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		h1 The Daily Prophet
				.issue1 Issue #1
				.date Tuesday, 01 June, 2021
				.cost 5 Kunts
		h2.title--large.main-title More than 500 million copies of the Harry Potter books sold
				p Twenty years ago, readers around the world first discovered the magical story of Harry Potter, created by J.K. Rowling. We can now reveal that, since that moment, half a billion Harry Potter books have now been sold. On average, this means one in fifteen people in the world owns a Harry Potter book. The 500 million sales are across the seven books in the series and the three companion volumes, in print and eBook versions. 
				p First published by Bloomsbury in 1997, the books have now been translated into over 80 different languages across the world, with more to come. From Albanian to Azerbaijani to Hebrew to Hawaiian, the stories are becoming accessible to more people all the time.

		a(href="" target="_blank").terrarium
				figcaption Harry Potter Book set by J.K Rowling

		a(href="" target="_blank").item-with-image.plan.span--2.long--2
				p Christmas Eve is a big day for the western world – for both Wizard, Witch and Muggle alike.
				p This Christmas Eve a performer of the magical arts, also known as a “magician” to muggles, by the name of Ryland Silverthorne has caught the attention of The Department of Magical Accidents and Catastrophes for revealing how….. (Click To read the whole article)
		a(href="" target="_blank").hogwarts
			.hogwarts__title 50% Off Hogwarts Express tickets
				span Limited time offer
		a(href="" target="_blank").item-with-image.pasta.with-border
				h4 How To Make Chocolate Frogs
				p Everybody loves chocolate frogs. It's impossible to not love them, so The Daily Prophet offers its reader with its recipe. So hold you frorgs tight as you read this
		a(href="" target="_blank").item-with-image.magazine.with-border
				h4 Quidditch world cup nearing!
				p Quidditch fans around the world are exited as the world cup is nearing. So we, decided to fill those who don't know about Qudditch in with information.
		a(href="" target="_blank")
				h4 Heir Of Slytherin To Start At Hogwarts This Year
				p In a recent discovery a modern-day Heir of Slytherin has been identified.
				p The once magical Seidel family, who has been in hiding from the wizarding world for the last three generations have identified their daughter, Colleen, as a pure blooded witch from the lineage of Salazar Slytherin.
		a(href="" target="_blank").item-with-image.toggles
				h4 Lord Voldemorts REAL childhood reveled!
				p Rita Sketer relves a part of her new book ever wicth and wizard are talking about!
				p A young boy lay awake in his bed with his deep hazel eyes piercing the dark, watching the clock that read 11:58 PM very intently. With his fingers interlocked and crossed over...
		a(href="#" target="_blank").menu
				figcaption Madam Malkin's Robes for all occastions is now having a 50% sale!
		a(href="" tagrget="_blank").social
			.social__subtitle World News
			.social__content In a series of unprecedented events, one right after another, the Department of Mysteries and The Department of Magical Creatures have undergone a joint collaboration to understand what the muggle world has identified as COVID19.
			a(href="" target="_blank").cssgrid-collection__image
					a(href="" target="_blank") Muggle Attemts To Rob Gringotts  
					p It’s not uncommon in the muggle world to hear about bank robberies – but it is unusual that you would hear about Muggles trying to rob Wizarding Banks.
					p For the first time in history, a muggle-man was reported to have marched into Gringotts Bank in Diagon Alley at approximately 11am waving around a black wand that was described to project pieces of elemental lead, also known to Muggles as a gun.
					p While no one was hurt during the transgression, the question looms – how exactly did a Muggle get into Diagon Alley and furthermore, what would a Muggle need with Wizarding Currency?
					p When we caught up with one of the Goblins who was at the bank during the time of the incident, he let us know “The man who came into Gringotts did not speak, not even once. He walked in, went straight to the first clerk that was available and passed them a howler. The howler began screaming in a dark ominous voice that if Gringotts did not hand over all Golden Galleons in the bank’s possession, we would all be subject to death. You just cant trust those muggle folk, none of them.”
			h3.title--big Hot News!
			a(href="#" target="_blank").codepen-item.pie
				.pie__subtitle Hogwarts House Cup Winner:
					h4 Gryffindor!
					p As usual Griffindor scraped a win at the inter-house championship at Hogwarts, leving Slytherin in second place once more.
			a(href="" target="_blank").sidebar-item.captcha
				h5 Godric Gryffindors Wand Resurfaces At Hogwarts
				p Earlier today Kaitlyn Byers, a 4th year from Ravenclaw, discovered what is now thought to be Godric Gryffindors Wand. While the magical item is currently being housed by The Ministry of Magic and undergoing tests to confirm its origin, how the wand made it into the hands of a student is quite astonishing.

			a(href="" target="_blank").sidebar-item.slack-ui.with-border
				h5 Muggle at the Ministry…Delightful Chaos?
				p Delightful chaos: that’s how Minister Hermione Granger describes the responsibilities of the Ministry’s department of Magical Accidents and Catastrophes.

			a(href="" target="_blank").workout
					img(src="" alt="Workout")
				.workout__blurb Hogwarts to sort students online! 
				.workout__title A Prototype has been released!



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