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                			const map = new maplibregl.Map({
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[ 8.601379, 46.635326 ], [ 8.601237, 46.635353 ], [ 8.600596, 46.635558 ], [ 8.600419, 46.635592 ], [ 8.600239, 46.635598 ], [ 8.600039, 46.635586 ], [ 8.599834, 46.635528 ], [ 8.599692, 46.635442 ], [ 8.599569, 46.635322 ], [ 8.599486, 46.635223 ], [ 8.599321, 46.635014 ], [ 8.599113, 46.634787 ], [ 8.598973, 46.634684 ], [ 8.598835, 46.634611 ], [ 8.598564, 46.634484 ], [ 8.598429, 46.634448 ], [ 8.598352, 46.634428 ], [ 8.598236, 46.634396 ], [ 8.597902, 46.634362 ], [ 8.59756, 46.634387 ], [ 8.597257, 46.63444 ], [ 8.597036, 46.634574 ], [ 8.596906, 46.634739 ], [ 8.596874, 46.634895 ], [ 8.596917, 46.635049 ], [ 8.597121, 46.635325 ], [ 8.597142, 46.635402 ], [ 8.597117, 46.635467 ], [ 8.597088, 46.635488 ], [ 8.597041, 46.635514 ], [ 8.596909, 46.635531 ], [ 8.596803, 46.635506 ], [ 8.596739, 46.635449 ], [ 8.596706, 46.635385 ], [ 8.596713, 46.635061 ], [ 8.596665, 46.634964 ], [ 8.596507, 46.634842 ], [ 8.596452, 46.634827 ], [ 8.596423, 46.634845 ], [ 8.596386, 46.634855 ], [ 8.596358, 46.634856 ], [ 8.596311, 46.634844 ], [ 8.596278, 46.63482 ], [ 8.59619, 46.634907 ], [ 8.596108, 46.635024 ], [ 8.596067, 46.635082 ], [ 8.595867, 46.63537 ], [ 8.59583, 46.635432 ], [ 8.595695, 46.635643 ], [ 8.595553, 46.63587 ], [ 8.59538, 46.636147 ], [ 8.595114, 46.636581 ], [ 8.595002, 46.636803 ], [ 8.594901, 46.637027 ], [ 8.594853, 46.637137 ], [ 8.594807, 46.637332 ], [ 8.594791, 46.637387 ], [ 8.594765, 46.637499 ], [ 8.59475, 46.637568 ], [ 8.594565, 46.638244 ], [ 8.594426, 46.638587 ], [ 8.594298, 46.638871 ], [ 8.594136, 46.639141 ], [ 8.593938, 46.639384 ], [ 8.593531, 46.639766 ], [ 8.593429, 46.639846 ], [ 8.593252, 46.639968 ], [ 8.593033, 46.640113 ], [ 8.592899, 46.640267 ], [ 8.592837, 46.640387 ], [ 8.59277, 46.640769 ], [ 8.592729, 46.64086 ], [ 8.592659, 46.640929 ], [ 8.592604, 46.64097 ], [ 8.592526, 46.641006 ], [ 8.592328, 46.641037 ], [ 8.592329, 46.641076 ], [ 8.592275, 46.641163 ], [ 8.592222, 46.641195 ], [ 8.592159, 46.641215 ], [ 8.592088, 46.641476 ], [ 8.592064, 46.641764 ], [ 8.592027, 46.642073 ], [ 8.591972, 46.642336 ], [ 8.591742, 46.643257 ], [ 8.591376, 46.64473 ], [ 8.591307, 46.644953 ], [ 8.591214, 46.645114 ], [ 8.591172, 46.645159 ], [ 8.590916, 46.645345 ], [ 8.590521, 46.645564 ], [ 8.590398, 46.645671 ], [ 8.590317, 46.645766 ], [ 8.590252, 46.645955 ], [ 8.590273, 46.646156 ], [ 8.590338, 46.646312 ], [ 8.590474, 46.646627 ], [ 8.590576, 46.646884 ], [ 8.590593, 46.646929 ], [ 8.590599, 46.64695 ], [ 