Pen Settings



CSS Base

Vendor Prefixing

Add External Stylesheets/Pens

Any URLs added here will be added as <link>s in order, and before the CSS in the editor. You can use the CSS from another Pen by using its URL and the proper URL extension.

+ add another resource


Babel includes JSX processing.

Add External Scripts/Pens

Any URL's added here will be added as <script>s in order, and run before the JavaScript in the editor. You can use the URL of any other Pen and it will include the JavaScript from that Pen.

+ add another resource


Add Packages

Search for and use JavaScript packages from npm here. By selecting a package, an import statement will be added to the top of the JavaScript editor for this package.


Auto Save

If active, Pens will autosave every 30 seconds after being saved once.

Auto-Updating Preview

If enabled, the preview panel updates automatically as you code. If disabled, use the "Run" button to update.

Format on Save

If enabled, your code will be formatted when you actively save your Pen. Note: your code becomes un-folded during formatting.

Editor Settings

Code Indentation

Want to change your Syntax Highlighting theme, Fonts and more?

Visit your global Editor Settings.


                <link href=",400,300,600,700,800" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css">

<div id="js-car1" class="car car--1 c-green-g"></div>
    <div id="js-car2" class="car car--2 c-green-g"></div>
    <div id="js-fast" class="c-green-c-g text text--fast">
      <div class="text__bit text__bit--1">
        <div id="js-bit-inner" class="text__bit__inner"><span id="js-span">f</span></div>
      <div class="text__bit text__bit--2">
        <div id="js-bit-inner" class="text__bit__inner"><span id="js-span">a</span></div>
      <div class="text__bit text__bit--3">
        <div id="js-bit-inner" class="text__bit__inner"><span id="js-span">s</span></div>
      <div class="text__bit text__bit--4">
        <div id="js-bit-inner" class="text__bit__inner"><span id="js-span">t</span></div>
    <div id="js-arrow1" class="arrow"></div>
    <div id="js-arrow2" class="arrow"></div>
    <div id="js-arrow3" class="arrow"></div>
    <div id="js-arrow-wrap" class="arrow arrow--wrap">
      <div id="js-arrow4" class="arrow arrow--center"></div>
    <div id="js-robust-screen2" class="screen screen--robust">
      <div id="js-robust-screen" class="screen screen--robust">
        <div id="js-robust" class="text text--robust c-green-c-g">robust
          <div id="js-robust-shade1" class="text--robust__shade text--robust__shade--1"></div>
          <div id="js-robust-shade2" class="text--robust__shade text--robust__shade--2"></div>
    <div id="js-thunder-bg" class="thunder-bg"></div>
    <div id="js-easy-screen" class="screen screen--easy">
      <div id="js-easy" class="text easy">
        <div id="js-easy-wrapper" class="easy__wrapper">
          <div id="js-easy-text" class="easy__text">easy</div>
    <div id="js-screen1" class="screen">
      <div id="js-line" class="line"></div>
    <div id="js-screen2" class="screen"></div>
    <div id="js-velocity" class="velocity"><span>v</span><span>e</span><span>l</span><span>o</span><span>c</span><span>i</span><span>t</span><span>y</span><span>.</span><span>j</span><span>s</span></div>
    <div id="js-logos-screen" class="screen screen--logos"><a href="" target="_blank" id="js-github" class="github">
        <div class="github__text">VelocityJS on GitHub</div></a>
      <div id="js-restart" class="restart"></div><a href="" target="_blank" id="js-lego" class="lego">
        <div class="lego__text lego__text--header">Demo by:</div>
        <div class="lego__text lego__text">@legomushroom</div></a>


  -webkit-box-sizing: border-box;
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html, body{
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body {
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.lego {
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  color: #ffc37b;
  width: 79px;
  height: 79px;
  display: block;
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.lego__text {
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.lego__text--header {
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.restart {
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  left: 50%;
  border-radius: 50%;
  width: 32px;
  height: 32px;
  margin-left: -16px;
  margin-top: 128px;
  background: url( no-repeat center 42.5%;
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.restart:hover {
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.github {
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  border-color: #00ffc6;
  width: 201px;
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  display: block;
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  margin-top: -181px;
  margin-left: -100.5px;
  background: url( no-repeat center center;
  background-size: 75% auto;
  opacity: 0;

.github__text {
  bottom: -40px;
  color: #00ffc6;
  width: 100%;
  text-align: center;

.my-logo {
  top: 50%;
  left: 50%;
  z-index: 20;
  display: inline-block;
  color: #fcf7c0;
  text-align: center;

.my-logo__header {
  width: 108px;
  font-size: 14px;

.my-logo__img {
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  border-width: 4px;
  border-style: solid;
  border-color: #ff6664;
  width: 108px;
  height: 108px;
  border-radius: 50%;
  background: #fcf7c0 url(;

.my-logo__text {
  color: #fcf7c0;
  bottom: -160px;
  left: -4px;
  font-size: 14px;

.line {
  width: 2px;
  height: 0;
  top: 50%;
  left: 50%;
  margin-left: -1px;
  background: #00ffc6;
  -webkit-transform-origin: center bottom;
  -ms-transform-origin: center bottom;
  transform-origin: center bottom;

.bubble {
  width: 24px;
  height: 24px;
  border-width: 12px;
  border-style: solid;
  border-color: #00ffc6;
  border-radius: 50%;
  top: 50%;
  left: 50%;
  opacity: 0;

.bubbles {
  width: 100%;
  height: 100%;
  top: 0;
  left: 0;
  margin-top: -100px;
  margin-left: -10px;

.easy {
  top: 50%;
  left: 50%;
  line-height: 240px;
  background: #00ffc6;
  border-radius: 50%;
  text-align: center;
  -webkit-transform: translate(-50%,-50%);
  -ms-transform: translate(-50%,-50%);
  transform: translate(-50%,-50%);
  font-size: 60px;
  color: #383838;
  text-transform: uppercase;
  z-index: 11;
  width: 0;
  height: 0;
  overflow: hidden;

.easy__wrapper {
  width: 100%;
  height: 100%;
  top: 0;
  left: 0;

.easy__text {
  width: 100%;
  height: 100%;

.easy__line {
  width: 100%;
  height: 100%;
  border-radius: 50%;
  border-width: 4px;
  border-style: solid;
  border-color: #383838;
  z-index: 0;
  -webkit-transform: translate(-50%);
  -ms-transform: translate(-50%);
  transform: translate(-50%);

.drop {
  width: 4px;
  height: 4px;
  top: 50%;
  left: 50%;
  opacity: 0;

.spark {
  background: #00ffc6;
  opacity: 0;
  border-radius: 50%;

.thunder-bg {
  background: #00ffc6;
  opacity: 0;
  width: 100%;
  height: 100%;
  top: 0;
  left: 0;
  z-index: 0;

