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                <h1>WCAG Parsing Bookmarklet</h1>
<p> <a href='javascript:(function(){var removeNg=true;var filterStrings=["tag seen","Stray end tag","Bad start tag","violates nesting","Duplicate ID","first occurrence of ID","Unclosed element","not allowed as child of","unclosed elements","not allowed on element","unquoted attribute value","Duplicate attribute","tabindex must not", "not appear as a descendant of"];var filterRE,root,results,result,resultText,i,cnt=0;filterRE=filterStrings.join("|");root=document.getElementById("results");if(!root){alert("No results container found.");return}results=root.getElementsByTagName("li");for(i=0;i<results.length;i++){result=results[i];if(result.className!==""){resultText=(result.innerText!==undefined?result.innerText:result.textContent)+"";if(resultText.match(filterRE)===null){"none";result.className=result.className+" steveNoLike";cnt++}else if(removeNg==true){if(resultText.indexOf("not allowed on element")!==-1&&(resultText.indexOf("ng-")!==-1&&resultText.indexOf("ng-")<resultText.indexOf("not allowed on element"))){"none";result.className=result.className+" steveNoLike";cnt++}}}}alert("Complete. "+cnt+" items removed.")})();'>WCAG parsing only</a>
<p>Updated 09/06/21</p>
  <h2>Trying out the parsing only bookmarklet</h2>
 	<li>Save the WCAG parsing only as a bookmark.</li>
 	<li>Save the <a href="">Check serialized DOM of current page</a> </li>
 	<li>Check a page (<a href="">test page</a>) using the <i>Check serialized DOM of current page bookmarklet</i>)</li>
  <li>Once the results page is displayed activate the Parsing bookmarklet</li>
 	<li>The results will be filtered to provide a rough subset of the validation results that represent <a href="">WCAG 2.x 4.1.1 Parsing</a> fails.</li>
 	<li>To view the unfiltered list of results again - refresh the page</li>
 	<li>you can download the <a href="">parsing.js</a> code from Github.</li>




