<div class="calc-outer-wrap">
  <div id="form-error" style="display:none;"></div>
  <form class="calc-form" id="calc-form">
    <div class="form-fields">
      <div class="field-outer col-1">
        <label for="r-time-m" class="top-label">Race Distance</label>
        <div class="field-items">
          <div class="field field-large">
            <select id="race" name="race">
                            <option value=""> </option>
                            <option value='1m'>1 Mile</option>   
                            <option value='5k'>5 km</option>
                            <option value='5m'>5 Mile</option>
                       <option value='10k'>10 km</option>         
                            <option value='10m'>10 Mile</option>
                            <option value='halfmarathon'>Half Marathon</option>
                            <option value='marathon'>Marathon</option>

          <!--  /.field -->
        <!--  /.field-items -->
      <!--  /.field-outer -->
      <div class="field-outer col-2">
        <label for="r1" class="top-label">Your Time:</label>
        <div class="field-items">

          <div class="field">
            <input type="text" name="finish-time-hr" id="finish_time_hr" inputmode="numeric" pattern="[0-9]*" placeholder="Hour">

          <!--  /.field -->
          <div class="field">
            <input type="text" name="finish-time-min" id="finish_time_min" inputmode="numeric" pattern="[0-9]*" placeholder="Min">

          <!--  /.field -->
          <div class="field">
            <input type="text" name="finish-time-sec" id="finish_time_sec" inputmode="numeric" pattern="[0-9]*" placeholder="Sec">

          <!--  /.field -->

        <!--  /.field-items -->
      <!--  /.field-outer -->


      <div class="btn-wrap field-outer">
        <button class="form-submit">Calculate</button>

    <!--  /.form fields -->
  <div id="results" style="display:none;"></div>
<!--  /.calc-outer-wrap -->
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View Compiled
(function() {
  const form    = document.getElementById('calc-form');
  const results = document.getElementById('results');
  const errors  = document.getElementById('form-error');
   * Display a form validation error
   * @param   {String}  msg  The validation message
   * @return  {Boolen}       Returns false
  function errorMessage(msg) {
    errors.innerHTML = msg;
    errors.style.display = '';
    return false;
  // Takes a VO2 measurement and converts it to a velocity. 
function  VO2ToVel (VO2) {
	return (29.54 + 5.000663 * VO2 - 0.007546 * VO2 * VO2);
// Takes a time in minutes and uses EQ 2 to convert it to a percent of VO2 maximum. 	
function timeToPercentVO2Max (mins) {
	return (.8 + 0.1894393 * Math.exp(-.012778 * mins) + 0.2989558 * Math.exp(-.1932695 * mins)); 
// Takes a velocity and converts it to a VO2 level. 	
function velToVO2 (vel) {
	return (-4.60 + 0.182258 * vel + 0.000104 * vel * vel);
// Convert speed to display 	  
function timeConvert(speed,checkYasso=false) {
	var resultKm;
  var resultMile;
	resultKm = (1 / speed) * 1000;
	resultMile = (1 / speed) * 1609;

	minsKm = Math.floor(resultKm);
	secsKm = Math.floor((resultKm - minsKm) * 60);
	minsMile = Math.floor(resultMile);
	secsMile = Math.floor((resultMile - minsMile) * 60);
  if(secsKm > 9){
    sKmSep = ':';
	} else {
    sKmSep = ':0';
  if(secsMile > 9){
    sMSep = ':';
	} else {
    sMSep = ':0';
  if (checkYasso==true) {
  return '' + minsMile + sMSep + secsMile + ' per 800.';
  } else {
  return '' + minsKm + sKmSep + secsKm + ' per Km and ' + minsMile + sMSep + secsMile + ' per Mile.';    
// Convert dropdown of race distance to km  
function raceToMiles(raceDist) {
    var miles
    switch (raceDist) {
    case 'marathon':
    case 'halfmarathon':
    case '10m':
    case '10k':
    case '5m':
    case '5k':
    case '3k':
    case '1m':
    case '1500':
    return (miles*1609)
   * Hide the results and reset the form
  function resetForm(e) {
    if(e.target.id = 'rs') {
      results.style.display = 'none';
      form.style.display = '';
   * Convert time to seconds
   * @param   {Int}  m  Minutes
   * @param   {Int}  s  Seconds
   * @return  {Int}     The time in seconds
  function toMinutes(h, m, s) {
    h = parseInt(h) || 0;
    m = parseInt(m) || 0;
    s = parseInt(s) || 0;
    return h * 60 + m + s / 60;
   * Display the results on the page
  function displayResults({velEasyDisplay,velMaxDisplay,velTempoDisplay,velSpeedDisplay,velLongDisplay,velYassoDisplay}) {
    results.innerHTML = `<p><b>${(velEasyDisplay)}</b><br> 

<a href="#" id="rs">Revise</a>

    results.style.display = '';
    form.style.display = 'none';
    errors.style.display = 'none'; 

   * Handle form submit
   * Gather/calculate data from form input and display results
  function handleSubmit(e) {
      let data = {
      race : form.race.value,              
      finishTime : toMinutes(form.finish_time_hr.value, form.finish_time_min.value, form.finish_time_sec.value)
      if(!data.race) {
        return errorMessage('You must select a race distance.');
      if (!data.finishTime) {
        return errorMessage('You must enter a finish time.');
     data.distance = raceToMiles(data.race);
     data.speed = (data.distance/data.finishTime);
     data.v02Max = velToVO2(data.speed) / timeToPercentVO2Max(data.finishTime);
     data.velEasy		 = VO2ToVel(data.v02Max * .7); 
	   data.velTempo	 = VO2ToVel(data.v02Max * .88);
	   data.velMaximum = VO2ToVel(data.v02Max);
	   data.velSpeed	 = VO2ToVel(data.v02Max * 1.1);
	   data.velxlong	= VO2ToVel(data.v02Max * .6);
     data.velYasso = data.velMaximum * 1.95; 

     data.velEasyDisplay = 'Easy run training pace: ' + timeConvert(data.velEasy);
     data.velTempoDisplay = 'Tempo run training pace: ' + timeConvert(data.velTempo);
     data.velMaxDisplay = 'VO2-max training pace: ' + timeConvert(data.velMaximum);
     data.velSpeedDisplay = 'Speed form training pace: ' + timeConvert(data.velSpeed);
     data.velLongDisplay = 'Long run training pace: ' + timeConvert(data.velxlong);
     data.velYassoDisplay = 'Yasso 800s training pace: ' + timeConvert(data.velYasso,true);


   * Keep unit select fields in sync
   * Changing one changes both
  function handleChange(e) {
    let sel = 'select.unit';
    if(e.target.matches(sel)) {
      let val = e.target.value;
      document.querySelectorAll(sel).forEach(s => s.value = val);
    // Hide errors
    errors.style.display = 'none';

  // Add Event Listeners
  form.addEventListener('submit', handleSubmit);
  form.addEventListener('change', handleChange);
  results.addEventListener('click', resetForm, true);

View Compiled

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  1. https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/babel-polyfill/6.26.0/polyfill.min.js