Pen Settings



CSS Base

Vendor Prefixing

Add External Stylesheets/Pens

Any URLs added here will be added as <link>s in order, and before the CSS in the editor. You can use the CSS from another Pen by using its URL and the proper URL extension.

+ add another resource


Babel includes JSX processing.

Add External Scripts/Pens

Any URL's added here will be added as <script>s in order, and run before the JavaScript in the editor. You can use the URL of any other Pen and it will include the JavaScript from that Pen.

+ add another resource


Add Packages

Search for and use JavaScript packages from npm here. By selecting a package, an import statement will be added to the top of the JavaScript editor for this package.


Auto Save

If active, Pens will autosave every 30 seconds after being saved once.

Auto-Updating Preview

If enabled, the preview panel updates automatically as you code. If disabled, use the "Run" button to update.

Format on Save

If enabled, your code will be formatted when you actively save your Pen. Note: your code becomes un-folded during formatting.

Editor Settings

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Visit your global Editor Settings.



<css-doodle id="mydoodle">
        :doodle {
        @grid:21 / 100%;
    --startPos: 50% 50%;      
    :container { will-change: transform; transform: scale(1.2) rotate(0deg);}
    @size:150%; mix-blend-mode: multiply;border-radius:0;;            
    background: @multi(5, ( linear-gradient( @p(#a2dd5f,#dd5fce,#dd5fce,#cedd5f,#1d83e2), @lp() ) var(--startPos) / @pn(30%,34%,40%,58%,100%) @lp() no-repeat ));



                  body {
    width: 100vmax;
    height: 100vmax;
    background-color: black;
    overflow: hidden;


