<ol class="ui-scroll-grid">
<li id="r1-c1">You can enter Nowhere from Anywhere.</li>
<li id="r1-c2">I came from the North.</li>
<li id="r1-c3">I am now here.<br>In Nowhere.</li>
<li id="r1-c4">The map, a sheet of paper, with a single sentence.</li>
<li id="r1-c5">“The only way out is in”</li>
<li id="r2-c1">My canister if half full.<br>Or half empty?</li>
<li id="r2-c2">The path can lead to Anywhere.<br>Or Everywhere.</li>
<li id="r2-c3">Just keep walking.<br>Aimlessly.<br>Or determined.</li>
<li id="r2-c4">Did I just spot Yin and Yang?</li>
<li id="r2-c5">Nothing is permanent.</li>
<li id="r3-c1">You can enter Nowhere from Everywhere.</li>
<li id="r3-c2">I came from the West.</li>
<li id="r3-c3">I am now in the Middle of Nowhere.</li>
<li id="r3-c4">I came from the East.</li>
<li id="r3-c5">You can enter Nowhere from Everywhere.</li>
<li id="r4-c1">Nothing is permanent.</li>
<li id="r4-c2">Did I just spot Yang and Yin?</li>
<li id="r4-c3">Just keep walking.<br>Determined.<br>Or aimlessly.</li>
<li id="r4-c4">The path can lead to Everywhere.<br>Or Anywhere.</li>
<li id="r4-c5">My canister if half empty.<br>Or half full?</li>
<li id="r5-c1">“The only way out is in”</li>
<li id="r5-c2">The map, a sheet of paper, with a single sentence.</li>
<li id="r5-c3">I am now here.<br>In Nowhere.</li>
<li id="r5-c4">I came from the South</li>
<li id="r5-c5">You can enter Nowhere from Anywhere.</li>
<nav class="ui-scroll-grid-nav">
<a href="#r1-c1" title="Row 1, Cell 1"></a>
<a href="#r1-c2" title="Row 1, Cell 2"></a>
<a href="#r1-c3" title="Row 1, Cell 3"></a>
<a href="#r1-c4" title="Row 1, Cell 4"></a>
<a href="#r1-c5" title="Row 1, Cell 5"></a>
<a href="#r2-c1" title="Row 2, Cell 1"></a>
<a href="#r2-c2" title="Row 2, Cell 2"></a>
<a href="#r2-c3" title="Row 2, Cell 3"></a>
<a href="#r2-c4" title="Row 2, Cell 4"></a>
<a href="#r2-c5" title="Row 2, Cell 5"></a>
<a href="#r3-c1" title="Row 3, Cell 1"></a>
<a href="#r3-c2" title="Row 3, Cell 2"></a>
<a href="#r3-c3" title="Row 3, Cell 3"></a>
<a href="#r3-c4" title="Row 3, Cell 4"></a>
<a href="#r3-c5" title="Row 3, Cell 5"></a>
<a href="#r4-c1" title="Row 4, Cell 1"></a>
<a href="#r4-c2" title="Row 4, Cell 2"></a>
<a href="#r4-c3" title="Row 4, Cell 3"></a>
<a href="#r4-c4" title="Row 4, Cell 4"></a>
<a href="#r4-c5" title="Row 4, Cell 5"></a>
<a href="#r5-c1" title="Row 5, Cell 1"></a>
<a href="#r5-c2" title="Row 5, Cell 2"></a>
<a href="#r5-c3" title="Row 5, Cell 3"></a>
<a href="#r5-c4" title="Row 5, Cell 4"></a>
<a href="#r5-c5" title="Row 5, Cell 5"></a>
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