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	<h1 class="text-2xl my-8">Snap Slider #28 - Disabling 'Peek' slides</h1>

	<h2 class="text-xl">Problem: Clicking products sometimes slides them into view instead of following links</h2>
	<p class="mt-2 mb-4">By default, links are inline so their target size doesn't fill the width of the slide. When you click in the empty area of a slide, Snap Slider attempts to focus on that slide, setting it as the current slide and scrolling it into position. However, if you click on the text of the link, then the broswer correctly follows the link to the next page.</p>
	<div class="product-tab-list w-full flex grid-gap-4 snap-x snap-mandatory scroll-pl-4 overflow-x-auto" data-snap-slider="ladies-original">
		<div class="product-tab-item snap-start shrink-0 w-2/5 first:pl-4 last:pr-4 md:first:pl-0 md:last:pr-0 md:w-1/5 xl:max-w-[240px]">
			<!-- 📝 Added `<a href="">` anchor tag so "PRODUCT CARD DATA" links to another page. -->
			<a href="">PRODUCT CARD DATA</a>
		<div class="product-tab-item snap-start shrink-0 w-2/5 first:pl-4 last:pr-4 md:first:pl-0 md:last:pr-0 md:w-1/5 xl:max-w-[240px]">
			<a href="">PRODUCT CARD DATA</a>
		<div class="product-tab-item snap-start shrink-0 w-2/5 first:pl-4 last:pr-4 md:first:pl-0 md:last:pr-0 md:w-1/5 xl:max-w-[240px]">
			<a href="">PRODUCT CARD DATA</a>
		<div class="product-tab-item snap-start shrink-0 w-2/5 first:pl-4 last:pr-4 md:first:pl-0 md:last:pr-0 md:w-1/5 xl:max-w-[240px]">
			<a href="">PRODUCT CARD DATA</a>
		<div class="product-tab-item snap-start shrink-0 w-2/5 first:pl-4 last:pr-4 md:first:pl-0 md:last:pr-0 md:w-1/5 xl:max-w-[240px]">
			<a href="">PRODUCT CARD DATA</a>
		<div class="product-tab-item snap-start shrink-0 w-2/5 first:pl-4 last:pr-4 md:first:pl-0 md:last:pr-0 md:w-1/5 xl:max-w-[240px]">
			<a href="">PRODUCT CARD DATA</a>
		<div class="product-tab-item snap-start shrink-0 w-2/5 first:pl-4 last:pr-4 md:first:pl-0 md:last:pr-0 md:w-1/5 xl:max-w-[240px]">
			<a href="">PRODUCT CARD DATA</a>
		<div class="product-tab-item snap-start shrink-0 w-2/5 first:pl-4 last:pr-4 md:first:pl-0 md:last:pr-0 md:w-1/5 xl:max-w-[240px]">
			<a href="">PRODUCT CARD DATA</a>
		<div class="product-tab-item snap-start shrink-0 w-2/5 first:pl-4 last:pr-4 md:first:pl-0 md:last:pr-0 md:w-1/5 xl:max-w-[240px]">
			<a href="">PRODUCT CARD DATA</a>
		<div class="product-tab-item snap-start shrink-0 w-2/5 first:pl-4 last:pr-4 md:first:pl-0 md:last:pr-0 md:w-1/5 xl:max-w-[240px]">
			<a href="">PRODUCT CARD DATA</a>
		<div class="product-tab-item snap-start shrink-0 w-2/5 first:pl-4 last:pr-4 md:first:pl-0 md:last:pr-0 md:w-1/5 xl:max-w-[240px]">
			<a href="">PRODUCT CARD DATA</a>