.arrow {
  width: 2px;
  height: 200px;
  -webkit-transform-origin: center bottom;
  -ms-transform-origin: center bottom;
  transform-origin: center bottom;
  background: #00ffc6;
  top: -100%;
  left: 100%;
  margin-top: -175px;

.arrow--center {
  margin-left: -28px;
  margin-top: -120px;

.arrow--wrap {
  width: 100%;
  height: 100%;
  top: 0;
  left: 0;
  margin-top: 0;
  background: 0 0;

.car {
  height: 10px;
  width: 40%;
  opacity: 0;

.car--1 {
  right: 100%;
  top: 40%;
  border-top-left-radius: 50%;
  border-bottom-left-radius: 50%;

.car--2 {
  left: 100%;
  top: 60%;
  border-top-right-radius: 50%;
  border-bottom-right-radius: 50%;

.text {
  font-family: 'Open Sans';
  font-size: 60px;
  text-transform: uppercase;
  font-weight: 100;
  text-align: center;
  letter-spacing: 10px;

.text--fast {
  width: 100%;
  height: 100%;
  top: 0;
  left: 0;

.text--robust {
  top: 50%;
  left: 50%;
  margin-left: -200px;
  z-index: 8;
  overflow: hidden;
  -webkit-transform-origin: left bottom;
  -ms-transform-origin: left bottom;
  transform-origin: left bottom;

.text--robust__shade {
  background: #383838;
  top: 0;
  width: 100%;
  height: 100%;

.text--robust__shade--1 {
  -webkit-transform: skew(-20deg) translateX(-4px);
  -ms-transform: skew(-20deg) translateX(-4px);
  transform: skew(-20deg) translateX(-4px);
  left: -90px;

.text--robust__shade--2 {
  width: 90px;
  right: 0;

.text__bit {
  top: 50%;
  left: 50%;

.text__bit--1 {
  margin-left: -90px;

.text__bit--2 {
  margin-left: -45px;

.text__bit--3 {
  margin-left: 0;

.text__bit--4 {
  margin-left: 45px;

.text__bit__inner {
  display: inline-block;
  position: static;
  -webkit-transform-origin: center bottom;
  -ms-transform-origin: center bottom;
  transform-origin: center bottom;

.text__bit span {
  display: inline-block;
  margin-top: -30px;

.c-green-g {
  background: #00ffc6;

.c-green-c-g {
  color: #00ffc6;

.c-grey-g {
  background: #383838;

.c-red-g {
  background: #ff1493;

.circle {
  border-radius: 50%;

.center {
  top: 50%;
  left: 50%;

.a-g {
  position: absolute;

div {
  position: absolute;
  z-index: 10;
  font-family: 'Open sans',sans-serif;

.screen {
  position: absolute;
  top: 0;
  left: 0;
  width: 100%;
  height: 100%;

.screen--robust {
  z-index: 1;

.screen--easy {
  z-index: 12;

.screen--logos {
  z-index: 20;

.inherit-bg {
  background: inherit;

.velocity {
  position: absolute;
  top: 50%;
  left: 50%;
  color: #00ffc6;
  font-size: 70px;
  text-transform: uppercase;
  font-weight: 100;
  margin-left: 1320px;
  min-width: 400px;
  margin-top: -40px;
  -webkit-transform: translateX(-160px);
  -ms-transform: translateX(-160px);
  transform: translateX(-160px);

.velocity span {
  display: inline-block;



                (function() {
  var Helpers;

  Helpers = (function() {
    function Helpers() {}

    Helpers.prototype.createDiv = function(o) {
      var $cont, $el;
      if (o == null) {
        o = {};
      $el = $('<div />');
      (o["class"] != null) && $el.addClass(o["class"]);
      $cont = (o != null ? o.container : void 0) || $(document.body);
      return $el;

    Helpers.prototype.cloneBits = function($proto, cnt, $container) {
      var $cont, $new, circles, i, _i;
      if (cnt == null) {
        cnt = 20;
      circles = [];
      for (i = _i = 0; 0 <= cnt ? _i < cnt : _i > cnt; i = 0 <= cnt ? ++_i : --_i) {
        $new = $proto.clone();
        $cont = $container || $(document.body);
      return circles;

    Helpers.prototype.rand = function(min, max) {
      return Math.floor((Math.random() * ((max + 1) - min)) + min);

    return Helpers;


  window.helpers = new Helpers;

  $.easing.quake = function(t) {
    var b;
    b = Math.exp(-t * 10) * Math.cos(Math.PI * 2 * t * 10);
    if (t >= 1) {
      return 1;
    return 1 - b;

  $.easing.elasticOut = function(t) {
    var a, p, s;
    s = void 0;
    a = 0.1;
    p = 0.4;
    if (t === 0) {
      return 0;
    if (t === 1) {
      return 1;
    if (!a || a < 1) {
      a = 1;
      s = p / 4;
    } else {
      s = p * Math.asin(1 / a) / (2 * Math.PI);
    return a * Math.pow(2, -10 * t) * Math.sin((t - s) * (2 * Math.PI) / p) + 1;


(function() {
  var Spark;

  Spark = (function() {
    function Spark(o) {
      this.o = o != null ? o : {};

    Spark.prototype.vars = function() {};

    Spark.prototype.init = function() {
      var $proto, $spark, i, size, _i, _len, _ref, _results;
      $proto = helpers.createDiv({
        "class": 'spark'
      this.sparks = helpers.cloneBits($proto, this.o.cnt || helpers.rand(10, 20));
      size = this.o.size || 2;
      _ref = this.sparks;
      _results = [];
      for (i = _i = 0, _len = _ref.length; _i < _len; i = ++_i) {
        $spark = _ref[i];
          width: size + helpers.rand(0, size),
          height: size + helpers.rand(0, size),
          left: this.o.left || '50%',
          top: "" + ( || 50) + "%",
          marginTop: this.o.shiftY,
          marginLeft: this.o.shiftX
      return _results;
    }; = function() {
      var $spark, blowSize, i, top, _i, _len, _ref, _results;
      _ref = this.sparks;
      _results = [];
      for (i = _i = 0, _len = _ref.length; _i < _len; i = ++_i) {
        $spark = _ref[i];
        blowSize = this.o.blowSize || 100;
        top = 2 * || 100;
        if (top < 100) {
          top = 100;
          translateX: helpers.rand(-blowSize, blowSize),
          translateY: helpers.rand(-blowSize, blowSize),
          opacity: 1
        }, {
          duration: 500 + blowSize,
          easing: 'easeInOutQuad',
          delay: (this.o.delay || 0) + helpers.rand(0, 100)
          top: "" + top + "%",
          translateY: 0,
          marginTop: 0,
          opacity: -2
        }, {
          duration: this.o.duration || 2500,
          easing: 'easeInOutExp'
      return _results;

    return Spark;


  window.Spark = Spark;


