<div class="content">
	<div class="loading">Loading</div>
	<div class="trigger"></div>
	<div class="section">
		<h3>The beginners guide.</h3>
		<p>You've probably forgotten what these are.</p>
<!-- 		<div class="phonetic">/ ˈɛərˌpleɪn /</div> -->
		<div class="scroll-cta">Scroll</div>
	<div class="section right">
		<h2>They're kinda like buses...</h2>
	<div class="ground-container">
		<div class="parallax ground"></div>
		<div class="section right">
			<h2>..except they leave the ground.</h2>
			<p>Saaay what!?.</p>

		<div class="section">
			<h2>They fly through the sky.</h2>
			<p>For realsies!</p>
		<div class="section right">
			<h2>Defying all known physical laws.</h2>
			<p>It's actual magic!</p>
		<div class="parallax clouds"></div>
	<div class="blueprint">
		<svg width="100%" height="100%" viewbox="0 0 100 100">
			<line id="line-length" x1="10" y1="80" x2="90" y2="80" stroke-width="0.5"></line>
			<path id="line-wingspan" d="M10 50, L40 35, M60 35 L90 50" stroke-width="0.5"></path>
			<circle id="circle-phalange" cx="60" cy="60" r="15" fill="transparent" stroke-width="0.5"></circle>
		<div class="section dark ">
			<h2>The facts and figures.</h2>
			<p>Lets get into the nitty gritty...</p>
		<div class="section dark length">
		<div class="section dark wingspan">
			<h2>Wing Span.</h2>
			<p>I dunno, longer than a cat probably.</p>
		<div class="section dark phalange">
			<h2>Left Phalange</h2>
		<div class="section dark">
			<p>Turbine funtime</p>
<!-- 		<div class="section"></div> -->
	<div class="sunset">
		<div class="section"></div>
		<div class="section end">
			<ul class="credits">
				<li>Plane model by <a href="https://poly.google.com/view/8ciDd9k8wha" target="_blank">Google</a></li>
				<li>Animated using <a href="https://greensock.com/scrolltrigger/" target="_blank">GSAP ScrollTrigger</a></li>
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View Compiled
// clearing the console (just a CodePen thing)


// there are 3 parts to this
// Scene:           Setups and manages threejs rendering
// loadModel:       Loads the 3d obj file
// setupAnimation:  Creates all the GSAP 
//                  animtions and scroll triggers 
// first we call loadModel, once complete we call
// setupAnimation which creates a new Scene

class Scene
		this.views = [
			{ bottom: 0, height: 1 },
			{ bottom: 0, height: 0 }
		this.renderer = new THREE.WebGLRenderer({
			antialias: true,
			alpha: true
		this.renderer.setSize(window.innerWidth, window.innerHeight);
		this.renderer.shadowMap.enabled = true;
		this.renderer.shadowMap.type = THREE.PCFSoftShadowMap;

		document.body.appendChild( this.renderer.domElement );
		// scene

		this.scene = new THREE.Scene();
		for ( var ii = 0; ii < this.views.length; ++ ii ) {

			var view = this.views[ ii ];
			var camera = new THREE.PerspectiveCamera( 45, window.innerWidth / window.innerHeight, 1, 2000 );
			camera.position.fromArray([0, 0, 180] );
			camera.layers.enable( ii );
			view.camera = camera;
			camera.lookAt(new THREE.Vector3(0, 5, 0));

		this.light = new THREE.PointLight( 0xffffff, 0.75 );
		this.light.position.z = 150;
		this.light.position.x = 70;
		this.light.position.y = -20;
		this.scene.add( this.light );

		this.softLight = new THREE.AmbientLight( 0xffffff, 1.5 );