8.590745, 46.647393 ], [ 8.590822, 46.647646 ], [ 8.59084, 46.647735 ], [ 8.590851, 46.647874 ], [ 8.59081, 46.647994 ], [ 8.590672, 46.648144 ], [ 8.590502, 46.648263 ], [ 8.590252, 46.648401 ], [ 8.590044, 46.648491 ], [ 8.58956, 46.648643 ], [ 8.589104, 46.648687 ], [ 8.588912, 46.648689 ], [ 8.588359, 46.648638 ], [ 8.587481, 46.648559 ], [ 8.587246, 46.648567 ], [ 8.587012, 46.648614 ], [ 8.586746, 46.648712 ], [ 8.586523, 46.648864 ], [ 8.5864, 46.648971 ], [ 8.586353, 46.649038 ], [ 8.586345, 46.649086 ], [ 8.586388, 46.649137 ], [ 8.586425, 46.649152 ], [ 8.586519, 46.649158 ], [ 8.58661, 46.649127 ], [ 8.586933, 46.64891 ], [ 8.587058, 46.648847 ], [ 8.587208, 46.648803 ], [ 8.587377, 46.648784 ], [ 8.58775, 46.648837 ], [ 8.58815, 46.648936 ], [ 8.588522, 46.649024 ], [ 8.58862, 46.649055 ], [ 8.588673, 46.64909 ], [ 8.588701, 46.649154 ], [ 8.588664, 46.649215 ], [ 8.588624, 46.649237 ], [ 8.588505, 46.649251 ], [ 8.588289, 46.649223 ], [ 8.587806, 46.649133 ], [ 8.587611, 46.649099 ], [ 8.587323, 46.649092 ], [ 8.587052, 46.649141 ], [ 8.586691, 46.649319 ], [ 8.586578, 46.649446 ], [ 8.586577, 46.649478 ], [ 8.586612, 46.649525 ], [ 8.586648, 46.649543 ], [ 8.586728, 46.64955 ], [ 8.586832, 46.649528 ], [ 8.58712, 46.649377 ], [ 8.587218, 46.64935 ], [ 8.587334, 46.649344 ], [ 8.587438, 46.649358 ], [ 8.587521, 46.649386 ], [ 8.587576, 46.649424 ], [ 8.58764, 46.649503 ], [ 8.587651, 46.649569 ], [ 8.587632, 46.649638 ], [ 8.587583, 46.649698 ], [ 8.5875, 46.649748 ], [ 8.587402, 46.649778 ], [ 8.587293, 46.649785 ], [ 8.586867, 46.649759 ], [ 8.586542, 46.649789 ], [ 8.586388, 46.64982 ], [ 8.586223, 46.649888 ], [ 8.586068, 46.649953 ], [ 8.585947, 46.650028 ], [ 8.585813, 46.650131 ], [ 8.585686, 46.650256 ], [ 8.585569, 46.650519 ], [ 8.585484, 46.65098 ], [ 8.585407, 46.651158 ], [ 8.585302, 46.651305 ], [ 8.585066, 46.651549 ], [ 8.584693, 46.651791 ], [ 8.584555, 46.651979 ], [ 8.584546, 46.65208 ], [ 8.584586, 46.652249 ], [ 8.58478, 46.652523 ], [ 8.584829, 46.65269 ], [ 8.584813, 46.652871 ], [ 8.584739, 46.653054 ], [ 8.583899, 46.654244 ], [ 8.583437, 46.654779 ], [ 8.583016, 46.655224 ], [ 8.582483, 46.655829 ], [ 8.581999, 46.656403 ], [ 8.58199, 46.656459 ], [ 8.582033, 46.656546 ], [ 8.582121, 46.65657 ], [ 8.582196, 46.656564 ], [ 8.582284, 46.656499 ], [ 8.582422, 46.656233 ], [ 8.582523, 46.656098 ], [ 8.582761, 46.655867 ], [ 8.583042, 46.655653 ], [ 8.583166, 46.655575 ], [ 8.583392, 46.655524 ], [ 8.583502, 46.655528 ], [ 8.583671, 46.655566 ], [ 8.583784, 46.655621 ], [ 8.583844, 46.655654 ], [ 8.583915, 46.65573 ], [ 8.584034, 46.655889 ], [ 8.584117, 46.656046 ], [ 8.584317, 46.656671 ], [ 8.584557, 46.657314 ], [ 8.584712, 46.657557 ], [ 8.585098, 46.658165 ], [ 8.58538, 46.658551 ], [ 8.585629, 46.65877 ], [ 8.585851, 46.65891 ], [ 8.585916, 46.658976 ], [ 8.585941, 46.65904 ], [ 8.58591, 46.659097 ], [ 8.585876, 46.659125 ], [ 8.585803, 46.659137 ], [ 8.585727, 46.659127 ], [ 8.585654, 46.659086 ], [ 8.585181, 46.658624 ], [ 8.584911, 46.658308 ], [ 8.58479, 46.65826 ], [ 8.58471, 46.658254 ], [ 8.58464, 46.658273 ], [ 8.584594, 46.658357 ], [ 8.584646, 46.658437 ], [ 8.584888, 46.658683 ], [ 8.585228, 46.659094 ], [ 8.585578, 46.659514 ], [ 8.585913, 46.659963 ], [ 8.585963, 46.660065 ], [ 8.585975, 46.660162 ], [ 8.58588, 46.66057 ], [ 8.585892, 46.660636 ], [ 8.585928, 46.660731 ], [ 8.585966, 46.660794 ], [ 8.586169, 46.660938 ], [ 8.58735, 46.661555 ], [ 8.587644, 46.661659 ], [ 8.588011, 46.661779 ], [ 8.587919, 46.661867 ], [ 8.587855, 46.661901 ], [ 8.587757, 46.661908 ], [ 8.587172, 46.661681 ], [ 8.587004, 46.661656 ], [ 8.586952, 46.661652 ], [ 8.586851, 46.661668 ], [ 8.586822, 46.661683 ], [ 8.586798, 46.661703 ], [ 8.586743, 46.661762 ], [ 8.586733, 46.661858 ], [ 8.586781, 46.661975 ], [ 8.586894, 46.662114 ], [ 8.587345, 46.662696 ], [ 8.587479, 46.662917 ], [ 8.587913, 46.663792 ], [ 8.588095, 46.664325 ], [ 8.588296, 46.665089 ], [ 8.588288, 46.665201 ], [ 8.588251, 46.665317 ], [ 8.588159, 46.665426 ], [ 8.587708, 46.665791 ], [ 8.587654, 46.665916 ], [ 8.587656, 46.666052 ], [ 8.587819, 46.666263 ], [ 8.58785, 46.666291 ], [ 8.588012, 46.666462 ], [ 8.588085, 46.666518 ], [ 8.588128, 46.666551 ], [ 8.588732, 46.666886 ], [ 8.588793, 46.666924 ], [ 8.588823, 46.666987 ], [ 8.588813, 46.667034 ], [ 8.588748, 46.667077 ], [ 8.588665, 46.667102 ], [ 8.587977, 46.667213 ], [ 8.58716, 46.667274 ], [ 8.587098, 46.667313 ], [ 8.587106, 46.667392 ], [ 8.587176, 46.667492 ], [ 8.587465, 46.667757 ], [ 8.587562, 46.66784 ], [ 8.587622, 46.667886 ], [ 8.587543, 46.667912 ], [ 8.587487, 46.667924 ], [ 8.587383, 46.667946 ], [ 8.58735, 46.667958 ], [ 8.587321, 46.667971 ], [ 8.587288, 46.667992 ], [ 8.587219, 46.667983 ], [ 8.586543, 46.667997 ], [ 8.586208, 46.667953 ], [ 8.586143, 46.668107 ], [ 8.586117, 46.66817 ], [ 8.586166, 46.668254 ], [ 8.586054, 46.668353 ], [ 8.585783, 46.6684 ], [ 8.585339, 46.668344 ], [ 8.584772, 46.668381 ], [ 8.584514, 46.668392 ], [ 8.584377, 46.668423 ], [ 8.584201, 46.668585 ], [ 8.583917, 46.668531 ], [ 8.583724, 46.668526 ], [ 8.582897, 46.668605 ], [ 8.582725, 46.668574 ], [ 8.582126, 46.668378 ], [ 8.581819, 46.668307 ], [ 8.581708, 46.668297 ], [ 8.581538, 46.668302 ], [ 8.581006, 46.66831 ], [ 8.580314, 