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	<div class="img"></div>
	<p class="title">shape-outside with clip-path <span>and background-blend-mode</span>
	<p class="intro">The following are a few of my favorite excerpts from the 2005 Stanford University commencement speech given by Steve Jobs.</p>
	<p class="first">“No one wants to die. Even people who want to go to heaven don't want to die to get there. And yet death is the destination we all share. No one has ever escaped it. And that is as it should be, because Death is very likely the single best invention of Life. It is Life's change agent. It clears out the old to make way for the new. Right now the new is you, but someday not too long from now, you will gradually become the old and be cleared away. Sorry to be so dramatic, but it is quite true.</p>

	<p>Your time is limited, so don't waste it living someone else's life. Don't be trapped by dogma — which is living with the results of other people's thinking. Don't let the noise of others' opinions drown out your own inner voice. And most important, have the courage to follow your heart and intuition. They somehow already know what you truly want to become. Everything else is secondary.</p>

	<p>Stay Hungry. Stay Foolish.”</p>	


                $bg-color: hsl(340, 50%, 35%);
$path: polygon(53.45% 90.65%, 52.65% 91.1%, 50.45% 91.1%, 48.15% 90.95%, 46.25% 90.8%, 45% 90.3%, 45.3% 89.4%, 46.7% 88.9%, 49.4% 88.6%, 50.3% 88.15%, 50.45% 86.25%, 50.15% 82.2%, 50% 79.4%, 49.85% 76.25%, 50.15% 72.2%, 49.2% 72.5%, 48.45% 72.8%, 47.65% 72.8%, 46.9% 73.3%, 46.4% 73.45%, 45.3% 72.65%, 43.9% 72.65%, 42.8% 72.35%, 41.7% 71.7%, 41.1% 70.65%, 39.85% 70.65%, 38.3% 70.65%, 37.05% 69.7%, 36.7% 68.45%, 37.2% 67.2%, 38.3% 66.55%, 39.7% 65.95%, 40.8% 64.7%, 42.2% 64.05%, 43.6% 63.75%, 45% 63.75%, 46.25% 64.05%, 47.65% 64.85%, 47.05% 62.65%, 46.7% 60.8%, 47.05% 58.45%, 47.65% 56.1%, 48.15% 53.45%, 47.2% 51.1%, 45.8% 48.45%, 44.2% 45.95%, 43.6% 43.6%, 43.45% 41.1%, 40.95% 38.6%, 39.05% 36.55%, 37.5% 34.2%, 36.7% 33.45%, 36.55% 35.3%, 35.95% 37.2%, 34.85% 39.05%, 34.05% 41.1%, 32.8% 42.8%, 31.9% 44.55%, 31.7% 45.45%, 32.2% 46.1%, 32.8% 46.7%, 33.15% 47.35%, 32.95% 47.95%, 32.5% 48.45%, 31.9% 48.75%, 31.1% 49.2%, 30.15% 50.15%, 29.05% 51.1%, 27.8% 52.65%, 26.9% 53.3%, 26.1% 53.45%, 25.65% 53.15%, 26.4% 51.55%, 27.2% 49.7%, 27.5% 47.2%, 28.45% 44.55%, 30% 41.4%, 31.4% 33.75%, 31.7% 32.2%, 32.05% 30.8%, 32.5% 29.55%, 33.15% 28.3%, 33.9% 27.5%, 35.15% 27.2%, 36.4% 27.35%, 37.5% 27.95%, 39.7% 29.55%, 42.65% 31.55%, 46.55% 35.15%, 49.55% 38.9%, 52.65% 38.45%, 55.45% 38.15%, 57.5% 37.8%, 55.8% 36.7%, 53.9% 35.45%, 52.65% 34.7%, 51.7% 34.4%, 50.95% 34.85%, 50.3% 35.15%, 49.85% 35.45%, 49.2% 35.65%, 48.6% 35.45%, 48.15% 34.85%, 47.95% 34.05%, 47.2% 33.15%, 45.8% 32.35%, 44.4% 31.7%, 43.6% 31.25%, 43.75% 30.45%, 44.4% 30.45%, 45.15% 30.65%, 45.95% 30.95%, 46.9% 31.1%, 48.3% 31.1%, 49.85% 31.25%, 51.55% 31.7%, 53.15% 32.5%, 54.85% 32.95%, 57.95% 33.75%, 60.8% 34.05%, 63.9% 35%, 65.95% 35.65%, 67.2% 36.1%, 67.8% 36.7%, 68.45% 37.5%, 68.6% 38.3%, 68.45% 39.05%, 67.95% 39.85%, 66.25% 40.95%, 64.4% 41.9%, 59.55% 43.9%, 54.7% 45%, 56.7% 49.55%, 58.15% 53.15%, 58.9% 55.45%, 59.2% 57.35%, 59.2% 58.9%, 58.75% 60.45%, 57.65% 61.9%, 56.4% 63.15%, 54.4% 64.05%, 53.15% 64.7%, 52.5% 66.4%, 52.95% 68.45%, 54.05% 73.45%, 54.4% 76.1%, 54.55% 79.85%, 54.2% 85.15%, 53.9% 89.55%);

// Could use the image for the clip-path and shape-outside but 
// using a div instead so I can add background-blend-mode
.img {
	clip-path: $path;
	background: hsla(340, 70%, 55%, 0.7) url("//") no-repeat center center;
	background-blend-mode: multiply;
	float: left;
	margin: 1rem 2rem 1rem 0;
	shape-outside: $path;
	height: 600px;
	width: 600px;

// styles for fun, not important to show css-shapes, clip-path, etc.

body {
	background-color: $bg-color;
	color: #fff;
	font-family: "Libre Baskerville", serif;
	line-height: 1.7;
	position: relative;
	width: 100%;

main {
	margin: 0 auto;
	max-width: 60rem;
	padding-left: 1rem;
	padding-right: 1rem;

p {
	font-size: .9rem;
	padding-top: 1rem;

.title {
	font-size: 2.5rem;
	font-weight: 700;
	line-height: 1.1;
	margin-top: 0;
	margin-bottom: .5rem;
	padding-top: 3rem;
	span {
		color: hsl(350, 50%, 70%);
		font-size: 2rem;
		font-style: italic;
		font-weight: 400;

.intro {
	color: hsl(30, 80%, 80%);
	font-style: italic;
	font-size: 1.15rem;

@supports ( shape-outside: polygon(0 0, 0 100%, 100% 50%, 0 50%) ) and ( clip-path: polygon(0 0, 0 100%, 100% 50%, 0 50%) ) {
	.title {
		padding-top: 2rem;

@supports ( shape-outside: polygon(0 0, 0 100%, 100% 50%, 0 50%) ) {
	p {
		margin: 0 0 0 auto;
		max-width: 38rem;

@supports ( clip-path: polygon(0 0, 0 100%, 100% 50%, 0 50%) ) {
	.img {
		padding: 1.23rem;

// Not great,  and isn't scalable. 
// If a browser only supports  clip-path and not shape-outside,
// there is a  tiny column of  text.  The image itself is too wide
// and should be cropped to fit.
@supports ( clip-path: polygon(0 0, 0 100%, 100% 50%, 0 50%) ) {
	@supports not ( shape-outside: polygon(0 0, 0 100%, 100% 50%, 0 50%) ) {
		.img {
			margin-left: -20%;


                // View shape-outside without clip-path:
