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			<path id="flap-2" d="M181 181.57a102.74 102.74 0 0 0 4.17-20.45 65.12 65.12 0 0 0-1.2-19.42l-.52-2.36c-.13-.8-.47-1.55-.67-2.33s-.43-1.57-.69-2.34-.58-1.52-.84-2.3l-.4-1.16-.49-1.13c-.33-.75-.63-1.53-.94-2.29l-1.08-2.25-.52-1.15-.59-1.11c-1.5-3-3.28-6-5.13-8.92s-3.9-5.87-6-8.91l.35-.46a65.19 65.19 0 0 1 14.7 15.72l.76 1.12.69 1.16 1.38 2.33 1.23 2.41.61 1.21.53 1.25 1.05 2.5c.32.84.58 1.71.87 2.57l.43 2.64a52.9 52.9 0 0 1 .09 21.55 57.47 57.47 0 0 1-3.16 10.34 60 60 0 0 1-5.1 9.52z"/>
          	<path id="flap-1" d="M207 189.23a123.35 123.35 0 0 0 5-24.56 78.18 78.18 0 0 0-1.44-23.32l-.63-2.84c-.16-1-.56-1.86-.8-2.8s-.51-1.88-.82-2.81-.7-1.83-1-2.76l-.48-1.4-.59-1.36c-.4-.9-.76-1.83-1.13-2.75l-1.29-2.7-.63-1.38-.71-1.33c-1.8-3.63-3.94-7.15-6.16-10.71s-4.69-7-7.25-10.7l.43-.56a78.27 78.27 0 0 1 17.65 18.88l.91 1.34.83 1.4 1.66 2.8 1.48 2.9.74 1.45.63 1.5 1.26 3c.39 1 .7 2.06 1 3.08l.51 3.17a63.52 63.52 0 0 1 .11 25.88 69 69 0 0 1-3.8 12.42 72 72 0 0 1-6.12 11.43z"/>
	  <g id="smoke"></g>


                @import url('');

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const STATES = {
	bat: 'BAT',
	vampire: 'VAMPIRE'

let blinkTimeout;
let wiggleTimeout;

let state = STATES.bat;
let transformColors = ['#684756', '#1A1423', '#222222', '#555555']; //, '#890620'
let smokeColorsDark = ['#333', '#444', '#555','#ccc', '#bbb', '#ddd']; //, '#890620'
let smokeColors = ['#ccc', '#bbb', '#ddd']; //, '#890620'

let SVG = document.getElementById('svg');


let transformLength = 100;

// Snap.svg isn't really necessary for this.
// I had bigger plans originally then forgot
// to remove it.

let bat ='#bat');
let wingLeft ='#wing-left');
let wingRight ='#wing-right');
let wingFlaps ='#wing-flaps');
let vampire ='#vampire');
let lines ='#transform-lines');
let head ='#head');
let arm ='#arm');
let cloak ='#cloak');
let cloakMaterial ='#material');
let cloakBack ='#cloak-back');
let collar ='#collar');
let brow ='#brow');
let mouth ='#mouth');
let shadow ='#shadow');
let fingers = [];
for(let i = 1; i <= 4; i++) fingers.push('#finger-' + i));
let eyes = { 
		left: { 
		right: { 

let smokeContainer ='#smoke');
let smokes = [];
for(let i = 0; i < 3; i++)
	let smoke ='#smoke-' + i);
	for(let j = 0; j < 6; j++)
		let s = smoke.clone().appendTo(smokeContainer);
		TweenMax.set(s.node, {transformOrigin: (Math.random() * 100) + '% ' + (Math.random() * 100) + '%', css: {x: 110 + Math.random() * 30, opacity: 0, fill: smokeColors[Math.floor(Math.random() * smokeColors.length)]}}) //rotation: Math.random() * 180, 

let transformLines = [];
for(let i = 0; i < 10; i++)
	let line ='#line-' + i);
	TweenMax.set(line.node, {css: {strokeWidth: 20, stroke: transformColors[Math.floor(Math.random() * transformColors.length)], strokeDasharray: transformLength + ' ' + line.getTotalLength(), strokeDashoffset: transformLength}})

