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                svg(class="toggle-scene" xmlns='' preserveaspectratio='xMinYMin' viewBox='0 0 197.451 481.081')
    marker#e(orient='auto' overflow='visible' refx='0' refy='0')
      path.toggle-scene__cord-end(fill-rule='evenodd' stroke-width='.2666' d='M.98 0a1 1 0 11-2 0 1 1 0 012 0z')
    marker#d(orient='auto' overflow='visible' refx='0' refy='0')
      path.toggle-scene__cord-end(fill-rule='evenodd' stroke-width='.2666' d='M.98 0a1 1 0 11-2 0 1 1 0 012 0z')
    marker#c(orient='auto' overflow='visible' refx='0' refy='0')
      path.toggle-scene__cord-end(fill-rule='evenodd' stroke-width='.2666' d='M.98 0a1 1 0 11-2 0 1 1 0 012 0z')
    marker#b(orient='auto' overflow='visible' refx='0' refy='0')
      path.toggle-scene__cord-end(fill-rule='evenodd' stroke-width='.2666' d='M.98 0a1 1 0 11-2 0 1 1 0 012 0z')
    marker#a(orient='auto' overflow='visible' refx='0' refy='0')
      path.toggle-scene__cord-end(fill-rule='evenodd' stroke-width='.2666' d='M.98 0a1 1 0 11-2 0 1 1 0 012 0z')
      path(stroke-linecap='round' stroke-linejoin='round' stroke-width='4.677' d='M-774.546 827.629s12.917-13.473 29.203-13.412c16.53.062 29.203 13.412 29.203 13.412v53.6s-8.825 16-29.203 16c-21.674 0-29.203-16-29.203-16z')
      path(d='M-868.418 945.051c-4.188 73.011 78.255 53.244 150.216 52.941 82.387-.346 98.921-19.444 98.921-47.058 0-27.615-4.788-42.55-73.823-42.55-69.036 0-171.436-30.937-175.314 36.667z')
    path.toggle-scene__cord(marker-end="url(#a)" fill='none' stroke-linecap='square' stroke-width='6' d='M123.228-28.56v150.493' transform='translate(-24.503 256.106)')
    path.toggle-scene__cord(marker-end="url(#a)" fill='none' stroke-linecap='square' stroke-width='6' d='M123.228-28.59s28 8.131 28 19.506-18.667 13.005-28 19.507c-9.333 6.502-28 8.131-28 19.506s28 19.507 28 19.507' transform='translate(-24.503 256.106)')
    path.toggle-scene__cord(marker-end="url(#a)" fill='none' stroke-linecap='square' stroke-width='6' d='M123.228-28.575s-20 16.871-20 28.468c0 11.597 13.333 18.978 20 28.468 6.667 9.489 20 16.87 20 28.467 0 11.597-20 28.468-20 28.468' transform='translate(-24.503 256.106)')
    path.toggle-scene__cord(marker-end="url(#a)" fill='none' stroke-linecap='square' stroke-width='6' d='M123.228-28.569s16 20.623 16 32.782c0 12.16-10.667 21.855-16 32.782-5.333 10.928-16 20.623-16 32.782 0 12.16 16 32.782 16 32.782' transform='translate(-24.503 256.106)')
    path.toggle-scene__cord(marker-end="url(#a)" fill='none' stroke-linecap='square' stroke-width='6' d='M123.228-28.563s-10 24.647-10 37.623c0 12.977 6.667 25.082 10 37.623 3.333 12.541 10 24.647 10 37.623 0 12.977-10 37.623-10 37.623' transform='translate(-24.503 256.106)')
      line(marker-end="url(#a)" x1="98.7255" x2="98.7255" y1="240.5405" y2="380.5405")
    circle.toggle-scene__hit-spot(cx="98.7255" cy="380.5405" r="60" fill="transparent")
  g.toggle-scene__bulb.bulb(transform='translate(844.069 -645.213)')
    path.bulb__cap(stroke-linecap='round' stroke-linejoin='round' stroke-width='4.677' d='M-774.546 827.629s12.917-13.473 29.203-13.412c16.53.062 29.203 13.412 29.203 13.412v53.6s-8.825 16-29.203 16c-21.674 0-29.203-16-29.203-16z')
    path.bulb__cap-shine(d='M-778.379 802.873h25.512v118.409h-25.512z' clip-path='url(#g)' transform='matrix(.52452 0 0 .90177 -368.282 82.976)')
    path.bulb__cap(stroke-linecap='round' stroke-linejoin='round' stroke-width='4' d='M-774.546 827.629s12.917-13.473 29.203-13.412c16.53.062 29.203 13.412 29.203 13.412v0s-8.439 10.115-28.817 10.115c-21.673 0-29.59-10.115-29.59-10.115z')
    path.bulb__cap-outline(fill='none' stroke-linecap='round' stroke-linejoin='round' stroke-width='4.677' d='M-774.546 827.629s12.917-13.473 29.203-13.412c16.53.062 29.203 13.412 29.203 13.412v53.6s-8.825 16-29.203 16c-21.674 0-29.203-16-29.203-16z')
    g.bulb__filament(fill='none' stroke-linecap='round' stroke-width='5')
      path(d='M-752.914 823.875l-8.858-33.06')
      path(d='M-737.772 823.875l8.858-33.06')
    path.bulb__bulb(stroke-linecap='round' stroke-width='5' d='M-783.192 803.855c5.251 8.815 5.295 21.32 13.272 27.774 12.299 8.045 36.46 8.115 49.127 0 7.976-6.454 8.022-18.96 13.273-27.774 3.992-6.7 14.408-19.811 14.408-19.811 8.276-11.539 12.769-24.594 12.769-38.699 0-35.898-29.102-65-65-65-35.899 0-65 29.102-65 65 0 13.667 4.217 26.348 12.405 38.2 0 0 10.754 13.61 14.746 20.31z')
    circle.bulb__flash(cx='-745.343' cy='743.939' r='83.725' fill='none' stroke-dasharray='10,30' stroke-linecap='round' stroke-linejoin='round' stroke-width='10')
    path.bulb__shine(fill='none' stroke-linecap='round' stroke-linejoin='round' stroke-width='12' d='M-789.19 757.501a45.897 45.897 0 013.915-36.189 45.897 45.897 0 0129.031-21.957')