		// group

		window.addEventListener( 'resize', this.onResize, false );
		var edges = new THREE.EdgesGeometry( model.children[ 0 ].geometry );
		let line = new THREE.LineSegments( edges );
		line.material.depthTest = false;
		line.material.opacity = 0.5;
		line.material.transparent = true;
		line.position.x = 0.5;
		line.position.z = -1;
		line.position.y = 0.2;	
		this.modelGroup = new THREE.Group();
		model.layers.set( 0 );
		line.layers.set( 1 );
	render = () =>
		for ( var ii = 0; ii < this.views.length; ++ ii ) {

			var view = this.views[ ii ];
			var camera = view.camera;

			var bottom = Math.floor( this.h * view.bottom );
			var height = Math.floor( this.h * view.height );

			this.renderer.setViewport( 0, 0, this.w, this.h );
			this.renderer.setScissor( 0, bottom, this.w, height );
			this.renderer.setScissorTest( true );

			camera.aspect = this.w / this.h;
			this.renderer.render( this.scene, camera );
	onResize = () => 
		this.w = window.innerWidth;
		this.h = window.innerHeight;
		for ( var ii = 0; ii < this.views.length; ++ ii ) {
			var view = this.views[ ii ];
			var camera = view.camera;
			camera.aspect = this.w / this.h;
			let camZ = (screen.width - (this.w * 1)) / 3;
			camera.position.z = camZ < 180 ? 180 : camZ;

		this.renderer.setSize( this.w, this.h );		

function loadModel() 
	gsap.set('#line-length', {drawSVG: 0})
	gsap.set('#line-wingspan', {drawSVG: 0})
	gsap.set('#circle-phalange', {drawSVG: 0})
	var object;

	function onModelLoaded() {
		object.traverse( function ( child ) {
			let mat = new THREE.MeshPhongMaterial( { color: 0x171511, specular: 0xD0CBC7, shininess: 5, flatShading: true } );
			child.material = mat;


	var manager = new THREE.LoadingManager( onModelLoaded );
	manager.onProgress = ( item, loaded, total ) => console.log( item, loaded, total );

	var loader = new THREE.OBJLoader( manager );
	loader.load( 'https://assets.codepen.io/557388/1405+Plane_1.obj', function ( obj ) { object = obj; });

function setupAnimation(model)
	let scene = new Scene(model);
	let plane = scene.modelGroup;
	gsap.fromTo('canvas',{x: "50%", autoAlpha: 0},  {duration: 1, x: "0%", autoAlpha: 1});
	gsap.to('.loading', {autoAlpha: 0})
	gsap.to('.scroll-cta', {opacity: 1})
	gsap.set('svg', {autoAlpha: 1})
	let tau = Math.PI * 2;