(function() {
  var Bubbles;

  Bubbles = (function() {
    function Bubbles(o) {
      this.o = o != null ? o : {};

    Bubbles.prototype.vars = function() {
      this.$el = helpers.createDiv({
        "class": "bubbles"
      return this.$proto = $('<div class="bubble" />');

    Bubbles.prototype.init = function() {
      var $bit, i, size, _i, _len, _ref, _results;
      this.bits = helpers.cloneBits(this.$proto, 30, this.$el);
      _ref = this.bits;
      _results = [];
      for (i = _i = 0, _len = _ref.length; _i < _len; i = ++_i) {
        $bit = _ref[i];
        size = helpers.rand(12, 24);
          width: size,
          height: size,
          borderWidth: size / 2
      return _results;
    }; = function(delay) {
      var $bit, i, _i, _len, _ref;
      _ref = this.bits;
      for (i = _i = 0, _len = _ref.length; _i < _len; i = ++_i) {
        $bit = _ref[i];
          top: '-10%',
          borderWidth: 0,
          translateX: helpers.rand(-120, 120),
          translateY: helpers.rand(0, 300),
          opacity: 100
        }, {
          duration: 1400,
          delay: helpers.rand(i * 25, i * 25 + 1000) + delay
      return this.$el.velocity({
        marginTop: 0
      }, {
        duration: 1000,
        delay: delay

    return Bubbles;


  window.Bubbles = Bubbles;


(function() {
  var Drop;

  Drop = (function() {
    function Drop(o) {
      this.o = o != null ? o : {};

    Drop.prototype.vars = function() {
      return this.$proto = $('<div class="circle c-green-g drop" />');

    Drop.prototype.init = function() {
      this.radius = this.o.radius;
      if (this.radius == null) {
        this.radius = 200;
      this.cnt = this.radius / 10;
      return this.$els = helpers.cloneBits(this.$proto, this.cnt, this.o.$container);
    }; = function() {
      var $el, angle, centerX, centerY, coef, delay, delayStep, i, left, left2, step, stepCalc, top, top2, _i, _j, _k, _len, _ref, _results;
      step = (2 * Math.PI) / this.cnt;
      angle = 0;
      centerX = 0;
      centerY = 0;
      _ref = this.$els;
      _results = [];
      for (i = _i = 0, _len = _ref.length; _i < _len; i = ++_i) {
        $el = _ref[i];
        left = parseInt(centerX + (Math.cos(angle) * (this.radius / 1.25)), 10);
        top = parseInt(centerY + (Math.sin(angle) * (this.radius / 1.25)), 10);
          marginLeft: left,
          marginTop: top
        left2 = parseInt(centerY + (Math.cos(angle) * (1.1 * this.radius)), 10);
        top2 = parseInt(centerY + (Math.sin(angle) * (1.1 * this.radius)), 10);
        left2 -= left;
        top2 -= top;
          translateX: left2,
          translateY: top2,
          opacity: 1
        }, {
          delay: this.o.i * 15,
          easing: 'easeOutElastic',
          duration: 1500
        coef = 1;
        if (left >= 0) {
          delayStep = 100 * coef;
          stepCalc = 50;
          for (i = _j = 0; _j <= 1200; i = _j += stepCalc) {
            if ((top >= i) && (top <= i + stepCalc)) {
              delay = (i / stepCalc) * delayStep;
          delayStep = 20 * coef;
          for (i = _k = 0; _k <= 1200; i = _k += stepCalc) {
            if ((top <= -i) && (top >= -i - stepCalc)) {
              delay = (i / stepCalc) * delayStep;
          if (delay == null) {
            delay = 100 * coef;
            translateX: -helpers.rand(20, 400),
            translateY: helpers.rand(-600, 600),
            left: 0
          }, {
            delay: ((10 - this.o.i) * 50 * coef) + delay + helpers.rand(0, delayStep) + 3350,
            duration: 1000 * coef
        _results.push(angle += step);
      return _results;

    return Drop;


  window.Drop = Drop;


(function() {
  var Cloud, CloudBit;

  Cloud = (function() {
    function Cloud(o) {
      var timeout;
      this.o = o != null ? o : {};
      timeout = setTimeout((function(_this) {
        return function() {
          return _this.hide();
      })(this), this.o.hideDelay);

    Cloud.prototype.vars = function() {
      this.$el = helpers.createDiv({
        "class": 'center c-green-g'
      return window.$cloud = this.$el;

    Cloud.prototype.init = function() {
      var className;
      className = 'inherit-bg circle center';
      this.bits = [];
      this.bits.push(new CloudBit({
        width: 90,
        height: 120,
        deg: 5,
        "class": className,
        container: this.$el,
        delay: this.o.delay,
        hideDelay: this.o.hideDelay
      this.bits.push(new CloudBit({
        width: 80,
        height: 90,
        deg: 45,
        "class": className,
        shiftY: 40,
        shiftX: -5,
        container: this.$el,
        delay: this.o.delay,
        hideDelay: this.o.hideDelay
      this.bits.push(new CloudBit({
        width: 80,
        height: 100,
        deg: -35,
        "class": className,
        shiftY: 20,
        shiftX: -90,
        container: this.$el,
        delay: this.o.delay,
        hideDelay: this.o.hideDelay
      this.bits.push(new CloudBit({
        width: 60,
        height: 60,
        deg: 0,
        "class": className,
        shiftY: 30,
        shiftX: -40,
        container: this.$el,
        delay: this.o.delay,
        hideDelay: this.o.hideDelay
      this.bits.push(new CloudBit({
        width: 70,
        height: 70,
        deg: 10,
        "class": className,
        shiftX: 55,
        shiftY: 40,
        container: this.$el,
        delay: this.o.delay,
        hideDelay: this.o.hideDelay
      this.bits.push(new CloudBit({
        width: 60,
        height: 30,
        deg: 0,
        "class": className,
        shiftX: 75,
        shiftY: 60,
        container: this.$el,
        delay: this.o.delay,
        hideDelay: this.o.hideDelay
      this.bits.push(new CloudBit({
        width: 70,
        height: 30,
        deg: 0,
        "class": className,
        shiftX: -100,
        shiftY: 60,
        container: this.$el,
        delay: this.o.delay,
        hideDelay: this.o.hideDelay
      this.bits.push(new CloudBit({
        width: 80,
        height: 50,
        deg: 0,
        "class": className,
        shiftX: -60,
        shiftY: 55,
        container: this.$el,
        delay: this.o.delay,
        hideDelay: this.o.hideDelay
      this.bits.push(new CloudBit({
        width: 40,
        height: 30,
        deg: 0,
        "class": className,
        shiftX: 25,
        shiftY: 55,
        container: this.$el,
        delay: this.o.delay,
        hideDelay: this.o.hideDelay
      this.bits.push(new CloudBit({
        width: 10,
        height: 10,
        deg: 0,
        "class": className,
        shiftX: 103,
        shiftY: 65,
        container: this.$el,
        delay: this.o.delay,
        hideDelay: this.o.hideDelay
      this.bits.push(new CloudBit({
        width: 5,
        height: 5,
        deg: 0,
        "class": className,
        shiftX: 110,
        shiftY: 66,
        container: this.$el,
        delay: this.o.delay,
        hideDelay: this.o.hideDelay
      this.bits.push(new CloudBit({
        width: 10,
        height: 10,
        deg: 0,
        "class": className,
        shiftX: -128,
        shiftY: 65,
        container: this.$el,
        delay: this.o.delay,
        hideDelay: this.o.hideDelay
      return this.bits.push(new CloudBit({
        width: 8,
        height: 5,
        deg: 0,
        "class": className,
        shiftX: -135,
        shiftY: 65,
        container: this.$el,
        delay: this.o.delay,
        hideDelay: this.o.hideDelay