                (function () {
    /*data structures*/
    const characterSets = [
 {  key: "Geometric Shapes",  min: 9632,  max: 9727  },
 {  key: "Musical Symbols",  min: 119040,  max: 119295  },
 {  key: "Arrows",  min: 8592,  max: 8703  },
 {  key: "Braille Patterns",  min: 10240,  max: 10495  },
 {  key: "Alchemical Symbols",  min: 128768,  max: 128895  },
 {  key: "Math Operators",  min: 8704,  max: 8959  },
 {  key: "Dingbats",  min: 9984,  max: 10175  },
 {  key: "Ornamental Dingbats",  min: 128592,  max: 128639  },
 {  key: "Box Drawing",  min: 9472,  max: 9599  },
 {  key: "Misc Math Symbols-A",  min: 10176,  max: 10223  },
 {  key: "Misc Math Symbols-B",  min: 10624,  max: 10751  },
 {  key: "Block Elements",  min: 9600,  max: 9631  },
 {  key: "Yijing Hexagram Symbols",  min: 19904,  max: 19967  },
 {  key: "Supplemental Arrows-A",  min: 10224,  max: 10239  },
 {  key: "Supplemental Arrows-B",  min: 10496,  max: 10623  },
 {  key: "Supplemental Math Operators",  min: 10752,  max: 11007  },
 {  key: "Egyptian Hieroglyphs",  min: 77824,  max: 78895  },
 {  key: "General Punctuation",  min: 8192,  max: 8303  },
 {  key: "Halfwidth and Fullwidth Forms",  min: 65280,  max: 65519  },
 {  key: "CJK Symbols and Punctuation",  min: 12288,  max: 12351  },
 {  key: "Mahjong Tiles",  min: 126976,  max: 127023  },
 {  key: "Domino Tiles",  min: 127024,  max: 127135  },
 {  key: "Playing Cards",  min: 127136,  max: 127231  },
 {  key: "Emoticons",  min: 0x1F600,  max: 0x1F64F  },
 {  key: "Misc Symbols and Pictographs",  min: 127744,  max: 128511  },
 {  key: "Misc Symbols",  min: 9728,  max: 9983  },
 {  key: "Transport and Map Symbols",  min: 128640,  max: 128767  },
 {  key: "Arabic",  min: 1536,  max: 1791  },
 {  key: "Cyrillic",  min: 1024,  max: 1279  },
 {  key: "Latin Extended Additional",  min: 7680,  max: 7935  },
 {  key: "Enclosed Alphanumerics",  min: 9312,  max: 9471  },
 {  key: "Greek and Coptic",  min: 880,  max: 1023  },
 {  key: "Hangul Compatibility Jamo",  min: 12592,  max: 12687  },
 {  key: "Modifier Tone Letters",  min: 42752,  max: 42783  },
 {  key: "Number Forms",  min: 8528,  max: 8591  },
 {  key: "Phonetic Extensions",  min: 7424,  max: 7551  },
 {  key: "Spacing Modifier Letters",  min: 688,  max: 767  },
 {  key: "Supplemental Punctuation",  min: 11776,  max: 0x2E42 /*truncated*/  },
 {  key: "Vertical Forms",  min: 65040,  max: 0xFE19 /*truncated*/  },
 {  key: "Combining Diacritical Marks",  min: 768,  max: 879  },
    key: "Emoticons+",  
    ranges: [
        {  min: 0X26F9,  max: 0x26F9  }, /*misc symbols - baller*/  
        {  min: 0X26C4,  max: 0x26C4  }, /*snowman */  
        {  min: 0X1F31A,  max: 0x1F31D  },
        {  min: 0X1F383,  max: 0x1F383  },
        {  min: 0X1F385,  max: 0x1F385  },
        {  min: 0X1F3C2,  max: 0x1F3C4  },
        {  min: 0X1F3CA,  max: 0X1F3CC  },
        {  min: 0x1F440,  max: 0x1F440  },
        {  min: 0x1F464,  max: 0x1F483  },
        {  min: 0x1F486,  max: 0x1F487  },
        {  min: 0X1F48F,  max: 0X1F48F  }, /*couple closed eyes*/  
        {  min: 0X1F491,  max: 0X1F491  }, /*couple open eyes*/  
        {  min: 0X1F4A9,  max: 0X1F4A9  }, /*poo*/  
        {  min: 0X1F574,  max: 0X1F575  },
        {  min: 0X1F5FF,  max: 0X1F5FF  }, /*stonehenge*/  
        {  min: 0X1F600,  max: 0x1F64F  }, /*emoticons*/  
        {  min: 0X1F6B4,  max: 0X1F6B6  }, /*transport - bikers*/  
        {  min: 0X1F6F8,  max: 0X1F6F8  }, /*ufo guy*/ 
        {  min: 0X1F910,  max: 0x1F917  }, /* suppl-pictographs zipper - somehappyguy */
        {  min: 0X1F920,  max: 0x1F93E  }, /* cowboy - dunker*/
        {  min: 0X1F970,  max: 0x1F970  },
        {  min: 0X1F973,  max: 0x1F976  }, /*reveler - frozen*/  
        {  min: 0X1F97A,  max: 0x1F97A  }, /*scared sad face*/
        {  min: 0X1F9B0,  max: 0x1F9B3  },
        {  min: 0X1F9B8,  max: 0x1F9B9  }, /*hero girls*/  
