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                <section class="credits">
    <h1>Cream<em> of </em>Corn</h1>

  <dl class="credits__single">
    <dt>Directed by</dt>
    <dd>Marge Longskin</dd>
    <dt>Written by</dt>
    <dd>Sally Peeps</dd>
    <dt>Director of Photography</dt>
    <dd>Benjarmin Külksteedér</dd>
    <dt>Executive Producer</dt>
    <dd>Filbert Montery</dd>

  <dl class="credits__double">
    <dd>Jane Closter</dd>
    <dt>Jimmy Stickbürger</dt>
    <dd>George Farmstand</dd>
    <dt>Steweart Pinkbelly</dt>
    <dd>Ed “Singin’ Ed” Butters</dd>
    <dt>The Corn Bucket Gang</dt>
    <dd>Steve Sugarbean</dd>
    <dd>Kelly Kelen</dd>
    <dd>Carl Whereist</dd>
    <dd>Tom Guyman</dd>
    <dt>Random Dude</dt>
    <dd>Scott Oilier</dd>
    <dt>Awful Co&#8209;Worker</dt>
    <dd>Jeff MacAfloat</dd>
    <dd>Manny Splain</dd>

  <dl class="credits__double">
    <dd>Roberto Chinwaggon</dd>
    <dt>Sound Mixer</dt>
    <dd>Laura Palmn</dd>
    <dt>Rain Manager</dt>
    <dd>Larry Presstown</dd>
    <dt>Stunt Coordinator</dt>
    <dd>Jeorge Chuckles</dd>
    <dt>Deer Attendant</dt>
    <dd>Tobias Freemason</dd>
    <dt>Foley Artist</dt>
    <dd>Dave Lamason</dd>
    <dt>Craft Services</dt>
    <dd>Peas, Peas & Peas</dd>
    <dd>Lobster Shoppe West</dd>
    <dt>Dental Services</dt>
    <dd>The Freelance Dentist</dd>
    <dt>Cat Council</dt>

  <h2>Special Thanks</h2>
  <ul class="credits__inline">
    <li>Baywood Woester</li>
    <li>Friend & Friend Associates</li>
    <li>The Dimestore</li>
    <li>Gill & Falinda Bates</li>
    <li>The Staple Factory</li>
    <li>Sink & Bath Metalworks</li>
    <li>The “Car” Store</li>
    <li>Steam Floaters</li>
    <li>Billy Williams</li>
    <li>The Wax Store</li>
    <li>Rock Murphy</li>
    <li>Salmon Dean</li>
    <li>Sherraden Hogworth</li>
    <li>Philip Converse</li>

  <div class="credits__music">
      <dt>The Earth Ate my Butt</dt>
      <dd><em>Performed by</em> Lamp Toast Esquire</dd>
      <dd><em>Written by</em> Sammy Syrup</dd>
      <dt>It’s All Pun and Games</dt>
      <dd><em>Performed by</em> Lake Pond</dd>
      <dd><em>Written by</em> Kathy Steam</dd>
      <dt>Seriously, Where’s my&nbsp;Socks<br>(I Can’t Find my Socks)</dt>
      <dd><em>Performed by</em> Ed “Singin’ Ed” Butters</dd>
      <dd><em>Written by</em> Ed “Singin’ Ed” Butters</dd>
      <dt>Follow me to the Bread Store</dt>
      <dd><em>Performed by</em> Elemeno Pea</dd>
      <dd><em>Written by</em> Carla Carrot</dd>
      <dt>Pink Butter</dt>
      <dd><em>Performed by</em> DJ Shrimpz</dd>
      <dd><em>Written by</em> DJ Shrimpz</dd>

  <p>Original Soundtrack available on My Brother’s Speaker Records</p>

    <h3>Adopt Don’t Shop</h3>
    <h4>&copy<span class="smcaps">MCMXVIII</span> Kmart Parking Lot Pictures</h4>



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