<body id="top">

		<h1>Backrooms UI</h1>

			<div class="nav-wrap">
				<a href="#"><span>What?</span></a>
				<a href="#"><span>Where?</span></a>
				<a href="#"><span>Why?</span></a>
				<a href="#"><span>How?</span></a>
				<a href="#"><span>Help!</span></a>


		<div class="column-wrap">
		<div class="box main-box" style="height: 300px;">
			<div class="box-inner">
				<div class="box toggler frame">
					<div class="screw"></div>
					<div class="toggler-inner" data-toggle="top"></div>
			<div class="box main-box" style="height: 300px;">
			<div class="box-inner">
				<div class="box toggler frame">
					<div class="screw"></div>
					<div class="outlet"></div>
					<div class="outlet"></div>
		<div class="box main-box" style="width: 650px;">
			<div class="box-inner">

				<div class="box frame">
					<h3>"Have you seen them?"</h3>
					<p>Tales from others who have wandered the digital backrooms. Share your stories, find clues, and remember - trust no one fully.</p>
					<a class="button" href="#">Read</a>
					<a class="button alt" href="#">Submit</a>

				<div class="box-wrap">
					<div class="hinge left"></div>
					<div id="audio" class="box open-left">
						<div class="screw right"></div>

						<h3>Audio Logs</h3>
						<p>Hear the whispers and cries from those who've delved too deep. They may offer advice, or they might lead you astray.</p>
						<a class="button" href="#" data-toggle="audio">Listen</a>
						<a class="button alt" href="#" data-toggle="audio">Record</a>


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document.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', () => {
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        // Toggle the class 'toggled' on the targeted element
        // Toggle the class 'active' on the clicked element
Run Pen

External CSS

This Pen doesn't use any external CSS resources.

External JavaScript

This Pen doesn't use any external JavaScript resources.