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                <canvas width="250"  height="250" id="draw-board"></canvas>

<div id="score">Score: 0</div>
<button id="play">Play</button>


                * {
  margin: 0;
  box-sizing: border-box;
canvas {
  width: 80vmin;
  border: 10px solid cornflowerblue;


                // Selecting Element Reference
const button = document.getElementById("play");
const score = document.getElementById("score");
const canvas = document.getElementById("draw-board");

// ctx reference
const ctx = canvas.getContext("2d");

// Game State
var state = {
  //   Initially game is not running
  gameover: true,
  //   Initial Direction right
  direction: 2,
  // snake array
  snake: [
    { x: 10, y: 10, direction: 2 },
    { x: 10, y: 20, direction: 2 },
    { x: 10, y: 30, direction: 2 }
  //   initial food location
  food: { x: 0, y: 0 },
  //   initial score
  score: 0

// Snake Part
function drawSnakePart(ctx,x,y,head=false) {
  // Set the fillstyle to green if it is head else white
  ctx.fillStyle = head ? "green":"white";
  // draw a rectangle at (x,y) coordinates with width and height of 10px
 /* Note: you can use any shape or image in this 
function, but make sure it's height and width are 10px*/

//Drawing Food for snake to eat
function drawFood(ctx,x,y) {
  //Starting Path
  //setting the fill style to red
  // Making a circle
 // Closing the Path
//   Filling the area enclosed by the path

//Drawing Background
function drawBackground(){
  //the background color, choose whichever color you like
  // draw a rectangle at (0,0) coordinates with width and height of 250px

// Draw Whole Snake
function drawSnake() {
  //   we draw the snake form tail so that head is drawn last. It makes the head appear above all other drawings.
  for (let i = state.snake.length - 1; i >= 0; --i) {
    drawSnakePart(ctx,state.snake[i].x, state.snake[i].y, i === 0);

// Game Logic
// mod function
function mod(m, val) {
  while (val < 0) {
    val += m;
  return val % m;

// Dynamically Adding Snake Part
function addPart() {
  // Retrieving the last part or tail of snake
  let tail = state.snake[state.snake.length - 1];

  //   New Part details
  let direction = tail.direction;
  let x = tail.x;
  let y = tail.y;
  // finding the new parts coordinates according to tail
  switch (direction) {
    // DOWN
    case 1:
      y = mod(250, y - 10);
    // UP
    case -1:
      y = mod(250, y + 10);
    // LEFT
    case -2:
      x = mod(250, x + 10);
    // RIGHT
    case 2:
      x = mod(250, x - 10);
  //   Adding the new Part to the snake
  state.snake.push({ x, y, direction });

function eatFood() {
  //   Head position
  let x = state.snake[0].x;
  let y = state.snake[0].y;
  //   Tail Position
  let fx =;
  let fy =;
  // if head and food are at same position
  if (x == fx && y == fy) {
    //     increase score
    //     change score text
    score.innerHTML = "Score: " + state.score;
    //     Add a snake part
    //     Generate a new Food

// Movng the Snake
function moveSnake() {
  //    NEW HEAD Coordinates
  let x = state.snake[0].x;
  let y = state.snake[0].y;
  // Snake Direction
  switch (state.direction) {
    //DOWN - Move 1 box down
    case 1:
      y = mod(250, y + 10);
    //UP - Move 1 box up
    case -1:
      y = mod(250, y - 10);
    //LEFT - Move 1 box left
    case -2:
      x = mod(250, x - 10);
    //RIGHT - Move 1 box right
    case 2:
      x = mod(250, x + 10);
  //     Making a new copy of snake
  const newSnake = [{ x, y, direction:state.direction }];
  const snakeLength = state.snake.length;
  //   Now we change the value of a part with the part ahead of it.
  for (let i = 1; i < snakeLength; ++i) {
    newSnake.push({ ...state.snake[i - 1] });
  state.snake = newSnake;

// Checking game over. return bool
function checkGameOver() {
  const head = state.snake[0];
  //   Checking if head collides with snake other parts. if collides gameover returns true
  return state.snake.some(
    (part, i) => i !== 0 && head.x === part.x && head.y === part.y
  // Note: You can add blocks or check if it is colliding the boundary and make it game over

// Generating Food
function generateFood() {

//   Random box between 0 - 25 i.e the grid size 25x25. Multiply by 10 to get x,y coordinates
  let x = Math.floor(Math.random() * 25) * 10;
  let y = Math.floor(Math.random() * 25) * 10; 
  // selecting food that doesn't collide with the snake
  while (state.snake.some(part => part.x === x && part.y === y)) {
    x = Math.floor(Math.random() * 25) * 10;
    y = Math.floor(Math.random() * 25) * 10;
//   Next Food = { x, y };

// To compare time in the function
var start = 0;
// Draw Function
function draw(timestamp) {
  //   Increment Start
  //   timestamp contains the time elapsed since first call in milliseconds
  //   1000/10 refers to 10 frames for second. Change values to see the difference
  if (timestamp - start > 1000 / 10) {
    //this block runs every 10th of a second
    //  We put our drawing functions and computatin here

    //  Chcking if game is over.
    if (checkGameOver()) {
      //        Exiting function if is over
      state.gameover = true;
    //     Calclating next position of snake
    //  Redrawing the canvas to clear previous fram
    // drawing the food
    // drawing the snake
    // Checking if the snake eats the food
    // resetting the start
    start = timestamp;
  //   recursively calls itself until game over
  if (!state.gameover) window.requestAnimationFrame(draw);

// Event Handling

// Adding event Listener on the document for keydown
document.addEventListener("keydown", event => {
  //   Checking if Arrow keys are pressed
  if (!/Arrow/gi.test(event.key))
    //     if not return

  //   Preventing default behaviour

  //   null direction
  let direction = 0;
  //   checking direction
  switch (event.key) {
    case "ArrowDown":
      direction = 1;
    case "ArrowUp":
      direction = -1;
    case "ArrowLeft":
      direction = -2;
    case "ArrowRight":
      direction = 2;
  if (
    //     if direction is changed
    direction &&
    //     if snake direction and current direction are same
    state.direction === state.snake[0].direction &&
    //     and the directions are not oposite to current direction i.e LEFT and RIGHT or UP and DOWN
    state.direction !== -direction
  ) {
    //     Change the direction
    state.direction = direction;

// Event Handler
play.onclick = function() {
  //   If game is not running
  if (state.gameover) {
    //     Initialize state
    state = {
      gameover: false,
      direction: 2,
      //       making snake have two additional part. you can also use addPart() instead maually adding parts
      snake: [
        { x: 10, y: 10, direction: 2 },
        { x: 10, y: 20, direction: 2 },
        { x: 10, y: 30, direction: 2 }
      //       initial food
      food: { x: 0, y: 0 },
      //       Initial score
      score: 0
    //     Resetting Score
    score.innerHTML = "Score: " + 0;
    //     Generate New Food
    //     Trigger Game Loop