        {  min: 0X1F9D0,  max: 0x1F9DF  }, /*monocle - zombie*/  
        {  min: 0X1F9F8,  max: 0x1F9F8  }, /*teddy bear*/  
        {  min: 0x1F400,  max: 0x1F43C  }, /*minus the pig nose*/ 
        {  min: 0x1F980,  max: 0x1F9A2  }, /*crab-swan*/  ]  
     key: "Animals",  
     ranges: [
        {  min: 0x1F400,  max: 0x1F43D  },
        {  min: 0x1F577,  max: 0x1F577  },
        {  min: 0x1F638,  max: 0x1F640  },
        {  min: 0x1F648,  max: 0x1F64A  },
        {  min: 0x1F980,  max: 0x1F9A2  }, /*crab-swan*/  ]  },
     key: "Hands",  
     ranges: [
        {  min: 0x261A,  max: 0x261F  }, /*misc symbols left - down */  
        {  min: 0x270A,  max: 0x270D  }, /*dingbats */ 
        {  min: 0x1F64C,  max: 0x1F64C  }, /*hands out*/  
        {  min: 0x1F64F,  max: 0x1F64F  }, /*hands together*/  
        {  min: 0x1F446,  max: 0x1F450  }, /*pointing up - hands out*/ 
        {  min: 0x1F58E,  max: 0x1F5A3  }, /*pen - pointing down*/  
        {  min: 0x1F918,  max: 0x1F91F  }, /*suppl - love - rock */  
        {  min: 0x1F932,  max: 0x1F932  }, /*fists */  
        {  min: 0x1F9E4,  max: 0x1F9E4  }, /*glove */  ]  
     key: "Hearts",  
     ranges: [
        {  min: 0x2661,  max: 0x2661  }, /*misc symbols*/  
        {  min: 0x2665,  max: 0x2665  }, /*misc symbols*/  
        {  min: 0x2762,  max: 0x2767  },
        {  min: 0x1F394,  max: 0x1F394  }, /*text heart*/  
        {  min: 0x1F48C,  max: 0x1F48C  }, /*letter*/  
        {  min: 0x1F48F,  max: 0x1F48F  },
        {  min: 0x1F491,  max: 0x1F491  },
        {  min: 0x1F493,  max: 0x1F49F  }, /*misc picto - heart*/  
        {  min: 0x1F5A4,  max: 0x1F5A4  }, /*black*/ 
        {  min: 0x1F60D,  max: 0x1F60D  },
        {  min: 0x1F63B,  max: 0x1F63B  },
        {  min: 0x1F970,  max: 0x1F970  },
        {  min: 0x1F9E1,  max: 0x1F9E1  }, /* suppl orange heart */  ]  
    key: "Plants & Food",  
    ranges: [
        {  min: 0x2E19,  max: 0x2E19  },
        {  min: 0x1F32D,  max: 0x1F37F  },
        {  min: 0x1F384,  max: 0x1F384  }, /*xmas tree*/
        {  min: 0x1F38B,  max: 0x1F38B  },
        {  min: 0x1F38D,  max: 0x1F38D  },
        {  min: 0x1F391,  max: 0x1F391  },
        {  min: 0x1F490,  max: 0x1F490  }, /*lone flower*/
        {  min: 0x1F4AE,  max: 0x1F4AE  },
        {  min: 0x1F940,  max: 0x1F940  }, /*wilted flower*/
        {  min: 0x1F942,  max: 0x1F944  }, /*glasses-fork*/
        {  min: 0x1F950,  max: 0x1F96F  },
        {  min: 0x1F9C0,  max: 0x1F9C2  }, /*suppl*/  ],  
    key: "Halloween",  
    ranges: [
        {  min: 0x1f383,  max: 0x1f383  },
        {  min: 0x1f479,  max: 0x1f479  },
        {  min: 0x1f47b,  max: 0x1f47b  },
        {  min: 0x1f47f,  max: 0x1f47f  },
        {  min: 0x1f480,  max: 0x1f480  },
        {  min: 0x1f608,  max: 0x1f608  },
        {  min: 0x1f987,  max: 0x1f987  },
        {  min: 0x1f577,  max: 0x1f578  },
        {  min: 0x1f571,  max: 0x1f571  }  ]  },
    key: "Flowers", 
    ranges: [
    {  min: 0x1f331,  max: 0x1f331  },
    {  min: 0x1f337,  max: 0x1f33c  },
    {  min: 0x1f33e,  max: 0x1f343  },
    {  min: 0x1f490,  max: 0x1f490  },
    {  min: 0x1f4ae,  max: 0x1f4ae  },
    {  min: 0x1f940,  max: 0x1f940  },]  
    const paletteFuncs = [spectrum, desaturated, saturated, triads, analogs, splitComplements, monochrome, shades, complements]
    const blendModes = ["normal", "color-burn", "difference", "multiply", "exclusion", "soft-light", "hard-light"]
    const positions = {
        all: ["0 100%", "0 0", "100% 100%", "100% 0", "50% 50%", "50% 0", "0 50%", "100% 50%", "50% 100%"],
        diamond: ["50% 0", "0 50%", "100% 50%", "50%, 100%"],
        diamondAndOne: ["50% 50%", "50% 0", "0 50%", "100% 50%", "50% 100%"],
        perimeter: ["0 100%", "0 0", "100% 100%", "100% 0"],
        perimeterAndOne: ["0 100%", "0 0", "100% 100%", "100% 0", "50% 50%"],
        triangle: ["0 0", "0 100%", "100% 100%"]