    Cloud.prototype.hide = function() {
      var bit, i, _i, _len, _ref, _results;
      _ref = this.bits;
      _results = [];
      for (i = _i = 0, _len = _ref.length; _i < _len; i = ++_i) {
        bit = _ref[i];
      return _results;

    return Cloud;


  CloudBit = (function() {
    function CloudBit(o) {
      this.o = o != null ? o : {};
      this.$el = helpers.createDiv({
        "class": this.o["class"],
        container: this.o.container

    CloudBit.prototype.vars = function() {
      this.scale = 0;
      return this.opacity = 0;

    CloudBit.prototype.setAttrs = function() {
      var _base, _base1;
      return this.$el.css({
        width: this.o.width,
        height: this.o.height,
        marginLeft: (-this.o.width / 2) + ((_base = this.o).shiftX != null ? _base.shiftX : _base.shiftX = 0),
        marginTop: (-this.o.height / 2) + ((_base1 = this.o).shiftY != null ? _base1.shiftY : _base1.shiftY = 0),
        'opacity': 0
        scale: 0
      }, {
        duration: 0
    }; = function() {
      return this.$el.velocity({
        opacity: 100,
        scale: 1
      }, {
        easing: 'easeOutElastic',
        delay: this.o.delay + helpers.rand(0, 100),
        duration: 1200

    CloudBit.prototype.loop = function() {
      return this.$el.velocity({
        scaleX: .9,
        scaleY: 1,
        translateX: this.o.width / 20,
        translateY: 0,
        rotateZ: this.o.deg
      }, {
        duration: 500
        scaleY: .9,
        scaleX: 1,
        translateX: 0,
        translateY: this.o.height / 20,
        rotateZ: this.o.deg,
        complete: (function(_this) {
          return function() {
            return !_this.disallowAnimation && _this.loop();
      }, {
        duration: 500

    CloudBit.prototype.destroy = function() {
      return this.disallowAnimation = true;

    CloudBit.prototype.hide = function() {
      return this.$el.velocity({
        scale: 0,
        translateX: -500
      }, {
        duration: 750

    return CloudBit;


  window.Cloud = Cloud;


(function() {
  var Thunder;

  Thunder = (function() {
    function Thunder(o) {
      this.o = o != null ? o : {};

    Thunder.prototype.vars = function() {
      this.$background = $('#js-thunder-bg');
      this.$robust = $('#js-robust');
      this.$robustScreen = $('#js-robust-screen');
      this.$robustScreen2 = $('#js-robust-screen2');
      return this.boomCnt = 0;

    Thunder.prototype.init = function() {
      this.spark1 = new Spark({
        shiftY: -140,
        shiftX: -120,
        top: 100,
        blowSize: 50
      this.spark2 = new Spark({
        shiftY: -80,
        shiftX: -210,
        top: 100,
        blowSize: 50
      this.spark3 = new Spark({
        shiftY: -100,
        shiftX: 50,
        top: 100,
        blowSize: 75
      this.spark4 = new Spark({
        shiftY: -120,
        shiftX: -190,
        top: 100
      this.$bit = helpers.createDiv({
        "class": 'c-grey-g center circle'
        width: 2,
        height: 0,
        marginLeft: -1,
        'transform-origin': 'top center'
      return this.thunder = helpers.cloneBits(this.$bit, 20);
    }; = function() {
      return setTimeout((function(_this) {
        return function() {
          _this.makeBoom(_this.thunder, _this.$bit);
          return setTimeout(function() {
            return _this.makeBoom(_this.thunder, _this.$bit);
          }, 320);
      })(this), this.o.delay);

    Thunder.prototype.makeBoom = function(thunder, $bit) {
      var $bit1, $prevBit, i, jump, sign, size, _fn, _i, _len;
      this.prevAngle = 100;
      $prevBit = $bit;
        'z-index': 9
      this.$robust.css('color', '#383838');
        'opacity': 1
      }, {
        duration: 40
        'opacity': 0
      }, {
        delay: 200,
        duration: 40,
        complete: (function(_this) {
          return function() {
            return _this.$robust.css('color', '#00FFC6');
      _fn = function(i) {
        return $bit1.velocity({
          height: size.height,
          rotateZ: size.angle,
          opacity: 1,
          width: 4,
          marginLeft: -2
        }, {
          duration: 200
          width: 0,
          marginLeft: 0
        }, {
          duration: 50
      for (i = _i = 0, _len = thunder.length; _i < _len; i = ++_i) {
        $bit1 = thunder[i];
          top: '100%',
          opacity: 0
        size = this.calcSize(i);
        $prevBit = $bit1;
      this.s = 1;
      if (this.boomCnt === 1) {
          'transform-origin': 'center bottom'
        sign = helpers.rand(-1, 1);
        (sign === 0) && (sign = 1);
          rotateZ: helpers.rand(15, 25) * sign
        }, {
          duration: 100 * this.s,
          delay: 160 * this.s
          rotateZ: 0
        }, {
          duration: 500 * this.s,
          easing: 'easeOutBounce'
        jump = 100;
          marginTop: -jump
        }, {
          duration: 50 * this.s,
          delay: 160 * this.s
          marginTop: jump
        }, {
          duration: 900 * this.s,
          delay: 150 * this.s,
          easing: 'easeOutBounce'
      if (this.boomCnt === 1) {;
        setTimeout((function(_this) {
          return function() {
        })(this), 100);
      if (this.boomCnt === 2) {;
        return setTimeout((function(_this) {
          return function() {
        })(this), 50);