  box-sizing border-box

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  --stroke 'hsl(0, 0%, %s)' % (calc((60 - (var(--on) * 50)) * 1%))
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  display flex
  align-items center
  justify-content center
  background var(--bg)

  // !important for CodePen
  overflow visible !important
  height 50vmin
  position absolute

    stroke var(--cord)
    cursor move

    // Hide all cords if there's no JavaScript?
      display none

    // Hide cords by default
      display none

      stroke var(--cord)
      fill var(--cord)

  stroke-width 6
  stroke var(--cord)

    stroke var(--filament)
    stroke var(--shine)
    stroke hsl(45, 80%, 80%)
    display none
    stroke var(--stroke)
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      stroke var(--stroke)


                const {
  gsap: { registerPlugin, set, to, timeline },
} = window

// Used to calculate distance of "tug"
let startX
let startY

const AUDIO = {
  CLICK: new Audio(''),
const STATE = {
  ON: false,
const CORD_DURATION = 0.1

const CORDS = document.querySelectorAll('.toggle-scene__cord')
const HIT = document.querySelector('.toggle-scene__hit-spot')
const DUMMY = document.querySelector('.toggle-scene__dummy-cord')
const DUMMY_CORD = document.querySelector('.toggle-scene__dummy-cord line')
const PROXY = document.createElement('div')
// set init position
const ENDX = DUMMY_CORD.getAttribute('x2')
const ENDY = DUMMY_CORD.getAttribute('y2')
const RESET = () => {
  set(PROXY, {
    x: ENDX,
    y: ENDY,


const CORD_TL = timeline({
  paused: true,
  onStart: () => {
    set(document.documentElement, { '--on': STATE.ON ? 1 : 0 })
    set([DUMMY, HIT], { display: 'none' })
    set(CORDS[0], { display: 'block' })
  onComplete: () => {
    set([DUMMY, HIT], { display: 'block' })
    set(CORDS[0], { display: 'none' })

for (let i = 1; i < CORDS.length; i++) {
    to(CORDS[0], {
      morphSVG: CORDS[i],
      duration: CORD_DURATION,
      repeat: 1,
      yoyo: true,

Draggable.create(PROXY, {
  trigger: HIT,
  type: 'x,y',
  onPress: e => {
    startX = e.x
    startY = e.y
  onDrag: function() {
    set(DUMMY_CORD, {
      attr: {
        x2: this.x,
        y2: this.y,
  onRelease: function(e) {
    const DISTX = Math.abs(e.x - startX)
    const DISTY = Math.abs(e.y - startY)
    const TRAVELLED = Math.sqrt(DISTX * DISTX + DISTY * DISTY)
    to(DUMMY_CORD, {
      attr: { x2: ENDX, y2: ENDY },
      duration: CORD_DURATION,
      onComplete: () => {
        if (TRAVELLED > 50) {
        } else {