    var dood = $("#mydoodle") (e) {
        let r = Math.random()
        r > .8 ? dood[0].update(radial()) : r > .6 ? dood[0].update(lines()) : r > .3 ? dood[0].update(boxes()) : dood[0].update(lines())

    /* Generator Functions */
    function lines() {
        let gridSize = getRandomIntInclusive(5, 64)
        let density = getRandomIntInclusive(1, 25)
        let coverageFactor = Math.random() > .5 ? 1 : getRandomIntInclusive(1, Math.floor(density * .95))
        let gradAngle = Math.random() > .8 ? getRandomIntInclusive(1, 3) : getRandomIntInclusive(5, 175)
        let canvasAngle = getRandomIntInclusive(0, 45)
        let colorFunc = Math.random() > .5 ? "@pd" : "@pn"
        let paletteMultiplier = getRandomIntInclusive(1, 20)
        let bigPal = bigPalette(paletteMultiplier)

        return `:doodle {
        @grid:1x${gridSize} / 100%;
        :container {
            transform: rotate(@p(${canvasAngle}deg,-${canvasAngle}deg)) scale(2); 
            will-change: transform; 
        background-image: repeating-linear-gradient( @pd(${gradAngle}deg, -${gradAngle}deg), @multi(@calc(@size()), ( ${colorFunc}(${bigPal}) calc(@n() *  100% / (@size() * ${density})), @lp() calc((@n() + ${coverageFactor}) * 100% / (@size() * ${density})) )) );

    function boxes() {

        let gridSize = getRandomIntInclusive(5, 50)
        let canvasAngle = Math.random() > .5 ? getRandomIntInclusive(0, 45) : 0
        let scale = canvasAngle == 0 ? 1 : 2
        let positionFunc = Math.random() > .5 ? "@pd" : "@p"
        let cr = Math.random()
        let myPositions = pick(Object.values(positions))
        let startingPositions = cr > .75 ? `${positionFunc}(${myPositions})` : cr > .45 ? pick(myPositions) : "50% 50%"
        let myStops = getRandomStops(5,Math.random()>.5,Math.random()>.5).map(stop => {
            return stop + "%"
        //colors, overlay, blend mode, border-radius
        cr = Math.random()
        let colorFunc = cr > .66 ? "@p" : cr > .33 ? "@pd" : "@pn"
        let scaleAndOverlay = ""
        let boxBlends = blendModes.filter(bm => {
            return bm != "normal"
        if (Math.random() > .33) {
            let borderRadius = (colorFunc != "@p" && positionFunc != "@p" && Math.random() > .5) ? "50%" : 0
            scaleAndOverlay = `@size:150%; mix-blend-mode: ${pick(boxBlends)};border-radius:${borderRadius};`
            scale = 2

        return `:doodle {
                @grid:${gridSize} / 100%;
            --startPos: ${startingPositions};      
            :container { will-change: transform; transform: scale(${scale}) rotate(${canvasAngle}deg);}
            background: @multi(5, ( linear-gradient( ${colorFunc}(${getPalette()}), @lp() ) var(--startPos) / @pn(${myStops}) @lp() no-repeat ));`

    function characters() {

        let set = flatten(pick(characterSets)) 
        let pr = Math.random()
        let picker = pr > .66 ? "@p" : pr > .33 ? "@pd" : "@pn"
        if (Math.random() > .5) {
            let num = getRandomIntInclusive(1, 4)
            set = Math.random() > .5 ? randomPicks(set, num) : randomSlice(set, num)
        let codeSelector = `\\@hex(${picker}(${set}))`
        let r = Math.random()
        let rotation = r > .75 ? "@p(0, 45deg, -45deg, 90deg, -90deg, 180deg)" : r > .5 ? "@pd(45deg,-45deg)" : r > .25 ? (Math.random() > .5 ? "45deg" : "-45deg") : 0
        let blendModePicker = Math.random() > .5 ? "@p" : "@pd"
        r = Math.random()
        let myBlends = r > .66 ? randomSlice(blendModes) : r > .33 ? randomPicks(blendModes) : blendModes
        let mixBlendMode = Math.random() > .5 ? `${blendModePicker}(${myBlends})` : pick(blendModes)
        let fontSize = Math.random > .5 ? "@r(2vmax, 5vmax)" : `${getRandomIntInclusive(2,5)}vmax`
        let scale = Math.random > .5 ? "@r(.3, 2)" : getRandomIntInclusive(.3, 2)
        let skew = Math.random() > .75 ? getRandomIntInclusive(-20, 20) : 0
        let pal = Math.random() > .5 ? getPalette() : bigPalette(getRandomIntInclusive(2, 5))