    Thunder.prototype.calcSize = function(i) {
      var angle, height;
      angle = 0;
      if (i === 0) {
        angle = helpers.rand(15, 25);
        height = 50;
      } else {
        if (i % 2 === 0) {
          angle = -this.prevAngle + helpers.rand(0, 10);
          this.prevAngle = angle;
          height = helpers.rand(40, 150);
        } else {
          angle = -this.prevAngle + helpers.rand(0, 20);
          height = helpers.rand(10, 40);
          this.prevAngle = angle;
      return {
        angle: angle,
        height: height

    return Thunder;


  window.Thunder = Thunder;


(function() {


(function() {
  var Main;

  Main = (function() {
    function Main(o) {
      this.o = o != null ? o : {};

    Main.prototype.vars = function() {
      var $lineProto, i;
      this.$fast = $('#js-fast');
      this.$car1 = $('#js-car1');
      this.$car2 = $('#js-car2');
      this.$arrow1 = $('#js-arrow1');
      this.$arrow2 = $('#js-arrow2');
      this.$arrow3 = $('#js-arrow3');
      this.$arrow4 = $('#js-arrow4');
      this.$arrowWrap = $('#js-arrow-wrap');
      this.$robust = $('#js-robust');
      this.$robustShade1 = this.$robust.find('#js-robust-shade1');
      this.$robustShade2 = this.$robust.find('#js-robust-shade2');
      this.$easy = $('#js-easy');
      this.$easyWrapper = $('#js-easy-wrapper');
      this.$easyText = $('#js-easy-text');
      this.$easyScreen = $('#js-easy-screen');
      this.$screen1 = $('#js-screen1');
      this.$screen2 = $('#js-screen2');
      this.$logosScreen = $('#js-logos-screen');
      this.$restart = $('#js-restart');
      this.$github = $('#js-github');
      this.$lego = $('#js-lego');
      this.$easyLine1 = $('#js-easy-line1');
      this.$easyLine2 = $('#js-easy-line2');
      this.$restart.on('click', function() {
        return location.href = location.href;
      this.$velocity = $('#js-velocity');
      this.$line = $('#js-line');
      $lineProto = this.$line.clone();
        top: '100%',
        transform: "none"
      this.lines = helpers.cloneBits($lineProto, 20, this.$screen1);
      this.thunder = new Thunder;
      this.drops = (function() {
        var _i, _results;
        _results = [];
        for (i = _i = 0; _i < 10; i = ++_i) {
          _results.push(new Drop({
            radius: i * 50,
            i: i,
            $container: this.$screen2
        return _results;
      return this.bubbles = new Bubbles;

    Main.prototype.init = function() {
      this.s = 1;
      this.showCloud(3200 * this.s);
      this.showThunder(5200 * this.s);
      this.waterDrop(7400 * this.s);
      this.showBubbles(8800 * this.s);
      this.shiftScreen(10900 * this.s);
      this.blow(12100 * this.s);
      return this.showLogos(14000 * this.s);

    Main.prototype.showLogos = function(delay) {
      return this.$logosScreen.velocity({
        opacity: 1
      }, {
        delay: delay,
        complete: (function(_this) {
          return function() {
            var amount;
            amount = 15;
              translateY: -amount
            }, {
              duration: 1
              translateY: 0,
              opacity: 1
            }, {
              easing: 'easeInOutQuad',
              duration: 1500 * _this.s,
              delay: 0 * _this.s
              translateY: amount
            }, {
              duration: 1
              translateY: 0,
              opacity: 1
            }, {
              easing: 'easeInOutQuad',
              duration: 1500 * _this.s,
              delay: 0 * _this.s
            return _this.$restart.velocity({
              translateY: -amount
            }, {
              duration: 1
              opacity: 1,
              translateY: 0
            }, {
              easing: 'easeInOutQuad',
              duration: 1500 * _this.s,
              delay: 0 * _this.s

    Main.prototype.blow = function(delay) {
      var $child, childs, coef, i, _i, _ref;
      coef = 1;
      childs = this.$velocity.children();
      for (i = _i = _ref = childs.length - 1; _ref <= 0 ? _i <= 0 : _i >= 0; i = _ref <= 0 ? ++_i : --_i) {
        $child = $(childs[i]);
          translateX: -2000,
          translateY: -200 - helpers.rand(0, 400),
          rotateZ: helpers.rand(-500, 500)
        }, {
          delay: delay + ((childs.length - i) * 75),
          duration: 2000 * this.s * coef
      return setTimeout((function(_this) {
        return function() {
          var $line, _j, _len, _ref1, _results;
          _ref1 = _this.lines;
          _results = [];
          for (i = _j = 0, _len = _ref1.length; _j < _len; i = ++_j) {
            $line = _ref1[i];
            _results.push((function(i) {
              return $line.velocity({
                rotateZ: -90
              }, {
                duration: 600 * _this.s * coef,
                delay: 450 + ((_this.lines.length - i) * 100 * coef),
                easing: 'easeOutBounce',
                complete: function() {
                  return $(this).css({
                    'display': 'none'
          return _results;
      })(this), delay);

    Main.prototype.shiftScreen = function(delay) {
      var dur;
      dur = 1400 * this.s;
        translateX: -2000
      }, {
        delay: delay,
        duration: dur
        left: '-50%'
      }, {
        delay: delay,
        duration: dur
      return this.$velocity.velocity({
        translateX: -1500
      }, {
        delay: delay,
        duration: dur

    Main.prototype.showBubbles = function(delay) {;
      return setTimeout((function(_this) {
        return function() {
          var $line, h, i, y, _i, _len, _ref, _results;
            height: 240,
            width: 240
            translateX: -120,
            translateY: -120
          }, {
            duration: 1400 * _this.s,
            delay: 115 * _this.s
            width: 0,
            height: 0
          }, {
            duration: 1400 * _this.s
            height: 200,
            translateY: -200
          }, {
            delay: 1000 * _this.s,
            duration: 700 * _this.s
            top: '100%'
          }, {
            easing: 'easeInExpo',
            duration: 500 * _this.s
            rotateZ: 20
          }, {
            duration: 1
            rotateZ: 0
          }, {
            easing: 'quake',
            duration: 1500 * _this.s
          _ref = _this.lines;
          _results = [];
          for (i = _i = 0, _len = _ref.length; _i < _len; i = ++_i) {
            $line = _ref[i];
            y = (i + 1) % 5 === 0 ? -200 : -100;
            h = (i + 1) % 5 === 0 ? 200 : 100;
              height: h,
              marginLeft: "" + (-1 + ((i + 1) * 100)) + "px",
              transform: "rotate(20deg)"
              translateY: y
            }, {
              delay: 2250 + (i * 50),
              duration: 100 * _this.s
          return _results;
      })(this), delay);

