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                <p class="help">
  <i>**Will need to enable Chrome flags, Chrome canary recommended.</i>
<h2>Prompt AI API & Summarize AI API</h2>
<div id="output">
<div class="controls">
  <input type="button" id ="prompt" value="1. Write a Poem" />
  <input type="button" id ="summarize" value="2. Summarize" />

  <summary>A made up Harry Potter excerpt</summary>
  <p id="sample">

The Transfiguration classroom fell silent when Neville Longbottom's experimental spell went terribly wrong. What began as an attempt to transform his textbook into a singing teapot instead caused every piece of furniture in the room to sprout legs and begin a chaotic dance.

Desks waltzing with chairs, inkwells spinning like ballerinas, and quills doing a jig across Professor McGonagall's meticulously organized desk. The room became a whirling carnival of enchanted objects, with McGonagall's normally stern expression transforming into a mix of shock and barely contained exasperation.

Hermione, ever the problem-solver, began muttering counterspells while Harry and Ron ducked to avoid a particularly enthusiastic pirouetting table. Draco Malfoy, caught in the center of the madness, shrieked as a chair attempted to use him as a dancing partner.

"Finite Incantatem!" McGonagall finally bellowed, her voice cutting through the musical mayhem. The objects froze mid-twirl, then crashed to the ground with a spectacular cacophony of thuds and clatters.

Neville turned five shades of red, apologetic and mortified. "Sorry, Professor," he mumbled, as a lone teacup lid spun defiantly on the floor.</p>

<h2>Language Detetction API</h2>
<div class="language-translation">
  <textarea id="input-text"></textarea>
  <input type="button" id ="detect" value="3. Detect" />
  <p>The Language detected is <span id="language">___</span> with Confidence <span id="confidence">___</span></p>


                * {
  font-family: Verdana;
.help {
  color: #aaa;
#output {
  background: antiquewhite;
    border: 2px dashed #aaa;
    border-radius: 8px;
    padding: 20px;

.controls {
  margin: 30px 0;

#language, #confidence {
  font-weight: bold;
  color: blueviolet;

#detect {
  display: block;


                (async () => {
      // Define an asynchronous function to write a poem
      const writePoem = async () => {
        try {
          // Check if the language model capabilities are available
          const { available, defaultTemperature, defaultTopK, maxTopK } = await ai.languageModel.capabilities();

          // console.log ((await ai.languageModel.capabilities()).available);

          if (available !== "no") {
            // Create a session for the language model
            const session = await ai.languageModel.create();

            // Prompt the model and wait for the result
            document.getElementById("output").innerHTML = "Generating....";
            const result = await session.prompt("Write me a poem");

            if (result) {
              // Display the result in the output element
              document.getElementById("output").innerHTML = result;
            } else {
              console.log("No result received from the language model.");
          } else {
            console.log("Language model is not available.");
        } catch (error) {
          console.error("An error occurred:", error);

      // Define an asynchronous function to summarize text
      const summarize = async () => {
        try {
          // Check the summarizer's capabilities
          const canSummarize = await ai.summarizer.capabilities();
          let summarizer;

          // Check if the summarizer is available
          if (canSummarize && canSummarize.available !== 'no') {
            if (canSummarize.available === 'readily') {
              // If the summarizer is readily available, create an instance immediately
              summarizer = await ai.summarizer.create();
            } else {
              // If the summarizer requires a model download, create an instance and track download progress
              summarizer = await ai.summarizer.create();

              // // Add an event listener to monitor download progress
              // summarizer.addEventListener('downloadprogress', (e) => {
              //   console.log(`Download progress: ${e.loaded}/${}`);
              // });

              // Wait for the summarizer to be ready after the download is complete
              await summarizer.ready;
          } else {
            // Log a message if the summarizer is not available
            console.log("The summarizer is not available for use.");

          // Get the text to summarize
          const someUserText = document.getElementById("sample").innerHTML;

          document.getElementById("output").innerHTML = "Summarizing....";
          const result = await summarizer.summarize(someUserText);
          document.getElementById("output").innerHTML = result;

        } catch (error) {
          // Handle and log any errors that occur
          console.error("An error occurred:", error);

      const languageDetection = async () => {
        try {
          // Check the language detection capabilities
          const canDetect = await translation.canDetect();
          console.log("Language detection capability:", canDetect);
          let detector;

          if (canDetect === "no") {
            // The language detector isn't usable.
            console.log("Language detector is not available.");

          if (canDetect === "readily") {
            // The language detector can immediately be used.
            detector = await translation.createDetector();
            // detector = new i18nextBrowserLanguageDetector();
          } else {
            // The language detector can be used after model download.
            detector = await translation.createDetector();
            detector.addEventListener("downloadprogress", (e) => {
              console.log(`Download progress: ${e.loaded}/${}`);
            await detector.ready; // Ensure the detector is ready

          // Retrieve user text safely
          const userText = document.getElementById("input-text")?.value || "";
          if (!userText.trim()) {
            console.error("No input text found for detection.");

          console.log("Input text:", userText);

          const detectionOutput = await detector.detect(userText);

          if (detectionOutput.length > 0) {
            const { detectedLanguage, confidence } = detectionOutput[0];
            document.getElementById("language").innerHTML = detectedLanguage;
            document.getElementById("confidence").innerHTML = `${(confidence * 100).toFixed(1)}%`;
            console.log("Detected Language:", detectedLanguage);
            console.log("Confidence:", confidence);
          } else {
            console.warn("No language detected.");

          console.log("Language detection completed.");
        } catch (error) {
          // Handle and log any errors that occur
          console.error("An error occurred:", error);

// Global error handling
window.addEventListener('error', (event) => {
  console.error('Global error caught:', event.error);

window.addEventListener('unhandledrejection', (event) => {
  console.error('Unhandled promise rejection:', event.reason);

// Trigger function with additional error catching
try {
  languageDetection().catch(promiseError => {
    console.error('Promise-level error:', promiseError);
} catch (syncError) {
  console.error('Synchronous error in function call:', syncError);

      // Attach the click event listener to the prompt button
      const promptButton = document.getElementById("prompt");
      if (promptButton) {
        promptButton.addEventListener("click", writePoem);
      } else {
        console.error("Prompt button element not found.");

      // Attach the click event listener to the Summarize button
      const summarizeButton = document.getElementById("summarize");
      if (summarizeButton) {
        summarizeButton.addEventListener("click", summarize);
      } else {
        console.error("summarize button element not found.");

      // Attach the language detection API to click for detect button.
      const detectButton = document.getElementById("detect");
      // console.log(detectButton);
      if (detectButton) {
        detectButton.addEventListener("click", languageDetection);
      } else {
        console.error("language detetction element not found.");