        return `:doodle {
            @grid: ${getRandomIntInclusive(10, 50)} / 100%;
            background-color: ${tinycolor.random().toHexString()};
        mix-blend-mode: ${mixBlendMode};
        :after {
            color: ${Math.random() > .5 ? "@p" : "@pd"}(${pal});
            transform: skew(${skew}deg) scale(${scale}) rotate(${rotation});

    function radial() {

        let seed = getRandomColor()
        let rotation = getRandomIntInclusive(10, 180)
        let palFunc = pick(paletteFuncs)
        let firstStops = getColorStops(bigPalette(getRandomIntInclusive(1, 5), seed.clone(), palFunc))
        let otherStops = getColorStops(bigPalette(getRandomIntInclusive(1, 2), seed.clone().spin(rotation), palFunc))
        let size1 = getRandomIntInclusive(2, 75)
        let sr = Math.random()
        let size2 = size1 * (sr > .66 ? 3 : sr > .33 ? 2 : .5)
        return `:doodle {
             @grid:1 / 100%;             
            :container {
                    ${Math.random() > .5 ? "radial-gradient" : "repeating-radial-gradient"}(${firstStops}),
                    ${Math.random() > .5 ? "radial-gradient" : "repeating-radial-gradient"}(${otherStops});                
                background-size: ${size1}px ${size1}px, ${size2}px ${size2}px;
        function getColorStops(pal) {

            let stopFuncs = [getStripesWithTransparencyAllSharpTransitions, getStripesWithTransparencyOneSharpTransition, getStripesNoSharpTransitions]
            let stops = getRandomStops(getRandomIntInclusive(3, 15), Math.random()>.5, Math.random()>.5)
            let colorStops = pick(stopFuncs)(stops, pal)
            colorStops = colorStops.match(/.*?(?=, $|$)/)[0]
            return colorStops

            /*string generators*/
            function getStripesNoSharpTransitions(stops, pal) {
                let colorStops = ""
                for (let i = 0; i < stops.length; i++) {
                    colorStops += `${pal[i%pal.length]}  ${stops[i]}%, `
                return colorStops
            function getStripesWithTransparencyOneSharpTransition(stops, pal) {
                let colorStops = ""
                for (let i = 0; i < stops.length - 2; i = i + 3) {
                    colorStops += `${pal[i%pal.length]}  ${stops[i]}%, ${pal[i%pal.length]} ${stops[i+1]}%, transparent ${stops[i+1]+1}%, transparent ${stops[i+2]}%, `
                return colorStops
            function getStripesWithTransparencyAllSharpTransitions(stops, pal) {
                let colorStops = ""
                for (let i = 0; i < stops.length - 2; i = i + 2) {
                    let color = pal[i % pal.length]
                    if (i == 0) {
                        colorStops += `${color} ${stops[i]}%, ${color} ${stops[i+1]}%, transparent ${stops[i+1]+1}%, transparent ${stops[i+2]}%, `
                    } else {
                        colorStops += `${color} ${stops[i]+1}%, ${color} ${stops[i+1]}%, transparent ${stops[i+1]+1}%, transparent ${stops[i+2]}%, `
                return colorStops


    /* Utility Functions */
    function getRandomStops(num, startWithZero, endWith100) {
        let stops = []
        let first = startWithZero ? 0 : getRandomIntInclusive(1, 40)
        stops[0] = first
        for (var i = 1; i < num; i++) {
            let next = getRandomIntInclusive(stops[i - 1], stops[i - 1] + 40)
            if (next >= 100) {
                stops[i] = 100
            } else {
                stops[i] = next
        if(endWith100) stops[stops.length - 1] = 100
        return stops

    function getPalette(seed, palette) {
        if (!palette) palette = pick(paletteFuncs)
        if (!seed) seed = getRandomColor()
        return palette(seed)