TweenMax.set(bat.node, {y: -60, transformOrigin: '50% 50%'});
TweenMax.set(wingLeft.node, {transformOrigin: '100% 90%', scaleY:1, scaleX:0.2,});
TweenMax.set(wingRight.node, {transformOrigin: '0% 90%', scaleY:1, scaleX:0.2,});
TweenMax.set(wingFlaps.node, {y: '+=30'});
TweenMax.set(vampire.node, {css: {opacity: 0, transformOrigin: '35% 100%'}});
TweenMax.set(lines.node, {y: '+=20', opacity: 0.8});
TweenMax.set(head.node, {y: '+=50'});
TweenMax.set(arm.node, {css: {transformOrigin: '10% 70%'}});
TweenMax.set(cloak.node, {css: {transformOrigin: '0% 0%'}});
TweenMax.set(cloakMaterial.node, {x: 90, y: 75});
TweenMax.set(cloakBack.node, {css: {transformOrigin: '50% -20%'}});
TweenMax.set(collar.node, {css: {transformOrigin: '50% 50%'}});
TweenMax.set(shadow.node, {css: {x: 145, y: 265, opacity: 0.3, transformOrigin: '50% 50%'}});

// Bat Loop

let flapSpeed = 0.4;

let batLoop = new TimelineMax({onComplete: d => 
	if(state == STATES.bat)

batLoop.set(bat.node, {opacity: 1})

batLoop.add(, flapSpeed/2, {y: "+=20", ease:Power1.easeInOut}), 0);
batLoop.add(, flapSpeed/2, {y: "-=20", ease:Power1.easeInOut}), flapSpeed/2);

batLoop.add(, flapSpeed/4, {opacity: "0.5", ease:Power4.easeIn}), 0);
batLoop.add(, flapSpeed/4, {opacity: "0", ease:Power4.easeOut}), flapSpeed/4);

batLoop.add(, flapSpeed/2, {rotation: "-100deg", scale:1, ease:Power1.easeInOut}), 0);
batLoop.add(, flapSpeed/2, {rotation: "0deg", scaleY:1, scaleX:0.2, ease:Power1.easeInOut}), flapSpeed/2);

batLoop.add(, flapSpeed/2, {rotation: "100deg", scale:1, ease:Power1.easeInOut}), 0);
batLoop.add(, flapSpeed/2, {rotation: "0deg", scaleY:1, scaleX:0.2, ease:Power1.easeInOut}), flapSpeed/2);

batLoop.set(shadow.node, { scale: 0.5, opacity: 0.1}, 0), flapSpeed/2, {scale: 0.48, opacity: 0.09, ease:Power1.easeInOut}, 0);, flapSpeed/2, {scale: 0.5, opacity: 0.1, ease:Power1.easeInOut}, flapSpeed/2);

// Bat To Vampire

let toVampire = new TimelineMax({onComplete: () => { blink(); wiggleFingers();}})
let batSpeed = 0.3;

for(let i = 0; i < 10; i++)
	let duration = 2.5;
	let delay = batSpeed * (1.5 + (Math.random() / 2));
	toVampire.fromTo(transformLines[i].node, duration, {css: {strokeWidth: 1}}, {css: {strokeWidth: 1, strokeDashoffset: -transformLines[i].getTotalLength()}, ease: Power4.easeOut}, delay);
	toVampire.fromTo(transformLines[i].node, duration / 3, {css: {opacity: 0}}, {css: {opacity: 1}, ease: Power4.easeIn}, delay);[i].node, (duration / 3) * 2, {css: {opacity: 0}, ease: Power4.easeOut}, delay + duration / 3);

for(let i = 0; i < smokes.length; i++)
	let delay = (batSpeed * 2) + Math.random() / 5;
	toVampire.set(smokes[i].node, {opacity: 0.5 + Math.random() * 0.5, scale: 0.35 + Math.random(), y: 80 + (delay * 10), fill: smokeColorsDark[Math.floor(Math.random() * smokeColorsDark.length)]}, delay)[i].node, batSpeed * 4, {y: 250, scale:2.5, rotation: -180 + Math.random() * 360, opacity: 0, ease:Power3.easeOut}, delay);
}, batSpeed*1.5, {scale: 0.3, opacity: 0.05, ease:Power1.easeOut}, 0);'.info', 0.3, {opacity: 0}, 0), batSpeed, {y: -130, rotation: -10, ease:Power1.easeOut}, 0);,  batSpeed * 0.8, {rotation: "-50deg", scale:1, ease:Power2.easeOut}, 0);,  batSpeed * 0.8, {rotation: "50deg", scale:1, ease:Power2.easeOut}, 0);, batSpeed * 1.5, {y: 40, rotation: 0, x: "-=10", scaleY: 2, ease:Power1.easeIn}, batSpeed);, batSpeed * 1.2, {rotation: "0deg", scaleY:0.6, scaleX:0.2, ease:Power4.easeIn}, batSpeed);, batSpeed * 1.2, {rotation: "0deg", scaleY:0.6, scaleX:0.2, ease:Power4.easeIn}, batSpeed);