    Main.prototype.waterDrop = function(delay) {
      return setTimeout((function(_this) {
        return function() {
            width: 240,
            height: 240
          }, {
            easing: 'easeOutElastic',
            duration: 1500 * _this.s
            rotateZ: -30
          }, {
            duration: 1
            rotateZ: 0
          }, {
            easing: 'quake',
            duration: 6000 * _this.s
          return setTimeout(function() {
            var drop, _i, _len, _ref;
            _ref = _this.drops;
            for (_i = 0, _len = _ref.length; _i < _len; _i++) {
              drop = _ref[_i];
            return _this.$robust.velocity({
              top: '100%',
              marginTop: 0
          }, 100);
      })(this), delay);

    Main.prototype.showThunder = function(delay) {
      return setTimeout((function(_this) {
        return function() {
      })(this), delay);

    Main.prototype.showCloud = function(delay) {
      return = new Cloud({
        delay: delay,
        hideDelay: 6000 * this.s

    Main.prototype.car1 = function(delay) {
      var $child, child, i, _i, _len, _ref, _results;
        right: '-40%',
        opacity: 2
      }, {
        duration: 400 * this.s,
        delay: delay * this.s
      this.fastChilds = this.$fast.children();
      _ref = this.fastChilds;
      _results = [];
      for (i = _i = 0, _len = _ref.length; _i < _len; i = ++_i) {
        child = _ref[i];
        $child = $(child);
        $child = $child.find('#js-bit-inner');
          rotateZ: 40
        }, {
          delay: (delay + 160 + (i * 15)) * this.s,
          duration: 100 * this.s
          rotateZ: 0
        }, {
          delay: (60 + (i * 15)) * this.s,
          duration: 5000 * this.s,
          easing: 'quake'
      return _results;

    Main.prototype.car2 = function(delay) {
      var $child, child, i, _i, _len, _ref, _results;
        left: '-40%',
        opacity: 1
      }, {
        delay: delay * this.s,
        duration: 400 * this.s
      _ref = this.fastChilds;
      _results = [];
      for (i = _i = 0, _len = _ref.length; _i < _len; i = ++_i) {
        child = _ref[i];
        $child = $(child);
        $child = $child.find('#js-span');
          'transform-origin': 'center top'
          rotateZ: 40
        }, {
          delay: (delay + 160 + (this.fastChilds.length - i) * 15) * this.s,
          duration: 100 * this.s
          rotateZ: 0
        }, {
          delay: (60 + (this.fastChilds.length - i) * 15) * this.s,
          duration: 5000 * this.s,
          easing: 'quake'
      return _results;

    Main.prototype.fallRobust = function(delay) {
      var $arrow, arrows, i, _i, _len;
        top: '100%',
        rotateZ: -50,
        marginTop: -55
      }, {
        delay: delay * this.s,
        easing: 'easeInQuad',
        duration: 300 * this.s
        rotateZ: 0
      }, {
        duration: 500 * this.s,
        easing: 'easeOutBounce'
      arrows = [this.$arrow1, this.$arrow2, this.$arrow3];
      for (i = _i = 0, _len = arrows.length; _i < _len; i = ++_i) {
        $arrow = arrows[i];
          'top': '100%',
          marginTop: 0,
          rotateZ: 60 + helpers.rand(0, 20)
        }, {
          easing: 'easeInQuad'
          rotateZ: 90
        }, {
          easing: 'easeOutBounce',
          duration: 400 * this.s,
          complete: function() {
            return $(this).hide();
      return this.$arrow4.velocity({
        'top': '100%',
        marginTop: 0,
        rotateZ: 60 + helpers.rand(0, 20)
      }, {
        easing: 'easeInQuad'
        rotateZ: 90
      }, {
        easing: 'easeOutBounce',
        duration: 400 * this.s,
        complete: function() {
          return $(this).hide();
    Main.prototype.shiftRobustArrow = function(delay) {
        translateX: -208
      }, {
        delay: delay * this.s
      return this.$robustShade1.velocity({
        marginLeft: -208
      }, {
        delay: delay * this.s,
        complete: (function(_this) {
          return function() {
            return _this.$fast.hide();

    Main.prototype.throwFA = function(delay) {
      var $child, angle, attrs2, i, _i, _results;
      _results = [];
      for (i = _i = 0; _i <= 1; i = ++_i) {
        $child = $(this.fastChilds[i]);
          'transform-origin': 'center center',
          'position': 'absolute'
        if (i === 1) {
          angle = 280;
            rotateZ: angle / 5,
            left: '45%',
            top: '55%'
          }, {
            duration: 50 * this.s,
            easing: 'linear',
            delay: delay * this.s
            rotateZ: angle,
            left: '-10%',
            top: '110%'
          }, {
            duration: 1000 * this.s,
            easing: 'linear'
        } else {
          angle = 600;
          attrs2 = {
            rotateZ: angle + helpers.rand(0, 40),
            left: '-10%',
            top: '20%'
            rotateZ: angle / 10,
            left: '50%',
            top: '50%'
          }, {
            duration: 50 * this.s,
            easing: 'linear',
            delay: delay * this.s
          }).velocity(attrs2, {
            duration: 1000 * this.s,
            easing: 'linear'
      return _results;

    Main.prototype.arrows = function() {
      var angle, arrowAngle, delay, duration;
      arrowAngle = 20;
      delay = 1400;
      duration = 2000;
      angle = arrowAngle + helpers.rand(0, arrowAngle);
        rotateZ: 90,
        left: '150%'
      }, {
        duration: 1,
        delay: delay * this.s
        left: '70%',
        top: '50%',
        rotateZ: angle
      }, {
        duration: 400 * this.s
        rotateZ: 1.5 * angle
      }, {
        duration: 1
        rotateZ: angle
      }, {
        duration: duration * this.s,
        easing: 'quake'
      angle = arrowAngle + helpers.rand(0, arrowAngle);
        rotateZ: 90,
        left: '150%'
      }, {
        duration: 1,
        delay: (delay + 200) * this.s
        left: '10%',
        top: '50%',
        rotateZ: angle
      }, {
        duration: 400 * this.s
        rotateZ: 1.5 * angle
      }, {
        duration: 1
        rotateZ: angle
      }, {
        duration: duration * this.s,
        easing: 'quake'
      angle = arrowAngle + helpers.rand(0, arrowAngle);
        rotateZ: 90,
        left: '150%'
      }, {
        duration: 1,
        delay: (delay + 250) * this.s
        left: '20%',
        top: '50%',
        rotateZ: angle
      }, {
        duration: 400 * this.s
        rotateZ: 1.5 * angle
      }, {
        duration: 1
        rotateZ: angle
      }, {
        duration: duration * this.s,
        easing: 'quake'
      angle = 20;
      return this.$arrow4.velocity({
        rotateZ: 90,
        left: '150%'
      }, {
        duration: 1,
        delay: (delay + 400) * this.s
        left: '50%',
        top: '50%',
        rotateZ: angle
      }, {
        duration: 400 * this.s
        rotateZ: 1.5 * angle
      }, {
        duration: 1
        rotateZ: angle
      }, {
        duration: duration * this.s,
        easing: 'quake'

    return Main;


  setTimeout(function() {
    return new Main;
  }, 1000);