    function bigPalette(multiplier, seed = getRandomColor(), palFunc = pick(paletteFuncs), rotation = getRandomIntInclusive(2, 180)) {
        let bigPalette = []
        let rotateRandomly = !rotation && Math.random() > .5
        for (let i = 1; i <= multiplier; i++) {
            if (rotateRandomly) {
                rotation = getRandomIntInclusive(2, 180)
            } else {
                rotation += rotation
            bigPalette.push(...getPalette(seed.clone().spin(rotation), palFunc))
        return bigPalette

    function getRandomColor() {
        /*tinycolor's randoms are too dark sometimes*/
        let hue = Math.floor(Math.random() * 360)
        let saturation = Math.floor(Math.random() * (100 - 30) + 30)
        return tinycolor(`hsl(${hue}, ${saturation}, 50%)`)

    function pick(arr) {
        return arr[Math.floor(Math.random() * arr.length)]

    function randomSlice(arr, num) {
        num = num || getRandomIntInclusive(1, arr.length)
        let start = getRandomIntInclusive(0, arr.length - 1)
        while (start + num > arr.length) {
        return arr.slice(start, start + num)

    function randomPicks(arr, num) {
        num = num || getRandomIntInclusive(1, arr.length)
        let picks = []
        for (let i = 0; i < num; i++) {
        return picks

    function getRandomIntInclusive(min, max) {
        min = Math.ceil(min)
        max = Math.floor(max)
        return Math.floor(Math.random() * (max - min + 1)) + min

    function flatten(set) {
        let flat = []
        let ranges = set.ranges || [{
            min: set.min,
            max: set.max
        ranges.forEach(range => {
            for (let i = range.min; i <= range.max; i++) {
        return flat

    /*palette functions*/
    function spectrum(seed) {
        let c1 = tinycolor(seed).spin(getRandomIntInclusive(-160, -130)).toHexString()
        let c2 = tinycolor(seed).spin(getRandomIntInclusive(-92, -52)).toHexString()
        let c3 = seed.toHexString()
        let c4 = tinycolor(seed).spin(getRandomIntInclusive(52, 92)).toHexString()
        let c5 = tinycolor(seed).spin(getRandomIntInclusive(130, 160)).toHexString()
        return [c1, c2, c3, c4, c5]

    function desaturated(seed) {
        const desatFactor = (tinycolor(seed).toHsl().s / 2) * 100
        let isDark = tinycolor(seed).isDark()
        let bigRando = getRandomIntInclusive(10, 30)
        let c1 = isDark ? tinycolor(seed).desaturate(desatFactor).brighten(bigRando).toHexString() : tinycolor(seed).desaturate(desatFactor).darken(bigRando).toHexString()
        let c2 = tinycolor(seed).desaturate(desatFactor).spin(getRandomIntInclusive(100, 140)).toHexString()
        let c3 = tinycolor(seed).desaturate(desatFactor).toHexString()
        let c4 = tinycolor(seed).desaturate(desatFactor).spin(getRandomIntInclusive(10, 50)).lighten(bigRando).toHexString()
        let c5 = tinycolor(seed).desaturate(desatFactor).spin(getRandomIntInclusive(70, 110)).toHexString()
        return [c1, c2, c3, c4, c5]

    function saturated(seed) {
        const satFactor = (tinycolor(seed).toHsl().s / 2) * 100
        let smallRando = getRandomIntInclusive(0, 20)
        let c1 = tinycolor(seed).spin(30).saturate(satFactor).lighten(smallRando).toHexString()
        let c2 = tinycolor(seed).spin(15).saturate(satFactor).darken(smallRando).toHexString()
        let c3 = tinycolor(seed).saturate(satFactor).toHexString()
        let c4 = tinycolor(seed).saturate(satFactor).spin(getRandomIntInclusive(50, 130)).toHexString()
        let c5 = tinycolor(seed).saturate(satFactor).spin(getRandomIntInclusive(90, 150)).toHexString()
        return [c1, c2, c3, c4, c5]