toVampire.set(vampire.node, { y: -150, rotation: 10, scaleX: 0.4, scaleY: 0.1}, batSpeed * 2.3);
toVampire.set(bat.node, {opacity: 0}, batSpeed * 2.3);, 0.3, {scale: 0.9, opacity: 0.3, ease:Power3.easeIn}, batSpeed * 1.5);, 0.2, {opacity: 1, rotation:0, scale: 1, y:0, ease: Linear.ease}, batSpeed * 2.3 + 0.01)
toVampire.fromTo(head.node, 0.4, {y: -20}, {y: 15, x: 0, ease: Power4.easeOut}, batSpeed * 2.3 ), 1, {y: 0, x: 0, ease: Power2.easeInOut}, batSpeed * 2.4 + 0.6 )

toVampire.fromTo(arm.node, 0.4,{rotation: 80}, {rotation: 0, ease: Power4.easeOut}, batSpeed * 2.3 ), 1, {rotation: 80, ease: Power2.easeInOut}, batSpeed * 2.3 + 0.5 )

toVampire.fromTo(cloak.node, 2.5, {rotation: -10}, {rotation: 0, ease: Elastic.easeOut}, batSpeed * 2.3 )
toVampire.fromTo(cloak.node, 0.2, {y:0, scaleY: 0.6, scaleX: 1, x: -5}, {y: 0, x: 0, scale: 1, ease: Linear.ease}, batSpeed * 2.3)

toVampire.fromTo(cloakBack.node, 2,{rotation: -10}, {rotation: 0, ease: Elastic.easeOut}, batSpeed * 2.3 )
toVampire.fromTo(cloakBack.node, 0.5,{y:-20, x: -20}, {y: 0, x: 0, ease: Power2.easeOut}, batSpeed * 2.3 )

toVampire.fromTo(collar.node, 0.4,{scaleY: 1, y: -10}, {y: 20, scale: 1, ease: Power1.easeOut}, batSpeed * 2.3 ), 1, {y: 0, ease: Power2.easeInOut}, batSpeed * 2.3 + 0.6 )
toVampire.fromTo(brow.node, 2.2, {y: 5}, {y: 0, ease: Power2.easeInOut}, batSpeed * 2.3 )
toVampire.fromTo(mouth.node, 2, {scaleY: 0.2}, {scale: 1, ease: Power1.easeInOut}, batSpeed * 2.5 )


// Vampire Loop

const blink = function()
	blinkTimeout = setTimeout(d => { if(state == STATES.vampire) }, Math.random() * 5000);	

let vampireBlink = new TimelineMax({onComplete: blink})
let blinkSpeed = 0.3;

vampireBlink.set([eyes.left.white.node, eyes.right.white.node], {css:{fill: '#f3e8c3'}}, 0.1)
vampireBlink.set([eyes.left.white.node, eyes.right.white.node], {css:{fill: 'white'}}, blinkSpeed)

vampireBlink.set([eyes.left.pupil.node, eyes.right.pupil.node], {css:{opacity: 0}}, 0.1)
vampireBlink.set([eyes.left.pupil.node, eyes.right.pupil.node], {css:{opacity: 1}}, blinkSpeed)


const wiggleFingers = function()
	wiggleTimeout = setTimeout(d => { if(state == STATES.vampire) }, Math.random() * 20000);	

let vampireWiggle = new TimelineMax({repeat:2, onComplete: wiggleFingers})

for(let i = 0; i < fingers.length; i++)
{[i].node, 0.5, {rotation: 20}, i * 0.1)[i].node, 0.5, {rotation: 0}, 0.5 + i * 0.1)


// Click toggle

document.addEventListener('click', () => 
	if(blinkTimeout) clearTimeout(blinkTimeout);
	if(wiggleTimeout) clearTimeout(wiggleTimeout);
		case STATES.bat:
			state = STATES.vampire;			
		case STATES.vampire:
			state = STATES.bat;;