	gsap.set(plane.rotation, {y: tau * -.25});
	gsap.set(plane.position, {x: 80, y: -32, z: -60});
	var sectionDuration = 1;
		{ 	height: 1, bottom: 0 }, 
			height: 0, bottom: 1,
			ease: 'none',
			scrollTrigger: {
			  trigger: ".blueprint",
			  scrub: true,
			  start: "bottom bottom",
			  end: "bottom top"
		{ 	height: 0, bottom: 0 }, 
			height: 1, bottom: 0,
			ease: 'none',
			scrollTrigger: {
			  trigger: ".blueprint",
			  scrub: true,
			  start: "top bottom",
			  end: "top top"
	gsap.to('.ground', {
		y: "30%",
		scrollTrigger: {
		  trigger: ".ground-container",
		  scrub: true,
		  start: "top bottom",
		  end: "bottom top"
	gsap.from('.clouds', {
		y: "25%",
		scrollTrigger: {
		  trigger: ".ground-container",
		  scrub: true,
		  start: "top bottom",
		  end: "bottom top"
	gsap.to('#line-length', {
		drawSVG: 100,
		scrollTrigger: {
		  trigger: ".length",
		  scrub: true,
		  start: "top bottom",
		  end: "top top"
	gsap.to('#line-wingspan', {
		drawSVG: 100,
		scrollTrigger: {
		  trigger: ".wingspan",
		  scrub: true,
		  start: "top 25%",
		  end: "bottom 50%"
	gsap.to('#circle-phalange', {
		drawSVG: 100,
		scrollTrigger: {
		  trigger: ".phalange",
		  scrub: true,
		  start: "top 50%",
		  end: "bottom 100%"
	gsap.to('#line-length', {
		opacity: 0,
		drawSVG: 0,
		scrollTrigger: {
		  trigger: ".length",
		  scrub: true,
		  start: "top top",
		  end: "bottom top"
	gsap.to('#line-wingspan', {
		opacity: 0,
		drawSVG: 0,
		scrollTrigger: {
		  trigger: ".wingspan",
		  scrub: true,
		  start: "top top",
		  end: "bottom top"
	gsap.to('#circle-phalange', {
		opacity: 0,
		drawSVG: 0,
		scrollTrigger: {
		  trigger: ".phalange",
		  scrub: true,
		  start: "top top",
		  end: "bottom top"
	let tl = new gsap.timeline(
		onUpdate: scene.render,
		scrollTrigger: {
		  trigger: ".content",
		  scrub: true,
		  start: "top top",
		  end: "bottom bottom"
		defaults: {duration: sectionDuration, ease: 'power2.inOut'}
	let delay = 0;
	tl.to('.scroll-cta', {duration: 0.25, opacity: 0}, delay)
	tl.to(plane.position, {x: -10, ease: 'power1.in'}, delay)
	delay += sectionDuration;
	tl.to(plane.rotation, {x: tau * .25, y: 0, z: -tau * 0.05, ease: 'power1.inOut'}, delay)
	tl.to(plane.position, {x: -40, y: 0, z: -60, ease: 'power1.inOut'}, delay)
	delay += sectionDuration;
	tl.to(plane.rotation, {x: tau * .25, y: 0,  z: tau * 0.05, ease: 'power3.inOut'}, delay)
	tl.to(plane.position, {x: 40, y: 0, z: -60, ease: 'power2.inOut'}, delay)
	delay += sectionDuration;
	tl.to(plane.rotation, {x: tau * .2, y: 0, z: -tau * 0.1, ease: 'power3.inOut'}, delay)
	tl.to(plane.position, {x: -40, y: 0, z: -30, ease: 'power2.inOut'}, delay)
	delay += sectionDuration;
	tl.to(plane.rotation, { x: 0, z: 0, y: tau * .25}, delay)
	tl.to(plane.position, { x: 0, y: -10, z: 50}, delay)
	delay += sectionDuration;
	delay += sectionDuration;
	tl.to(plane.rotation, {x: tau * 0.25, y: tau *.5, z: 0, ease:'power4.inOut'}, delay)
	tl.to(plane.position, {z: 30, ease:'power4.inOut'}, delay)
	delay += sectionDuration;
	tl.to(plane.rotation, {x: tau * 0.25, y: tau *.5, z: 0, ease:'power4.inOut'}, delay)
	tl.to(plane.position, {z: 60, x: 30, ease:'power4.inOut'}, delay)
	delay += sectionDuration;
	tl.to(plane.rotation, {x: tau * 0.35, y: tau *.75, z: tau * 0.6, ease:'power4.inOut'}, delay)
	tl.to(plane.position, {z: 100, x: 20, y: 0, ease:'power4.inOut'}, delay)
	delay += sectionDuration;
	tl.to(plane.rotation, {x: tau * 0.15, y: tau *.85, z: -tau * 0, ease: 'power1.in'}, delay)
	tl.to(plane.position, {z: -150, x: 0, y: 0, ease: 'power1.inOut'}, delay)
	delay += sectionDuration;
	tl.to(plane.rotation, {duration: sectionDuration, x: -tau * 0.05, y: tau, z: -tau * 0.1, ease: 'none'}, delay)
	tl.to(plane.position, {duration: sectionDuration, x: 0, y: 30, z: 320, ease: 'power1.in'}, delay)
	tl.to(scene.light.position, {duration: sectionDuration, x: 0, y: 0, z: 0}, delay)

View Compiled

External CSS

This Pen doesn't use any external CSS resources.

External JavaScript

  1. https://codepen.io/steveg3003/pen/zBVakw.js
  2. https://unpkg.com/three@0.117.1/build/three.min.js
  3. https://unpkg.com/three@0.117.1/examples/js/loaders/OBJLoader.js
  4. https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/gsap/3.3.1/gsap.min.js
  5. https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/gsap/3.3.1/ScrollTrigger.min.js
  6. https://s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com/s.cdpn.io/16327/DrawSVGPlugin3.min.js