	<h2 class="text-xl mt-8">Fix: Use CSS to increase the target size of your anchors</h2>
	<p class="mt-2 mb-4">The quickest way to fix slides not linking is to make sure your anchor tag's target size fills the available space. For example, adding a quick <code>display: block</code> or Tailwind's <code>block</code> class should do the trick.</p>
	<div id="fix" class="product-tab-list w-full flex grid-gap-4 snap-x snap-mandatory scroll-pl-4 overflow-x-auto" data-snap-slider="ladies-fix">
		<div class="product-tab-item snap-start shrink-0 w-2/5 first:pl-4 last:pr-4 md:first:pl-0 md:last:pr-0 md:w-1/5 xl:max-w-[240px]">
			<!-- 📝 Added `<a href="">` anchor tag so "PRODUCT CARD DATA" links to another page. -->
			<a href="">PRODUCT CARD DATA</a>
		<div class="product-tab-item snap-start shrink-0 w-2/5 first:pl-4 last:pr-4 md:first:pl-0 md:last:pr-0 md:w-1/5 xl:max-w-[240px]">
			<a href="">PRODUCT CARD DATA</a>
		<div class="product-tab-item snap-start shrink-0 w-2/5 first:pl-4 last:pr-4 md:first:pl-0 md:last:pr-0 md:w-1/5 xl:max-w-[240px]">
			<a href="">PRODUCT CARD DATA</a>
		<div class="product-tab-item snap-start shrink-0 w-2/5 first:pl-4 last:pr-4 md:first:pl-0 md:last:pr-0 md:w-1/5 xl:max-w-[240px]">
			<a href="">PRODUCT CARD DATA</a>
		<div class="product-tab-item snap-start shrink-0 w-2/5 first:pl-4 last:pr-4 md:first:pl-0 md:last:pr-0 md:w-1/5 xl:max-w-[240px]">
			<a href="">PRODUCT CARD DATA</a>
		<div class="product-tab-item snap-start shrink-0 w-2/5 first:pl-4 last:pr-4 md:first:pl-0 md:last:pr-0 md:w-1/5 xl:max-w-[240px]">
			<a href="">PRODUCT CARD DATA</a>
		<div class="product-tab-item snap-start shrink-0 w-2/5 first:pl-4 last:pr-4 md:first:pl-0 md:last:pr-0 md:w-1/5 xl:max-w-[240px]">
			<a href="">PRODUCT CARD DATA</a>
		<div class="product-tab-item snap-start shrink-0 w-2/5 first:pl-4 last:pr-4 md:first:pl-0 md:last:pr-0 md:w-1/5 xl:max-w-[240px]">
			<a href="">PRODUCT CARD DATA</a>
		<div class="product-tab-item snap-start shrink-0 w-2/5 first:pl-4 last:pr-4 md:first:pl-0 md:last:pr-0 md:w-1/5 xl:max-w-[240px]">
			<a href="">PRODUCT CARD DATA</a>
		<div class="product-tab-item snap-start shrink-0 w-2/5 first:pl-4 last:pr-4 md:first:pl-0 md:last:pr-0 md:w-1/5 xl:max-w-[240px]">
			<a href="">PRODUCT CARD DATA</a>
		<div class="product-tab-item snap-start shrink-0 w-2/5 first:pl-4 last:pr-4 md:first:pl-0 md:last:pr-0 md:w-1/5 xl:max-w-[240px]">
			<a href="">PRODUCT CARD DATA</a>



                main {
	display: block;
	margin: 0 auto;
	max-width: 1200px;
	padding-left: 20px;
	padding-right: 20px;

.product-tab-list {
	/* Add position: relative to fix Snap Slider incorrectly calculating scroll positions. */
	position: relative;
	/* Add padding and border so it's easier to see the slider areas. */
	padding-block: 1rem;
	border-block: 1px solid black;

.product-tab-item {
	/* Add flex so widths apply correctly. */
	flex: 0 0 auto;
	/* Add max-width since CodePen doesn't have Tailwind's JIT compiler. */
	max-width: 240px;

.product-tab-item a {
	/* Add color to links so it's easy to see their target size. */
	background-color: lightblue;
.product-tab-item a:focus,
.product-tab-item a:hover {
	outline: 2px solid blue;

#fix .product-tab-item a {
	/* To fix clicks on empty spaces not linking to product pages,
	   make links display block so their target size fills the
	   available space. */
	display: block;