46.668218 ], [ 8.580076, 46.668261 ], [ 8.579382, 46.668505 ], [ 8.579079, 46.668539 ], [ 8.578517, 46.668462 ], [ 8.578239, 46.668426 ], [ 8.578014, 46.668383 ], [ 8.577853, 46.668325 ], [ 8.57774, 46.668264 ], [ 8.577532, 46.668086 ], [ 8.577161, 46.66766 ], [ 8.577061, 46.667596 ], [ 8.576948, 46.667552 ], [ 8.575966, 46.667315 ], [ 8.575354, 46.667226 ], [ 8.574978, 46.667178 ], [ 8.574659, 46.667119 ], [ 8.573638, 46.666846 ], [ 8.573554, 46.666809 ], [ 8.573029, 46.666459 ], [ 8.571813, 46.666042 ], [ 8.571348, 46.665845 ], [ 8.570837, 46.665582 ], [ 8.57053, 46.665475 ], [ 8.569924, 46.665374 ], [ 8.569381, 46.665232 ], [ 8.568552, 46.664973 ], [ 8.568415, 46.664927 ], [ 8.568132, 46.664887 ], [ 8.566272, 46.66489 ], [ 8.566012, 46.664867 ], [ 8.564499, 46.664662 ], [ 8.564279, 46.664653 ], [ 8.564022, 46.664699 ], [ 8.563425, 46.664904 ], [ 8.563111, 46.664981 ], [ 8.562833, 46.664989 ], [ 8.561992, 46.664911 ], [ 8.561068, 46.66479 ], [ 8.560802, 46.664739 ], [ 8.560104, 46.664534 ], [ 8.557802, 46.664241 ], [ 8.55488, 46.663578 ], [ 8.554634, 46.663494 ], [ 8.554388, 46.663378 ], [ 8.553644, 46.662962 ], [ 8.553345, 46.662825 ], [ 8.553004, 46.66274 ], [ 8.552241, 46.662598 ], [ 8.551767, 46.662529 ], [ 8.551531, 46.662524 ], [ 8.550991, 46.662577 ], [ 8.550647, 46.662629 ], [ 8.550014, 46.662809 ], [ 8.549858, 46.662833 ], [ 8.549761, 46.66284 ], [ 8.54964, 46.662842 ], [ 8.549276, 46.662785 ], [ 8.549094, 46.662718 ], [ 8.548931, 46.66262 ], [ 8.548472, 46.662219 ], [ 8.548282, 46.662129 ], [ 8.548053, 46.66206 ], [ 8.547887, 46.662024 ], [ 8.547023, 46.661906 ], [ 8.54615, 46.661891 ], [ 8.546026, 46.661876 ], [ 8.545848, 46.661846 ], [ 8.545373, 46.661689 ], [ 8.545043, 46.661597 ], [ 8.544432, 46.661545 ], [ 8.544084, 46.66148 ], [ 8.542781, 46.661134 ], [ 8.542367, 46.661021 ], [ 8.541755, 46.660858 ], [ 8.540939, 46.660686 ], [ 8.540254, 46.660611 ], [ 8.539442, 46.660607 ], [ 8.538595, 46.660486 ], [ 8.538349, 46.660508 ], [ 8.538008, 46.660576 ], [ 8.537835, 46.66059 ], [ 8.536589, 46.660549 ], [ 8.536084, 46.660516 ], [ 8.535758, 46.660444 ], [ 8.535502, 46.660362 ], [ 8.535036, 46.660139 ], [ 8.534902, 46.660122 ], [ 8.534799, 46.660124 ], [ 8.534532, 46.660199 ], [ 8.534434, 46.660211 ], [ 8.534387, 46.660208 ], [ 8.534286, 46.660188 ], [ 8.534203, 46.660145 ], [ 8.534138, 46.660073 ], [ 8.534113, 46.660009 ], [ 8.534088, 46.659928 ], [ 8.534046, 46.659795 ], [ 8.533947, 46.659598 ], [ 8.533159, 46.658753 ], [ 8.533023, 46.658645 ], [ 8.532853, 46.658571 ], [ 8.531763, 46.658299 ], [ 8.531632, 46.658251 ], [ 8.531367, 46.658111 ], [ 8.531216, 46.658008 ], [ 8.531147, 46.657929 ], [ 8.531121, 46.657851 ], [ 8.531161, 46.657608 ], [ 8.53115, 46.65755 ], [ 8.531085, 46.657491 ], [ 8.530964, 46.657472 ], [ 8.530894, 46.657485 ], [ 8.530839, 46.65751 ], [ 8.53081, 46.657543 ], [ 8.530797, 46.65762 ], [ 8.530867, 46.657731 ], [ 8.530892, 46.657809 ], [ 8.530892, 46.657871 ], [ 8.530893, 46.657938 ], [ 8.530911, 46.657985 ], [ 8.530948, 46.658079 ], [ 8.531058, 46.658212 ], [ 8.531234, 46.65835 ], [ 8.531337, 46.658411 ], [ 8.531614, 46.65854 ], [ 8.531781, 46.658617 ], [ 8.531946, 46.65874 ], [ 8.531995, 46.65885 ], [ 8.531986, 46.658963 ], [ 8.531882, 46.659214 ], [ 8.531897, 46.659349 ], [ 8.531952, 46.659502 ], [ 8.531956, 46.659613 ], [ 8.531675, 46.660216 ], [ 8.531662, 46.660522 ], [ 8.531631, 46.660725 ], [ 8.531528, 46.661018 ], [ 8.531537, 46.661121 ], [ 8.531682, 46.66133 ], [ 8.531698, 46.661415 ], [ 8.531625, 46.661497 ], [ 8.531502, 46.661519 ], [ 8.531395, 46.661493 ], [ 8.531328, 46.661407 ], [ 8.531381, 46.66094 ], [ 8.531239, 46.660344 ], [ 8.531272, 46.659972 ], [ 8.53119, 46.659592 ], [ 8.531128, 46.659499 ], [ 8.530932, 46.659313 ], [ 8.530791, 46.659137 ], [ 8.530528, 46.65862 ], [ 8.530375, 46.658491 ], [ 8.530305, 46.658452 ], [ 8.530035, 46.658344 ], [ 8.529317, 46.658081 ], [ 8.529122, 46.657959 ], [ 8.529007, 46.657809 ], [ 8.528881, 46.657544 ], [ 8.528663, 46.657112 ], [ 8.528638, 46.65701 ], [ 8.528653, 46.656857 ], [ 8.528701, 46.656697 ], [ 8.528689, 46.656514 ], [ 8.528781, 46.656244 ], [ 8.528644, 46.655795 ], [ 8.528678, 46.655533 ], [ 8.528605, 46.655385 ], [ 8.528538, 46.655321 ], [ 8.528421, 46.655255 ], [ 8.528282, 46.655204 ], [ 8.528052, 46.655153 ], [ 8.527758, 46.655111 ], [ 8.52729, 46.654986 ], [ 8.527166, 46.654922 ], [ 8.527038, 46.654824 ], [ 8.526946, 46.654784 ], [ 8.526709, 46.654713 ], [ 8.526082, 46.654574 ], [ 8.525951, 46.654516 ], [ 8.525721, 46.654316 ], [ 8.525364, 46.653844 ], [ 8.525327, 46.653722 ], [ 8.525394, 46.653479 ], [ 8.525394, 46.65339 ], [ 8.525362, 46.653308 ], [ 8.525222, 46.653187 ], [ 8.52518, 46.65313 ], [ 8.525139, 46.65306 ], [ 8.525088, 46.652805 ], [ 8.525043, 46.652723 ], [ 8.524902, 46.652566 ], [ 8.524768, 46.652485 ], [ 8.524511, 46.65241 ], [ 8.524406, 46.652398 ], [ 8.523577, 46.652441 ], [ 8.522761, 46.65245 ], [ 8.522493, 46.65245 ], [ 8.522181, 46.652425 ], [ 8.521955, 46.652424 ], [ 8.521485, 46.652481 ], [ 8.520914, 46.652513 ], [ 8.520674, 46.652568 ], [ 8.520295, 46.652694 ], [ 8.520094, 46.652745 ], [ 8.520004, 46.652754 ], [ 8.519561, 46.652715 ], [ 8.519361, 46.652726 ], [ 8.518874, 46.652643 ], [ 8.518746, 46.652639 ], [ 8.518575, 46.652665 ], [ 8.518399, 46.652715 ], [ 8.51823, 