* Velocity.js: Accelerated JavaScript animation.
* @version 0.0.0
* @requires jQuery.js
* @docs
* @license Copyright 2014 Julian Shapiro. MIT License:
!function(e,t,a,r){function o(e){for(var t=-1,a=e?e.length:0,r=[];++t<a;){var o=e[t];o&&r.push(o)}return r}function i(e){return"[object Function]"}function l(t){if(t)for(var a=(new Date).getTime(),o=0,i=e.velocity.State.calls.length;i>o;o++)if(e.velocity.State.calls[o]){var s=e.velocity.State.calls[o],g=s[0],d=s[2],f=s[3];f||(f=e.velocity.State.calls[o][3]=a-16);for(var y=Math.min((a-f)/d.duration,1),m=0,h=g.length;h>m;m++){var v=g[m],x=v.element;if(,u)){var P=!1;d.display&&"none"!==d.display&&(p.setPropertyValue(x,"display",d.display),e.velocity.State.calls[o][2].display=!1);for(var b in v)if("element"!==b){var V=v[b],S=V.currentValue,k;if(1===y)k=V.endValue;else if(k=V.startValue+(V.endValue-V.startValue)*e.easing[V.easing](y),!/translate/i.test(b)&&y>.2&&.8>y&&("px"===V.unitType||""===V.unitType)&&Math.abs((k-S)/S)<.005)break;if(V.currentValue=k,p.Hooks.registered[b]){var w=p.Hooks.getRoot(b),,u).rootPropertyValueCache[w];C&&(V.rootPropertyValue=C)}var T=p.setPropertyValue(x,b,V.currentValue+("auto"===k?"":V.unitType),V.rootPropertyValue);p.Hooks.registered[b]&&(,u).rootPropertyValueCache[w]=p.Normalizations.registered[w]?p.Normalizations.registered[w]("extract",null,T[1]):T[1]),"transform"===T[0]&&(P=!0)}d.mobileHA&&(,u).transformCache.translate3d===r?(,u).transformCache.translate3d="(0, 0, 0)",P=!0):1===y&&(delete,u).transformCache.translate3d,P=!0)),P&&p.flushTransformCache(x)}}1===y&&n(o)}e.velocity.State.isTicking&&c(l)}function n(t){for(var a=e.velocity.State.calls[t][0],o=e.velocity.State.calls[t][1],i=e.velocity.State.calls[t][2],l=!1,n=0,s=a.length;s>n;n++){var c=a[n].element;"none"===i.display&&i.loop===!1&&p.setPropertyValue(c,"display",i.display),e.queue(c)[1]!==r&&/\$\.velocity\.queueEntryFlag/i.test(e.queue(c)[1])||,u)&&(,u).isAnimating=!1,,u).rootPropertyValueCache={}),e.dequeue(c)}e.velocity.State.calls[t]=!1;for(var g=0,d=e.velocity.State.calls.length;d>g;g++)if(e.velocity.State.calls[g]!==!1){l=!0;break}l===!1&&(e.velocity.State.isTicking=!1,delete e.velocity.State.calls,e.velocity.State.calls=[]),i.complete&&}var s=function(){if(a.documentMode)return a.documentMode;for(var e=7;e>4;e--){var t=a.createElement("div");if(t.innerHTML="<!--[if IE "+e+"]><span></span><![endif]-->",t.getElementsByTagName("span").length)return t=null,e}return r}(),c=t.requestAnimationFrame||function(){var e=0;return t.webkitRequestAnimationFrame||t.mozRequestAnimationFrame||function(t){var a=(new Date).getTime(),r;return r=Math.max(0,16-(a-e)),e=a+r,setTimeout(function(){t(a+r)},r)}}();if(7>=s)return void(e.fn.velocity=e.fn.animate);if(e.velocity!==r||e.fn.velocity!==r)return void console.log("Velocity is already loaded or its namespace is occupied.");!function(){var t={};e.each(["Quad","Cubic","Quart","Quint","Expo"],function(e,a){t[a]=function(t){return Math.pow(t,e+2)}}),e.extend(t,{Sine:function(e){return 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m=d[f].match(/([^:]+):\s*(.+)/);r[g][m[1]]=m[2]}}}}catch(h){}}return e.velocity.Classes.extracted=r,e.velocity.debug&&console.log("Classes: "+JSON.stringify(e.velocity.Classes.extracted)),r},e.velocity.Classes.extract();var p=e.velocity.CSS={RegEx:{valueUnwrap:/^[A-z]+\((.*)\)$/i,wrappedValueAlreadyExtracted:/[0-9.]+ [0-9.]+ [0-9.]+( [0-9.]+)?/,valueSplit:/([A-z]+\(.+\))|(([A-z0-9#-.]+?)(?=\s|$))/gi},Hooks:{templates:{color:["Red Green Blue Alpha","255 255 255 1"],backgroundColor:["Red Green Blue Alpha","255 255 255 1"],borderColor:["Red Green Blue Alpha","255 255 255 1"],outlineColor:["Red Green Blue Alpha","255 255 255 1"],textShadow:["Color X Y Blur","black 0px 0px 0px"],boxShadow:["Color X Y Blur Spread","black 0px 0px 0px 0px"],clip:["Top Right Bottom Left","0px 0px 0px 0px"],backgroundPosition:["X Y","0% 0%"],transformOrigin:["X Y Z","50% 50% 0%"],perspectiveOrigin:["X Y","50% 50%"]},registered:{},register:function(){var e,t,a;if(s)for(e in 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["+o+"]")}else[l]=o;e.velocity.debug>=2&&console.log("Set "+r+" ("+l+"): "+o)}return[l,o]},flushTransformCache:function(t){var a="",r,o;for(r in,u).transformCache),u).transformCache[r],9===s&&"rotateZ"===r&&(r="rotate"),a+=r+o+" ";p.setPropertyValue(t,"transform",a)}};p.Hooks.register(),p.Normalizations.register(),e.fn.velocity=e.velocity.animate=function(){function t(){var t=this,n=e.extend({},e.fn.velocity.defaults,,"uiVelocityOptions"),g),d={};if("stop"===y)return e.queue(t,"string"==typeof g?g:"",[]),!0;switch(,u)===r&&,u,{isAnimating:!1,computedStyle:null,tweensContainer:null,rootPropertyValueCache:{},transformCache:{}}),n.duration.toString().toLowerCase()){case"fast":n.duration=200;break;case"normal":n.duration=400;break;case"slow":n.duration=600;break;default:n.duration=parseFloat(n.duration)||parseFloat(e.fn.velocity.defaults.duration)||400}e.easing[n.easing]||(n.easing=e.easing[e.fn.velocity.defaults.easing]?e.fn.velocity.defaults.easing:"swing"),/^\d/.test(n.delay)&&e.queue(t,n.queue,function(t){e.velocity.queueEntryFlag=!0,setTimeout(t,parseFloat(n.delay))}),n.display&&(n.display=n.display.toLowerCase()),n.mobileHA=n.mobileHA&&e.velocity.State.isMobile,e.queue(t,n.queue,function(f){function m(a){var o=r,l=r,s=r;return"[object Array]"[0],/^[\d-]/.test(a[1])||i(a[1])?s=a[1]:"string"==typeof a[1]&&(e.easing[a[1]]!