    function triads(seed) {
        let smallRando = getRandomIntInclusive(5, 25)
        let c1 = tinycolor(seed).desaturate(smallRando).lighten(smallRando).toHexString()
        let c2 = tinycolor(seed).spin(getRandomIntInclusive(-150, -90)).toHexString()
        let c3 = seed.toHexString()
        let c4 = tinycolor(seed).spin(120).toHexString()
        let c5 = tinycolor(seed).spin(getRandomIntInclusive(90, 150)).saturate(smallRando).darken(smallRando).toHexString()
        return [c1, c2, c3, c4, c5]

    function analogs(seed) {
        let smallRando = getRandomIntInclusive(0, 20)
        let c1 = tinycolor(seed).spin(getRandomIntInclusive(-30, -15)).toHexString()
        let c2 = tinycolor(seed).spin(getRandomIntInclusive(-15, 0)).saturate(smallRando).darken(smallRando).toHexString()
        let c3 = seed.toHexString()
        let c4 = tinycolor(seed).spin(getRandomIntInclusive(0, 15)).desaturate(smallRando).lighten(smallRando).toHexString()
        let c5 = tinycolor(seed).spin(getRandomIntInclusive(15, 30)).toHexString()
        return [c1, c2, c3, c4, c5]

    function splitComplements(seed) {
        let smallRando = getRandomIntInclusive(0, 20)
        let c1 = tinycolor(seed).spin(getRandomIntInclusive(-180, -130)).saturate(smallRando).darken(smallRando).toHexString()
        let c2 = tinycolor(seed).spin(-150).toHexString()
        let c3 = seed.toHexString()
        let c4 = tinycolor(seed).spin(getRandomIntInclusive(-180, -130)).toHexString()
        let c5 = tinycolor(seed).spin(150).desaturate(smallRando).lighten(smallRando).toHexString()
        return [c1, c2, c3, c4, c5]

    function monochrome(seed) {
        let isDark = tinycolor(seed).isDark()
        let smallRando = getRandomIntInclusive(0, 10)
        let biggerRando = getRandomIntInclusive(20, 40)
        let c1 = isDark ? tinycolor(seed).lighten(biggerRando).toHexString() : tinycolor(seed).darken(biggerRando).toHexString()
        let c2 = isDark ? tinycolor(seed).desaturate(getRandomIntInclusive(15, 40)).lighten(smallRando).toHexString() :
            tinycolor(seed).desaturate(getRandomIntInclusive(15, 40)).darken(smallRando).toHexString()
        let c3 = seed.toHexString()
        let c4 = isDark ? tinycolor(seed).saturate(getRandomIntInclusive(15, 40)).lighten(smallRando).toHexString() :
            tinycolor(seed).saturate(getRandomIntInclusive(15, 40)).darken(smallRando).toHexString()
        let c5 = isDark ? tinycolor(seed).lighten(biggerRando).toHexString() :
        return [c1, c2, c3, c4, c5]

    function shades(seed) {
        let closest = getRandomIntInclusive(5, 25)
        let farthest = getRandomIntInclusive(20, 40)
        let c1 = tinycolor(seed).lighten(farthest).toHexString()
        let c2 = tinycolor(seed).lighten(closest).toHexString()
        let c3 = seed.toHexString()
        let c4 = tinycolor(seed).darken(closest).toHexString()
        let c5 = tinycolor(seed).darken(farthest).toHexString()
        return [c1, c2, c3, c4, c5]

    function complements(seed) {
        let isDark = tinycolor(seed).isDark()
        let c1 = tinycolor(seed).saturate(getRandomIntInclusive(5, 15)).darken(getRandomIntInclusive(10, 20)).toHexString()
        let c2 = tinycolor(seed).desaturate(getRandomIntInclusive(0, 20)).lighten(getRandomIntInclusive(5, 25)).toHexString()
        let c3 = seed.toHexString()
        let c4 = tinycolor(seed).spin(180).toHexString()
        let c5 = isDark ? tinycolor(seed).spin(getRandomIntInclusive(160, 200)).desaturate(getRandomIntInclusive(5, 15)).lighten(getRandomIntInclusive(10, 20)).toHexString() :
            tinycolor(seed).spin(getRandomIntInclusive(160, 200)).saturate(getRandomIntInclusive(0, 20)).darken(getRandomIntInclusive(10, 20)).toHexString()
        return [c1, c2, c3, c4, c5]
