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Babel includes JSX processing.

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Any URL's added here will be added as <script>s in order, and run before the JavaScript in the editor. You can use the URL of any other Pen and it will include the JavaScript from that Pen.

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<!-- ABOUT LINK -->
<style> .what:hover { cursor: pointer; opacity: .75; } .what {display: block;width: 28px;height: 28px;position: fixed;right: 20px;bottom: 70px;background-size: 100% 100%; background-image: url();}</style><a href="" class="what" title="tutorial" target="_blank"></a>
<!-- ABOUT LINK -->


                body, html {
  padding: 0;

body {
  background: rgba(241, 226, 215, 0.2);
  background: #fff;



                /* ADD CUSTOM SHAPES */
class Bubble extends mojs.CustomShape {
  getShape () { return '<path d="M83.0657721,87.5048737 C74.252469,95.2810178 62.6770192,99.9991713 49.9995857,99.9991713 C22.385577,99.9991713 0,77.6135943 0,49.9995857 C0,22.385577 22.385577,0 49.9995857,0 C77.6135943,0 99.9991713,22.385577 99.9991713,49.9995857 C99.9991713,50.0248803 99.9991526,50.0501705 99.999115,50.0754564 L100,94.5453117 C100,99.9979302 96.8685022,101.290527 93.0045119,97.4313174 L83.0657721,87.5048737 Z"></path>'; }
  getLength () { return 200; } // optional

class BubbleFlip extends mojs.CustomShape {
  getShape () {
    return '<path d="M16.9342279,87.5048737 C25.747531,95.2810178 37.3229808,99.9991713 50.0004143,99.9991713 C77.614423,99.9991713 100,77.6135943 100,49.9995857 C100,22.385577 77.614423,0 50.0004143,0 C22.3864057,0 0.000828659217,22.385577 0.000828659217,49.9995857 C0.000828659217,50.0248803 0.000847442255,50.0501705 0.000884995143,50.0754564 L0,94.5453117 C-5.64518814e-08,99.9979302 3.13149782,101.290527 6.99548809,97.4313174 L16.9342279,87.5048737 L16.9342279,87.5048737 Z"></path>'

class Check extends mojs.CustomShape {
  getShape () {
    return '<path d="M0,51.0412084 L30.5724856,79.9380913 C32.5759723,81.8317718 35.7778521,81.7755744 37.7145439,79.8221934 L100,17"></path>';
  getLength () { return 175; }

mojs.addShape( 'bubble', Bubble ); // passing name and Bubble class

mojs.addShape( 'bubble-flip', BubbleFlip ); // passing name and BubbleFlip class

mojs.addShape( 'check', Check ); // passing name and Check class

const COLORS = {
  purple: '#8A5CE6',
  blue:   '#42AFE3',
  yellow: '#FADD4A',
  red:    '#FF6680'

const duration  = 350,
      delayStep = duration/3,
      yShift    = 10,
      endAngle  = 30;

let delay = 0;

// Common options for a bubble
const OPTS = {
  shape:   'bubble',
  scale:   { 0 : 1 },
  angle:   { [-90] : endAngle, easing: 'cubic.out'  },
  y:       { 0: -yShift },
  easing:  'sin.out',
  radius:  43, 

// bubble then options
const THEN_OPTS = {
  y:        50,
  angle:    { to: -45, easing: '' },
  scale:    { to: 0, easing: '' },
  easing:   '',

// blue logo then options
const LOGO_THEN_OPTS = {
  scale: 0,
  delay: 1000

const purpleBubble = new mojs.Shape({
  fill:     COLORS.purple,
  origin:   '100% 100%',

const redBubble = new mojs.Shape({
  shape:   'bubble-flip',
  origin:   '0% 100%',
  delay:    delay += delayStep,
  x: 10, y: { [-55]: -55 - yShift},
  angle:   { 40 : -endAngle  },
  angle: { to: 90, easing: '' }

const logoRectangle = new mojs.Shape({
  shape:    'rect',
  rx:       15,
  radius:   74,
  scale:    { 0: 1 },
  duration: 1.1*duration,
  delay:    2.25*duration,
  easing:   'quint.out',
  scale: 0,
  angle: 90,
  delay: 775,
  easing: ''

const whiteBubble = new mojs.Shape({
  shape: 'bubble',
  fill:  'white',
  radius: 48,
  scale: { 0: 1 },
  duration: 1.25*duration,
  delay: 2.25*duration,
  easing:  'quint.out',
  x:       { [-25] : 0 },
  y:       { [-25] : 0 }
  scale: 0,
  angle: 180,
  delay: 600,
  easing: ''

const yellowBubble = new mojs.Shape({
  fill:     COLORS.yellow,
  origin:   '100% 100%',
  delay:    delay += delayStep,
  y:        { [-85] : -85 - yShift },
  x:        15,
  angle:    { [-30]: endAngle }
  duration: 300,
  y:    15

const blueCircle = new mojs.Shape({
  shape:    'circle',
  radius:   10,
  scale:    { 0 : 1 },
  x:        { [-25]: -55 },
  y:        { 0: -70 },
  delay:    duration/2 + 50,
  duration: 1*duration,
  easing:   'quad.out'
  x:       -20,
  y:       0,
  delay:   50,
  scale:   { to: .65, easing: '' },
  duration: duration/1.75,
  easing:  '',
  isShowEnd: false

const check = new mojs.Shape({
  shape:    'check',
  fill:     'none',
  radius:   18,
  strokeWidth: 15,
  x: 1, y: 2,
  strokeLinecap: 'round',
  strokeDasharray: '100%',
  strokeDashoffset: { '100%': 0 },
  delay: 2.5*duration - 50,
  duration: 1.25*duration,
  easing: 'quad.out'
  scale: 0,
  duration: 1.35*duration,
  delay: 450,
  angle: 360,
  easing: ''

const smallRect = new mojs.ShapeSwirl({
  shape:    'rect',
  radius:   10,
  rx:       4,
  scale:    { 0: 1 },
  duration: 1000,
  easing:   'elastic.out',
  opacity: { 1 : 0, easing: 'cubic.out' }

const timeline = new mojs.Timeline({ delay: 0 });

).append( smallRect );

new MojsPlayer({ add: timeline, isPlaying: true, isRepeat: true });