==r&&(l=a[1]),a[2]&&(s=a[2]))):o=a,l=l||n.easing,i(o)&&(,x,v)),i(s)&&(,x,v)),[o||0,l,s]}function h(e,t){var a,r;return r=(t||0).toString().toLowerCase().replace(/[%A-z]+$/,function(e){return a=e,""}),a||(a=p.Values.getUnitType(e)),[r,a]}function V(){var r={parent:t.parentNode,position:p.getPropertyValue(t,"position"),fontSize:p.getPropertyValue(t,"fontSize")},o=r.position===P.lastPosition&&r.parent===P.lastParent,i=r.fontSize===P.lastFontSize;P.lastParent=r.parent,P.lastPosition=r.position,P.lastFontSize=r.fontSize,null===P.remToPxRatio&&(P.remToPxRatio=parseFloat(p.getPropertyValue(a.body,"fontSize"))||16);var 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c in l)p.setPropertyValue(t,c,l[c]);return e.velocity.debug>=1&&console.log("Unit ratios: "+JSON.stringify(n),t),n}if(e.velocity.queueEntryFlag=!0,"scroll"===y){var S=e.velocity.State.scrollAnchor[e.velocity.State.scrollProperty],k=parseFloat(n.offset)||0;d={scroll:{rootPropertyValue:!1,startValue:S,currentValue:S,endValue:e(t).offset().top+k,unitType:"",easing:n.easing},element:t}}else if("reverse"===y){if(!,u).tweensContainer)return void e.dequeue(t,n.queue);"none",u).opts.display&&(,u).opts.display="block"),,u).opts.loop=!1,n=e.extend({},,u).opts,g);var w=e.extend(!0,{},,u).tweensContainer);for(var C in w)if("element"!==C){var T=w[C].startValue;w[C].startValue=w[C].currentValue=w[C].endValue,w[C].endValue=T,g&&(w[C].easing=n.easing)}d=w}else if("start"===y){var w;,u).tweensContainer&&,u).isAnimating===!0&&(,u).tweensContainer);for(var H in c){H=p.Names.camelCase(H);var R=m(c[H]),z=R[0],N=R[1],A=R[2],E=p.Hooks.getRoot(H),F=!1;if(p.Names.prefixCheck(E)[1]!==!1||p.Normalizations.registered[E]!==r){n.display&&"none"!==n.display&&/opacity|filter/.test(H)&&!A&&0!==z&&(A=0),n._cacheValues&&w&&w[H]?(A=w[H].endValue+w[H].unitType,,u).rootPropertyValueCache[E]):p.Hooks.registered[H]?A===r?(F=p.getPropertyValue(t,E),A=p.getPropertyValue(t,H,F)):F=p.Hooks.templates[E][1]:A===r&&(A=p.getPropertyValue(t,H));var M,q,j,W;M=h(H,A),A=M[0],j=M[1],M=h(H,z),z=M[0].replace(/^([+-\/*])=/,function(e,t){return W=t,""}),q=M[1],A=parseFloat(A)||0,z=parseFloat(z)||0;var $;if("%"===q&&(/^(fontSize|lineHeight)$/.test(H)?(z/=100,q="em"):/^scale/.test(H)?(z/=100,q=""):/(Red|Green|Blue)$/i.test(H)&&(z=z/100*255,q="")),/[\/*]/.test(W))q=j;else if(j!==q&&0!==A)if(0===z)q=j;else{$=$||V();var O=/margin|padding|left|right|width|text|word|letter/i.test(H)||/X$/.test(H)?"x":"y";switch(j){case"%":A*="x"===O?$.percentToPxRatioWidth:$.percentToPxRatioHeight;break;case"em":A*=$.emToPxRatio;break;case"rem":A*=$.remToPxRatio;break;case"px":}switch(q){case"%":A*=1/("x"===O?$.percentToPxRatioWidth:$.percentToPxRatioHeight);break;case"em":A*=1/$.emToPxRatio;break;case"rem":A*=1/$.remToPxRatio;break;case"px":}}switch(W){case"+":z=A+z;break;case"-":z=A-z;break;case"*":z=A*z;break;case"/":z=A/z}d[H]={rootPropertyValue:F,startValue:A,currentValue:A,endValue:z,unitType:q,easing:N},e.velocity.debug&&console.log("tweensContainer ("+H+"): "+JSON.stringify(d[H]),t)}else e.velocity.debug&&console.log("Skipping ["+E+"] due to a lack of browser support.")}d.element=t}d.element&&(b.push(d),,u).tweensContainer=d,,u).opts=n,,u).isAnimating=!0,x===v-1?(e.velocity.State.calls.length>1e4&&(e.velocity.State.calls=o(e.velocity.State.calls)),e.velocity.State.calls.push([b,s,n]),e.velocity.State.isTicking===!1&&(e.velocity.State.isTicking=!0,l())):x++),""!==n.queue&&"fx"!==n.queue&&setTimeout(f,n.duration+n.delay)}),(n.queue===!1||(""===n.queue||"fx"===n.queue)&&"inprogress"!==e.queue(t)[0])&&e.dequeue(t)}var n,s,c,g,d,f;this.jquery?(n=!0,s=this,c=arguments[0],g=arguments[1]):(n=!1,s=arguments[0],c=arguments[1],g=arguments[2]);var y;switch(c){case"scroll":y="scroll";break;case"reverse":y="reverse";break;case"stop":y="stop";break;default:if(e.isPlainObject(c)&&!e.isEmptyObject(c))y="start";else{if("string"!=typeof c||!e.velocity.Classes.extracted[c])return e.velocity.debug&&console.log("First argument was not a property map, a CSS class reference, or a known action. 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