46.652725 ], [ 8.517629, 46.652605 ], [ 8.517429, 46.652593 ], [ 8.516769, 46.652617 ], [ 8.516663, 46.652609 ], [ 8.516543, 46.65259 ], [ 8.516156, 46.652459 ], [ 8.515993, 46.652462 ], [ 8.515531, 46.652565 ], [ 8.515389, 46.652623 ], [ 8.515246, 46.652757 ], [ 8.515093, 46.652936 ], [ 8.514957, 46.653013 ], [ 8.514718, 46.653113 ], [ 8.514543, 46.653147 ], [ 8.514339, 46.653143 ], [ 8.513719, 46.653022 ], [ 8.513504, 46.653 ], [ 8.513388, 46.653005 ], [ 8.513152, 46.653034 ], [ 8.512811, 46.653078 ], [ 8.512701, 46.653083 ], [ 8.512497, 46.65304 ], [ 8.511124, 46.652556 ], [ 8.510875, 46.652496 ], [ 8.51076, 46.652463 ], [ 8.510656, 46.652432 ], [ 8.510361, 46.652279 ], [ 8.510212, 46.652234 ], [ 8.509953, 46.65219 ], [ 8.509472, 46.652141 ], [ 8.509061, 46.652062 ], [ 8.508741, 46.652076 ], [ 8.508456, 46.652066 ], [ 8.508141, 46.651986 ], [ 8.507978, 46.651932 ], [ 8.507613, 46.65175 ], [ 8.507103, 46.651629 ], [ 8.506929, 46.651541 ], [ 8.506417, 46.651224 ], [ 8.506322, 46.651202 ], [ 8.506244, 46.651216 ], [ 8.506169, 46.65126 ], [ 8.50614, 46.651301 ], [ 8.506146, 46.651379 ], [ 8.506219, 46.651442 ], [ 8.506636, 46.651682 ], [ 8.506851, 46.651789 ], [ 8.507493, 46.651995 ], [ 8.507615, 46.652047 ], [ 8.507859, 46.6522 ], [ 8.50796, 46.652237 ], [ 8.508252, 46.652307 ], [ 8.508323, 46.652341 ], [ 8.508556, 46.652527 ], [ 8.508607, 46.652609 ], [ 8.50857, 46.652697 ], [ 8.508497, 46.652732 ], [ 8.508387, 46.652749 ], [ 8.508273, 46.652714 ], [ 8.508103, 46.652502 ], [ 8.508037, 46.652444 ], [ 8.507911, 46.652381 ], [ 8.507388, 46.652283 ], [ 8.507105, 46.652151 ], [ 8.50702, 46.65213 ], [ 8.506694, 46.65209 ], [ 8.506036, 46.651954 ], [ 8.505874, 46.651905 ], [ 8.505642, 46.651801 ], [ 8.505405, 46.651608 ], [ 8.505321, 46.651516 ], [ 8.504799, 46.650953 ], [ 8.504647, 46.650775 ], [ 8.504535, 46.650697 ], [ 8.504294, 46.650648 ], [ 8.504133, 46.650593 ], [ 8.503683, 46.650256 ], [ 8.502922, 46.649869 ], [ 8.502806, 46.649827 ], [ 8.502688, 46.64984 ], [ 8.502609, 46.649888 ], [ 8.502584, 46.649953 ], [ 8.502618, 46.650027 ], [ 8.502702, 46.650071 ], [ 8.502869, 46.650089 ], [ 8.503163, 46.650155 ], [ 8.503311, 46.650223 ], [ 8.503736, 46.650621 ], [ 8.503965, 46.65072 ], [ 8.504398, 46.650995 ], [ 8.504427, 46.651098 ], [ 8.504369, 46.651159 ], [ 8.504294, 46.651188 ], [ 8.504185, 46.651188 ], [ 8.504091, 46.651133 ], [ 8.50401, 46.650927 ], [ 8.503844, 46.650784 ], [ 8.503557, 46.650655 ], [ 8.50324, 46.650577 ], [ 8.503125, 46.650494 ], [ 8.503033, 46.650463 ], [ 8.502105, 46.650256 ], [ 8.500973, 46.65019 ], [ 8.50088, 46.650184 ] ]
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