image and the <code>alt</code> attribute which provides descriptive text. This is a self-closing tag.</td>
            <td><code class="code code--pink">&lt;br /&gt;</code></td>
            <td>A break tag inserts a line break in a chunk of text. Often used inside of a paragraph tag. This is a self-closing tag.</td>
            <td><code class="code code--pink">&lt;hr /&gt;</code></td>
            <td>A horizontal tag inserts a horizontal rule (line). This is a self-closing tag.</td>

<footer class="site-footer">
  <div class="max-width">
    <p>This site is for educational purposes in connection with the <a href="">Girl Scouts of Western Ohio</a>. All image rights are retained solely by the original sources. Learn more at <a href="">Girls Can Code</a>.</p>




